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Re: Nsanlosa

Postby Rogue » Sun Jul 21, 2024 7:41 pm


August 7th 5517, Haradesa: Through the "Federal Reconstruction Act" the socialist administration of President Pemphero has created the new Agency for Federal Reconstruction, a dedicated agency to guide the reconstruction proces. While initially Pemphero was seeking a solution for the difficult task to rebuild within existing departments or agencies, he was convinced by Socialist House leader Abdu Khalfani to form the agency as to accelerate efforts for reconstruction. The bill not only creates the new agency, it also allocates a initial 200 million budget a year to it, as well as cutting several regulations on housing construction and construction in general to allow for reconstruction to finally take off.

The main role of the agency will be to work with provincial governments in their efforts to rebuild, assigning advisors, granting subsidies or aiding in the construction itself. While the new agency has been created, it will still need a director, with the President set to nominate one in the coming days. Appointing his nominees has so far been relatively straight forward, as Senator Habib of the New Electoral Movement has supported all cabinet nominees as well as nominees for the few agencies that currently exist. Whether Habib will support a nominee for the new agency is not clear however, as he has been a opponent of forming the agency in fear of limiting his province ability to hold control over the reconstruction proces. Without Habib his support, a tie is likely to ensue in the senate as the Democrats have also rejected the creation of the agency. In case of a tie, the Vice President is permitted to cast a deciding vote, which could potentially allow the nominee to still be confirmed.

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Re: Nsanlosa

Postby Rogue » Sun Jul 21, 2024 8:00 pm


August 10th 5517, Haradesa: Recently confirmed State Secretary for External Affairs Abdalla Tamandani has confirmed Nsanlosa its diplomatic support of Lourenne in its ongoing conflict with Sekowo. In a interview with NNN, Secretary Tamandani stated that "lourenne has been a country that works for the good of the continent and its people. What else can we do then support it in this matter?" While the secretary did note that "Nsanlosa is in no position to provide substantial aid to Lourenne during these trying times, we can ofcourse express our support and our confidence in Lourenne its ability to bring this conflict to a positive conclusion."

The new secretary also commented on the challenges ahead in rebuilding Nsanlosa its diplomatic corps. Tamandani noted that the civil war had "seriously deteriorated our ability to keep in contact with our brotherly nations" and that it "is my goal to rebuild our diplomatic corps and be an active player in the region as we set on the difficult course to rebuild our country."

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Re: Nsanlosa

Postby Rogue » Tue Jul 23, 2024 9:34 am


May 10th 5518, Kanyi: President Pemphero visited the Province of Byari yesterday, specifically its capital of Kanyi, to see reconstruction efforts in this part of the country take a hold. He was greeted by recently elected Governor Wapatali of the Democratic Party, being toured around the city its many ruins and visiting at least five different construction sites. Initially some within the Democratic Party had called on Governor Wapatali not to welcome the president, to which the governor responded by increasing the amount of officials attending and organizing a photo op with the President. When pressed by reporters what the Governor thought of the calls not to accept the President in his province, he responded by saying:

To not accept the President of the United Provinces in our province, to not let him see the great work that is being done here, to me that is close to treachery. As a nation we have seen division after division. I think its time to look past parties, past tribes and past our previous grievances and come together for the important task of reconstruction.

Governor Wapatali, a moderate, is seen as a potential contendor for the party nomination in 5521. He has been gathering support from within the Democratic Party as well as from donors. He has so far denied to have a ambition for higher office "at this moment."

Reconstruction is taking hold of the entire country, with foreign aid being of high importance in order to start and complete the work. The new Agency for Federal Reconstruction is also proving valuable, as it is current supporting hundreds of projects across the country and nearly all provinces in their reconstruction efforts. President Pemphero reiterated his "sincere respect and thanks" to Lourenne for providing millions in reconstruction funds. The WDU and WC have also both pledged millions in aid to the ravaged nation and rumours within the embassy in Skalm suggest that Kazulia is preparing another major fund to aid in reconstruction, specifically to restart the economy.

During the press op the President announced a new executive order that would temporarily remove any restrictions on importing goods vital for reconstruction, removing all tarrifs and other obstacles from those goods such as cement, concrete, wood and metal. Pemphero stated that "continued foreign aid is vital to the reconstruction of our country" and that he "calls on the international community to aid our country and help us in restarting our economy."

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Re: Nsanlosa

Postby Rogue » Tue Jul 23, 2024 2:01 pm


June 5th 5518, Kanyi: The Socialist and Democratic parties are to work together in adopting the first constitutional ammendment, introducing a popular vote election for the presidency. The Socialists, under the Pemphero administration, had put the desire for a popular vote determined election in their party program. Under pressure from influential democratic governor Wapatali of Byari Province the democratic party has now indicated its willingness to work with the Pemphero administration to draft a ammendment on this issue.

