A Battle Unseen

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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby Luis1p » Thu Apr 18, 2024 3:26 am

Palace of Oisy, Royal Ministry of International Affairs, IRSA Liaison Office, 8:54 PM

It was a cold and loud night. Several voices could be heard in the distance as the marching continues late into the night. Just mere blocks away from the Palace of Oisy, a large demonstration against the government was taking place. Yelling, chants, and angry voices could be heard miles away. The Palace of Oisy remained under a strict guard, unknowing what the future held.

Within the remarkable palace, deputies, Ministry members, and staffers ran everywhere, papers on the floor and telephones ringing. On the Second floor of the palace, a large room remained silent. Its walls lined with the most delicate carvings of gold and intricate designs. Beautiful leather furniture and dark oak bureaus filled the office. The smell of vergnac (cognac) and illegal tobacco filled the room. Away from the chaos of the ministry sat two men. The windows of the room were open, letting in the peaceful moonlight with what seemed like a gentle calm before a storm.

    "I don't understand, Renard. I really don't. The crazy bitch is going to get us all killed. And she calls herself a conservative. We must do something."

    "Patience, my friend. The chess pieces are falling into place. This moment shall mark the end of the Right"

    "I do not care for politics. We are about to go to war. Does she not see what she has provoked?"

    "She will no longer be in the way. Soon, we shall have our way. I just need time."

    "We do not have time, Renard! The trigger could be pulled any second. The powder keg can explode at any time. We simply do not have time. Whatever silly ruse you have planned needs to be implemented now! Do you not fear that this country may fall to its knees because of incompetence in governance?"

    "Calm, Fred. Calm. This country has so much locked potential. If we go to war, Remy, we shall truly become a monster of terrible might."

    "Renard, you should not mess with power that way. It is unlike of us."

    "I know and I do not plan on going that route. Just know it exists, but first, we must rid ourselves of our domestic issue."

    "Your time is running out see to it."

    "Understood. We shall make do with what little time we have. If we cannot find a means, then we will wage war like never before. God help us all. For we will need divine intervention to see another day."

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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Fri Apr 19, 2024 2:03 pm

Crown Street, 21st December 5471.

In this office were gathered several senior government ministers and members of the Imperial Luthorian Armed Forces.

"Gentlemen," the Prime Minister began. "You just heard the market has collapsed."
"Yes...it’s bad news, to be sure, but a welcome one." the Minister of Marine declared.
"Of course, Admiral Potter...even if this is a tragedy, we can be sure that we can come out of there with our heads held high. If the recovery focuses on ILN."
"Prime Minister, are you thinking of favouring the Navy?" General Thomas questioned him.
"General, I will try to focus on the three branches at once, but the Navy will receive a special view of the Luthori status as a naval power."
"I understand."
"But, I express myself to General Farrell by saying this...the ILAF should receive new designs in the coming months or years, everything depends on the work of the Imperial Security Service."
"What do you mean?"
'General, you will have to work with the ISS to be able to collect designs such as the Unionfighters from the Dorvish. It is high time that the armed forces of Luthori take their place of prominance against these two giants who are fighting for their ego. I think the Army ads should be ready soon, Generals?"
"Of course, Prime Minister, very soon."
"Long live the Empire. The Albertan Era will be the greatest in Luthor’s history."
"Long live the Emperor."
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby Kubrick » Wed Apr 24, 2024 1:47 am

Wiel, secure meeting room of the Department of Cyber Operations, State Security Agency (Ryk Sekrts Bro, RSB), 9 January, 5474, 8:02 AM.

