
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Kalistan

Postby Doc » Tue Jul 16, 2024 3:22 am


New KPO Dams begin Operations
4 of 8 new High Dams begin operation between 4 and 6 months ahead of Schedule

Lhasa Narrows, Duchy of Neveras
October 19, 5514

Lhasa Narrows Dam, North of Lhasa, Neveras has filled and is now generating power

Four of the eight dams in the nearly decade and a half old Civil Infrastructure Program being run by KPO have been completed and are beginning to generate power. The Lhasa Narrows Dam was the first to get underway, and is generating power that will ultimately yield more than 1100 GWh annually. The other 3 dams, The Bong High Dam, the Upper Gran Dam and the Platte Narrows Dam near Harlond Vrassa, are also beginning operation and will slowly ramp up to capacity of a total of 2900 GWh between the three. The Chancellor of the Empire was on hand at Lhasa Narrows to inaugurate the Dam operation.

"It is a feat of civil engineering and effort on the part of the National Service Program that built this dam and this resevoir," said Lord Wilkes. "This dam is 645 Feet tall, is half a mile long, and limits a resevoir that is close to 5000 acres in size. Not only will this dam produce enough energy to light this district and a good portion of Suldanor and Odufaray, but it will also provide flood control lower on the Neveras River and a regular source of water for hundreds of thousands of the Central Valley's Residents and farmers via aqueduct. The dams that we have completed so far and will complete will provide a reliable and abundant source of green energy for Kalistan Proper for generations to come, and through energy connections, will permit Kalistan to sell inexpensive electricity abroad to out neighbors. Most of all, it will once more dramatically reduce our dependence on hydrocarobons to fuel out power plants."

The remaining four dams are continuing on schedule, with the first dam above Littleton, Vrassa being completed late next year and the Yoshimi, Kluptoon and Lucid Rivers Dams being completed in 5516. Additional geothermal energy facilities in the Green Mountains of Ananto are also nearing completion, and civil Engineers are looking at the possibility of extending the Dam Construction project to either the Zappa or Davon Rivers above Kaliburg. "We are in the preliminary stages of that project at the moment," said Lord Wilkes. "There are a lot of variables to consider, and some of them are political. Sadly..."

The completion of the Lhasa Narrows Dam and the other three projects frees resources up to be directed toward the remaining 4 dams, and may even bring one or more of those to completion ahead of schedule.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistan

Postby Doc » Tue Jul 16, 2024 4:38 am


KMC Representatives travel to Kazulia and Kundrati to discuss purchases
Military air assets on Agenda; also Proposal for Strait Exercises

Kaliburg, Grand Duchy of Ananto
October 17, 5514

Reps from KALMILINCO fly to Kazulia and Kundrati to discuss purchases

Representatives from Kalistan's Nationalized Military Industrial Complex, KalMilInCo, were dispatched over the last month to both Kazulia and Kundrati to discuss acquisition of air defensive assets. "KMC is interested in procuring a specific number of aircraft and air defense Missile batteries that can neutralize any threat coming over our border from any of our neighbors who should decide that it might be worth it to try to attack Kalistan," said KalMilInCo spokesperson Greta Andress. "We first flew to Kazulia to discuss acquisition with Asvald Gruppen. We were looking into their willingness to sell Kalistan about 3 dozen Vaab JAS.39C Gripen, along with munitions and trainers to help our Regular Air Force operate them."

The Multirole fighter, developed in Kazulia around 5400, is viewed as the most modern multi-role aircraft in the Kazulian arsenal, and if added to Kalistan's Regular Airforce, would allow Kalistan to adequately counter similar aircraft rumored to exist in other Northern Seleyan Nations. "We'd ultimately like to conclude an ongoing agreement with Asvald," said Andress, "to regularly take reciept of lots of 3 dozen, to replace old fighters as they wear out or end servicability. If secured, the Gripen will be a cornerstone of our Regular Air Force, which sadly, has to date been mostly neglected." Kazulian manufacturers are reportedly researching the terms of the deal.