Under the proposed ammendment the electoral college would be abolished or rather "suspended". The previous constitution had created the electoral college to provide stability in the first presidential election, but didnt specify the method of electing the president for subsequent elections. The new ammendment would ensure a election in which the president is elected in a single round of voting, with the candidate getting the highest amount of votes capturing the presidency. The ammendment would also lower the requirement of signatures in order for parties to run for seats in congress, potentially making it easier for third parties to compete in elections. President Pemphero sees this as a "logical step towards further democratization", encouraging the change which is expected to be formally adopted to take effect in the next presidential election. The midterms, scheduled for next year, are likely to still have the old electoral rules applied, thus preventing third parties from gaining traction in that election.

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Re: Nsanlosa

Postby Rogue » Tue Jul 23, 2024 3:05 pm


Mariazi: Mariazi Port, the bussiest and most vital port in the country before the civil war, will see millions of Nsanian Sanwat be invested into its reconstruction. The port has layed in ruin since the civil war, with the WDU air campaign targetting the port when loyalists used it as a operating base. In order for the rest of the country to recover, the Mariazi Port is seen as vital. The Pemphero Administration has now pledged nearly 50 million in federal funds to the project to rebuild the port, with the new Kazulian-Nsanian Joint Redevelopment Fund (KNJRF) pledging another 100 million LFR (8 billion Nsanian Sanwat) to the project. The 50 million from federal coffers is likely to come directly from a Haradesa fund, created by the Haradesa municipal government to aid the rest of the country in reconstruction efforts. The goal of the project, to be directed by the Agency for Federal Reconstruction, is to rebuild the original port as well as expand its docking and storage facilities from the original as to make the port "the true lifeline of the Nsanian state" for inland reconstruction.

President Pemphero thanked his Kazulian counterpart for "the resilience and dedication towards the reconstruction of our country." The president hopes that with the significant funds pledged to the project, the port will be fully operational by mid 5518. Mariazi Governor Dumo Mzuzi (democrat) has signed a bill into law allowing federal authorities, specifically the AFR, temporary oversight and jurisdiction over Mariazi port and its surrounding areas, stating that it is "in the best interest of our province to delegate this task to make sure Mariazi Port is reconstructed as soon as possible." The bill allows AFR jurisdiction until the project is complete but with a maximum of two years, after which the provincial government reclaims jurisdiction over the area.

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Re: Nsanlosa

Postby Rogue » Tue Jul 23, 2024 7:31 pm


August 11th 5518, Haradesa: The senate, by a vote of 12 to 8, voted for a bill that formally abolishes the Nsanian Defense Forces. The bill, championed by socialist lawmaker Hamid Chifuniro and supported by President Pemphero, dissolves all command structures, disbands all regular forces and closes most military bases of the NDF. The organization itself will continue to exist for another 6 months in a transitionary period, after which it will transfer its policing and security duties to the provincial police in each province. The bill also creates the Federal Office for Protection or FOP, which will protect federally owned buildings and high ranking federal officials. Coast guard duties will be handled by state police in the coastal provinces, which will be granted any boats and resources the military had left.

CTA militia's, till now still operational, will be intergrated in provincial police units and be stripped of their heavy weaponry. While at first glance the bill seems to have the intend of ending the military alltogether, the reasoning given in the bills text does suggest that this isnt a permanent measure. During a press conference President Pemphero explained his reasoning for supporting the bill, stating that

Our country needs to focus fully on the task of reconstruction. We need all our resources. This, combined with the fact that we had previously already dissolved the Special Forces and the Cornets, has made me realize that supporting this bill is in our best interest. It is also clear that the old military is the cause of our devastating civil war. It is of paramount importance that no remnants of previous competition or ambition remains in our military. As we face no military threats, we should focus on reconstruction now and on rebuilding a accountable military later.

The president, in private conversations with his close advisors, has indicated his willingness to build a new military in his potential second term, one that is more tied to the nation's constitution and does not include former military leaders. All soldiers currently in active service will receive a state pension as per this bill, amounting to 80% of their military salary. The pensions will be paid for by the Haradesa Investment Fund and partially by provincial governments in the provinces the soldiers reside in. The federal government will provide a annual grant to provincial governments to help pay for this measure.

