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Re: Badaran News Channel (BNC)

Postby LNRulez01 » Sun May 30, 2010 4:22 pm

More arrests as authorities roll up terrorist network

Sumilkando National Guard seal off Vashti City neighbourhood during anti-terrorsime raid

Bier Qassem, Emirate of Kayuratan,

Government officials announced today that the Kiyadat al Kouwat al Khasa al Badara (KKKB) had arrested 21 people in a counter-terrorisme raid in Vashti City, Emirate of Sumilkando, in connection to an earlier raid some days ago in Ras El-Haram, Emirate of Kayuratan. The officials didnt give any details on how the government got the information about the terrorist cell in Vashti City, nor did they give any details about the identity of the arrested suspects. Witnesses reported to BNC that a majority of the arrested suspects are of Asli descent. The Asli are the majority ethnic group in Vashti City, which can give problems with ethnic Majatrans in the city, who are the majority ethnic group in the entire United Badaran Emirates. The officials continued by saying the raid took place in one of the predominantly Asli neighbourhoods of the city. Because of that and recent tensions between Asli and Majatran youth, the KKKB sealed of the entire neighbourhood and the Sumilkando National Guard was put on standby, in case events got out of hand. Luckely the raid went as planned and there are no reports of injured on both sides. The officials claimed that a large amount of cash and several military grade weapons were confiscated during the raid.

It is yet unclear to which terrorist organisation the suspects belong to, since government officials havent commented on that issue, nor on the issue of which nationality the currently 28 suspecst held in custody have. It is speculated by the media, both domestic and foreign, that the suspects belong to the socalled Terran Anarchist Death Squads, which are held responsible for several terror attacks in Dovani, most notably the "Massacre of Winthrop" in which around 500 people were killed, but it has to be noted again that the Badaran government hasnt confirmed that suspicion . Several other countries have also arrested suspect belonging to the Terran Anarchist Death Squads. These nations are; Rutania, Zardugal, Luthori and Hulsteria.
- It is the rule in war, if ten times the enemy's strength, surround them; if five times, attack them; if double, be able to divide them; if equal,engage them; if fewer, be able to evade them; if weaker, be able to avoid them.

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Re: Badaran News Channel (BNC)

Postby LNRulez01 » Mon May 31, 2010 4:34 pm

Badaran Government warns Selucia after claims made by Selucian officials

Mr. Achmed al-Tahir, Minister of Foreign Affairs, holds press conference, renouncing claims made by Selucian government.

Bier Qassem, Emirate of Kayuratan,

The Minister of Foreign Affiars, Mr. Achmed al-Tahir, held an press conference after an emergency meeting of the Council of Ministers. The emergency meeting was called for because of the Selucian made claims that the United Badaran Emirates is responsible for the sinking of the Selucian warship "Vladimir".

Mr. Achmed al-Tahir had the following to say at the press conference:"The government of the United Badaran Emirates profoundly objects to the claims made by the Selucian government that the UBE has any involvement what so ever with the sinking of the Selucian warship "Vladimir". If the Selucian government has any proof of this, make it public so we can asses its value of truth. We strongly urge that the Selucian government withholds any attempt of retribution against Badaran vessels, both merchant and military, and against any Badaran citizens currently present within Selucia. If any retributions are taken, we will consider this an act of agression against our country and will respond in force."

Tensions between the UBE and Selucia have increased because of the Selucian accusations that the UBE was involved with the sinking of the Selucian warship "Vladimir". Sources close to the Badaran government have said that the government is considering raising the military readiness level from "Green" (peace) to "Orange" (increased military readiness), the second highest level of military readiness, because of potential retributions by Selucia.
- It is the rule in war, if ten times the enemy's strength, surround them; if five times, attack them; if double, be able to divide them; if equal,engage them; if fewer, be able to evade them; if weaker, be able to avoid them.

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Re: Badaran News Channel (BNC)

Postby LNRulez01 » Wed Jun 02, 2010 10:46 pm

Badaran War Games: Exercises, Tests, and Drills or Preparation and Mobilization for War?