Following the visit to Kazulia, KMC reps next travelled to Kundrati, where several items were discussed. "Like the offer we made in Kazulia, we also offered to purchase surplusses of the Kundrati multirole fighter known as The Lasaitasuna. "For centuries, Kalistan has lagged in the acquisition of modern aviation," said Andress. "It seemed like whenever Kalistan attempted to purchase, or design their own multirole fighter, some completely unforseen but not entirely unexpected force would stand in the way of completion of the deal, and Kalistan would specifically be denied the opportunity to acquire the same level of Jet fighter technology that other similarly situated states would be able to dream into existence. But it is clear that not only does Kalistan need these weapons to create a modern air deterrent, but we now seem to have partners who are willing to sell us them. So it is in our interest to attempt to acquire them for the defense of our Empire."

Andress emphasized that KMC would like to acquire both the Lasaitasuna AND the Gripen. "Both have their benefits, and their weaknesses, and in the interest of versatility, Kalistan would seek to deploy these systems to prevent any lunatic regime from considering Kalistan to be a legitimate target for their militarism. Adding modern air assets like the Lasaitasuna and the Gripen to our flight systems will increase our perparedness in case some bizzaro regime decides to test Kalistan." But Andress noted that plans to discuss rocket defense systems with Kundrati were cancelled at the last minute due to the Kundrati offerings being inappropriate for Kalistani needs. "We were looking for moder SAM batteries from Kundrati. They may excell in anti ballistic technology, and long range rocket artillery, but we already have surface to ship batteries, LAFAs and rocket artillery. What we were asking about was more in line of batteries to increase our anti-air response, and specifically better radar with early warning capabilities. We would like to know when enemy planes take off so we can track them. Even planes with stealth capabilities are not invisible: they produce a signature that can be found if you know where to look. KMC was looking for batteries that could shoot those down, rather than anti-missile missiles, as ICBMs do not pose a threat to Kalistan."

Though they were not able to discuss modern anti-air weaponry, they did also discuss Kalistan producing new Indica Class Submarines to sell back to Kundrati. "These are our most modern submarine and possess many modern features that still mark them as among the most modern non-nuclear submarines in Terra. They have been in production in Kalistan for a very long time, and, as Kundrati approached Kalistan to discuss submarines initially, we are prepared to offer submarines, munitions and schematics to Kundrati in exchange for the aircraft we desire. Our hope is that they will reciprocate in full, and we are able to learn how to produce a variant of their multirole fighter in Kalistan to serve our needs."

At either rate, the meeting between KMC and Kundrati Defense Contractors ended very positively, and a deal is now in the works. Meanwhile, KMC representatives also stopped in and offered a letter from Her Imperial Majesty's Defense Minister Naval Captain Guillermo Davis to his counterpart in the Kundrati Government to officially invite the Kundrati Naval forces to Kalistan to hold wargames during the summer and early Fall of 5515. "We delivered Captain Davis' request at the Kundrati Ministry of Defense. Her Imperial Majesty wanted to be very public about the invitation, and let it be known that these drills will be designed to demonstrate Kalistani capacities, and to get our Navy some practice in combat operations."

The 3rd Regular Navy remains on alert on the Southern Limit, though no official word has been heard from Baltusia regarding news of their acquisition of advanced armaments. "Her Imperial Majesty's Defense Minister informed me personally that silence is of little consequence: Kalistan's defensive doctrine dictates this response even with full information. But the door remains open, and meanwhile, Kalistan and Kundrati can and should help one another shake off the rust, so to speak." Andress said to her understanding, drills would insist in combat patrols, anti-sub and anti-surface operations, search and destroy operations, deployment of and countering irregular tactics (with the Militia, who is currently standing up, and the Marines, who can practice seizure of a hostile vessel) and coordinated fires with land based air units, shore based artillery, and Militia Irregulars. "We look forward to both Kazulai and Kundrati's responses to these proposals."
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistan

