
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Sun May 26, 2024 3:42 pm

Prime Minister set to speak at the "Choose Luthori" forum.
The Luthori Employers Association is currently working on a wide forum of about 1 month where business leaders from all over the world come to see the latest Luthorian economic development - with one aim in mind - fostering the economy through foreign investments in Luthori.
12th, July 5489

Fort William, Principality of Orange, Luthori - Weak competition has always been one of Luthori's great weaknesses, while the nation has always tried to look nice towards foreign investors in order to get rid of that malus - the LEA, back in 5401, adopted a policy of "welcoming foreigners" to the Luthorian market, as they've realized that their monopoly within the Luthorian market was only hurting the Luthorian economy even more than it benefited it, since then, the Luthori Employers' Association only saw members coming from Beiteynu or Hutori, the latter having pressured Luthori - back in the 5360-70s to loosen its regulations on the foreign companies' installment in Luthori - in exchange for allowing Luthorian companies to access Hutorian market - a fair deal, you might say. Regardless, few investments have come within the Luthorian economy for a pretty decent time and even less companies have installed themselves into the Luthorian market. In order to foster investments and competition to home-based Luthorian companies. The Deputy President of the Association stated that "this would be a great time for fostering economic deals between companies and increasing their interest towards our nation". The Prime Minister, Lord Threwiford, is excepted to give a speech to the Assembly of gathered business leaders, in order to encourage them to settle business in Luthori or at least to invest into a particular sector of the Luthorian economy. Crown Street hopes that this will reinvigorate the Luthorian economy's growth, which is suggested to be highly slowing down in the next few years. After this peech, the Prime Minister is excepted to be meeting with the Ducal Premiers in order to "have common ground" on the economic policy of the country, as Threwiford is himself "favorable" to the current status quo upheld during the last Premiership.

This "Choose Luthori" forum is rassembling on September, at the beginning of the work year, many business owners or investors from the all around the world, in order, as said previously, to expand their presence in the Luthorian market.

OOC: Everyone can participate to the forum, I only just want investments and companies installing themselves in Luthori. Come on, folks.
The Economic Inquirer is a newspaper detailing and dissecting all the economic and financial information of Luthori and the world. This media, independent by principle, tries at best to meet the expectations of its readers by remaining politically neutral.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Mon May 27, 2024 7:45 pm

Chief of Naval Staff sacked - Palmerston take over.
As excepted, the Chief of Naval Staff has been removed from his position and Vice-Admiral Palmerston has been appointed to his place, this was followed by a statement from Crown Street announcing a "review" of the Imperial Navy's recovery program.
14th, July 5489

Fort William, Principality of Orange, Luthori - The Government has announced the sacking of the current Chief of Naval Staff from his position, being effective "immediately" according to Blackhall Palace. The Emperor has appointed Vice-Admiral Palmerston to take Rampard's place as Chief of Naval Staff. Rampard came as a replacement to Bernaby after the Baltusian fiasco, when the current CotNS took "full responsability" and resigned over these actions. Prime Minister Threwiford, ever since his inception into power had a strained relationship with the current head of the navy, although enjoying good relations with the Chiefs of the Army and Air Force. In hopes of acheiving a good compromise between the Navy and the Government over their respective views on the military - a conference was held.

Let's just say that this conference didn't go nearly as it was planned.

Disagreements between the two men (CoNS and ILN Minister) meant that when the meeting was reported back to the Prime Minister, he was, according to sources within Crown Street, "furious, yet unsurprised". Mere hours after the ILN Minister left Crown Street, the Government announced Rampard's sacking and Palmerston's appointment. The Vice-Admiral treated his appointment lightly and stated that he was "thankful" after "all these years" of work within the Navy. He quickly met with the Prime Minister and later announced that the Imperial Navy would be "reconsidering", likely scrapping the ambitious 3 aircraft carrier military plan designed in the 5370s. Threwiford always was in the position that these new "fancy" military toys were of no use to the current "position" of Luthori. He always wished for its ending or at least reform. The Naval Staff stated that "with the current trend" it's likely that only 1 aircraft carrier would see completation and see, around it, forming an CSG [Carrier Strike Group] - although the priority wasn't put to that as of now.

