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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Sat Jun 08, 2024 4:32 pm

Humperdinck Media Group (Luthori)
הפוסט ירושלים | The Yishelem Post
Medinat Dpt. seeks Selucia's mediation
January 5496


Auroria, Selucia - Following the escalation of trilateral tensions with Kundrati and Luthori after what the media reported as a "tantrum by the Kohav", the Head of the Medinat Dpt. landed in Auroria this morning in an effort to seek Selucia's mediation in finally putting the entire matter to bed.

Although directly unrelated to the talks with Selucia, Fort William also decided to engage after Kundrati's own whimsical "bite", making it quite clear that the ongoing diplomatic tensions would not subside anytime soon, especially as all sides continue to fail to reach "common ground".

Upon landing, Eli Kadiyot made the following short statement:

We don't know how to coordinate with Kasaema. And we can't just pretend that none of the terrible things they have done, didn't happen. The precedent that both Artanian states seek for us to establish by accepting a "water under the bridge" policy, is something we have no idea how to embrace.

What security and assurances are we talking about here; where, when? These and other questions of the same nature we have attempted to answer multiple times in the past, yet it all boils down to one simple statement: we just don't feel safe and there's nothing to make us feel safe, at the moment.

It is our hope that Auroria will be able to consult and guide us; maybe even consider mediating between us and Kasaema.

When asked whether this entire situation was yet another beifartsouf at play, he waved it off.

No comment.

He departed as the media clamoured with a series of questions on rumours of increased activity by the 3rd Point.

Questions that went unanswered.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby Svetlana2 » Sun Jun 09, 2024 3:40 am

December 24,5495

Leadership Committee of MCR dissolved following a successful motion of no confidence by Larissa Novikoviana, infightings start within the party: too much radicalism?

Yishelem, Beiteynu. It seems that Beiteynu historically radical party has yet again fallen into a political limbo as the head of MCR's Information and Propaganda Resistance committee, Larissa Novikoviana, has successfully filed a motion of no confidence on the leadership committee that rules the party, her motion was backed by the Public Affairs, Scientific Development, Arts and Culture committee, Minorities Protection committee, Financial Transparency committee, and the Transparency and Boldness committee, this entire assemble of committee heads easily made up the majority which allowed for the motion to pass the Leadership Committee to be dissolved according to the Party's constitution which forces all committee heads to prepare for internal elections alongside the ousting of Salma Beir al-Qasseem from her postion as party head.

In addition, the reasons for the non-confidence motion were the fact that MCR keeps on losing elections ever since the failure that was the TRA widescale investigations that have stagnated for the past years alongside widespread frustration within the party has forced Larissa to put forward that motion to at least save the reputation of the party, the last time the party found itself headless was when Maya Winky and Veronic Sylvester, the two founders of MCR, announced their retirement from politcs. The party finds itself at crossroads as it's most likely gonna end up falling into irrelevance again with the most likely outcome of HHB dominating Beiteynuese politcs for the upcoming years.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Sun Jun 09, 2024 6:50 am

Humperdinck Media Group (Luthori)
הפוסט ירושלים | The Yishelem Post
Bureau reported to join Selucian talks with Kundrati
May 5496

Auroria, Selucia - Not to be confused with YBI, the Bureau of Keshef Management is an independent authority which, after the latest amendments by the Aristocrat-Goldbloom Administration, is responsible for coordinating and overseeing Yeudish financial institutions in the Yeudish Neset.

The Bureau's Head noted how the historic close ties of banking institutions between the two countries - with Ashalon Bank BEIFG's noteworthy relations with Kundratijan conglomerate Tomasadyn National at the epicentre - is a topic that was imperative to be addressed during the talks in Selucia; especially as Kundrati had began in the last couple of years to bounce back from the severe economic downturn at the onset of the war with Lourenne.

High-ranking sources from the Medinat Dpt. noted that the Kadiyot delegation will also seek reparations by the Kundratijan Government.

Reparations that seem to float upwards of 100 billion LFR.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby Elena1012 » Sun Jun 09, 2024 2:16 pm

Communist Party of the Beiteynunese Homeland dissolves; Cites failure of proper gainage to support the party long-term.