December 2947

Bier Qassem, Emirate of Kayuratan,

War games and military exercises are now well underway within the United Badaran Emirates and its territory. The Badaran Armed Forces and the Republican Guard began the first stage of massive nationwide war games along shore areas of the Emirates of Kayuratan and Sumilkando in the north of Al'Badara, bordering the Straight of Mu'tasim, the sea between Al'Badara and Cildania, and in the Emirate of Agundi in the south. These war games that are underway are to unfold and intensify over a five week period and possibly even last longer. It is worth noting that the Badaran war games are taking place within the window of time that has been predicted by analysts for the initiation of an Selucian attack against the UBE in responce to the Selucian accusations that the United Badaran Emirates is responsible for the sinking of the Selucian warship "Vladimir".

Brigadier-General Mohammad-Reza al-Hafiq, the deputy commander of the Badaran Armed Forces, has specifically accented at a press conference that ‘the war games will take place in the Emirates of Kayuratan, Sumilkando and Agundi, all of these are Badaran Emirates that could be frontlines in an possible war between Badara and Selucia."


Senior Badaran officials in the government and the Badaran defence establishment have repeatedly rejected any probability of Selucian military strikes against the UBE and ruled out any such attempts as foolish or suicidal in conjunction with Badaran military manoeuvres and strategy, but have simultaneously asserted that the UBE is fully confident and prepared to defend itself against any military aggression directed against its territory, installations, and sovereignty. According to government sources, “various units of air-support army Chinook helicopters, unmanned planes, parachutists, electronic war units and special forces are participating in the manoeuvre,” and “commandos, parachutists, mobile shoulder-firing units, electronic war forces and rapid reaction units enjoying high combat capability will demonstrate their readiness [to combat any possible attacks] during the "Lighting Strike" war games.”

Badaran Armed Forces commander Brigadier General Yussuf Hassuni

Badaran Armed Forces commander Brigadier General Yussuf Hassuni has acted as a media liaisons officer and spokesmen for the Badaran war games. Brigadier General Hassuni has asserted that the “main objective of this exercise is to adopt new tactics and use new equipment able to cope with possible threats” and that Badara has “been vigilant to what has happened in the world [i.e., the Selucian made accusations and threaths] and we [the Badaran military] have invested in both modern tactics and equipment.”


The UBE tested three new types of land-to-sea and sea-to-sea missiles in the context of its "Lightning Strike" military exercises carried out on land in the desert, in the Majatran Sea waters, the Mu'tasim Straight and 3 Badaran Emirates. Badaran state television showed dozens of missiles being launched both from warships in the Majatran Sea as well as from land based locations in the desert.
- It is the rule in war, if ten times the enemy's strength, surround them; if five times, attack them; if double, be able to divide them; if equal,engage them; if fewer, be able to evade them; if weaker, be able to avoid them.

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Re: Badaran News Channel (BNC)

Postby LNRulez01 » Fri Jun 04, 2010 3:20 pm

Badaran Government warns Barmenistan, Cildania and Kafuristan to stay out of the Selucian-Badaran Crisis as war of words increases tensions in the region.

Mr. Achmed al-Tahir, Minister of Foreign Affairs, holds press conference, warning Barmenistan, Cildania and Kafuristan to stay out of the Selucian-Badaran Crisis.

November 2948,

Bier Qassem, Emirate of Kayuratan

The Badaran Foreign Minister, Mr. Achmed al-Tahir, reacted today in a press conference to a statement made by his Selucian counterpart. Mr. al-Tahir warned the governments of Barmenistan, Cildania and Kafuristan that any action aimed at Badara that can be seen as hostile will be reacted to in force, after statements made by the Selucian Foreign Minister telling those nations they should prepare for war with the United Badaran Emirates.

The Selucian Foreign Minister was quoted to say that; "Selucia is well aware of Badara testing their missiles in the Majatran Sea, and encourages nearby nations such as Kafuristan and Cildania to be as well prepared for war with Badara as Selucia is." Brother Eric Sokeria SJ, Foreign Affairs Minister of Selucia, stated that "Badara is a threat to Northern Majatra. All surrounding nations must take action to secure themselves from a probable attack from this nation, lead by power seeking war mongers." He later went on to say that "if the UBE pollutes the sea once more, threatens a nation, action must be taken against them for the safety of Majatra."