"..so to come to a conclusion and a summary, a container ship with falsified papers can be arranged for extraction, four assets are currently working within the Ashalom Bank, we were sadly unable to get more into the proper positions, a collection of armoured trucks has been assembled together with the appropriate uniforms, and with the success of the recent media hack we can safely conclude the response time of Beiteynu's cyber warfare defence systems is a staggering seven hours, giving us a leeway of at least five with two hours to spare for unforeseen consequences. This explains the choice of three dozen locations on the Western side of Beiteynu to get everything out. All in all, the task force recommends a further four weeks of preparation and to commence this operation on the 10th of February at the latest." A short silence was followed by some murmuring as a few agents shared some thoughts with each other. The man at the head of the table cleared his throat before speaking. "Well done, very well done. And this total amount will be enough?" The presenter standing across of him nodded, "It should put a pause on their shipping industry for the time being, the economics team has recommended reassigning these funds as aid for post-war economic injection." The sitting man nodded again, tapping the documents laid out in front of him. "A gambit, but one I trust in. You have approval, keep us within the loop."

One month later.

Rishon Le Hofesh, industrial shipping harbour, observation deck of the container ship "SS Rosa Canina", 10 February, 5474, 11:58 AM.

A man in scrubby overalls peered through his binoculars, seeing another armoured truck pull up next to the massive ship. Upon seeing people step out and starting the loading process he clicks the click counter. "Thirty-one, Dnkai, two more." The man sitting next to him with a VR headset gave him a thumbs up, he was one of seven drone operators on board to watch the area. Only a few seconds later he too pipped up, "Thirty-two approaching, three klicks." The man on the binoculars smiled, what a successful day. Not even an hour later the container ship would depart the harbour with a bunch of new passengers and 11 billion in cash, gold, and whatever else the Ashalon Bank had squirrelled away. Once upon international waters the Istalian flag was replaced with a Jakanian one and the name was changed by painters hanging on the side to SS Aç Kurt. By nightfall the ship had one last name while making port in Nachten: Jrka Támnrtlashjogad. Gold Tribute.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

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"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby BananaZebra » Fri Apr 26, 2024 4:32 am

Soleimani ArmsCorp Factory III, desert outside Misul, Republic of Badara, 16 April 5475, 3:56 PM

The factory sat still, lifeless.

Huge pieces of machinery lay in slumber waiting to be awakened, tall towering cranes and long assembly lines dotted with production points.

Ameera Ghanem, former president, led the way into the dark factory, flicking on the lightswitch behind her to reveal the full extent of the factory before them; roughly 350,000m2 of continual concrete flooring packed to the brim with equipment. And as the president craned her neck to look above at the overlaying assembly floors above - five in total - she smiled.

Her son-in-law Rahim Soleimani spoke first.

“It is among my proudest moments to present, on behalf of Soleimani Industries, the facility you requested. I do apologize for the delays, of course, but the secrecy complicated matters, madam.”

She nodded.

“It was a disappointment that Edris did not wish to revive this project.”

Rahim’s uncle, Abdul, chuckled.

“He’ll be disappointed soon enough.”

“What is the progress on that, Abdul?” the president asked.

Abdul smirked.

“He hasn’t a chance.”

Ambassador Tzafrir spoke then.

“Darling,” he said to the president. “We must resume full operations as soon as possible. This arguable cost us the war, and this project is vital to-”

The president put a hand on her husband’s shoulder.

“Ismail. I know. My loss put the project in jeopardy.”

“That’s… that’s not what I meant. You know that,”

Rahim and Abdul looked at one another, the latter raising a brow.

The former cleared his throat.

“We should be at full operating capacity soon.”

The president nodded, frowning.

“And where is our final guest?”

“Mr. Thaller should be arriving soon,” Abdul said. “It is no fault of his own - getting him here without Edris finding out has been a nightmare.”

The president nodded, tapping her foot and looking back out at the factory floor.

“If only we’d had these…” the president said, stopping as Karl Thaller entered the factory.

“Your Excellency,” he said, bowing to the president.

Ghanem smiled.

“Do you bring good news?”

“I am happy to say I do. Thaller Rüstung und Raketen has agreed to finance the project, in exchange for... a generous profit bump on our arms sales.”

Ambassador Tzafrir smiled.

“With our existing capital and the investments from Black Beisa and Sato, this provides us enough funds to enter the next stage.”