Postby Zanz » Tue Jul 16, 2024 10:11 am

Just a bunch of shit.
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Re: Kalistan

Postby Tret_les » Tue Jul 16, 2024 2:34 pm

The Puritans strike back
Dr. Benjamin Whitehouse calls the Government to protect children from drugs
Viibin, Duchy of Neveras
17 December 5514
Dr Whitehouse speaks to teachers and parents about the impact of tobacco, alcohol and cannabis on the younger generation. | Photos by Steve Kowalski/KR
When Dr. Whitehouse's monograph "Opium of the People" was published, he faced alienation on the one hand, and overwhelming support on the other. "I lost many friends who called me a liar, a bigot and a crazy one." — says Dr. Whitehouse at the presentation of his book “Common Ethics. Textbook for High School." — "I received letters threatening my family and my children. My phone was blowing up with calls and messages with curses. This was some kind of mass insanity, pure hatred and anger. Insanity fueled by tobacco sniffing, alcohol drinking and hashish smoking. But at the same time, I found many Friends: pure, bright, freedom-loving Friends." «Friends» are the fans of Whitehouse's books and teachings, devout Hosians at the intersection of Brethrenism and Aurorianism. Many of them consider the current educational system to be rotten and dangerous to children's minds; and government policies in the field of alcohol and tobacco distribution to be harmful. They take long «sick-days» for children and teach them religious morals at home. "Common Ethics" is expected to be a best-seller among them for it contains theological teachings about Biology, Sociology, Philosophy and Art. Without passing the inspection of regulatory authorities, this book is neither a certified textbook nor a scientific work. Yet Dr. Whitehouse claims the opposite: "It is surely a textbook. There are full paragraphs and assignments for them, there are methodological recommendations for studying the book. And this is not some kind of government-order-like school textbooks, no, this is a free but truthful presentation of information that will help to raise up a generation of New Kalistanians. My goal is to create a full line of textbooks, starting from the middle school until the very end of high school. Look at those gathered here. These are all Friends, many of whom have children. Some of them have a diploma in education. We could organize a private, home school for children and teach them what's right and what's wrong, but the current laws don't let us to do so."
"On top of that, any kid now can go and buy alcohol and cigarettes without presenting a proof of adulthood. What is this, Friends? Stupidity or treason? I'd like to believe that this dangerous misunderstanding will soon be corrected by my colleagues from Renew party. We must renew our education system and renew our nation to take care of our children. You know, promote sports, not alcohol. Get weed out of our kids. And let people like us determine how we want to teach our children."

We asked the Renew party leader Trevor Parkinson to share his opinion:
Yes, we are indeed in close contact with Dr. Whitehouse. He did us a great service by writing an explanatory note to the bill. Yes, we have already prepared a bill introducing restrictions on the sale of alcohol and tobacco to minors, as well as the legalization of homeschooling. Anticipating comments of Mr. Chancellor, I hasten to note that such proposals are not in any way radical or subversive to our core values. The changes we want to implement are just common sense. Talking about Doctor's comments about cannabis... Look, there is obviously no discussion of any cannabis restrictions or violation of any provisions of the ODEN agreement in our party. No, not discussable now. We are looking for constructive and productive cooperation with Institutionalists, who we hope will support our proposals.
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Re: Kalistan

Postby GreekIdiot » Tue Jul 16, 2024 7:31 pm

Kohav issues 1st Azhara to Seko after intelligence briefing
February 5515
The Terran Times
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Re: Kalistan

Postby Doc » Wed Jul 17, 2024 3:10 am


Kalistani Air Force Fails Inspector General's Evaluation
Tragic crash last month which killed 4 points to deeper problems in the Air Force

Gendaris, Duchy of Odufaray
April 2, 5515

F/A-10 crashes into hangar killing both crew members and two enlisted on Odufaray NAS

A routine landing turned deadly late last month as an F/A-10, which was returning from a routine patrol over the eastern coast of Kalistan crashed while landing. The plane was landing at a strange angle, and as it touched down, the wheels caught on a runway fixture causing the plane to lose control while taxiing, and spinning it out into a nearby hangar. In the resulting crash, both crew members were killed, along with two members of the ground crew, who attempted to escape the out of control plane.

