The Pub (Compliments, Feedback, Discussion)

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Re: The Pub (Compliments, Feedback, Discussion)

Postby GreekIdiot » Fri May 17, 2024 5:55 am

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Re: The Pub (Compliments, Feedback, Discussion)

Postby Mbites » Fri May 17, 2024 5:16 pm

GreekIdiot wrote:tl;dr

"It looked like a silly semi-cliquey thing between a few players to me. Following around a troll called Mbites like he was some sort of god... which wouldn't have mattered so much in the scale of things, except one of them was a Mod."
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Re: The Pub (Compliments, Feedback, Discussion)

Postby GreekIdiot » Thu May 23, 2024 4:01 pm

Well, gotta say I really appreciate the awesome words from everyone.

Gist is, i'm just happy the things i did and have been doing had a positive impact for players, that's all. Seriously I just came to play a game ahah

Now, on kudos and pats, i've RPed with practically everyone and it's mostly been fun, even the annoying bits.

Top of my head.

- @Louis is the reason i'm still sticking around RPing actively. Uncapped fun. Almost zero planning. Peak PT, for me, every single time.
- @James is also the reason i'm sticking around; I never wanted the job, his passion for maintaining this game is prob the reason we're still playing it.
- @Hyraemous is the one who keeps reminding me that it's a game. Just wants to have fun and for sure we've had loads of it. Respect for RPing crazy things.
- @Nick is hands down the most sportsmanlike player, in my opinion. Immense positivity, whole nine yards.
- @Svetlana for being a totally necessary contrast to the obfuscated seriousness of an RP-based game played by internet strangers.

I can probably mention almost everyone and make this a text wall I wouldn't read myself. Frankly, everyone contributes to this community and the game in their unique ways and we're finally like chill and nonchalant like a community of this kind should be.

So that's just a big win for me, not in some macro Yeudish plot you've come to associate me with, but like in the day to day.

Hang out, play some imaginary political-based stories, banter with each other and like, you know, go and play another game.

That's it.
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Re: The Pub (Compliments, Feedback, Discussion)

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Tue Jun 18, 2024 6:34 pm

Unfortunately, everyone has done it, even bloddy @Greek, so I guess that I need to do it now.

It's been 3 years since I joined this game and 2 years since I joined this community as an active RPer. While there has been a lot of issues surrounding me, I'm quite happy to where I am now. Luthori is a power compared to be a little shitty nation isolated from the world for 400 years.

But I wouldn't have been able to do it without help from either Luthorian players or the wider community as a whole, so allow me to use this thread for what it has been used for by many bozos.


@Greek, the infamous Yeudi bastard. Thank you for literally helping me become a much better person in this community, a more experienced RPer and finally, just helping the community with your friendly attitude and light bantering. Your posts are honestly amazing to read and I can't find a way to outmanoever you at diplomacy, so yeah, keep up with the great work as Moderator and as a player.

@Louis, the Académie is behind you right now. So prepare yourself. Your work with Lourenne has been amazing so far, I've enjoyed reading every part of it. As Greek is, you are an amazing human being to play with and it is a great honor for me to play with someone which has that much "good feeling" attitude.

Fuck off with the Petite Navy thing tho. Love. :D

@Nick, Artanian daddy. Rare that I work with you, but all these times have been fruitful and comprehensive. Even though we are more working together recently (Fussball dude dew it). I don't know what else to say except that you have the charisma of a bread. But hey, thank you for being yourself.

@Mbites, On to the Artanian-Yeudi, where are my football teams, mate? But ngl, shout out to you for having ND from a poor irrelevent backward state to one of the most influential powers in the world. Plus. You are an absolute GOAT to just sit and have a nice conversation with. Absolute gigachad here. Ngl, kudos to ya.

@Svet, Luthorian racist lady. I don't where to start. You are an absolute interesting person to just listen to while saying something. Mostly because of your job ngl. On your RP, I think that your most recent RP on Aldegar has been one of the finest work produced in the community so far, you've made Aldegar, a poor nation with a canal into an economic powerhouse with a canal. Plus, you are a terrific person to work with on RPs. For that, for being racist, thank ya.