Abdul slapped the ambassador on the back.

“And what of the renovations?” Abdul asked the president.

She smiled.

“Swimmingly. The package passed the Council overwhelmingly, Edris had no choice but to sign.”

“How long until that facility is operational?” asked Rahim.

The president sighed.

“After I’m president again? Years, potentially decades.”

Rahim turned to look at the factory.

“Well, it sure will be worth it.”
Hizb al-Ishtiraki al-Dimuqrati (Badara)
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby BananaZebra » Fri Apr 26, 2024 7:27 pm

Office of Ambassador Tzafrir, Bier Qassem, 10:53 AM
15 August, 5475

Michiel Hofsink, the ambassador from Narikaton & Darnussia, sat across from Ameera al-Ghanem in her husband’s office in Bier Qassem, a sleek, modern office with a floor to ceiling window facing east, with the morning sun causing the ambassador to squint.

“We need him out,” al-Ghanem said. “If we want the factories, we need him out.”

“I understand,” the ambassador replied. “We all understand, madam. My secretary is preparing now, we want to make sure her statement is as polished as it can be.”

“Of course.” she said. “President Petralanda has promised to appear with me on his upcoming tour, and join me in condemning Edris and his piss-poor leadership.”

“Kundrati? Impressive.”

“You doubted my diplomatic prowess?” al-Ghanem asked, smiling.

The ambassador laughed.

“Of course not. The world saw your achievements with Yishelem.”

The former president stood and faced the window with her back to the ambassador.

“Once the old fool is gone, the world will see that Beiteynu and Deltaria are not the only powers in Majatra.” she said. “Soleimani Industries is doing its part, as are the Thallers.”

The president turned back to her guest.

“Now go do your part, ambassador.”
Hizb al-Ishtiraki al-Dimuqrati (Badara)
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby hyraemous » Fri Apr 26, 2024 8:08 pm

Somewhere in Badara
15 August 5475

The President of Kundrati landed today in Badara to meet with important business leaders and the like.

At some point President Vespasiano Petralanda entered his hotel room somewhere in Badara and sat down facing an unknown man. The man was not clearly from Kundrati...

...but the man gave him a USB drive.

The man left. The President left soon after, this time for an important meeting with some local officials.
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby BananaZebra » Sat Apr 27, 2024 8:49 pm

HOTEL ROOM, CIUDAD DE GADUR; 13 February, 5476, 5:24 PM

“The inquiry cannot be led by her.” The former president said into the phone.

“I know that,” her cousin, Prime Minister Saif al-Ghanem said. “I’m working on it, the Council should agree to expel her soon.”

The former president slammed her fist on the desk.

“Deal with it. Now.”


Minister Beydoun stepped out of her office, turning the light off and locking the door behind her. The building was nearly empty, the sound of the door closing echoing off the walls and floor.

Already, the janitors had turned off most of the lights, and the building was bathed in darkness. Minister Beydoun walked slowly down the hallway, twirling her keys around her pointer finger.

Each step rang behind her, a second set of footsteps always just one step behind.

She approached the elevator and stopped, punching the parking deck button.

Behind her, the echoes rang - step, step, step, step… step…. but they didn’t stop.

The minister turned around.

The hall was empty. She shook his head as the elevator bell dinged and she stepped in.

As the elevator descended the seventeen floors to the garage, Beydoun thought of the impeachment inquiry. The charges were false, that much was clear. The three clans of crooks were uniting against the president.

The minister ran over the investigation over and over in her head; the families are united in their business interest, and more intermarried than most royal families - but what’s the common motive beyond immediate power?

Was there one? Did there need to be one?

The elevator came to a stop, and Minister Beydoun exited through the steel doors as they opened. Her car was waiting, and her driver stood holding the door open for her.

She nodded her head to the man and ducked into the back seat.

The car started up and the driver pulled out of the parking lot, taking a left.

Minister Beydoun coughed politely.

“I’m sorry, it was supposed to be a right I believe.”

