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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Sat Aug 17, 2024 7:17 pm

Humperdinck Media Group (Luthori)
הפוסט ירושלים | The Yishelem Post
Medinat Dpt. scrambles as Neset takes a dive from Lourenne's BFTZ withdrawal
February 5531


Yishelem, Beiteynu - Following an express release by the Royal Ministry of International Affairs in Lourenne, the Medinat Department opened an urgent channel of communication with the Baltusian Government in order to address the evolving situation from Baltusia's own military related announcement in 5530 and Kalistan's subsequent reaction in the region. The United Kingdom has moved swiftly to address the situation on behalf of the Empire of Canrille, issuing travel warnings and beginning proceedings to withdraw from the Baltusian Free Trade Zone; a framework that Beiteynu has began considering as an extension of the Neset.

What has followed in the aftermath of the announcement is investor panic, especially in the face of foreign policy unknowns from northern Seleya, considering how Lourenne's actions directly impact the Neset's commerce in Alduria, Kanjor and Rildanor (and by associated proximity, Aldegar and Gaduridos).


This development comes shortly after Secretary Faulkner's visit in Yishelem, as the Baltusian Government has stepped up its efforts in recent years in expanding its diplomatic and commercial relations with the Yeudi Homeland.

A high-ranking official from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed that President Jessica Hawkins herself has been invited, "urgently". It is the hope of the Beiteynuese Government that it will be able to guide the United States in this precarious "foreign affairs" misunderstanding.

The ultimate goal is to "help Baltusia resolve this quickly and painlessly, for there is no practical threat present".


The Head of the Medinat Dpt., assured journalists that Beiteynu would neither be enforcing a level 2 Reshimat Hara nor withdrawing from the BFTZ, despite "understanding the extensive security concerns by the United Kingdom, concerns we the Yeudi People are not unfamiliar of".


The Montefiore Administration has also declined to comment on Lord Stephen Wilkes's last year's op-ed in Kalistani media, for the time being.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Sun Aug 18, 2024 7:59 am

Humperdinck Media Group (Luthori)
הפוסט ירושלים | The Yishelem Post
Medinat Dpt. blasts Alduria for seeking Baltusia's "irrelevancy"
May 5531

Yishelem, Beiteynu - Newly appointed Head of the Medinat Dpt., Yeuwi Thaller, was quick to jump into a response when asked by a journalist this morning about the recent comments by Alduria's Minister of Foreign Affairs, during which he expressed his wish to see "a new age of Baltusian irrelevance".

"There seems to be an ever increasing feeling of might and arrogance from south Seleya, riding a wave of superiority", he stated. He then went to call the Aldurian MOFA's comments "undiplomatic" and "rushing to judgement", calling the turmoils proof of a "greater divide in the continent".

Lourennais-Yeudi MOFA Beatrice Shavit followed up calling Mr. Thaller's comments "unnecessarily heated".
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Sun Aug 18, 2024 8:20 am

Aristocrat Insurance Group (Kalopia)
כֶּסֶף | Keshef
Tel Bira warns Eroncourt and Johnston of "domino effect"; Neset dives further
May 5531


Tel Bira, Beiteynu - Despite the ever increasing output of the joint trade efforts by Lourenne and Seko, the recent commercial "axe grinding" with Baltusia and the BFTZ has led to the Menayot (Stock Exchange) to experience continuous downturns, stemming from the lack of a solution on the horizon.

"This is an extremely interconnected world now", was the statement of the Head of the Saham; the agency responsible for the Neset's trade and commercial activity abroad. "Amidst heated diplomacy, it seems that both the United Kingdom and the United States have forgotten about that".

"Or worse, they assume it is beneath them".


A joint delegation from the Saham and the Medinat Dpt. has been meeting with Lourennais banking lobbyists in the Yesheeva for a few days now, in an attempt to persuade the United Kingdom via commercial avenues to reconsider the withdrawal from the BFTZ.

"Baltusia is interconnected with the Neset, Vamaj and by extension the LFR, through that framework", a high-ranking official commented; "so is Lourenne".


Yeuwi Thaller, the Head of the Medinat Dpt. himself is scheduled to meet again with Secretary Faulkner. One of the items on the agenda seems to be the issuance of increased tariffs towards Lourennais imports; a move that the Montefiore Administration considers to be "extremely dangerous".

"Lourenne, the backbone of the world's economy, can take it", he said; "Baltusia can't. This needs to be resolved before the Yeudi Homeland is forced to abandon the BFTZ itself, as the domino effect rears its ugly head and Yeudi business leaders seek to protect their Canrillaise-powered wealth".
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Mon Aug 19, 2024 5:14 pm

Whale Island
HCC reopens its doors amidst rumours of Beiteynuese-Lourennais summit
February 5532
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Mon Aug 19, 2024 9:15 pm

Humperdinck Media Group (Luthori)
הפוסט ירושלים | The Yishelem Post
Navy to disband Kadima I; Yishelem confirms summit with United Kingdom
February 5532


Himmelshtern, Beiteynu - "Baruch Lea Tzafrir's 5199 vision of entangling the world in an unprecedented level of self-deterrence tactics behind the world's widest web of relations has been fulfilled", Lourennais-Yeudi MOFA Beatrice Shavit commented; "the interests of the Yeudi People are now ensured".