@Brad, my future ex. Ngl, I doubt I would made things work in Luthori if you weren't there. We've been working together for like 1 year from now ngl. You have been the one steering my confidence up in diffcult times and you have been an absolute chad while working together. For that and for numerous other reasons, apart from being Dutch, thank you very much.

@Hopes, protestman. You and I didn't have the best start of relationship, naw, it was horrible. Yet, I don't know. You have been the first player with whom I was able to face my mistakes and apologies for being such a bastard. You've made me better as a person, even though, I still need to progress. You are also the sole player that has taken an interest in internal politics and has been giving an absolute beast of work in that matter. For all of that, thank you. Apologies for the protest RP that will not happen now tho (until July).

@Weim, weimguage. Thank you for just being a star, your presence is like a breach of fresh air in our monotone lives, with your other Kundrati countrypeople, you have made an absolute beast of work in that country and also made an absolute beast of RP in Xsampa, a poor underdevelopped nations, for that, ngl, kudos to you. PLUS, You created weimgugage, the finest piece of language in Terra.

@Alsakan, @Vesica, @Imperial, @Doc, @Luis, @Hyrae, @fuchs, @Rogue, @Tom, @Gab, @Zanz, @James, @Zdanov, I didn't refered to you guys or the rest specifically, but please know that you all have my upmost respect and admiration for being such amazing RPers and human beings, rare that I'm saying that ngl.

Alright, this conclude this round of thanks.
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Re: The Pub (Compliments, Feedback, Discussion)

Postby Interstellar_ » Fri Sep 06, 2024 10:49 pm

(wait... I forgot my script.. what do I say again?)
Ah yes, one year of active RP'ing in a nation. (This is a serious post, therefore I can't say its name or you would die of laughter). Plagued with ups and downs (Professionals may call them 5 temporary bans), y'all managed to make this a damn enjoyable time, a very nice time.

But this time wasn't just a random year in a random community; it was, in my experience, quite the opposite. Besides the endless fights I had in my early days, I need to thank and compliment at least half of the people on the Discord server and on the Forum because you definitely deserve it
So let me not waste your time but begin instead:

First off, let me start with Lourenne himself, @Louis, whilst we do not do much together ICly-wise, especially in my early days you were my main contact regarding PT due to uhh... let's call them mistakes. Nevertheless, you are the only reason I am still here lol. You also always had a good mood OOCly on the discord and still managed to keep order there, probably more difficult than it seems. ICly wise, I strongly admire your RP (even if I work against it ;)), it's really great, love that.

Next, @Greek 'Banana' Grandpa, do I even need to say this? I think you know it yourself. Thanks. The greatest Thanks you've ever heard, man. Your presence on Discord, helping me not only with the in-game stuff but also with other problems helped me incredibly, and I really really really appreciate that. Moreover, with the constant maintenance of PT-related stuff as well as the Terran Times website and I think that we all should thank you for that massively, Thanks. Lastly, your RP on Beiteynu was also really great and your interactions with Baltusia also made this game a whole lot more enjoyable.

Now, Baltusia's private teacher and northern neighbor @Doc, I am as of now not sure whether you will ever read this but I will write it regardless. Your years of presence have created a nation more fleshed out than any other. Constant dedication to the game, its RP consistency, and recently especially the maps have created a depth that might be unthinkable without you. Even if we collided in bad ways on Discord, you decided to give Maarten and me personal advice in a private chat, something I am very grateful about. Your willingness to do that as well as your will to move on from past issues and work together again as well as the previously mentioned dedication are some things I really appreciate, Thanks Doc.

@Weim @Svet
Now, you two I will put into one paragraph, simply because y'all are like two different branches of a tree, @Weim and @Svet. I don't even know how to begin this, but let me first thank you for the fun you created. Weim in Gaduri.. Gadurios... Gaduridos? Whatever, Weim in our southern neighbor state, you worked with us closely and created some fun stuff we could've RP'd on (if I had understood the game back then). Nevertheless, whether on Discord or in PT, we always had a lot of fun interacting with you and that's something I have to thank you for. I really appreciate that. Svet, you were quite the opposite, in a good way. As Aldegar, you always worked against Baltusia, for obvious reasons. Besides creating barriers, that also created a lot of fun and things we needed to keep in mind. Now to the reason why I put you two together; just like Greek you helped me when I was really close to genuinely leaving this game, you're part of the reasons why I stayed and I am so so thankful for that. Thanks.