Threwiford, through this change is likely to change the focus of military development towards the Army and Air Force from the Navy - which in his view - "has been too privileged for the last 200 years for no awail.", Blackhall Palace has refused any comments on the situation in the military, stating that it was merely "a change in course".
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Re: Luthori

Postby Autokrator15 » Mon May 27, 2024 8:25 pm

Trouble in paradise? Whigs and Tories not as united as seems
Pro-Navy Whigs faction of the Conservative Party seem angry over the Hardliner Prime-Minister sacking the Chief of the Navy without seemingly getting the Secretary of State for Defence onboard, is trouble brewing within the Tory Paradise?
15th, July 5489

Fort William, Principality of Orange, Luthori - For the longest time the Conservative & Nationalist Party or for short the Conservative Party exists out of a merger of the former liberal parties of the Union of the Lion and the conservative branch of the Constitutional Democratic Union. The two factions are often called ‘’hardliners’’ or ‘’Tories’’ and ‘’Moderates’’ or ‘’Whigs’’. It was a surprise that the hardliner leader of the Conservative Party was elected as leader as Prime-Minister Threwiford was not popular with the Whigs. Now with the sacking of the Chief of the Imperial Navy, by the Tory Navy Minister and Tory Prime-Minister, it seems the Whig Secretary of State for Defence and the Whig MID’s are annoyed by the rash decision making of the Prime-Minister.

Shortly after the sacking and the announcement of the replacement the Secretary Tewksbury was seen leaving Crownstreet 10 annoyed and departed with the sacked Chief of the Navy to the Imperial Naval Office. There the Secretary made a statement with the former Chief. In the statement the Secretary thanked the former Chief for his years of service and ‘’[his] dedication to Crown and Fatherland. We will miss you and you have earned your rest. His Imperial Majesty has granted you the title of Imperial Fleet Admiral for your service. As the Fleet Admiral leaves the service and we greet the new Chief of the Naval Staff we continue to work with all forces of the Luthorian Armed Forces to keep our nation safe’’. With this move the Secretary seems to have defied the Prime-Minister, however the Secretary himself stated that ‘’this is inline with government policy, the media is making more fuss about this than needed. The Imperial Navy remains the backbone of the Luthorian defence, however it is strong and our other departments need more urgent attention, our navy cant be expected to carry all the burden of defence!’’.

Though the Secretary isn’t the most well known in the cabinet, he served in the navy during his military service term. His family comes from a long line of marines and naval commanders. This is not weird, the Whigs/Moderate faction are the most openly pro-navy bloc within the Conservative Party. The rash actions of the Prime-Minister has angered various backbenchers and prominent Whig politicians. It was observed yesterday in the Imperial Diet that the Chancellor, the Whig leader and Deputy Prime-Minister, Brendan Kidd, came rushing in to keep the Whigs calm. When he came out of the Diet and was asked for a statement he responded: ‘’Why gentlemen, the Imperial Armed Forces and the Imperial Navy are the concern of my military colleagues and the Prime-Minister, but I assure you, the Navy will NOT be downscaled nor will its funding decrease, the Treasury will keep the Navy well-funded, as we will strengthen all parts of the Armed Forces, now if you excuse me, I have to visit the Prime-Minister’’. Afterwards he stepped into his car, with a rather annoyed and angry look appearing on his face as he thought we couldn’t see him.

Are the differences between the Whigs and the Tories bigger than we thought? Is the strong Conservative Party not as united? We will keep you up to date on this front. However this seems more like a minor rumble of a big tent party.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Svetlana2 » Tue May 28, 2024 3:43 pm

Don't mind me just spreading som good old chaos and insanity and sometimes democracy and freedom depends on my mood
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Re: Luthori

Postby hopesfor2 » Tue May 28, 2024 8:23 pm

The Labour News
Official newspaper of the Labour Party
John Day steps down as Labour leader, Taylor Elwes to assume leadership