With that opening statement in a joint press conference with Baltusian-Yeudi MOD Dolores Matthews, the Head of the Kohav, the Head of the Medinat Dpt. and the Naval Chief of the Beiteynuese Naval Command, the Montefiore Administration confirmed that the previously deployed to SOLS carrier strike group Kadima I, the last remaining heavy-weight assertive fleet of 16 warships and 54 jet fighters of the Shahar Fleets, will be disbanded by 5540.

The Queen Isabelle-class aircraft carrier of Lourennais design has already been purchased by Lourenne and will return to Canrille in the next few years. All other vessels will be re-assigned to the remaining 6 fleets of the navy, including the additional 3 IRBM-packing Nekama-class cruisers.

Towards the end of the conference, Darnussian-Yeudi Yeuwi Thaller lifted a stern finger, saying:

Make no mistake. Yeudis will always deter. And we will drive those who dream of the sickness of a past world order to insanity.

Just like we did before; we will do so, again.

Many have began to consider 5540 as an "ending" to what Professor Jacob Shteman had coined as the "Emergence Era of Beiteynu" back in 5429.

The 3rd Point has also decreased alertness, following Deltaria's remarks in the MSCO, last month.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Tue Aug 20, 2024 9:34 am

Humperdinck Media Group (Luthori)
הפוסט ירושלים | The Yishelem Post
Valoir Studio confirms "Holy Land" will soon hit theatres
May 5532


Valois, Lourenne - "Holy Land" is a film produced by the makers of War of Lost Souls, Heritage Films from Beiteynu, Valoir Studio from Lourenne and Sinama Eayn al-Nasr (Eagle Eye Cinema) from Badara. It chronicles the controversial Emergence Era of Beiteynu and "The Meddling Affairs", the "Heritage Trials", the Yeudish Neset's rise through peculiar means, as well as the origins of the Yeudi Way tracing back thousands of years of the Yeudi Heritage to the Ancient Era of Beiteynu, Elior himself, the 8 Gems and the Ezrahim of the Yeudi Diaspora that "started it all".

The movie is set to encapsulate the "very essence" of the Yeudi People and their tactics across Terra.

Many have taken to social media to express a steadily rising popular opinion that "Holy Land" will essentially represent the end of Beiteynu's "emergence era", citing the recent diplomatic, commercial, military and intelligence manoeuvring taking place in recent years.

Executives from Valoir Studio stated that the film will hit theatres first and then streaming services.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Tue Aug 20, 2024 6:42 pm

Humperdinck Media Group (Luthori)
הפוסט ירושלים | The Yishelem Post
Medinat Dpt. welcomes delegation from Pontesi; and other news
July 5531 (BACKDATED)


Yishelem, Beiteynu - "We were very excited to welcome President Arjun Dixit and his delegation from Pontesi", stated a smiling Darnussian-Yeudi Head of the Medinat Dpt. in a press conference from Yishelem earlier this morning; "we had a very fruitful conversation, including but not limited to Pontesi's future in the region - a subject which we were equally excited to talk about with a Pontesian Government that sees a future of prosperity...and security!".

When asked about the "meddling affairs with Pontesi from 5280ish", he waved it off with a smile:

Ah, water under the bridge! It's been a very, very, very long time since then!

Talks seem to have been "more than fruitful", considering how Pontesi is already moving towards ratifying the majority of the Yeudish Neset's frameworks, from diplomacy, to trade and all the way to the Vamaj Network, which is expected to gain severe momentum as a trilateral trade hub is rumoured to rise.

Yeuwi Thaller then quickly changed the subject as questions started revolving around regional security.

BeiGov officials do not seem at all concerned with Pontesi's unfolding events.

The Yeudi Homeland does not interfere with the internal affairs of sovereign nations.


When asked about the unfolding events in Vascania and Rapa Pile, he stated in a rather matter-of-fact-tone:

The Beiteynuese Government has never had, nor does it currently have any position on the matters of East Dovani. With Kalopia's and Pontesi's entry to the Vamaj Network, we expect international markets across 20 states and 5 continents to solidify even further. Especially with the joint trade corridor in Seko and Lourenne which, excluding a few specific conglomerates in the network, has been very well received by Yeudish shipping.

As such, the Yeudi Homeland maintains and shall maintain no position on any events in Dovani.


On Kalistan, the Head of the Medinat Dpt. was very strict in his reply:

The Montefiore Administration, and all previous administrations, have had and have no intention of neither severing ties nor amending the existing nature of bilateral relations across diplomacy, commerce and other areas of partnership. Especially with Baltusian-Kalistani relations taking a turn for the better.

That includes our recognition of the 2nd Ananto Strait Comprehensive Accord.

Kalistan remains a relevant, and consistent, regional partner for us.


Seko has been cleared from the Reshimat Hara with all sanctions, embargoes and guidelines across almost 50 states, terminated.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Tue Aug 20, 2024 7:30 pm

Meridian 5532



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Re: Beiteynu

Postby Luis1p » Wed Aug 21, 2024 2:05 am

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Re: Beiteynu

Postby _nicolo_02 » Wed Aug 21, 2024 8:55 am

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