"This was a tragic accident," said General of the Airforce Major General Brent Sanderson. "It was also totally avoidable. Kalistan's Air Force is woefully undertrained, and Kalistan can make all the deals with foreign states that it likes, but without increased training, and a culture which emphasizes professionalism and safety for our pilots, we are going to see more such exercises and more of this kind of death." The March crash was the most serious in a string of smaller scale incidents that were all chalked up to pilot inexperience and lack of competency.

Following the fatal crash, Her Imperial Majesty's Defense Minister ordered the Military's Inspector General to conduct a month long evaluation of the Air Force's Readiness. The results of the evaluation, reported today shows that Kalistan's Air Force has gone "Unsatisfactory" in nearly all metrics not dealing with aircraft maintenance. "The single positive note from the IG's Evaluation is that Kalistani Enlisted men and women maintain these aircraft and munitions in top order." said General Sanderson. "In all areas pertaining to training and military competence, our Air Force is in a dismal state."

The General noted the sales of advanced multirole fighter craft from Kazulia, and an additional lot expected to be secured from Kundrati. "Modern Fighter craft do not handle like our current stock. We will require not only extensive flight and combat training on those aircraft before our Air Force can be expected to preform well, but it goes much deeper than this."

The General also announced that Her Imperial Majesty, working through Defense Minister Guillermo Davis, has ordered that all Air Force Officers and Naval Air Officers be personally evaluated for fitness. "Her Imperial Majesty, the Empress was understandably disappointed in the results of the IG's evaluation," said General Sanderson. "The next month will be brutal for the Officer corps of the Air Force and the Navy. The Air Force Command is expecting that more than 70% of our officers will be cashiered. We expect to begin needing to commission Warrant Officers, and opening enrollment at Flight School for senior NCOs between the ranks of E-5 and E-7 who wish to accept commission. And then we will have to begin a heavy recruitment campaign. But the IG's report said that the rot comes from the top: that scruity extends to me personally, and I accept the criticism as valid. There is too much that he need to do that we have not done, and the only way to get out of our bad habits and build a new culture, with a new set of officers, from the ground up if we have to."

Some of the black marks on the Air Force include: Regularly flying below min safe elevations, increasing the likelihood of collision with civilian infrastructure, near complete lack of skill in refueling operations, significantly lower target acquisition and neutralization in training environments, broken flight simulators, too little flight training with an instructor before sending pilots out by themselves, in some cases failing physical infrastructure at air bases and naval air stations, lack of standardized air traffic control, lack of standardized take off and landing checklists, lack of adequate flight gear for pilots, lack of correct storage procedures, lack of adherence to or logging of required flight paths, regular exhausting of fuel supplies requiring landing of military aircraft at civilian airports, general lack of professionalism, uniform military appearance, barracks cleanliness and order and discipline in formation, and etc. The list of individual violations of Air Force SOP is more than 125 pages long. "The failures of the Air Force, even in instances where Airmen and women knew they were being evaluated are stunning," said General Sanderson. "And of course, the responsibility for these failures goes all the way up the chain of command."

General Sanderson concluded the press conference stating that he has offered his resignation to Her Imperial Majesty's Defense Minister, who has refused to accept it for the time being. "Minister Davis informed me that the responsibility is mine also to begin to work on reconstruction of the Air Force. I shall therefore stay with the Air Force through December of this year and then will accept early retirement at my current rank, rather than finishing my 30 years with the Air Force." General Sanderson's replacement, Brigadier General Martin Sorin has already been announced, and Sorin has already begun working as Head of Transition under Sanderson's command. "We will have continuity in the chain of command," said Sanderson. "I am optimistic for the restructuring of our service." Similar Inspections have been ordered for the Regular Army and Navy during the remainder of this year, though it is expected that both those services will fare significantly better than the Air Force.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistan

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Thu Jul 18, 2024 4:29 pm

Tory Party (Hardliners) - Primary account.
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Re: Kalistan

Postby Doc » Fri Jul 19, 2024 4:22 am


Kalistani News in Brief: Lourenne-Seko War expands Naval Alert to the Northern Limit
Empress gives birth to Son; Luthori Royals to visit; Training with Lodamun

Bozo River CATC, Grand Duchy of Ananto
April 13, 5516

KRS 774 Makes Way from Docks at BRCATC in Ananto to take place on Northern Limit

Dovani War sparks Alerts on Northern Limit
Her Imperial Majesty, Empress Nicolette II Ananto has ordered her Defense Minister to place the 1st Fleet on Alert and begin conducting Combat Patrols along the Northern Limit, as war has sparked in the Eastern Anantonese Region. "While Her Imperial Majesty remains committed to both Kalistani Neutrality, and Seleyan non-involvement in the current war," said Naval Captain Guillermo Davis, "we also want to ensure that belligerents do not enter into Kalistani territory. Our goal is to ensure that naval units and aircraft arriving from Artania transit outside of the Strait, to prevent there from being any violence near the Kalistani Homeland or the Island of Ananto." Captain Davis stressed that The Empress has called for peace and understanding, and has offered to serve as a mediator between Seko and Lourenne. "Her Imperial Majesty has an interest in stability between our neighbors, and would be willing to lend her credibility as a neutral party to the resolution of this conflict. The 3rd Fleet remains on alert on the Southern Limit, while the 2nd Fleet based in Port Swedes Vrassa remains in port in reserve.

Empress announces Birth of First Son
Her Imperial Majesty has announced the birth of the Crown Prince of Ananto and Kalistan. Named Fredrick-Bjornsson William Ananto-Nordholm, the Crown Prince was born on March 15, 5516 to Empress Nicolette I Ananto and Prince Consort Bjorn Nordholm-Ananto. Fredrick-Bjornsson is the first Ananto to be given a name in the old "High Style" of the ancient house of the Anantos. Crown Prince Fredrick-Bjornsson becomes Crown Prince, while His Highness Duke Victor Joseph Ananto-Martin has been named Crown Regent, should anything happen to the Empress before the Crown Prince reaches the age of Majority. Both Her Imperial Majesty the Empress and baby Fredrick-Bjornsson are doing well in Eveari, though it was rumored to be a difficult labor lasting more than 18 hours.

Foreign Relations: Luthori and Lodamun
Kalistan greeted the Emperor and Empress Consort of Luthori in their first stop on their Seleyan Tour. The Luthorian Royals visited Ananto in January, to return the visits of Kalistanis to Luthori. "This is an important visit," said Her Imperial Majesty's Foreign Minister Lord Francisco Delgado said. "It cements the relationship between the Kalistani and Luthorian Courts and ensures that the normalization process begun under Empress Nicolette I is carried through. Like Empress Nicolette II's visit, this was the first time a Luthorian Monarch has been welcomed in Kalistan, truly signaling the end of long standing antipathy between the two nations and the beginning of a new Era." The Emperor and Empress of Luthori were shown around Ananto and housed on the grounds of the Ananto Estate in Eveari, where the Emperor was presented with an ancient flag of Luthori that the Anantonese Empire had long ago captured during one of the few successes that Kalistan had against Luthori during the Plateau Wars in the 19th Century. "This flag has long been in the hands of the Kalistani Government and has been a highly protected and widely visited display in the National Museum in Kaliburg," said Delgado. "But we felt that to mark the new good feelings between our two nations, the colors of the 1st Brigade of Dragoons, which was wiped out in what is now Lodamun by Anantonese Artillery, was returned in solemn ceremony. The return of the colors signifies the healing of the ancient wounds that have long separated our two nations." The Luthorian Monarchs remained in Kalistan for almost a week before travelling south into Seleya.