10th August 5490

The Labour Party has been under the leadership of the former Prime Minister John Day for decades, and he faced increased pressure within the party to step down as the leader and pave the way for a new party congress. Day eventually resigned as the party leader in 8th August of 5490, and this paved the way for a new party congress in which all leadership positions would be contested in an election participated by the party members. In the election, all large prominent factions presented candidates for party leadership as well as for other positions such as the general secretary and the two vice leaderships, and the election saw several notable shifts within the party as the Soft Left, a moderate, social democratic faction, won the leadership and became the largest group in the party council, while the Hard Left had its position diminished and the Third Way, a centrist and liberal faction favoring a more pragmatic than ideological approach to politics, performed slight but nevertheless notable gains that strengthened its position within the party, other factions such as the Blue Labour and One-Nation Labour remained largely irrelevant.

The election results for the party leadership positions were:

Membership votes:

Soft Left 36.6%

Third Way 25.2%

Hard Left 20.1%

One-Nation Labour 12.4%

Blue Labour 5.7%

Chairman: Taylor Elwes (Soft Left)

General Secretary: Eli Morce (Third Way)

Vice Chairman: Isaac Jamison (Hard Left), Aaron Bentley (Third Way)

Party council:

15 Soft Left
10 Third Way
8 Hard Left
5 One-Nation Labour
2 Blue Labour

The party congress represents significant shifts within the Labour Party. The Hard Left faction, which was the faction that the former party leader John Day affiliated with, has seen its influence in the party policy declining, but it nevertheless still remains an important force within the party and that is unlikely to change. Meanwhile, the Soft Left emerged as the leading faction within the party and it is likely that Labour adopt more policies of the factions.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Autokrator15 » Tue May 28, 2024 10:12 pm

Luthori Daily | Humperdinck Media
Your daily news for morning tea!
Chancellor Unveils New Budget with Tax Cuts and Increased Spending on Education and Defence
September 5490


Fort-William, Principality of Orange, Holy Luthori Empire – Today the new Tory government unveiled its first new budget with various proposals which hint towards the new policies of this government. The Chancellor presented the new budget to the Imperial Diet today. It outlined a series of financial measures aimed at stimulating economic growth, enhancing national security, and investing in the country's future.

Key among the proposals is a reduction in the corporation tax. The corporation tax rate will go from 20% down to 18%. The Chancellor emphasised that this move is designed to stimulate investments, encourage business expansion and most important of all attract global enterprises to Luthori. The Imperial Government under the Conservatives have been clear that they wish to increase healthy competition into the Imperial economy. By reducing the tax burden on businesses, the Imperial Government aims to foster a more dynamic and competitive business environment.

Another change is the reduction of the income tax, with the abolishment of the highest bracket for the highest earners. This was a specific wish from the Whig faction of the Conservative Party. The 49% tax bracket was seen as an unfair tax on success and hindering necessary investments into the economy and driving off successful businessmen. The move doesn’t sit that well with some of the hardliners of the Conservative Party who’d rather see a reduction of the taxes on the middle incomes. This minority within the Conservative hardliners fear that this move will aid the Labour Party’s claim that the Conservative Party favours the rich instead of the middle class. However the Whigs are supported by the Humperdinck faction, who state that the top tax rate kills jobs and competition.

The Chancellor also announced that the Imperial Government aims at reallocate resources from some departments to other areas. As such the Treasury and Food and Agriculture budgets will be significantly lowered, the subsidies and innerworkings of these ministries will be streamlined to allow for more resources to become available for investing into other critical areas the Imperial Government wishes to focus on.

One of the most notable increases in the budget is for education, with an additional £1 billion allocated to this sector. This funding boost is aimed at strengthening the education system, particularly in the technology sector, to prepare young people for a rapidly evolving job market. The Chancellor highlighted that a well-educated populace is essential for a thriving economy and that this investment will help the Luthorian economy innovate and keep the workforce well educated and prepared for the economic changes. The Defence and Justice budgets will also see an increase in the budgets. On this the Chancellor said that the Conservative government wishes to invest in the safety and security of the nation.

