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Re: Luthori

Postby hopesfor2 » Wed Jun 05, 2024 2:52 pm

The Progressive Tribune
The Progressive Tribune is a newspaper focusing on the political events at Luthori. Its editorial view is fairly centrist on economics but leftist socially.
People’s Protest Assembly resumes protests

5th July 5494

Tens of thousands protesting the government in a mass protest organized by the People's Protest Assembly at the capital Fort William.

Fort William, Luthori -Before the elections in September last year, which was won by the Conservative Party but the Whig faction of the Conservatives strengthened its parliamentary influence and could overturn the most controversial parts of the “HCG Bill” alongside with other controversies related to the policies of the previous government, there was a mass protest against the government organized by the People’s Protest Assembly, a grassroots civil society organization formed by the protesters with the goal of organizing and coordinating the protests. The protests subsided after September elections, but the People’s Protest Assembly continued to exist as a civil society organization and gained traction as tens of thousands of citizens are now members of the organization and the Assembly vowed to resume the protests after waiting “a few months” in order to gain political and social strength and to expand its membership beyond its founding members. The People’s Protest Assembly materialized their vow by starting to organize demonstrations this month, and the protesters continue to demand the repeal of the strongly controversial “HCG Bill” and other controversial policies such as mandatory military service. The protests, which started a few days ago, are joined by tens of thousands of protesters dissatisfied with the policy direction of their country, and are mainly organized by the People’s Protest Assembly while individual protesters also have organized some of those protests.

Notably, some members of the Whig faction of the Conservative Party also joined to the protests against the government policies, further exposing divisions within the Conservatives. The Labour Party has maintained strong support for the protests since their start and the Soft Left, Third Way, and Hard Left, all three which are the strongest factions, have agreed on supporting the protesters and the People's Protest Assembly, and its Fort William wing the Labour Fort William provided assistance to the People's Protest Assembly in organizing the protests. The People's Protest Assembly organized a mass protest yesterday which still continues as of today in the capital Fort Wililam against the government joined by 50,000 protesters, the protesters demand the repeal of the "HCG Bill", cancellation of mandatory military service, and legalization of secondary strike action at least for closely related trade unions. The mass protest garnered significant attention, as tens of thousands protested the government, and the protest further exposed divisions within the Conservative Party, as while the Tory faction of the Conservatives strongly opposed the protest, some within the Whig faction expressed support and even some of them joined to the protests.

Amidst protests and widespread dissatisfication with the government, the main opposition Labour Party proposed a bill called the "Overturning HCG Bill", which is a bill that will repeal most of the "HCG Bill", re-instate civilian national service as an alternative to military service, and legalize secondary strike actions for closely related trade unions. The bill, if supported by the Whigs of the Conservative Party, would pass, since Whigs and Labour would reach a slim majority of 328 seats out of 650 in the parliament if they both voted in favor of the bill. If Labour's "Overturning HCG Bill" passes with Whig support, it will further intensify the divisions between Tories and Whigs, and potentially lead to the fall of the Conservative government or even the breakup of the Conservative Party into two parties, in such a case the Tories and Whigs would split up and become their own political parties. The "Overturning HCG Bill" bill is still up for debate within the Parliament, and given the debate period rules it must not be moved to vote for three months, and when it is voted in the Imperial Diet it will be probably closely watched by many people, including the protesters. If Labour's "Overturning HCG Bill" passes with Whig support, then the protests will subside but internal divisions within Conservative Party will intensify, if the bill is defeated then the Conservative Party will maintain unity but the protests will intensify. Whether the "Overturning HCG Bill" passes will determine whether the Conservative Party will maintain unity and whether the protests will intensify.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Autokrator15 » Wed Jun 05, 2024 5:33 pm

The Farmer's Rose
Luthorian agricultural sector is doing well, more focus on exports needed says Secretary
July 5494


Fort William, Luthori - For those who lived more than two hundred years ago the Luthorian economy and market aren’t recognisble anymore. That much is known. The great diversity in goods and services from all over the world entering the market has uplifted many Luthorians and opened possibilities for trade, commerce that wasn’t available in a long time. But that doesn’t mean the transition was painless or that the market didn’t have to innovate. For the longest time the predecessors of the Conservative Party pushed for a more open door policy towards trade, importing goods in which Luthori didn’t specialise and exporting goods in which we excelled. One of these markets is the agrarian sector. Where the Luthorian agricultural policy was to keep Luthori self-sustaining and produce everything itself was transformed into importing corn and wheat whilst producing diary products, livestock, meat, fruits and vegetables. The bioindustry and especially the greenhouse farms took off!