Mr. al-Tahir continued by saying that this dispute is between Selucia and Badara and that other nations should stay out of it, except if those nations are willing to play the role of mediator. Several countries, Hulstria, Luthori and Zardugal, have allready offered to host a meeting between Selucia and Badara, but a decision has yet to be made where to hold it.
- It is the rule in war, if ten times the enemy's strength, surround them; if five times, attack them; if double, be able to divide them; if equal,engage them; if fewer, be able to evade them; if weaker, be able to avoid them.

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Re: Badaran News Channel (BNC)

Postby LNRulez01 » Tue Jun 08, 2010 6:33 pm

President declares Badara in a de facto State of War, after Selucia takes the Badaran ambassador to Selucia hostage

November 2949,

Bier Qassem, Emirate of Kayuratan,

President Marcel Benn called for an emergency session of the Majilis Al-Sha’ab after the Selucian government claimed that they had taken the Badaran ambassador to their country, Mr. Talal Hannad, hostage. This act has angered Badaran officials so much, and many in Badara see it as an declaration of war against their country, that it is unlikely that a Badaran delegation will attend a proposed meeting between Badara and Selucia. The President asked the Members of the Majilis Al-Sha’ab during the emergency session, to vote in favor of the "Presidential Emergency Act", that would allow the raise of the military readiness level from "Code Orange" to "Code Red", essentially declaring Badara in a de fact state of war.

President Marcel Benn says Badara is in a de facto state of war after the Majilis Al-Sha’ab passes the "Presidential Emergency Act".

After several houres of heated debates between supporters and opponents of the bill, it was decided to vote on the bill. It was no surprise to see that every MP voted in favor of the bill and it passed without any problems. The recent Selucian acts have angered so many of Badara's citizens that opposing this bill would be political suicide. The final results showed that there where 300 aye's and 0 nay's. Directly after passing this bill, the President and Minister of Defence, Mr. Khalid Said Tariq, ordered the Badaran armed forces to go to military readiness level "Code Red", which means Badara is in a de facto State of War and that the Badaran military is preparing for an armed conflict with Selucia.

Members of the Majilis Al-Sha’ab vote for the "Presidential Emergency Act".

Sources close to the government have stated that Badara is willing to reduce the military readiness level if Selucia frees the Badaran ambassador and apologizes for their hidious act.

OOC: 1. I knew this is a late responce, but i didnt had time to do it earlier.
2. Presidential Emergency Act ha actually another name, but i like this one better. this is the link to the bill: ... lid=293307
- It is the rule in war, if ten times the enemy's strength, surround them; if five times, attack them; if double, be able to divide them; if equal,engage them; if fewer, be able to evade them; if weaker, be able to avoid them.

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Re: Badaran News Channel (BNC)

Postby Gracchus » Wed Jun 09, 2010 12:46 am

Vestnik (International Edition): Open Letter to Combatants

“To the combating nations of Majatra,

“The Great Princedom of Trigunia has long held itself in isolation, staying out of foreign nation’s internal and international disputes as long as our trade interests are not endangered. The recent calls for war in Majatra, however, endanger not only the two nations in question, but all parts of Terra.

“The United Badaran Emirates provide the petroleum that is the lifeblood of the Great Princedom. This blood flows along the great shipping lanes in and around Majatra, serving as great arteries to Trigunia and other nations. Mixed in these arteries along with the petrol are various products going into and out of the nations bordering the Sea of Majatra.

“Merchantmen from numerous nations, including Trigunia, sail in and around these routes providing the goods and products needed to ensure increasing standards of living and economic growth.

“However, when these routes are threatened, when the flow of trade and vital products is retarded by the actions of a few warring parties, a much larger problem will befall the world. And this is unacceptable.

“Trigunia is a peaceful nation, dedicated to economic growth, stability, and international trade for the benefit of all peoples of the world. But it will not accept the interference by warring nations on its international trade.

“Of course, there is more than money at stake; no one should think Trigunians are greedy and insensitive. This crisis has the potential to be greatly destructive of lives, property, and futures.