Overall, the proposed budget represents a balanced approach, aiming to stimulate economic growth while ensuring fiscal responsibility and enhancing national security. The Chancellor called on members of the Imperial Diet to support these measures, highlighting the potential for building a stronger, more secure, and forward-looking nation.

The budget proposal will now be subject to debate and approval by the Imperial Diet.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Autokrator15 » Tue May 28, 2024 10:35 pm

TechInsider! | Humperdinck Media
Your nerdly news today!

Young entrepreneurs of Minor LTD drive innovation in semiconductor industry with global ambitions
September 5490


Fort William, Principality of Orange, Holy Luthori Empire – Brandon Halfway and William Blackadder, two young entrepreneurs from Luthori, have launched a groundbreaking business specializing in the creation of semiconductors and various electronic components. With support from investors across Luthori, their company, Micros LTD, has quickly risen to prominence.

Their venture took a significant leap forward when they secured contracts with the Navy to supply chips and other electronic components for new ships. This partnership was facilitated by Blackwell Industries, which identified Micros LTD as the ideal partner to upgrade some of the Navy's existing systems.

Building on their domestic success, Micros LTD is now expanding its horizons. Recently, the company sent a delegation, including Brandon Halfway, to Dundorf to explore a partnership with a leading tech company. This collaboration has already borne fruit: the Dundorfian company has purchased shares in Micros LTD and secured a contract, providing vital investments that will enable Micros LTD to expand its operations.

This strategic move positions the Dundorfian company to compete with major players like Hutorian Blackwell Industries and other large Luthorian tech companies. Brandon Halfway, CEO of Micros LTD, expressed his pride in this achievement, calling it a testament to global cooperation and the innovative spirit of the new generation.

"We are thrilled with this milestone," said Halfway. "It showcases our commitment to innovation and our ability to create value for the Luthorian economy. With this investment, we will build a new factory and expand our research and development capabilities in partnership with our friends in Dundorf, enhancing our production capabilities."

Micros LTD's ambitious plans signal a bright future, not only for the company but also for the broader technological landscape in Luthori and beyond.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Svetlana2 » Wed May 29, 2024 11:41 am

Don't mind me just spreading som good old chaos and insanity and sometimes democracy and freedom depends on my mood
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Re: Luthori

Postby hopesfor2 » Thu May 30, 2024 8:35 pm

The Progressive Tribune
The Progressive Tribune is a newspaper focusing on the political events at Luthori. Its editorial view is fairly centrist on economics but leftist socially.
Government budget fails to pass in the Imperial Senate

20th August 5491

Fort William, Luthori - In a surprising development, the budget proposal which was put into vote by the Conservative government was defeated in the Imperial Senate in a narrow vote of 223-221, with 56 senators abstaining in the vote. This came at a major blow to the Conservative Party as its budget proposal, despite being approved in the Imperial Diet, was defeated in the Imperial Senate, and defeat of a budget proposal is typically not a very good sign for a government. In the Senate vote, there was a notable pattern in the votes by Conservative senators, with many members of the Tory faction abstaining and some even voting against, while the Whig faction voted in favor of the budget proposal, exposing further divisions within the party. The bishops, as well as some non-partisan senators and Tories within the Conservative Party, abstained in the vote in Senate, and the Labour Party voted against it both in the Diet and the Senate.

The defeat of the budget both exposed divisions within the Conservatives and gave Labour an excuse to criticize the Conservative government. Labour leader and Leader of the Opposition Taylor Elwes stated that the Conservative Party failed to deliver its promises and that their disunity undermined good governance they claimed to provide, and that voters should re-assess their choice in the upcoming elections if they voted Conservative in the last elections. Some Labour members went further, a group of Labour members and supporters organized a small protest against the government joined by almost one thousand protesters, the protesters accused the government of disunity and failing to deliver its promises, and made a radical call to the Labour leadership that they should table a no-confidence vote against the Conservative government, but Labour is unwilling to table a no-confidence vote as stated by Taylor Elwes, but nevertheless they seek to capitalize on this exposure of Conservative disunity to criticize the Conservatives.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Fri May 31, 2024 4:47 pm

