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Re: Sekowan News Network (SNN)

Postby Polites » Wed Jun 09, 2010 1:10 pm

NLF Torn over Ceasefire
NLF General Secretary and North Sekowo Internal Minister Isembart Kichirō Du Moucel recently came in favour of the Kagaku shūdan proposed ceasefire agreement

The suggested acceptance by the Kagaku shūdan of the National Liberation Front conditions for ceasefire created a split within the party. The NLF General Secretary Isembart Kichirō Du Moucel, the architect of the infamous "people's communes" in the North, declared that the fact that a major party in the South is willing to consider and accept Frontist conditions for peace is a diplomatic victory for the party. At the same time, commander William Hatsuharu, the leader of the National Liberation Army, considers that the militia's duty is to continue fighting and expanding its military strongholds, and rejects any attempt for peace with South Sekowo.

Commander Hatsuharu, National Liberation Army leader, wants Sekowo to lose the war so the NLA can gain support in a revolution
William Hatsuharu wrote:The only chance for peace for out country is a committed socialist and democratic government. Making peace with the Gao-Showa expansionists would legitimize their government and condemn the people of the South to live under oppression and dictatorship. Under current circumstances, our revolution can only succeed if the Eternal Harmony loses any appeal it may have left, so the people will know that we are their only hope. For the victory of socialism in Sekowo, the country must lose this imperialist war.

Orthodox Archbishop Calls for Peace
The Orthodox Catholic Archbishop of Kasmenai, His Beatitude Theodoros II, called for an end to the civil war and unity against Western invaders. He also condemned the NLF as "godless murderers" and urged the Imperial Dominions to end the communes

Theodoros II wrote:This is a sad time for this country, as we do not stand united in these troublesome moments. The Church calls on all those that have had their vision clouded by hate to stop this fratricidal war and put an end to the pointless divisions in our country. We also call upon the Christian Emperor Julian Laskaris to stop the persecutions that our Orthodox faithful and the other peaceful Sekowans face in his domains, and put an end to the barbarous communes ruled by those godless murderers. May Our Saviour bring peace and unity to our people, so that we may once again live in love and understanding.
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Re: Sekowan News Network (SNN)

Postby Captain-Socialist » Wed Jun 16, 2010 11:38 am

As the Left Collapses, Kagaku shūdan leads Negotiations for Formation of a Right-Wing Unity Government

Year XXI of the Kumiko-Julian Era - October 2954 - Kagaku shūdan organised March of Unity, celebrating the near total annihilation of the left and Sekowo's future as a mighty, restored Empire. This show of support for the Empress Kumiko is intended as a warning to Kenji, who is only supported by demonstrations held inside the Luthorian Empire by bribed Nam Viet traitors.

The Imperial Pluralism Party also did exceptionally in the elections, replacing the vile National Liberation Front as the largest party. Kagaku shūdan is determined to again bring unity between Gao-Showans and the Shinjalans by forming a united cabinet with the IMP

Editorial by Ambrosios Hiroto Sophocles Theodotus - People all over Sekowo are surly rejoicing that total collapse of Kyousan-tou and the curshing defeat of the NLA in the last election has put an end to threat of Communism for the foreseeable future, as well as ridding us of the ethic warmongers of the Peoples Army and diehard revolutionists who wished that Sekowo would lose the coming war with Luthori. Such is the patriotism of the left, and it was that which so totally opened the eyes of the Sekowan people to the perils of left-wing thinking.

Now we must turn our attention to Luthori and it's lackeys, and our inevitable victory against them. The formation of this new Imperial Government will be a victory for the New Right, a New Right which cares not for ethic and religious differences but in the robust building of the Empire with Imperial Expansion and economic development. Sekowo must become an industrialised superpower, for then the ethic differences will mean nothing, for we shall live in prosperity and glory, the powerhouse of Dovani. In order to achieve this goal the Holy Luthori Empire must be humbled, and we stand with any power who stands against the evangelical megalomania of the Luthori Empire, and the Axis-International Monarchist League complex which perpetuates it's power.
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Re: Sekowan News Network (SNN)

Postby Polites » Thu Jun 17, 2010 8:57 pm

National Liberation Front Merges with Kousan-Tou Faction, Hint at Secession

William Hatsuharu, the commander of the National Liberation Army, and Chang Hyun, one of the leaders of the Kyousan-Tou, at the first congress of the new party

After the defeat of the People's Army and the subsequent disintegration of the Gao-Showa Communist Party, the National Liberation Front decided to merge with the moderate faction of the latter to form the Workers' Party of Sekowo. The new party claims to be more inclusive to Gao-Showans, and will compete electorally in the Eternal Harmony as well. This is a reaction to the massive decrease in support of the NLF in the Imperial Dominions and the lack of popularity of the People's Communes. Moreover, the new party hinted that, should the Imperial Pluralism Party support the suggested Imperial Unity Cabinet, it shall declare independence for areas under its control.