It would seem radicalism is dying out in Beiteynu. First it was the MCR being reduced to a headless icon, and now the Communists have followed. With a formal dissolution, the CPBH has been de-registered and can no longer legally appear in any voting ballot. With sources citing that the CPBH has dissolved for a multitude of reasons, the biggest reason was the failure of the CPBH to actually be appealing to the people, with the highest the party for being 0.9% of the vote in elections, and after that completely falling down. With the failure to grow, it would seem the Communists failed to largely develop a voter base that is sustainable, and so party funds quickly dried up. Obviously this is unsustainable for such a small party and so, the CPBH has come to an end with no successor party.

So what does this mean? Well, radicalism is dying out in Beitenyu. This is leaving many former radicals to new avenues and disavowing radicalism. With the MCR, the de facto icon of radicalism being lost, this has served as a major blow to the Radical Movement in Beiteynu. Combined with the loss of a Communist threat ever entering the Knesset and things are looking good for a moderate stable future for Beiteynu. No more radicals, both MCR and Communists means the ruling HHB can ensure a mandate with no interference to guide Beiteynu through the years.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby dannypk » Sun Jun 09, 2024 5:39 pm

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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Sat Jun 15, 2024 7:24 am

Humperdinck Media Group (Luthori)
הפוסט ירושלים | The Yishelem Post
Digitali Nimshal restores Terran Times after systemwide crash
MAY 5499

Himmelshtern, Beiteynu - The news aggregator suffered a systemwide crash yesterday night when "chunks of unreadable data" reached its processing apps, according to the Head of the Digitali Nimshal. The output of the ETL mechanisms in place (Extract - Transform - Load) essentially resulted in a complete wipe of the aggregator's news and media headlines, trends, mentions and other data, also crashing multiple webhooks and interfaces in the process.

"The error was rather obscure and difficult to trace", she added, citing the dynamic nature of content from publishers and distributors worldwide. "We are constantly adjusting our algorithms to better understand and serve headlines from multiple languages into a single stream", she concluded.

Josep Peres, the Minister of Internal Affairs himself, thanked the teams at DH for rapidly tackling the problems and restoring operability.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Sat Jun 15, 2024 8:46 am

Aristocrat Insurance Group (Kalopia)
כֶּסֶף | Keshef
Meet the world's curious diplomatic district of business "embassies"
MAY 5499


Yishelem, Beiteynu - Whereas the Menayot (Stock Exchange) and Tel Bira are teeming with the life of trade bells, angry stock traders and the "cha-chings" of endlessly flowing money, the Yesheeva (Conclave District) in Yishelem is an extremely quiet, inaccessible and heavily guarded place, packed with serious white buildings with limited windows, courtesy of the Neset's biggest conglomerates and influencers from all reaches of Terra.

No, the headquarters of the illusive political entity known as "Yeudish Lobbyists" is not here; per Beiteynuese Law, it can't be. Why?

The Yesheeva is not, strictly speaking, under the jurisdiction of the Beiteynuese Government.


Thanks to our holding company from Kalopia (Aristocrat Insurance Group) - one of said conglomerates present with an "embassy" in the district - we were granted access to take an escorted "stroll" across its streets; we had to sign quite a few NDAs so we are unable to divulge a lot of information.

However, our impression of the district only highlights its mystery: it's quiet, filled with silent people and a lot of heavily armed Mishtara.

A sense of watchful eye-to-eye understanding fills the air, as if everyone knows about everyone and everything without talking about anyone or anything. No words exchanged; not even the whispers of the likes of Yeudish intelligence notoriety.

In start contrast, we did not feel limited by the eerie environment; we felt rather invigorated by ambition, accomplishment... something else?

A feeling of power...?


Again, we can't divulge a lot of information; but we did manage to catch glimpses of "diplomats" and "embassies" from Istalia, Kundrati, Dundorf, Luthori - even Hutori, Lourenne, Badara - and even Cildania, Vascania's IVO's heavy-weight and rather intimidating building; and even Baltusia and Deltaria.

And, of course, Narikaton and Darnussia's presence was inescapable.

Much like Little Yishelem in Jorgen Island, this place, too, had a Little Bannerhafen.

Well; not so little.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Sat Jun 15, 2024 4:56 pm

Humperdinck Media Group (Luthori)
הפוסט ירושלים | The Yishelem Post
Dorvik removed from Reshimat Hara after joint Bannerhafen-Dunburg request
July 5499

Yishelem, Beiteynu - Yishelem's animosity towards Haldor has been a centuries old pillar, a hatred that almost reached a hot incident when the Dorvish navy refused to budge and withdraw from the Migrant's Pass, shortly after the 2nd Malivian Crisis. Since then, while the Yeudi Shitlist has changed in context and policy - even after the 5490 rigidness, the Medinat Dpt. has remained consistent in not only ceasing channels, but also issuing Neset guidelines against Dorvik.

