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Re: Hutori

Postby colonelvesica » Wed Jun 12, 2024 2:08 pm

Hutorian Delegation Arrives in Eroncourt for State Visit
Backdated: July 5496

Hutorian Prime Minister Victoria Masterson

A substanial delegation from the Kingdom of Hutori arrived in Lourenne today to discuss a myriad of topics with the Royal Government. Chief amongst these was finalizing the welcoming of Lourannis banking giant, Moreau-Vandem for operation in Hutori. Hutorian financial regulators, amongst the most stringent in the northern hemisphere, placed severe restriction on new financial institutions being allowed to work in Hutori, mostly in regards to the requirements of capital for operating on a national level, including the requirement for financial institutions requiring to have the full amount of money on hand they would spend and loan out. While smaller banks and credit unions are exempt from the requirement, this stringent requirement for capital, and increasing amounts of it to operate on a nation level, has kept all but the largest banks from working in Hutori.

The welcoming of Moreau-Vandem, overseen by Hutorian Financial Minister Peter Ross, was in the background as the Hutorian government officials have reportedly been in talks with Lourenne about utilizing the Lourannis Franc as a reserve currency in Hutori. Reports are still in the early stages, but this decision by Bekenial to align their financial system more firmly with Eroncourt would mark the first northern economy to put itself more firmly into Lourenne's orbit. Insiders at the Department of Finance refused comment though some unnamed sources noted that, Bekenial having the Franc as a substanial reserve currency was no difference then them holding reserves of the Luthorian Pound, with Bekenial preferring to hold onto supplies of the most valuable currencies.

occurred as Minister of International Trade Alexander Lexington, was on hand for talks with numerous Lourannis business leaders on coming into the lucrative Hutorian market place. He was personally joined by the Premier of Kenai, Natalia LaChance, also encouraging additional Lourannis investment and interest in her home province, and Isaac Grey, the Grand Chief of the Mashacara of Falristan and also the Senior Vice President of Operation of the Carter Energy Group. The Mashacara owned Hutorian energy conglomerate specifcally were in Lourenne to speak to Lourannis energy interests on aiding in the diversification of Carter Energy into the green energy market internationally and on aiding in the diverisfaction of the energy grids that the Mashacara themselves draw on.

Crown Princess Erika was also in attendence for a private audience with King Leopold VI, where she was honored as the Duchess of Alcarie. The Duchy of Alcarie marks the fifth title that, once the Crown Princess takes the throne, the Hutorian Royal Family possesses in the United Kingdom, marking the extremely close relationship between the Hutorian and Lourannis Royal Families. The Crown Princess's uncle, Prince Daniel, the Duke of St. Anslem who is a career foreign service officer with tours in Alduria, Mordusia and Luthori prior to this, has also recently been appointed as the Ambassador to the United Kingdom. This extremely high level appoint of a member of the Royal Family is an apparent move by the government in Bekenial to firm up their relationship with Eroncourt, with the Duke expected to be able to utilize both his connections in the diplomatic community and a direct line of contact with King Leopold VI, to be able to get results for Bekenial directly, one of the most clever moves of Royal Diplomacy in recent years.
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Re: Hutori

Postby GreekIdiot » Sun Jun 16, 2024 9:34 am

A diplomatic visit to the cold north
December 5499
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Re: Hutori

Postby colonelvesica » Tue Jun 18, 2024 1:30 pm

The King is Dead, Long Live the Queen
October 5497


The mourning bells across Hutori are ringing as the nations mourns the passage of King Maximillian. The Hutorian Monarch passed peacefully in his sleep at Steuart House last night surrounded by his extended family. King Maximillian came to the throne late in life, his father King Alexander III having been on the throne for over sixty years. The King was the first Hutorian monarch in several centuries that was a member of both the Hutorian and Luthorian Royal Families, King Alexander III having married Princess Alexandra of Luthori. King Maxmillian lived long enough to outlast his immediate heir, Prince Robert, who passed ten years prior due to cancer, something not widely publicized outside of Hutori. King Maximillian's eldest grandaughter, Princess Erika has ascended to the throne, taking the regal name of Queen Victoria II, in honor of her great great grandmother. The new Queen invested her husband, Prince Henri of Lourenne, as the new Duke of Newport and Prince Consort of Hutori.