“With peace in mind, with the pleas of humanity, and with God behind us, Trigunia demands that both sides in this conflict continue the agreements concluded in The Law of the Sea, regardless whether they have ratified the treaty, by maintaining open sea lanes for all ships without regard to nationality, port of origin, or port of destination.

“Likewise, Trigunia demands that both nations agree that all neutral shipping, airlines, and private craft be protected from unlawful searches and seizures of property by combatants, and their passengers and crew remain safe and unharmed by any land, naval or air forces involved in the conflict.

“The failure of any faction in agreeing to these measures or in their execution will be considered a pariah nation specifically by Trigunia and the Great Princedom will take all efforts to end the conflict through outside means.

“I wish to reiterate that Trigunia is a peace-loving nation and does not come to nor speak these harsh words lightly. Please take heed of our words and end this conflict soon for the sake of humanity and God.”


Viceroy of the Great Princedom of Trigunia His Grace Vasya Romanovich Mashkov, 2nd Duke of Petrovgrad, NSZ, TVKS, VP, NTP, BZ
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Re: Badaran News Channel (BNC)

Postby heat3000 » Wed Jun 09, 2010 2:19 am

President Rejects Peace Deals, Indicates Escalation

President Alicia Daniels addressing members of the Majilis Al-Sha’ab during debate on the war resolution

February 2951


President Alicia Daniels has indicated that under her administration there is "to be no negotiation without acknowledgement...that Selucia and Selucia alone began this conflict. That they must formally apologize to the Badaran government and the family of ambassador Hannad. That they must stand down from their hostilities and take full responsibility for their heinous actions. No peace deal will be considered by this administration without these points being addressed."

A war resolution is pending in the Majilis Al-Sha’ab, where lawmakers are expected to pass it by huge margins. President Daniels has stated that she intends to sign the declaration of war.

Alicia Daniels is the daughter of former Federal Council Chairman Steven Daniels, whose assassination in 2948 has not yet been resolved.

Since the Presidential Emergency Act became law, President Daniels has ordered members of the military on full combat alert, stating that "hostilities are imminent...and possibly inevitable."
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Re: Badaran News Channel (BNC)

Postby LNRulez01 » Thu Jun 10, 2010 9:35 pm

The United Badaran Emirates declares war on Selucia

March 2951

Bier Qassem, Emirate of Kayuratan,

"This is BNC Breaking News. Ladies and Gentlemen, we are going live now to the Majilis Al-Sha’ab, where 2 houres after the horrific news of the murder of ambassador Talal Hannad by Selucia was made public, the MP's have gathered in an emergency session." The Minister of Foreign Affairs, mr. Achmed al-Tahir, takes the stand: "Honorable Members of the Majilis Al-Sha’a, My compatriots, saddening news reached us just a few houres ago. The Selucian government has excecuted our ambassador, mr. Talal Hannad, after they were expelled from the Axis. First of all, let me say the Badaran government doesnt hold the Axis responcible for this, for they could not have known that the Selucian government was going to act this insane. This murder, this brutal murder, shows us the intentions of the Selucian government. They talk about peace, yet they still use violence against us. Before i continue with my specch, i would like to ask the Members of the Majilis Al-Sha’ab to hold 2 minutes of silence in honour of mr. Talal Hannad."

2 minutes of silence follow.....

The Minister of Foreign Affairs continues: "Honorable Members of the Majilis Al-Sha’ab, the murder of our ambassador is a declaration of war against our country. Because of this the Foreign Office strongly advices Badaran nationals in Selucia to leave that country as soon as possible and head toward Pontesia, the only neutral neighbour of Selucia. If this is not possible we advice that our citizens seek refuge in the embassies of allied nations. The Foreign Office also warns Badaran citizens to avoid the nations of Barmenistan, Cildania and Kalopia, because of possible attacks on Badaran citizens in those countries. Ladies and Gentlemen, i give the word to President Daniels."

The President walks to the microphone.