Meanwhile, Kalistani Air Force trainers were in Lodamun to observe air tactics in the process of reforming the Regular Air Force. "The Lodamese are practicing new tactics that essentially turn their highways into airstrips in a time of war," said Air Force Major Donna Selwick. "The tactics the Lodamese use are particularly interesting to Kalistan, because they fit in with the doctrine of employing unconventional tactics and efficiency in our military." While the tactics focused on employing more irregular tactics, Kalistani observers also got some practice with basic take off and landing techniques as well. "You'd think that we would have this sort of thing down," said Major Selwick. "But our aim is to retrain the Air Force, from the ground up. We may think we know these things, but we we've had centuries to acquire bad habits that can't be just undone in one training exercise." Major Selwick noted that an offer was made to Lodamese trainers to visit Kalistan and establish a training program at Bozo River Combined Arms Training Center in Ananto. "The offer the Regular Air Force made to Lodamun was to build a semi-permanent mission at Bozo River," said Major Selwick. "This would include some basing options to allow Lodamese radar and AWACS to operate and extend their range significantly furthe east than they were able to do. In exchange, they would help build professionalization in the Regular Air Force." The Lodamese reportedly noted that they would consider the offer, but no firm commitment had been made at press time.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistan

Postby Doc » Fri Jul 19, 2024 8:03 pm


Militia Stands Up
Institutionalist Militia of Kalistan conducts first drills in Northern Kalistan

Dulnerstaad, Grand Duchy of Ananto
August 6, 5516

Militia Members practice Sea rescue in Conjunction with 2nd Regular Navy

The Institutionalist Party's Militia, officially known as the Institutionalist Partisans, is nearly fully stood up, and has launched into a full multi-base exercise rotation called "Northern Watch." The training exercise, which features training exercises pitting Militia forces against Kalistani Regulars is taking place in the Green Mountains of Ananto, including on the Bozo River Combined Arms Training Center, along the Northern Limit off Dulnerstaad, and in the Mountain Warfare Training Center near Lhasa. Militia Artillery, infantry and LAFA units are practicing coordinated fires, irregular tactics like ambush, deep infiltration and sabotage, and long range reconnaissance.

"Kalistan has a long tradition of highly trained militias," said Militia Staff Sergeant Allison Kreuger. "The SP's militia is also our model, though we tend to be a little more dependent on infantry than they were and a little less tied to field howitzers. This makes us somewhat more agile than the old Socialist militia, but less able to pack heavy punches at modern armor." The change in structure and mission in the new Institutionalist Militia reflects a growing need for irregular forces in Kalistan. "Keeping Partisans mobile and able to adapt to a changing environment is more in line with the defensive needs of the Empire in coming battles: If Kalistan is ever invaded, there is a chance that stationary artillery firebases will be quickly over run and we need to have the experience and ability to fight well behind the lines, on limited supplies and communications for long periods of time, and our training needs to reflect this."

During this training exercise, which is meant to stress militia members to the breaking point, units live and operate in highly secure, very remote locations that serve as mobile bases of operation. Nothing is meant to be secure, with each location only being occupied for up to 8 hours at a maximum. Food is also scarce during the operations, and militia members are expected to learn to forage and scavenge for food and water. Various survival skills are practices, including finding and distilling water, edible and medicinal flora, orienteering and field cartography, surveying, community relations, demolitions and sabotage of communications and logistics infrastructure and climbing, rappelling and rope work.

"In the Marine units," said Staff Sergeant Kreuger, "we work with the Regular Navy to do water training, including free diving, snorkeling, and scuba operations, as well as underwater demolitions, mine placement and defusing, explosive ordinance disposal, and rescues and recovery at sea. The Marine Militia spends the majority of every day in the water, and must be exceptionally strong swimmers or they cannot stay in the program."