Queen Victoria II ascends to the throne with innumerable international titles attached to the Hutorian Monarch, many of the most recent directly attributed to her own personal brand of Royal Diplomacy, reinforcing her influence on the modern Hutorian Monarchy; her having been named a Peer of the Order of the Grey Smoke of Kalistan, reaffirmed as the Grand Duchess of Geharon by Luthori, the Duchess of Alcarie by Lourenne and as the new Khatun of Estifíesti and the Protector of the Northern Jelbek People. Innumerable international dignitaries were on hand for the coronation.
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Re: Hutori

Postby colonelvesica » Tue Jun 18, 2024 2:01 pm

Bekenial and Fort William Complete State Visit
July 5498

Armstead Manor, Official Residence of the Luthorian Ambassador to Hutori

After significant delays the Holy Luthori Empire and the Kingdom of Hutori have completed an official state visit between their respective government in Bekenial, marking the third major state visit by Luthori in recent memory. Prime Minister Victoria Masterson, Foreign Minister Luc Wheeler met with the Luthorian Foreign Secretary Andrew Meyer on a two state visit to reaffirm the "Special Relationship" between Fort William and Bekenial. The Luthorian Foreign Secretary was joined by Prince Charles, who both had a special private audience with Her Imperial Majesty Victoria II, the first private audience to a foreign official since her ascension to the throne in October. The Queen recieved the Letter Patent reaffirming her title in Luthori as the Grand Duchess of Geharon, and reaffirmed the Luthorian Monarchy's titles in Hutori and gave a Letter Patent to Prince Charles in turn, also investing the Luthorian Monarch and their Heirs as Knight Marshals of the Order of the Golden Lion, Hutori's own Knightly Order. While Peerages within the Order of the Golden Lion are rarely given out to non Hutorians, the Luthorian Monarchs join the Monarch of Lourenne as the only current non Hutorians to be given the highest honor within the Order, the only higher rank being that of the Lady Sovereign of the Order itself.

Queen Victoria II also gifted the Luthorian Government a new residence in Riverview Heights, one of the most exclusive neighborhoods in Hutori that hosts importance sites such as Steuart House, the official residence of the Royal Family, 24 Orange Avenue, the official residence of the Prime Minister and Ross House, the official residence of the Leader of the Official Opposition. The residence that was gifted is to the Luthorian Government is a manor that draws back to the 40th century, and had once been the Bekenial Residence of the Prince of Adelia. Renamed as Armstead Manor, the Manor will serve as the new official residence of the Luthorian Ambassador to the Kingdom of Hutori.

Prime Minister Victoria Masterson and Foreign Minister Wheeler met over two days with the Luthorian Foreign Secretary who, according to insiders that were in the meeting, were receptive to the signing of a new Fraternity Treaty that would formalize the Special Relationship between Bekenial and Fort William, and would continue to push for closer ties between the two Luthorian speaking nations.
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Re: Hutori

Postby colonelvesica » Tue Jun 18, 2024 3:00 pm

Long Awaited Meeting Between Beitenyu and Hutori Complete
December 5499

Embassy of Beitenyu in Bekenial

Despite locking horns numerous times throughout the 55th Century, an official state visit between Beitenyu and Hutori has never occured throughout this time. Despite both holding official Embassies in their respective capitals, the relationship between Yishelem and Bekenial has always been described as "correct" within the diplomatic community. This long policy by Bekenial towards the Yeudi Homeland has been seen colored by Beitenyu's infamous policy of "meddling" in other nation's affairs, though none towards Hutori throughout the centuries. This policy of careful observation by Bekenial is believed to be traced back to, what is simply known in the community as the "Alduria Incident" where a Hutorian Frigate, apart of an international anti-piracy force was denied access to Alduria's ports following an attack by Kafuri pirates resulting in the deaths of 13 Hutorian sailors and the HMHS-Axminister remaining in dry dock in Likatonia for months for repairs, that might have been avoided entirely. While no party officially admitted to what happen, it's been an open and unkept secret within the Hutorian diplomatic and intelligence community that Beitenyu was solely to blame to force Hutori out of the area of operations. Ironically it's also widely believed that the entire raison d'etre of the 55th Century Naval Plan, which has culminated in next year's launching of the first CV-5500 class Aircraft Carrier, was entirely sparked due to this incident. The century's long investigation by Yeudi and Lourannis intelligence services into the incident have not engendered faith or belief in the Hutorian intelligence community into other organization, with the cynical analysis being, that one or both were responsible and neither want to point the finger at one or both of them.