William Hatsuharu wrote:It is clear now that the compromise the Kagaku shūdan was offering for a ceasefire was not honest. The Eternal Harmony simply wanted to maintain its privileges in the South when we were strong. Now our weakness has prompted the Southern Fascists to see in us their enemy, threatening to continue the civil war. We once saw that the greatest problem our country faces is Gao-Showa expansionism. Now it seems that the real threat is feudal monarchy, since the end of ethnic violence by the People's Army did not bring about more unity, but a desire of the Kagaku shūdan to propagate the vile system of the Twin Empires, while denying us a voice in the government. Therefore, if the IPP votes for this cabinet, we shall withdraw the conditional support we offered the Imperial Dominions and consolidate the independence of the People's Communes.

Kim Hyunku Offered Leadership in WPS
Former Gao-Showa Kyousan-tou President Kim Hyunku, speaking here at the first congress of the WPS, was elected chairman of the Workers' Party of Sekowo as part of the merger

Kim Hyunku, the leader of the former Gao-Showa Kyousan-tou, was offered the leadership of the new party. The new chairman was seen as representing a more moderate view in the Kyousan-tou, and was highly critical of the actions of the People's Army. The fact that many former members of the GSK joined the WPS as a result of he merger is likely to make the Worker's Party of Sekowo the leading voice of Gao-Showa leftism in Sekowo.
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Re: Sekowan News Network (SNN)

Postby Captain-Socialist » Mon Jun 21, 2010 9:46 pm

Eternal Harmony Prepares to Annex the Northern Breakaway Regions as Imperial Dominions Collapse
The complete breakdown of the Imperial Dominions ruling Imperial Pluralism Party means that the Imperial Army is preparing to enter the North in order to secure a peaceful transfer of the North back into the Eternal Harmony, and prevent the illegal communes from growing.
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Re: Sekowan News Network (SNN)

Postby Polites » Tue Jun 22, 2010 11:56 am

North Sekowo in Chaos

The collapse of the Imperial Dominions government has left its territory in utter chaos. Several Orinco warlords have claimed the imperial title and are struggling amongst themselves for supremacy, a general strike has paralyzed the country, and the communes seceded to form their own government. The secession happened after the Eternal Harmony declared its intention to annex the Imperial Dominions. Subsequently the Workers' Party of Sekowo unilaterally declared the independence of the People's Republic of Hikhala and the People's Republic of Bizena, which later this month united to create the Socialist Federal Republic of Sekowo. The new state claims sovereignty over the entire Sekowan territory, but is able to control only several mountainous regions in the North.
The flag of the new state

Former People's Army General replaces Hatsuharu
General Haneul Hikaru, a former leader in the People's Army, has been offered the leadership of the People's Revolutionary Army, the armed force of the Socialist Federal Republic of Sekowo

After the merger between the National Liberation Front and a faction of the Kyousan-tou, many members of the former have been offered positions of leadership in the Sekowo no Roudou-sha tou. Most recently, the task of leading the People's Revolutionary Army, SRT's militia, and thus the task of defending the SFR of Sekowo, has been given to a prominent former leader of the People's Army. Many in the NLF old guard view these many appointments with suspicion, and fear the party is going under the control of former GKT members.
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Re: Sekowan News Network (SNN)

Postby Captain-Socialist » Wed Jun 23, 2010 2:43 pm

Imperial Army Liberates Rebel Capital
March 2958 - Year XXV of the Kumiko Era - Imperial Troops keeping order on the streets of Rhodon, which fell easily thanks to the superior tactics and weaponry of the Imperial Army. "This is a great victory for the Empire, and will bring stability to Hikhala Prefecture" said Internal Affairs Minister Euphemios Lysander Pankratios Nomiki.

Rhodon is in ruins thanks to the incompetence and barbarianism of the rebel forces, who were quickly defeated thanks to the Shock and Awe tactics and by the rebels strange new strategy, which appeared in involve charging directly at the Imperial forces. The people have quickly forgotten their revolutionary ideals now that they are starving and homeless, and did not hesitate to hand over all suspicious persons to the military police and have become preoccupied with feeding themselves by working for the Reconstruction effort. It is now only a matter of time, say High Command, before the rebel insurgency is nothing but shadow of it's former self thanks to the fall of the Imperial Dominions and the rejection of the left at the last election. However, in view of the threat of Kenjism and of the continued refusal of the opposition to swear the oath, the government stresses that the Shogunate will continue governing the nation with martial law despite the fact that separatism no longer poses a viable threat to the Eternal Harmony.