@Nick, thank you for existing.
Next, is-
Okay just a joke, but we both know that we didn't do much together ICly. Nevertheless, on Discord, we interacted a bit more. You made my and everyone's stay on Discord a lot more fun and I really have to thank you for that. Furthermore, despite my previous words, you managed to combine the game and Discord in a similarly fun way. Your great RP in Dundorf and Beiteynu as well as your constant meddling with your other half, Greek have created yet even more fun times in my opinion. And just like with many other people before, you were also there on Discord when I really needed you, thank you; that meant a lot to me.

Next, @Zanz, first let me thank you for your massive contributions as a mod and professional PT map artist. Your work, experience, and tips really helped when it comes to discord stuff. And even despite your experience, you were always there to listen to different opinions. That and other reasons make you, in my opinion, one of the most respectable members of PT. Furthermore, as I said earlier, your work (under cooperation with Greek and Doc) really really made PT a better place, thanks for dedicating your time to these changes. Please keep up your great work on Discord, in PT, and behind the scenes.

@Brad @Lig @HopesFor
Y'all three are amazing. Even if you aren't all together anymore, you made Luthori an amazing place.
Brad and Lig, please keep up the work in Luthori. Even if you aren't the world's mightiest power with your petite navy, I really appreciate your constant RP in and on Luthori. Cooperating with you was a lot of fun and definitely added some depth to our nations' relations. Also, your cooperation in Luthori was really inspiring and allowed similar things to happen in Baltusia, thank you for being such an idol.
Lastly, interacting and having both of you on the discord server made my time here quite a lot more enjoyable and I'm really thankful for having you two there and in the game.
HopesFor, you're the only one of y'all three who was also active in Baltusia itself. First of all, I'd like to apologize for our times back then, I think that nowadays you'd have quite a nice stay in our country. Nevertheless, I really appreciated talking with you on Discord and RPing stuff with you in-game, at least when I look back on it. I hope that one day we can also work together in one nation. Nevertheless, as I already said, talking to you on Discord even about non-PT was really enjoyable and I hope that you will become more active again soon.

Thank you for being on discord and in-game. Your RP in the slave nation of N☭D and your consistency with the path you've chosen created great opportunities and stories in the game. Furthermore, all you've done on discord was really great. Now let me get to the honest part: Bruder, ich hab keine Ahnung was ich noch sagen soll. Danke dass du da bist und mach einfach so weiter. Fühl mich zwar schlecht dass ich nur so wenig sagen kann aber naja. Danke dass du da bist in-game und auf discord und mach weiter mit N☭D, super Land. (Wirst du kommunistisch wenn ich dir genug geld gebe?)

Thanks, man, you made this game a lot better. On Discord, you always plan everything beforehand and you're really fun to talk to. Furthermore, our cooperation in-game really allowed us to do some great projects together right now and in the future. Also, I have to thank you for being honest about everything and that you were always there with new ideas. Also, thanks for thinking that I'm smart enough to tell you about in-game rules and RP, but as I've told you before, I am not. Nevertheless, thank you for being an amazing person, and keep up the great RP.

Nileowen, you were one of the people I talked with the most I think. Your stuff on Discord both on the official side and the not-so-official side made things a lot more enjoyable, even besides our fights (that is if we ever had any, I don't even remember). Your RP also made the game a lot better with your very humane and sane ideologies (/j). Seriously though, talking to you on Discord is a lot of fun, even if we mildly disagree on basically everything. Thank you.

Logically thinking, I should've put you first, but in German we always say: Das beste kommt zum Schluss. (The best comes at the end.)
You're the person I talked with the most and the most amazing person I ever met through PT. As of right now, you're talking to me on a call and have no clue what I am doing over here and I think that's what makes this so great. I met you roughly one year ago through this game and you've been in Baltusia for the same active time as me. We fought a lot in the beginning and now look where we are. Everything Baltusia has done in the past two months is unthinkable if it hadn't been for you. I am really thankful that things turned out for the better and we achieved this thing.
More importantly, however, is what happened on Discord and outside PT in general. Even if this thread is made for PT compliments, I sadly have to break this rule one final time. We've talked and texted basically every single day since January. (This might've caused the official PT voice channel to get locked but it was definitely worth it.) As friends, we managed to achieve amazing things together until the end of August when things changed in an even better direction. Now, we know that we will meet for over a week in December/January 2024/25. Two PT players meeting for over a week is something that I am sure never happened before; especially regarding our situation. This also shows how great the PT community is. Regardless, Maarten, thank you for being such an amazing human being and for always being there for me, working together with me, and making this year as great as it currently is. Now, I'd say a lot more but I don't want to make this uncomfortable for the old elite.