This was the introductory summery according to the ministry of Food & Agriculture’s newest policy report on the where the agricultural sector is now and where it needs to head towards according to the Imperial Government. Secretary of State for Agriculture Hale Ainsleys stated that he was happy with the progress the agricultural sector had gone through. Following the statistics the Luthorian economy is exporting more and more food, especially diary products, meats, livestock and fruits and vegetables than before, whilst it has become reliant on better corn and grain producers in Seleya and Artania. For instance the Luthorian market imports grain from Dundorf. The Imperial Government says that this is vital for the strength of the Luthorian market. ‘’We couldn’t compete with these nations in grain production, but due to smart investments, innovation and hard work we are competitive on the market for fruits and vegetables. Now we need to up the sales!’’ the Secretary stated. According to the report and the Secretary of State the Imperial Government plans on talking with partners in Seleya and Artania on increasing trade relations, especially the exports of Luthorian food products to aid the agricultural industry whilst getting good deals on imports on what the Luthorian economy doesn’t produce itself. For this the Secretary for Trade & Industry will visit nations such as Aldegar, Baltusia and Lodamun to discuss cooperation and improving trade on agricultural products. The focus on trade, especially with Baltusia was explained away with a mutual beneficial character, lately Baltusian steakhouses have become quite popular in Luthori and Baltusia lacks a strong agricultural sector. Through Commonwealth ties both nations can profit from easy trade relations.

The move towards greenhouse farming has truly benefitted Luthori. The amount of space that is required to produce fruits and vegetables is considerably smaller and thus allows Luthori to produce foods which normally would only be able to grow in warmer climates and in larger quantities that normally would be possible. This has also revitalised the Wheeler Agricultural Group, who now focus more and more on building greenhouses and machines to operate it, with them selling off their more traditional agricultural machinery division as it couldn’t keep up with foreign suppliers on that front.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Wed Jun 05, 2024 7:26 pm

Starving Artists make big impression on Luthorian cultural scene.
A little look at the tour in Luthori by the Kalistani band, the Starving Artists.
12th, October 5493

Image of the Kalistan band 'the Starving Artists".

Fort William, Principality of Orange, Luthori - The tour orchestrated by the Kalistani band, the Starving Artists in Luthori, has mostly been considered to be a success. It representated the first major entry from a foreign group into Luthori, back in October 5492, we had already covered the story of a Luthorian fan club of the band writing a letter to these artists to ask them to come play to Luthori. In that article, we commentated that "the fan club was still hopeful about the group's coming to Luthori", next thing you know, they've actually answered. An article from the "Kalistani Republic", Kalistan's main press organ stated that the group had answered to the fans' pleas and scheduled to tour the country on September of 5493. Their label, LCR, having agreed to fund a mini-tour of 6 night shows in major cities such as Fort William, Shippington, Clamfeld, Alchester, Northminster, Sewallston.

The tour was likely going to be just a little assembling of the group and their Luthorian fans, yet the reality was a little different. You see, Luthorians were quite interested into hearing the band that just made it to the second place of FOMAT, and the band which won the most votes within Luthorian voters for FOMAT. Luthorians had always that "curious" culture, although, with this "mini-tour" of the country, it seems that most people couldn't even think of the success that it would make here. With most reservations being booked for every concert halls where the group was perfoming, the organizers of the tour (in Luthori) were even forced to close the ticket office to regulate large flows of people wanting to see the 6 concerts. The flows of people were so high that the band and its label are likely to receive a huge ton of money, judging by the people who have displaced themselves just to see them play.