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Re: Nsanlosa

Postby Rogue » Wed Jul 24, 2024 10:38 am


December 10th 5518, Haradesa: In the first major blow to the Pemphero presidency the senate has rejected a proposal for electoral reform with 10 for and against 10. Five democrats as well as five socialists voted against the measure to introduce a popular vote for the presidential election. Despite the tie-breaking vote of the Vice President, the measure was rejected as a 2/3rd majority was needed. This means that the country will maintain its current precedent on elections both congressional and presidential. President Pemphero issued a statement in which he slammed lawmakers voting against the reform as "undemocratic in nature" but acknowledged the vote and pledged not to bring the issue up for the remainder of the term. Democratic senator Kamari of Buweba province was the largest opponent of the reform, citing that the established system provides "stability in a nation that has long been plagued by instability." He managed to convince centrist lawmakers of the Socialist Party to vote against the reform as well as convincing right-wing lawmakers of his own party to go against the moderate wing seeking to work with the administration in passing the bill.

With just two months till the midterm elections the rejection of the popular vote is expected to be center stage in the remaining campaign. House minority leader Mzuzi Khondwani has already released a statement capitalizing on the vote, calling the Democratic Party the "party for stability." The socialists are currently miles ahead in polling, with the president enjoying a high approval rating as his administration is seen as succeeding in efforts for reconstruction.

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Re: Nsanlosa

Postby Rogue » Wed Jul 24, 2024 5:36 pm


Haradesa: In the first ever midterm election the ruling Socialist Party has expanded its majority in the House and created one in the Senate. The party of President Pemphero has expanded its majority by 23 seats in the house, ensuring a strong mandate for the next 2 years and allowing the president to push his agenda for rapid reconstruction forward. In the Senate, two seats were up for election with the Socialists flipping one seat and thus securing a working majority in the upper chamber. While polls had already indicated a strong socialist showing the eventual result was still somewhat of a suprise for the Democrats, who had expected to do better following the failure of the Pemphero administration to introduce popular vote elections for president.

The president will likely use his newfound majority in congress to push through a bill that would formally establish the federal judiciary, something he wasnt able to do previous term due to a lack of senate support. He is also seeking to step up the efforts to garner international support for reconstruction, with billions already having poured into the country following succesfull efforts by the Department of External Affairs. The democrats will have to lick their wounds and prepare for a contentious primary, as moderates under Governor Wapatali and the right-wing of the party are likely to battle eachother as the moderates have now failed to win this midterm election.

The house election, with the Socialists expanding their majority

The senate election, socialists picked up a seat in Gichena Province

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Re: Nsanlosa

Postby Rogue » Thu Jul 25, 2024 12:10 pm


June 18th 5519, Haradesa: The radical socialist government of President Pemphero, emboldened by their recent midterm victory, have pledged a return to parliamentarism in what can only be described as a blatant powergrab. The Socialist Party in their recent party congress just after the midterms have adopted a new policy in which they will "strive towards the creation of a federal, parliamentary republic in which coalition governments will serve as the norm."
It has been known that under parliamentary systems, socialist and left-wing radicals tend to perform much better and can easily form coalition governments with one another. The platform also hints at PR, which is a voting system that lowers representation for the conservative majority.

Dr. Jela Mwinyi of the University of Buweba rightly points out that under such a system, the socialists could remain in power indefinitely if able to forge a long lasting coalition with other left-wing parties. Only by defending the current system do we preserve democracy and stability. Democratic deputy Tambo Msia has called for a hearing into the socialists radical platform, believing it to be against the interests of the nation and calling on Pemphero to resign. "Moderates" like governor Wapatali have called for maintaining the current system as well, with Wapatali noting that "at least we should preserve our system of a directly elected congress, PR goes to far."

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Re: Nsanlosa

Postby Rogue » Thu Jul 25, 2024 2:26 pm


July 15th 5519, Haradesa: President Pemphero in a recent interview hinted at the possibility of reassembling the constitutional convention. The head of state's party introduced a policy platform after the midterms, suggesting that parliamentarism should see its return. The Socialist Party, specifically the left-wing of it, is now pushing hard to see this come to realization. President Pemphero suggested that "we will make the next election a referendum on our voting system" stating that a vote for the Socialists will be a vote for parliamentary government. If the president and his party win the next election, they will "reassemble our constitutional convention and grant it the power to come to a consensus on a parliamentary form of government."

The ideal system for the socialists would be a system wherein proportional representation is introduced and the country would be ruled by coalitions. But, as the president notes, any consensus reached in a convention will be respected as long as its true to a parliamentary form of government. Democrats in congress have called out the president and his party for "pushing the country towards unchecked government power once more." The President reiterated that the country should remain federal and the provinces will retain a large degree of autonomy, even under a parliamentary system. The Socialist campaign machine is already preparing for the presidential election in two years time, hoping to create a resounding electoral victory that allows them the momentum to push for this "radical change."

The President had reportedly come to support parliamentarism following the failed popular vote measure in the senate. Believing the current system to be prone to gridlock, something not to wish for during a period of reconstruction.

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