
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.


Postby first » Wed Apr 08, 2009 10:45 am



Welcome to the relauch of HBC NEWS, following from the refurbishment of the heaquarters of the corporation located in the centre of Astoria City. We will be using all new facilities and features to brin g you the news from inside Hobrazia has it happens. Our dedicated team of reporters located over Hobrazia and around Terra can bring news to the people of Hobrazia whereever it occurs.


Hobrazia has held its latest election and again the First Party of Hobrazia (FPoH) has been victorious. However due to the former Emperor standing down his son Domininc Neesam has been elected to the position, keeping in power the Neesam line. No major changes are expected to the way Hobrazia is run and with only two parties there is now an official opposition for the first time in decades.

The We Say so! Party (WSS!P) have around 133 seats and the FPoH around 267. This does mean that the FPoH still maintains its 2/3 majority and this does allow them to alter the constitution at will. Some analsyts have predicted with the FPoH losing some ground that they will be more tempted to change the constitution to allow them to remian in power for longer, however a FPoH official has stated that there are no plans and they would never do anything to undermine the Hobrazian democratic process and its people, as they are here to serve the people only as long as they want us to.

There has been no comment from the WWS!P.
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Re: Hobrazian Broadcasting Corporation (HBC)

Postby first » Sat Apr 11, 2009 3:15 pm



Today a bill passed through the Imperium Congress changing the formal title of the state to Hobrazian Imperium. This change of name has been regarded as bringing all institutions into the same naming band and will make it clear to the rest of Terra that Hobrazia is an imperial nation. Changes will take time to be seen by the public. Passports will be re-issued free to all who currently hold them and all formal documents will be changed progressively. All government buildings have already been changed and all signs at airports and seaports have also been changed.

The government predicts that the former name will remain seen for the next 3 years
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Re: Hobrazian Broadcasting Corporation (HBC)

Postby first » Fri Apr 17, 2009 7:58 pm



Today the arrests of tens of people began throughout Hobrazia. These people are members of suspected members of the now outlawed Nova Terra organisation. Some of those arrested are believed to be quite high up within the organisation and some of them are prominent members within some political parties within Hobrazia.

Police waiting to enter suspects home in the early hours of the morning

An extradition request has already been recieved and plans are i place to begin the process as quick as possible. A government spokesmand said:

We are preparing the steps needed o extradite these criminals from the nation. They will all be held in a mamimum security facility before their extradition. The military is responsible for guarding the prisoners and this will continue until they have all been handed to the other nations in question. We are confident that we can be rid of these terrorists within 2 years and we do this for the protection of all the decent citizens of Hobrazia.

Along with those arrested we are getting reports that the leaders of 2 politcal parties are being searched for and arrest warrents has been issued.

This steps up the investigation into Nova Terra and how far they have penetrated Hobrazia society
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Re: Hobrazian Broadcasting Corporation (HBC)

Postby GreekIdiot » Fri Apr 17, 2009 8:04 pm

The GPO would like to issue a further inquiry into this case. With your permission, our organization's investigators will enter your nation and assist, with international guarantee, the local authorities into conducting a proper search, solving any bureaucratic issues along the way and mainly attempting to protect the authorities from any potential attacks or attempts of liberation of those in custody. Our special forces will handle that.

We are more than willing to cooperate fully with your government. We eagerly await for your response.

Egoist Virginatos
Grand Secretariat
The Terran Times
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Re: Hobrazian Broadcasting Corporation (HBC)

Postby first » Sat Apr 18, 2009 1:04 pm

We thank you for the offer, however we are more than capable of conducting this investigation and protecting those detained. We will of course let you know if the situation changes.

Most arrests have already been made we are still searching for the leaders of 2 of the political parties within Hobrazia. We are confident that we will arrest them soon.

Felix Brown
Ministry of the interior
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Re: Hobrazian Broadcasting Corporation (HBC)

Postby first » Sun Apr 19, 2009 9:46 pm



It has been reported that following the arrest of suspected member of Nova Terra that they are being taken to airports and flown under military escort to an undisclosed location. The government has yet to send out a statement and the office in charge of aviation has refused to comment. However some analysts believe that these flights are only the beginning, they suspect that those arrested are being flown to a third country where they are being handed over.