"Honorable Members of the Majilis Al-Sha’ab, before i begin, i would like to offer the governments condolences to the family and friends of ambassador Hannad. The government, and indeed the entire country feels youre sadness and loss. Now lets come to bussiness. This hiddious act made by the Selucian government is a declaration of war against our country and because of this, we, the Badaran government, would like to put a Declarion of War against Selucia up for vote on the floor of the Majilis Al-Sha’ab. We ask for this, because now is the time to show the Selucians, we have had enough. They crossed the line of peace and war long ago, and now is the time to strike back. The Badaran government is confident in our armies ability to win this war, specially after the recent military excercises our military held. Honorable Members of the Majilis Al-Sha’ab, the government urgess you to vote in favor of this bill. Ladies and Gentlemen, i thank you, and will now open the floor for the voting on this bill."

Voting ends..........votes are counted.........result: 205 aye's, 0 nay's and 95 abstained. The declaration of war has passed.

The President takes the stand again.

"Honorable Members of the Majilis Al-Sha’ab, I here by declare the United Badaran Emirates to be at war with Selucia. As of now the Badaran Armed Forces are ordered to engage Selucian targets enroute to Badara and prepare for combat. LONG LIVE BADARA!!!! LONG LIVE BADARA!!!!"
- It is the rule in war, if ten times the enemy's strength, surround them; if five times, attack them; if double, be able to divide them; if equal,engage them; if fewer, be able to evade them; if weaker, be able to avoid them.

Sun Tzu, 6th century BC
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Re: Badaran News Channel (BNC)

Postby LNRulez01 » Mon Jul 12, 2010 4:36 pm

The Minister of Trade and Industry announces the founding of the state owned Petroleum Development Al'Badara (PDB) company

August 2967

Bier Qassem, Emirate of Kayuratan,

Hafez al-Karimi, the Minister of Trade and Industry, announced at a press conference today, that the Badaran government is creating a state owned company that will handle all exploration and exploitation of oil fields in the UBE, as well as the distribution and transport of all the oil collected in the UBE. This "oil company" will be named the Petroleum Development Al'Badara (PDB). The PDB will be one of the largest oil companies in Terra. The revenue earned by PDB will be used for increasing the social security and combat poverty in the UBE.

At the same press conference, mr. Hafez al-Karimi announced that PDB will be the majority shareholder in a newly formed joint-venture with Haven World Wide. The Minister said that PDB will get 51% of the shares in the joint-venture. Being the majority shareholder allows PDB to dictate policy and keep Badarn controle over operations. HWW has recently began exploring and exploiting Badaran oil fields. These operations will now fall under the joint-venture of PDB and HWW.
- It is the rule in war, if ten times the enemy's strength, surround them; if five times, attack them; if double, be able to divide them; if equal,engage them; if fewer, be able to evade them; if weaker, be able to avoid them.

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Re: Badaran News Channel (BNC)

Postby LNRulez01 » Mon Jul 12, 2010 6:07 pm

The United Badaran Emirates sends troops to reinforce the Allied naval blockade and invasion of Sekowo

March 2967

Bier Qassem, Emirate of Kayuratan,

Today the Majilis Al-Sha’ab passed a bill that will allow the Badaran government to send troops to reinforce the Allied naval blockade and invasion of Sekowo. After the bill passed, the Minister of Defence, mr. Khalid Said Tariq, ordered the 2nd Squadron of the Badaran Naval Forces Eastern Command Fleet (BNAVFORECOMFLT), containing the aircraft carrier BNV Bier Qassem, the destroyers BNV Oum Al-Rabya and BNV Wadi Bani Shad and the corvettes BNV Rub' al Khali, BNV Zebid and BNV Bal Rustaq, to join the naval blockade of Sekowo. Mr. Khalid Said Tariq also ordered that the 4th Brigade of the Marine Corps Forces (MARFOR), containing 15.000 troops, the 1st and 2nd units of the Navy Commando Division (NCD), containing 3.000 troops, and the 4th unit of the Badaran Commando Division (BCD), containing 1.500 troops, join the Luthori forces in Southern Sekowo. The Minister of defence also made it clear that the Badaran troops will be placed under the direct controle of the Allied/Luthori Central Command, for the period needed to end Sekowan resistance.

2nd Squadron enroute to Sekowo.
- It is the rule in war, if ten times the enemy's strength, surround them; if five times, attack them; if double, be able to divide them; if equal,engage them; if fewer, be able to evade them; if weaker, be able to avoid them.

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