Despite the muted animosity, it's been no secret that since the Luthorian Monarchs were declared the Sovereigns of Beitenyu that Bekenial has taken a second look at Beitenyu, espceially after their defeat in the Hubris War, popping the bubble of their aura of invincibility. Hutori is also not a stranger to entering into vast and far reaching relationships, with Bekenial being viewed as the centre of one the most complex webs of relationships and interests in the northern hemisphere, having few if any hostile nations towards it, and being close to nations that other otherwise hostile to each other; one of the biggest examples of this being Hutori being close to both Lourenne and Luthori, despite the not so subtle amnosity they have for each other.

Eli Kadiyot and his delegation was able to meet with Hutorian Prime Minister Victoria Masterson for a multi day summit between the two nations, where a number of topics were broached. Hutori has shown a willingness to join Equifund, with Hutorian defence technologies still considered amongst some of the top lines products in Terra and the defence industry in Hutori being considered one of the cornerstones of their economic output. This has included Hutorian small arms, armored vehicles, and critically the venerable HF-35, Hutori's top of the line fighter aircraft. Horizon Technology Corporation even completed a so called "Export" model of the HF-35 year ago, called the HF-35E, that was a stripped down version of the HF-35 that could be customized for the local needs of whatever nation chose to purchase them.

In addition it's been noted that Lexington Entertainment is planning on opening a new software development and game development studio in Beitenyu, to enhance their own international outreach and to join Hutorian giant, Millard in Majatra. Other subjects broached, including Hutori potentially joining AllLink and the Yeudi Neset were met with cautious warm receptions, though the Hutorian Department of International Trade is apparently hesitant to join the Neset over Beitenyu's history of using international treaties and networks to further their own intelligence apparatus and, more specifically, over Article 8, an Article within the Neset Treaty that give the respective nations the ability to demand trade restrictions on any goods, within any industry, towards any nation, which Hutorian trade specialists view as a potential way for Beitenyu to enforce unofficial trade embargos towards unfriendly nations, though it's not considered a deal breaker.

During the summit, Queen Victoria II met privately with Eli Kadiyot, though nothing has been confirmed as to what was discussed between them.
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Re: Hutori

Postby colonelvesica » Tue Jun 18, 2024 4:01 pm

Royal Hutorian Navy Formally Launches the HMHS-Queen Victoria

Newly Named HMHS-Queen Victoria, near Port Prosperity

After eight years and 17.5 Billion HLR spent, the Kingdom of Hutori has officially launched it's first aircraft carrier to join the Royal Hutorian Navy, the first aircraft carrier Hutori has fielded since it's retired the old Graham class Supercarriers. Having been built under the working titles of the CV-5500 class, the HMHS-Queen Victoria is planned to be the first of three planned Aircraft Carriers that Hutori plans on fielding, the final step of 55th Century Naval Plan, that Hutori brought into play at the turn of the last century. The Victoria class Aircraft Carriers will be able to field up to 75 aircraft Carrier and will include no less then 36 HF-35F Super Hailstorms. The HMHS-Queen Victoria will spend it's first two years on work ups, and shakedown runs, allowing the Hutorian Royal Navy the time to get used to fielding the mammoth vessels again. After the work ups, the Queen Victoria is expected to go on an international tour to various allied ports on Ports of Call, with it's escorting Carrier Strike Group. The planned stops including Lodamun, Dolgava, Kalistan, Lourenne, Alduria, Aldegar and Luthori, with it's final stop planned for it's expected home as the flagship of the Hutorian Fourth Fleet at Keymon.

With the completion of the HMHS-Queen Victoria, construction has began in earnest on the second of the planned Carriers, with the new one being named the William XIV, in honor of the Hutorian Monarch that restored the Hutorian Monarchy in the 54th century, with Hutorian Naval Planners expecting that one to be attached to the Hutorian First Fleet out of Axminister. The launching of the Queen Victoria once again join Hutori into the naval powers that host Aircraft Carriers, including Lourenne, Beitenyu, Luthori, Deltaria and Kundrati. The Hubris War, while devasting to Beitenyu's own fleet of Carriers, proved decisively on their value, with the Lourannis Royal Navy's fighters having struck critical blows against their opponents.