“Taking a different route tonight, ma’am.”

The Minister frowned. This must be a new driver, she didn’t recognize him and he was screwing with her routine.

“No I really prefer if you follow the planned route,” the minister began, before she began to notice the heaviness slowly settling on her chest.

Each breath took more effort than the last, her lungs feeling full of tar.

“I think… I think there’s something wrong with the air back here.” Minister Beydoun said, pounding on the divider.


“Hello?” the minister pleaded.

The car came to a sudden stop, and the driver turned to face her.

The minister jolted back.

“Who are you?” she asked.

The driver smiled and turned back around, turning up the radio.

“Please, I can’t breathe,” the minister said. “Please…”

The driver turned the radio up louder, the sound of the University of Bier Qassem’s Philharmonic Orchestra bringing the car to life and muffling out the begs and pleads from the back - not so much the pounding on the divider.

Though eventually that stopped, too.

The driver pulled out his phone.

“It’s done.”
Hizb al-Ishtiraki al-Dimuqrati (Badara)
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby BananaZebra » Wed May 01, 2024 9:56 pm


The former president sat on the couch, looking out at the Bier Qassem skyline of highrises - all full of corporate offices, most of which no doubt were owned by Soleimani Industries.

She smiled, in spite of herself.

Her shaking hand brought a glass of port to her lips, as her other hand held her phone to her ear.

"The Vice President campaigned in Dar es-Salam last night," the caller said with a sigh.

"I am aware." The former president replied.

"What should we do?"

"What should we do?" she asked with a laugh. "What should you do, more like it. And you know damn well what that is."

The caller remained silent for a moment.

Hizb al-Ishtiraki al-Dimuqrati (Badara)
Uniós Párt | Partidul Unirii (New Endralon and Kizenia)
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby BananaZebra » Thu May 02, 2024 10:07 pm


Minister Yasira Tzafrir cleared her throat, taking a swig of water before starting to speak.

"They're demanding a probe, stalling it any further risks further scrutiny." she said.

Her brother, the ambassador, nodded his head.

"It is... an inconvenience to be sure, but a necessary one. We need to put a wet blanket on these allegations." he said.

The president closed her eyes.

"There's no evidence," Minister Tzafrir said.

"You're right." the president replied. "So let them have their probe."

Yasira straightened in her chair.

"I'm glad you've changed your mind."

"Launch the probe, and control it."


A man stood waiting in the shadow of a nearby alley.

The journalist approached him, handing him a manila folder.

Down the street the sound of a car starting up pierced the early morning still.

"The information you asked for, though there wasn't much on #4." he said.

The other man opened the folder, briefly inspecting the contents.

The car was coming down the street, and gaining speed based on the growling from the engine.

"Good. 4/5 is good enough."

"And my payment?" the journalist asked.

The other man smiled, looking to the journalist's left.

The journalist turned as the man put his hand on his back.

The man, in one swift motion, pushed the journalist in front of the car.

The car crumbled his body and slammed on its brakes.

The man looked down at the gasping journalist and smiled before getting in the car, which promptly sped off into the early morning darkness.
Hizb al-Ishtiraki al-Dimuqrati (Badara)
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby Svetlana2 » Thu May 23, 2024 9:09 am

A dinner filled with sorrows
Symphony of judgment: Chapter 1

Location: El-Moutawakil Mansion, 34 km north to Pāytakht-e Aldegār
Date & time: 26/02/5487, 21h:35min
Weather conditions: Rain storm
Type of event: celebration dinner of the 50th anniversary of the takeover of Aldegar