Stemming from Narikaton and Darnussia's and Dundorf's decades-in-the-works warm up of relations under a banner of extensive cultural ties, it has been reported that both states have lobbied the Beiteynuese Government to reconsider its "middle-finger" stance towards their northern Artanian counterpart, citing how Yeudish treatment continues to foster a negative sentiment that spills over to Bannerhafen and Dunburg respectively.

Eli Kadiyot, the Head of the Medinat Dpt., stated that "while it is time to move on, Beiteynuese leniency is by no means a stepping stone for returning to the past", in reference of the very tight security guard implemented in the Migrant's Pass via JAMS and the Yishelhafen Pact.

He declined to comment on whether the rumours were true that the 3rd Point was getting ready to initiate some sort of military operations.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Sun Jun 16, 2024 9:34 am

Humperdinck Media Group (Luthori)
הפוסט ירושלים | The Yishelem Post
A diplomatic visit to the cold north
December 5499


Bekenial, Hutori - Beiteynuese-Hutorian relations have been remarked as "watchful and understanding from afar" for decades, with both sides casually observing each other's movements, realising constantly that their common areas of interest are always disrupted by a seeming clash of geopolitical interests.

Especially if you take into account how Yishelem and the southern hemisphere have been at odds with specific northern states for centuries. Pursuant to "aligning with the times", Eli Kadiyot of the Medinat Department seeks to "change the page" with Bekenial, once and for all.


Although that curious naval incident during the Bloody Coup of Kafuristan involving a Hutorian warship still remains unclear under the "fog of war", almost 100 years later, Mr. Kadiyot did hint that the Yeudish Bureau of Investigations is working with IRSA from Lourenne to attempt to determine what really happened; and whether there was any foul play - direct or indirect - by the Yeudish intelligence community operating in Alduria.

When asked about any potential influence by the Benowitz House of the shipping industry that's currently being extensively investigated by YBI, TRA and IRSA (and if the matter had any relation to the upcoming 4th installation of controversial book series The Meddling Affairs), Mr. Kadiyot declined to comment.

"If the Beiteynuese Government is at fault", he stated from the tarmac in Bekenial, "we will not shy away from taking responsibility".

It is, after all, common knowledge that the Kadiyots are not exactly fond of the Benowitzes.


Hutorian software conglomerate Millard is, after all, one of the biggest players in the industry and with a hard earned spot in the Yesheeva (the curious district of business "embassies" and lobbyists in Yishelem), after it acquired Beigle, Beiteynu's leading search engine, back in 5389. Since then, it has worked extensively with other leading software developers in both marketing and advertising, making the company a household name in the Neset.

As such, the delegation will seek to negotiate Bekenial's entry to the Neset's framework of trade and commerce to further alleviate commercial hindrances.

As both the software industry and financial titans such as Beishalom Group and Ashalon BEIFG involved in Hutorian-Yeudi deals across the centuries have close ties with defence manufacturers and suppliers (i.e. Mekadir, the software arm of aerospace manufacturer Biraero, which developed the Kfir and Nesher jet fighters together with Canrille Defense Enterprise), defence executives have been attempting to broker deals regarding Hutori's participation in the Equifund, citing how the independent marketplace can become a cornerstone in enabling partnerships and even joint projects between "kindred spirits" in military equipment.

With an emphasis on military grade software, space hardware and, of course, naval equipment; the latter representing an area of "close interests".


Although Mr. Kadiyot declined to comment on whether any intelligence related subjects were present on the agenda, it has been widely presumed that the "common characteristics" of past conduct of the intelligence communities shared by both states may offer a "bridge" of future cooperation.

Potentially resulting in Yishelem and Bekenial shaking hands on intelligence partnerships, and even AllComm itself, the framework around Allink.


Analysts have surmised that this "gravitation" to Hutori is an attempt by the Medinat Dpt. to fill the Neset's gaping holes in the north, especially considering the Beiteynuese Government's awkward position with Lodamun, a Seleyan state which has began expanding security related operations in recent years.

"Yishelem is looking to connect with a stable leader from the northern hemisphere, for the long term", was Mr. Kadiyot's concluding comment.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby _nicolo_02 » Sun Jun 16, 2024 7:59 pm

Currently in:
- Dundorf: Dundorfs Sozialdemokratische Partei
- Beiteynu: Ha'mahaneh Ha'demokrati Beiteinu
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