And with that, my first round of compliments sadly has to end already, mainly because it's 1 am and I don't want to waste Maarten's time.
To all those I haven't mentioned yet, no I have not forgotten you and yes, I will still thank and compliment you another time, to be exact, as soon as possible. Please forgive me for having to split this up a bit. I'm sure that you'll understand it.

(Wait.. ah there! My script!... wait... this is supposed to be a news article for Baltusia? Damnit. I'm gonna post it there regardless.. no one's gonna give a damn anyways!)
OOC: I already forgot what I said in the beginning. Just enjoy this mess :)
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Re: The Pub (Compliments, Feedback, Discussion)

Postby jadouljonathan » Sat Sep 07, 2024 7:16 pm

im gonna try this too, wont be as elaborate, but yeah. if youre not mentioned i stil admire you :P

@svet thank you for youre feedback and tips for ikradon and the help when i tried something in saridan. to teach me a thing or 2 about politics. :D

@luis @maarten
thank you for youre RP in Baltusia, i can use it with any party good or bad. Always trying to help and even the few times you didnt know, you search a way to help. Thank you both for being you! I want to thank luis too for trying a hopelessly case of not being able to write properly, but doing it without ridiculing me, thank you for that. always up for a joke or talk. Always figuring new roleplay, even when im autistic sometimes on the planning :P i see forward to our next roleplay :D

@weim always open to help ingame or with question ooc. Always open for roleplay either for cooperation or future roleplays. i also want to say that youre infrastructure roleplay is awesome and inspires me to not forget infrastructure. you inspired me to roleplay education. you are an amazing roleplay, im 100 % sure you'll do hell of a good job as mod!

@lig @brad
thank you for being the start of a joke, a french and a dutch where sitting at the bar :P

i have already told you this, but thank you so much for you're articles, i dont even know why, but they always catch my eye. you gave me the idea to start focusing or trying to roleplay the economics side. it is a goal of mine to reach the same level of writing. Just awesome :D

@brad yours are too incredible, dw. You i want to thank for the history lessons of my own country :P i appreciate that and also try to take youre time to explain it :D

@zanz i thank you for always being open to help on rule cases or even trying to figure out ways to help with RP. never have you complained i bothered you in youre DM's. Then im not even talking about the speed o youre responses :P thank you, you also made me have more fun on PT, since ever. :D

@louis i dont have much interaction with as ICly youre way off ikradon, but still when i messaged you for any cooperation with lourenne, you answer very friendly and helped, thank you for that and to be my sort of goal with ikradon, its you or dundorf :P!

@zhdanov @the nick
you where both the first to help, even when it wasnt necessary, you made dundorf an ally for ikradon, without me even really trying :P ikradon is going better and better, thats all thank to you guys. Always looking for possible outcome and information, always in for good cooperations. thank you and tell it to the other dundorf players too. @the nick thank you for youre jokes and responses on discord :D

@hyra thank you for always trying to help creating an artanian union and even backing it or the olympic bid. Its fun that you always want to work together and include me so thank you for that.

@mbites thank you for youre roleplay with N$D and to try to keep me in mind, to include me and gave me an idea for belgium waffles :P

@greek thank you for being patient with me and not get angry when i try to rush you. Also to keep motivate me even when i get insecure. i told you if i would have known you in 2014, i think i would never have left :P thank you for making this community with youre minions (the mods, a joke) to try and give tips about how to write an article or to try to explain geopolitical strategies. just a big general thank you!

@everyone you are all a great community and i regret that i didnt know most of you in 2014 when i started, but hell if i would known you then, i would have stayed and have more fun. keep going at it, i learn more and more thanks to you're articles :D
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