For now, the reaction of the band to the Tour isn't yet known, but it's likely to be positive, hopefully.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Fri Jun 07, 2024 8:13 pm

Meyer set to introduce Colonial Reparation Fund Act in Parliament.
After Prince Charles' visit to Temania, Vascania and Xsampa, three nations of the southern band of the "Eastern World", Foreign Secretary Meyer has announced to Parliament the introducing of an Act, which would create a fund for colonial retributions and Eastern nations' development.
15th, June 5494 (backdated)

Fort William, Principality of Orange, Luthori - The Orange Palace had announced back in 5492, that many members of the Luthorian imperial family, like Prince Charles, Prince of Orange, or Princess Alice, Grand Duchess of Erneshire, would be visiting many countries in the world, such as Xsampa, which has made a quite "elogious" remarks on the Prince's behaviour during his stay at Xsampa. Since then, the members of the Imperial Family have all come home, while the Orange Palace is likely to announce more visits for Prince Charles in other countries, such as Dundorf, ND or Aldegar most likely. The Foreign Secretary has mostly profitated from the Prince's visits in numerous Dovanian countries to introduce into debate, the Luthorian Colonial Apology Funds Foundation Act, 5495. This law will be introducing a new fund, funded entirely by the Luthorian Government, destined towards funding Luthori's apologies towards the wider Dovanian continent, by "development grants" by the Luthorian state to most of its former colonies and, in general, Dovanian states which have been colonized by formerly-imperialistic nations. The Foreign Secretary stated in his speech in the Imperial Diet that it "was Luthori's mission to help its former colonies, to which it has caused great pain and suffering to forgo the past of colonialism and create a better future, together. This Act, will help Luthori's goal by granting money towards these developing states in the Eastern part of this world and help them towards developing their respective economies and create a safer, better future for their citizens.". The Prime Minister, who had himself, denounced colonialism and imperialism, when he was Leader of the Opposition in 5486, stated through his press secretary that he was "supportive" of the efforts from his Foreign Secretary towards "aiming to create a favourable settlement between Luthori and its former colonies, through development aid. He also stated that it had instructed the Leader of the Imperial Senate, towards passing this vote "as smoothly" as possible.

The Luthorian populace has remained sympathetic towards the cause of finding settlements with other Dovanian states for Luthori's role into colonalization in the Dovanian continent, with the majority of whom supporting some form of reparation being given towards all Dovanian, Temanian and Vascanian government because of this. Although, this isn't the unanimity of all people with this realm, with other people stating that it would be "nice" to tie economic aid with democracy development, already sidlining the biggest victim of Luthorian colonialism, Vascania, which is ruled by a military dictatorship since Talavalakar's seizure of power in 5421. For now, a majority of the populace supports the Foreign Secretary's views on Luthori-East relations.
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Re: Luthori

Postby GreekIdiot » Sat Jun 08, 2024 8:50 am

The Terran Times
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Re: Luthori

Postby Autokrator15 » Sat Jun 08, 2024 2:18 pm

Tory vs Whigs - Conservative Party not strong and stable?
Tensions within the Conservative Party have been observered for some time now, with especially the Whigs and the Tory hardliners clashing more often. The latest spat was the very conservative and wide ranging bill proposed by the Humperdinck faction which saw support from the Tories.
November 5495

Fort William - The Conservative Party has long been one of the two dominant parties in our Imperial political landscape, it is thé big tent party on the right who share common views on the economy, foreign affairs and the military. Social issued have always been a bit of a point, but until now they have always managed to bridge that gap. That has changed somewhat in the last few years. We now see a more divided party, two factions smiling and shaking hands with each other in public but who are annoyed with each other in the backrooms.

