Im also requesting Rapa Pile. Reason for this is my plans for its intergration into Vascania. The Vascanian government will slowly influence Pilese politics and test the limits of its territory. Civil unrest will take hold over the country, as a pro-vascanian party gains great traction. In the end, as the Pilese government tries cracking down on pro-vascanian sentiment, Vascanian "unmarked" forces are moved into the country and take over its institutions. Small skirmishes ensue, but a relatively bloodless takeover will be the result.
First it will be administered by the Imperial Armed Forves before becoming intergrated into the 14th vascanian state.
Vascania its claim on Rapa Pile is ancient and it fought a devastating war with Deltaria to push that claim. And while i wont habe vascania claim it outright, the behind the scenes meddling will result in the takeover.
Do keep in mind that this will thus mean that Rapa Pile would become part of Vascania and lose its independence.