The launching of this vessel has also brought to bare of rumors of the new Hutorian Defence Plan for the new century, already labelled the 56th Century Defence Plan, where Hutorian military planners will lay out the plans, organization and doctrine for the rapidly reemerging Hutorian Armed Forces for the next hundred years.
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Re: Hutori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Tue Jun 18, 2024 5:44 pm

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Re: Hutori

Postby colonelvesica » Thu Jun 20, 2024 1:58 am

Hutori to Deploy Joint Task Force to Lodamun for Exercise Afterburner

An HF-35F flying over the Queen Victoria Carrier Strike Group

The Hutorian Department of National Defence has confirmed that elements of the Hutorian Armed Forces will be particpating in the multinational military exercise, Afterburner 2, being hosted in the Commonwealth of Lodamun. Major General Clayton Everett, the Deputy Commander of Hutorian Joint Operations Command, verified that the Hutorian Armed Forces would be deploying a full dedicated Task Force to participate. Joint Task Force Afterburner, as it's known, will be taking a number of elements for the exercise from various units, all dedicated to working in air superiority and naval strikes. The HF-35D Super Blizzards of the 13th and 16th Fighter Squadrons from the Royal Hutorian Air Force's 4th Fighter Wing based in Keymon are flying to Lodamun, in addition to a support squadron of HS-13AS Sky Hawk fighter bombers, an HE-4 Eagle Eye AWACS Command and Control aircraft. On the ocean, in it's maiden voyage, the HMHS-Queen Victoria II and her escorting Carrier Strike Group would also be participating. The HF-35F Super Hailstorms, of the 1st Carrier Air Wing, would be formally attached to the Carrier Air Wing specifically to offer their own support and to allow the Hutorian Royal Navy active practice with their new Carrier.

Joint Task Force Afterburner will be placed under the overall command of Commodore Jacqueline Thibault, the commander of the Queen Victoria II Carrier Strike Group, consisting of a quartet of Bekenial II class Frigates, a trio of Liberty class Destroyers, an escorting Newport class Cruiser and a Bunker class Auxiliary Vessel. They will be aided Colonel Patrick Harrison, who will have overall command of the Royal Hutorian Air Force units attached to the Task Force. The Hutorian Armed Forces are no strangers to multinational military exercises, having hosted their annual Winter Lion and Leviathan Tide Exercises every year likely clockwork for years. though this will be the first time that there will be a near total focus on aerial combat and naval strikes, and will be the first time Hutori has utilized Carrier based assets in years. This will also be the first multinational exercise that Hutori will be exercising alongside Kalistan, and the first time in an extremely long time that Hutori and Lourenne will be jointly exercising. Insiders at the Department of National Defence are hoping for a good showing by their military to show that Hutori is still able to play on the main show as they once were.

This will be the first international showing of the HMHS-Queen Victoria II, and after the exercise, it's widely expected that Lodamun will serve as the first formal Port of Call for the Queen Victoria on her planned international tour.
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Re: Hutori

Postby colonelvesica » Sat Jun 22, 2024 12:11 pm

Hutorian Government and Leading Banks to Acquire 60 Billion LFR Yeudi Debt


In a landmark financial maneuver, the Hutorian government, alongside the nation's three largest financial institutions, the International Terran Bank, Gold Lion Capital, and Royal Hutorian Bank, have committed to purchasing 60 billion Francs worth of Yeudi Securities. This significant move aims to alleviate the burgeoning debt challenges faced by Yishelem and foster closer economic ties between the two countries.

Beiteynu has been grappling with ever escalating debt levels, driven by ever deficit spending and economic downturn following the Hubris War. The debt relief initiative is considered by financial analysts has both a hedge at aiding in stabilizing the Yeudi economy, and by proxy their massive trade network, but also interlacing the Hutorian economy deeper into the south.

The initial transaction was led by the Hutorian Central Reserve Bank that was seeking to acquire 36 Billion Francs worth of Yeudi securities. They were later joined by ITB, GLC and RBH who will all acquire 7.5 Billion, 10 Billion and 6.5 Billion of Yeudi Securities respectfully. After the dust settles Hutorian entities will collectively own 1% of Yishelem's total 6 Trillion Francs worth of debt.

Hutori stands to gain on multiple fronts from this deal. Economically, the purchase diversifies the investment portfolios of its banks, offering potential high yields given Beiteynu’s strong economic fundamentals. Politically, it reinforces Hutori's position as a traditional middle of the road nation, willing to work with anyone, while also potentially insulating Bekenial from Beiteynu's known love of "meddling" in other nations affairs. Further, while Hutori is buying 60 Billion Francs worth of debt, the transaction is bring done in Hutorian Lira, which aids in reinforcing the strength of Hutori's own currency and economy.
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Re: Hutori

Postby Drax » Sat Jun 22, 2024 4:51 pm

Hutori - Dunfdorf Friendship and Trade Treaty Ratified

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