Meyer apologizes to the "East" for colonial "abomination"
Foreign Secretary Meyer, in the wake of his visit to New Verham today announced Luthori's "sincerest" apologies for the colonial "abominations" that our ancestors have done in Dovani, Temania, and Vascania, commonly referred as the "East".
19th, November 5490 (backdated)

Fort William, Principality of Orange, Luthori - The Foreign Secretary's visit has concluded with New Verham announcing investments to Luthori, likewise for Aldegar and Luthori has begun signing a series of treaties with many nations in the international scene, such as the rising Hobrazia, ND or Aldegar. Other treaties are said to be in preparation. Yet. Another issue needed to be adressed by the Foreign Secretary after his return to Luthori. The matter of colonial apology. It's widely known that Luthori had a colonial empire in the Eastern part of the world, spanning all over Dovani, Temania and Vascania. Luthori only got booted out of its precious colonial holdings by a surprise Yingdalan invasion during the so-called "Glorious Revolution", an uprising from fascist militia against the Luthorian Government in Fort William. While this revolt mainly took place in the colonies, it made the perfect opportunity to Yingdala, the most vocal anti-colonial power in the region, as well as, at the time, the sole Dovani-based power in the world, to make a stand. Occupying Luthori's colonies and declaring western colonial holdings, especially Luthori's to be "dead" by forcing - with the collapsing situation - Luthori to sign the humiliating Treaty of Port Morgan. This is considered to be a "gamechanger" in relations to both Dovani and Luthori, as Dovani was declared independent by both Hulstria and Yingdala and this is considered in Luthori to be the beginning of the "Dark Times", where Luthori would be thrown into instability and weakness until at least the 5140s.

With that particular history in mind, the Foreign Secretary had already his mind done on this, the Prime Minister, when he was Leader of the Opposition, already stated his mind about colonial apology and offered an apology from the Opposition towards all formerly colonized nations. Yet, he wasn't in government at the time, and it wasn't followed by the Pernigh ministry. As of today, the Tories are in Crown Street and Blackhall Palace, hold a majority of the seats in the Imperial Diet and the Imperial Senate, so nothing could potentially harmer the Tories' or more specifically, the Prime Minister's will to see this happening. Meyer already stated that he would be favorable towards colonial apologies, and went to work with associations of countries in Dovani towards a comprehensive bill in the Imperial Diet, aiming to colonial retribution. The Foreign Secretary today appeared on the Imperial Diet to propose the Colonial Retribution Fund of Formely Oppressed Nations in the World (CRFFONW) Act, which would lead the Luthorian Government to create the "Colonial Retribution Fund" for repayment to formerly colonized nations in the world. The Foreign Secretary also announced in the Imperial Diet, "Luthori's sincerest apologies to all Dovanian people who has suffered under the yoke of colonialism" and bluntly stated "that words would not replace acts" as he presented the law in the Imperial Diet.

Foreign Office heads up towards the north as Dorvik offers collaboration.
The Foreign Office has offered the opportunity of a visit from a Dorvish delegation in Luthori for discussing the re-establishment of the trading relationship and also opened the door for increased relations with other northern countries.
19th, November 5490 (backdated)

After the victory of the Volksrepublicaner in Dorvik, the Luthorian Government offered their 'congratulations' towards the new government in power in Haldor. The Foreign Ministry stated that with that victory, at least "100 years" of continued Dorvish absence in the international arena "could - with the right leadership" worked on towards increased Dorvish presence in the international scene. The Foreign Ministry of Luthori offered to its Dorvish counterpart to organize a state visit from a "delegation" of Dorvish officials into Luthori, in order to discuss a revitalization of the former economic and trade relationship which existed between Luthori and Dorvik, and the possible signature of a Luthorian-based "Friendship Treaty" with the Republic, signaling the prospect of a restored communication between Fort William and Haldor. The Foreign Office has also announced handing out letters towards some northern nations to see the prospect of signing some "friendship treaties" aimed at developing trade between Luthori and these regions.

The Times is a foreign policy-orientated newspaper, but also commentating on domestic politics, it's editorial view is considered to be fairly centrist but rightist economically.[/quote]
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