To understand the background of this move we have to see what has happened in the last 150 years. The Conservatives and the Liberals found themselves more and more forced in a coalition against the socialist left, often joined by social democrats or social liberals. More and more the two factions became dependend on each other for a majority. Their main goal? Repair the Luthorian economy, bring Luthori on the international stage and rebuild the military. In this they found common cause. After he collapse of the Union of the Lion the National Liberal Party joined the Constitutional Democratic Union as its minority faction. Over time the party evolved into the Conservative & Nationalist Party, or Conservative Party for short. In the Conservative Party instead of finding more unity the two wings began to manifest themselves more than before with the Hardliners and Moderates turning into the ‘’Tories’’ and the ‘’Whigs’’. With the socialists out of the picture and Labour being the dominant party of the left the Tories and Whigs feel less in common and begin, in our honest opinion, to drift apart.

This drifting apart is very obviously seen with the recent events. The first was the new Hardliner or Tory led government in which the Whigs got a couple of posts to placate them, but where minor ministries under the Whigs were often filled with Tories. This is still currently the case. The first spat at this was seen with the interference of the Prime-Minister in the Navy. Its well known that the Whigs are more pro-navy than the military, whilst this is the other way around with the Tories. Sources from inside the ministry confirm that the Tory cabinet members kept the Whigs ill-informed and at bay in the dispute with the Navy. This lead to the Secretary promoting the dismissed Admiral to Fleet Admiral in protest. This was explained away as always the plan of the cabinet and that nothing is wrong. However sources behind the scene claim differently.

The Tories in the Senate delivered the second blow. The dissatisfied Tories in the Senate voted against the Government’s bill to adjust the budget and decrease the taxes. To the anger of the Whigs, who felt let down by their colleagues. The Party leadership however jumped in and got the party back in order, with an adjusted budget being accepted. Still it does seem that the wounds have only been made worse and are still bleeding. The bandaid isn’t going to help anymore.

The third spat came more recently, the Tory faction supported the bill from the Humperdincks which moved the countries law drastically into a conservative direction, the moderates and especially the hardcore Whigs voted against and were very dismayed. Their feelings of unrest were bolstered when large protests came about. The Whigs have publicly stated that it is a free choice for each member to vote on social issues, however sources again from behind the scene state that the Whigs are annoyed and are very unhappy with the developments. This weakens the strength of the Conservative Party, with some members privately stating their hesitation to remain a part of the Conservative Party.

Seeing all this we here at the Observer wonder, how long will the Conservative Party lead our nation if they cant lead their own party? Will a divorce happen? Is there truly trouble in paradise?
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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Sat Jun 08, 2024 3:48 pm

Luthori set to recognize Kalistani control over the Ananto Strait.
Foreign Secretary Meyer has introduced to the Imperial Diet a law on the ratification of the 2nd Ananto Strait Comprehensive Accord, recognizing Kalistan's claim to sovereignty over the Ananto Strait.
5th, January 5496

The Foreign Secretary introducing the bill in the Imperial Diet.

Fort William, Principality of Orange, Luthori - The Prime Minister, Lord President of the Council, His Grace, Robert Harrington has approved the plan from Foreign Secretary, Andrew Meyer, about finally moving past the Baltusian debacle. The Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, having decided to introduce a new bill in the Imperial Diet, called the 2nd 2nd Ananto Strait Comprehensive Accord Ratification Act, 5495, which would effectively make Luthori recongnize Kalistani sovereignty over the Ananto Strait. This development isn't surprising as Luthori's policy in regards to Seleya has been either turned towards trade (Gaduridos, Aldegar) or making amends due to the Luthorian blunder during the Baltusian debacle. This support of the Kalistan policy in regards to the Ananto Strait comes after Dolgava announcing that it would "abide" by the Treaty, in regards to military passage through the Strait. Foreign Secretary Meyer stated in his opening remarks related to the bill that the ratification of this bill by both the Imperial Diet and Imperial Senate "would mark a step into the right direction". This decision comes after the recent policy change from Luthori in regards towards colonail reparations and the Starving Artists' tour being highly successful, leading to an increase within the Luthorian populace of the opinion about Kalistan. Finally, this recognition of Kalistani policy in regards to the Strait is seen as a good will gesture from the Luthorian Foreign Office, as Meyer stated at the beginning of his tenure that Kalistan-Luthori relations were a "priority" for him.