Government Holds Huge Rally Celebrating Reunification

May 2958 -Year XXV of the Kumiko Era - The government has held a huge rally celebrating the Reunification of the nation, defying those who believe Sekowo to be a failed state. "Emperor George, come and invade us, so we can kill you! Death to the False Emperor!" bellowed Defence Minister Ambrosios Hiroto Sophocles Theodotus at one point in the proceedings.
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Re: Sekowan News Network (SNN)

Postby Captain-Socialist » Fri Jun 25, 2010 4:11 pm

Shogunate Orders New Missile Programme Aimed At Greater Hulstria and Luthorian Colonies
Sekowan Scientists have begun work on a deterrent capable of razing the major cities of Greater Hulstria and the Luthorian Colony of Namviet to ruins. It will take many years before this arensal is completed.

"The threat of the Gaijin Empires can no longer be ignored, we must step up our destructive capabilities in order to force them to abandon their ridiculous support of Kenjism and remove their troops from the stolen Protectorates" said Defence Minister Ambrosios Hiroto Sophocles Theodotus "the civil war is over, only a few country bumpkins with rifles defy the Eternal Harmony within our borders, we must now answer the aggression of Luthori and Hulstira towards us by giving oursleves the power to utterly destroy the Gaijin presence on the continent."

General Yoshiro Haruto Cleitus Silas of foregin affairs agreed, saying "the combined power of House Rothingren-Traugott, House Orange-Villayn and House Sayon-Mordus has perverted the International Monarchist League into a weapon to be used against dissent, this is clearly shown by the IML's denial of support to the real, established royal bloodlines of Sekowo and Indrala, instead supporting illegitimate claims for partisan reasons. This hegemony is unhealthy and is keeping Dovani in slavery to the west, I support this deterrent as a step towards total Dovani rule over the Dovani continent."

Disclaimer to the enemy nations: this arsenal will not be completed before the invasion, it's to give you an excuse to invade. I'm not going to nuke you.
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Re: Sekowan News Network (SNN)

Postby Polites » Sun Jun 27, 2010 9:31 pm

Despair as PRA Disintegrates
As the People's Revolutionary Army disintegrates, the rebels are desperate enough to enlist children in their armed struggle

After the fall of the rebel capital of Rhodon, the Communist insurrection in the North seems much closer to an end. However, the loss of the seat of the civilian government of the SFR of Sekowo and the elimination of almost half of its armed forces have left the areas under PRA control largely ungovernable. The army now seems to be fighting without any sort of centralised command, and limited to the forested areas of the North. Under this background, reports of combatant children and of atrocities committed against civilians abound.


Workers' Party Leadership distances itself from Rebellion
General Haneul Hikaru speaking at a party conference condemned the actions committed by the now largely leaderless People's Revolutionary Army, and called for peace and reunification
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Re: Sekowan News Network (SNN)

Postby Polites » Mon Jun 28, 2010 7:32 am

Moderate Position of WPA Leadership gives Party Electoral Gains
After the leaders of the Workers' Party of Sekowo (Sekowo no Roudou-sha tou) took a stance against rebel violence, the party became second in elections held this July

The party most closely associated with the Communist insurgence in the North, and the ruling party of the SFR of Sekowo, is starting to be seen as a force of the moderate left in Sekowan politics, after its leaders condemned the violence committed by their own militias and seemed willing to negotiate complete reunification. This was a very successful strategy in electoral terms, as the population is beginning to grow tired of continued warfare and violence, and is weary of the imminent invasion of Kenjiist forces. In consequence, the WPS became second in number of votes, being elected by about 21% of the voters.

Crowds celebrating the excellent result of the WPS in Undarro, where the party secured almost half of all the votes cast
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Re: Sekowan News Network (SNN)

Postby Iori » Fri Jul 02, 2010 8:28 am

Welcome to SNN mobile, your news at your speed.
We have several news-stories to report.

The Imperial Socialist Party, originally the Democratic Socialists Party, has re-entered politics after it and much of the party leadership disbanded nearly a century ago.

The party, now using the Romanji version of its Gao-Showa name 'Teikoku Shakai-tō' as its primary name hasa already immersed itself into the political scene since re-registering.

When asked for the reasons behind the dramatic surprise re-emergence a party spokesperson said the following;
"Sekowo has for along time now been in a state of disrepair, of chaos and disunity.
To see everything our ancestors worked for, building a prosperous, powerful Empire ruled by enlightened leaders and the democratic process completely destroyed, we just could'nt sit back and watch it continue anymore."

It is unknown what if any parties the TSK will align itself with, however from preliminary announcements some suspect the party will act as a new pole in Sekowo, drawing on its history of the promotion of unity and equality to attract people from all of Sekowo's people's.
Last edited by Iori on Mon Jul 05, 2010 9:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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