Mother stood up as she held a glass of sparkling white champagne in one hand before gently tapping it using her fork. The room fell silent. All looked at her as she cleared her throat, "Dear children and fellow Show Masters, I would like to thank you all for these 50 years of glorious rule over Terra's most strategic nation, our efforts have been generously rewarded with Aldegar's economic and social prosperity that was a result of us taking the reigns of power from the old president. Nonetheless, this would've been impossible without the effort of Actress that successfully spearheaded the Water Lilly Revolution and led to Aldegarian People's Free Federation ever since its foundation-" She was then interrupted by Poétesse standing up and saying, "But where is Parisa?? I mean, Actress, she should be here with us to celebrate this historic moment, but it seems that she hasn't shown up publicly for the past 5 months!" Poétesse took a deep breathe before adding, "Don't get me wrong, I love Parisa wholeheartedly but I miss when she used to attend all of our meetings instead of leaving an empty seat with her name on it. She als-" Poétesse was then interrupted by the sound of the double doors swinging open with two staff members holding a paper in their hands, all the showmasters turned their head toward them, "We have gotten an emergency news from the Palace of Anahita!"

Everyone then stood up suddenly, their eyes fixated on the two staff members with the weight of what the palace of Anahita has found so urgent to use the emergency line, the male staff member then cleared his throat before reading what was on his paper, "I, Fariba Afshani, Head Doctor for her excellency's medical well-being, alongside the entire staff of the palace of Anahita would like to present our-" El Moualim then leaned to whisper to Gears, "I hope it isn't what I think it is," Gears then looked at him before replying back with, "Oh darling, I think it's indeed what you think it is." Both them focused again at what the staff member was saying, "-condolences to you. Parisa Shahi, First President of the Aldegarian People's Free Federation has passed away peacefully at 21h:18 min:4s-" he then stopped as the sound of glass falling and shattering echoed through the room coupled with loud thunder resonating outside, "No no no this can't be happening not now!" Mother said while collapsing on her seat, Father then held her hand while Nymphea started blowìng fresh air using her fan, "Please continue, we would like to hear the causes of her death please," Father asked while looking at the staff member, he nodded before continuing, "The causes of her excellency's death were due to old age and overworking herself, her heart couldn't handle her work routine due to old age but during her final moments she was surrounded by loved ones in which she also left a letter addressed to you all."

"President Parisa stated in her letter the following," She slowly opened up the latter and read it in a clam voice,
Dear fellow brothers and sisters of the Masked Fools Society,

If you are reading or being read this letter, it means that I unfortunately finally reached my final act as Actress and kissed goodbye to both the world and Aldegar as President of this magnificent country that I witnessed grow, learn from its mistakes, and become once again at the very least an international player you can't ignore. It was my duty to lead this nation through rough and gentle times as it was originally my idea to involve us into the affairs of the country but I never thought I would get to experience more than 70 years among you all and 50 years of unforgettable moments being the president of this country. I sincerely ask you all to not feel sad of my passing but instead take it as a opportunity to bring younger and more revolutionary minds into our society just like when I brought in Fashionista and Empress as the 13th and 14th Show Masters that knew how to prove themselves to me through their actions and relentless pursuit of glory and prosperity.

In addition, I would like you to fulfill a dear and final wish for me, if it was possible of course. Now my request is for you to continue holding the hand of Aldegar while leading to a glorious and prosperous future that still hides infinite possibilities because my homeland has grown a special place in my heart making me develop a motherly lover toward her. I simply wish I had more time to guide it like a true mother should, but at last fate pulled a sick joke on me by making me leave this world. I still hold hopes that you will successfully maintain Aldegar under its current state without plunging it into a spiral of chaos.

Finally, I would like to announce that I have chosen Zahra Tarrokh as my successor to the position of both Actress and President because ever since I mentored her from the ripe age of 12, Zahra has been a great assistant and ally that successfully climbed her way to the top without any of my moves to push her up, which I tried to do but she always refusing by saying, "I wanna prove that I'm a worthy politician just like you! I don't need to be spoiled to serve the people, I want to be truly a person of the people just like you". Following Zahra own request, I encourage you all to allow for truly free and fair elections to happen following my death as to show to the world that Aldegar will remain free and prosperous forever with its canal a glorious catalyst for progress.

This is Actress and Parisa Shahi ending their 70 years of acting for a glorious and prosperous future,
Pro Humanitatis libertate!
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