Since the Kalistani Empress' interview with "The Republic", which has been widely seen, in Luthori as being a tacit support of the Foreign Secretary's actions, which aims to reduce the misunderstanding between both states, in order to develop common themes where a discussion towards developing better relations between Fort William and Kaliburg and this change in Luthorian policy may also be helpful in that goal.

Luthori's recent development should send a positive message for the state of Luthori-Kalistan relations, now the reaction from Kalistan will be looked upon.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Autokrator15 » Sat Jun 08, 2024 3:54 pm

Secretary of State of Defence annoyed at Yishelem's erratic & frantic behaviour
November 5495

Fort William - Earlier this month the Yuedi Kovah made an interview on diplomatic negotiations between Saridan and Kundrati, a matter which does not concerns the Luthorian Empire. In the interview the Kovah went on a frantic and erratic temper tantrum as the Kundrati government called it. In this 'tantrum' the Empire was also named, our reporters went to the Secretary of State for Defence, who wishes to make a statement on the next developments with the military. Sadly for that he was forced to focus on this issue.

On the issue, when deeply pressed to make a comment the Secretary stated:
I’ve asked the Foreign Secretary to formally make a complaint at the Government of Beiteynu. I’m not happy with this behaviour of the Yeudi Head of the Military Command. For starters, our alledged ‘’eratic’’ behaviour is once more tiresome nonsense from Yishelem. The idea suggesting that we are not keeping our front yard, the Artanian Sea safe is ridiculous. Secondly that our military policy is ‘’incoherent’’ is also wrong. Luthori has pursued the same military policy for a while. We are proud of our military. Yes we make errors, we are all but human, but this is an unneccessary low blow and this isnt the first time. It has to stop.

On the issue that Luthori doesnt cooperate nor does anything to keep the continent safe, the Secretary of State got very annoyed and obviously let himself go a bit:
Well, you can see that the large continent wide pacts have failed because of conflicting views, interest and largely because it is a Majatra model jammed through the throats of others. Also I find it puzzeling that they think we arent doing our part for JAMS. May we remind them that the Southern Fleet was dispatched there to that area as part of the JAMS agreement? Or are we once more digging up old grievences long resolved? I'm not even sure why I'm responding to this in the first place, everyone with a bit of historical knowledge knows this is not an issue.

On the issue on the instability on the continent and the interventions that happened, it was clear that Yishelem was as usual unreasonable, we asked the Secretary his view on this, to which we responded once more with irritation, though he did try to his credit to keep it civil:
Very rich, nitpicking from Yishelem. Must it come to this? Old friends blaming one another? We could point out that he is a lying through his teeth. The last Malivia crisis was handled largely by Luthori aided by Beiteynu and Kundrati. Yet do we get praise for it? No, this man berates us and focuses only on their actions. Its shameful. Not to mention that the intervention in Ikradon and Kirlawa did cause more cooperation between states. Not every cooperation has to be tied in the chokehold of a formal treaty. Beiteynu needs to stop meddeling.

Afterwards the Secretary stated the last part, showcasing understanding for Beiteynu but also giving them advise not to hit everyone around them with a stick.
Beiteynu would do best to calm down. This erratic and paranoid behaviour towards everyone and everything is not helping restore anything. We agree that the Hubris War was tragic, our fault for not seeing the Kundrati sneak attack hurts us too, our sailors died too in that battle. To Yishelem I would say lets be pragmatic instead of their dogmatic interference in how others should cooperate. That will be all for today.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Drax » Sat Jun 08, 2024 5:01 pm

Deltaria Will Welcome Princess Alice Visit

Neue Dundorfische Zentrumspartei (NDZP), Dundorf, Active
Deltarianska Narodna Strana (DNS), Deltaria, Active
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Re: Luthori

Postby Nileowen_ » Sat Jun 08, 2024 5:38 pm

John 8:32 (DRA)
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