During the "Northern Watch" exercises, Militia are trained to operate behind enemy lines and harass the enemy, aiming to deny them sleep, communication and any form of security. "We train the militia to demoralize enemy units before they can wipe out the militia units," explained SSgt Krueger. "An enemy without rest is less effective fighting, and the best way to accomplish this is through hit and run tactics where the militia unit engages and then evaporates before the response can be made. This might involve a fire team shooting a sentry out of a tower on a base, or ambushing an advancing unit, or launching mortars into a camp in the middle of the night. Anything to prevent the enemy from resting in Kalistan. A tired army is a softened army, and a softened army is a demoralized army. And those are types we wish to prepare the regular forces to fight."

With the Institutionalist Partisans stood up in Kalistan and coordinating with the Regular Forces as Doctrine requires, they are well on their way to restoring the Nation's reputation for irregular warfare. Kalistan continues to build defenses against any threat whether it be on the distant horizon, or in our back yard.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
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Re: Kalistan

Postby Doc » Sat Jul 20, 2024 2:08 am


Air Force Begins Restructuring
First class of Cadets since Cashiering graduates Academy

Dahriel, Grand Duchy of Ananto
October 1, 5516

Graduating Cadets at newly established National Air Academy at Sulu AFB

The first class of cadets to train at the new National Air Academy at Sulu AFB in Dahriel, Ananto has graduated. Previous to the reorganization of the Regular Air Force that was begun a year and a half ago, air cadets were trained on Army Bases across Kalistan, and took only limited flight training as part of their commissioning. The establishment of the National Air Academy is a step in the professionalization of the Air Force, and its full separation of the Air Force from the Army. A class of 70 Cadets, who will be commissioned as Second Lieutenants in the Kalistani Regular Air Force, and will begin training as combat air pilots in the Spring.

"A full four-fifths of the Officer corps was cashiered last spring," said Air Academy Lt. Colonel Nathaniel Epstein. "Many posts were filled by brevet officers promoted from the Warrant Officer and NCO ranks. The officers with the highest fitness scores were transferred to the Air Academy to serve as instructors in the new Commissioned Officer Program. Over the year, the new Cadets were fully professionalized, including learning about uniforms, drill, military tradition and etiquette, and physical conditioning. In addition to professionalization, the cadets took courses in mathematics, history and philosophy. Our goal was to imbue these officers with the very best habits, to allow them to stand as exemplars not only to other forces, but to other nations as well."

The first year at the Air Academy was a year long. As the first class of officers graduated, the second class began instruction: Lt. Col Epstein said that the second class will be two years long and will include practical instruction on trainer air craft in the second year. The Second Lieutennants from the first class will meanwhile take instruction on those trainer aircraft, so that by the time the second class is ready, the first class can teach. Each successive year then, the best cadets in the two year program will serve as Instructors for the course coming behind them. "The goal is to build comradery in the Officer Corps. These men and women will know one another for many years before even taking full positions in the Regular Force."

Empress Nicolette II speaks with AF Major Brad Martino at Sulu AFB

Her Imperial Majesty, Empress Nicolette II was on hand to greet the first graduating class and present their commissions in person:

"Officers of our Regular Air Force," said the Empress. "It is our intention that you shall serve as an example of the nobility of national service, for the young men and women of our Nation, and the world. You carry our pride and our hope, for the defense of our Nation, in times of war, and for the upholding of the virtues of humanity in times of peace. You join the very proud tradition of National Service, and are charged with always looking to the well being, safety, and transmission of the professionalism and tradition you now carry on your shoulders and in your heart to those enlisted men and women of our Air Force who are under your command. You are hereby charged to do good work and fear no man."

The Empress then conducted a review of troop formations and took a tour of the Sulu AFB, which is home to the National Air Academy. The New Second Lieutenants will travel next to Ft Bjorn AFB, where they will receive the rudiments of air craft operation and combat flying tactics, and will become experts on aircraft training jets over the next year.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
Gaduri Brethrenist Movement (MHdG), 4481-4485
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