It is known that many are wanted elsewhere, with many wanted in Luthori. However we are not able to make a definitive link. However some people are questioning the government and how they have gone about the arrests. The interior ministry released this statement

The ministry has conducted a number of arrests for the protection of the nation. They have been conducted with security in mind and thus no warning could be given ofsuch action taking place. Almost all those that were wanted have been arrested and we are looking into suspected links with some politcal parties and Nova Terra. We will not allow this terrorist organisation harm Hobrazia and we will defend the people with all our might. We hope that these arrests will help us stop this group from bringing Hobrazia to its knees economically and politically. Long live the Imperium

This is the strongest message about Nova Terra since the arrests began. And suggest that some politcal parties may have links to the group. The government has gone as far to say that they are 'terrorists'. However some claim that they have done nothing wrong and thus this is government persecution from a dictotorial government.

We will bring you more on this when we get it


The government has issued new laws affecting the constution, whereby the Emperor will assume the role as head of government and only he/she can nominate a cabinet, these changes have been backed by most parties and will come into force at the next election.

A government spokesman had this to say

These changes are needed for the protection of democracy in Hobrazia. We are taking these measure to make sure that terrorist organisations such as Nova Terra cannot seize power and destroy the nation we have tried so hard to build and protect. We will defend the people as long as we can and we shall use all measures to do so. These measure are the beginning of an action plan to safeguard Hobrazia for the future.
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Re: Hobrazian Broadcasting Corporation (HBC)

Postby Sam » Mon Apr 20, 2009 12:15 pm


The people of Hobrazia have spoken, and elected the parties of Nova Terra to lead them to prosperity and victory. The announcement of the election results was greeted with cheering and spontaneous mass demonstrations in favor of the government. Some of these demonstrations, however, turned unruly as people began to attack First Party headquarters and buildings known to be owned by First Party supporters. When armed guards from the First Party attempted to stop them, fighting broke out. As a result, the government of Hobrazia has declared martial law, banned the First Party, and suspended the legislature. The following statement was broadcast on national radio and television:

"It has become obvious that the First Party has been planning a coup against the legitimate government of Hobrazia which was elected by the people. Therefore, in order to prevent this coup, Nova Terra has temporarily established a government of national unity to protect the people of Hobrazia from the First Party's dictatorship."
"The FSB finally caught him for talking shit about replacing Putin with this "Saiser" character. I'm guessing they're up to his seventh toenail by now."
- Dynastia on jethro
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Postby first » Mon Apr 20, 2009 4:54 pm


It is a dark day for the people of Hobrazia. Terror has come to the street and this is lead by the monsterous head of Nova Terra. Having seized power they have begun their campaign already. They have swept aside the legislature, they have ordered mass arrests and have tried to silence all opposition. They must not and cannot succede in what they are trying to do.

Soon it will start to affect the nation as a whole as the economy will collapse and the number of those unemployed will increase. We do not want to see this happening. We will fight to prevent this from happening for we are the true holder of Hobrazia liberty and justice. The new power is threatening all that we have built. Peace and love will have no place in a dark evil Hobrazia run by a power that cares not for the people but for its own members. They will do nothing to further the will of the people and threaten the liberty that makes Hobrazia a wonderful place to live and work. They are dangerous not just to us but the whole of Terra, they will use the great military power that has been established to weaken other nations, using Hobrazian blood for their own ends. This to us in unacceptable.The government should serve the people not use the people. We must defend all that we can and use all our might to protect the true Hobrazia.

We will not stand down, we will not hide, we will defend our people from aggressive government actions, we will defend our people where ever they be in Hobrazia. We will then once victorious in this struggle build a new Hobrazia from the ashes and it will be greater than before, we will construct a glittering Imperium where everyone is equal the government dishes out deserved justice to those that need it but gives freedom to the peace loving people of Hobrazia. To this end we call all members of the party to defend what they believe in, the new power cannot stop us and we will defend the free Hobrazia to the death.

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Postby first » Wed Apr 22, 2009 3:52 pm


Today the leader of the First Party Dominic Neesam gave this speech to a crowd gathered in the hills in Kiduran Sector.

People of Kiduran and Hobrazia, listen, listen to the world that is around you, listen to the sounds of the nation. These sounds will often remind us of what Hobrazia is like. The noise of the cars in the city, people going to work to bring prosperity to the nation and themselves with the wealth they can create. The songs of the birds in the parks and country telling us that Hobrazia and be tranquil and calm. But for how much longer can this remain the case?

All this is in grave danger. Those who claim power, have not sought to work with the people but against them. They have not chosen to be keen bulders of prosperity but keen to destroy it. They have passed acts that make illegal certain opposition, opposition that they see has a threat to the nation. However over many generations the First Party has led to an increase in wealth and increase in power and an increase in freedom for the people. We have helped to liberate people from poverty and hunger, we have brought Hobrazia to the top of the list of great nations in Terra, yet in one fowl swoop this can all be destroyed by those that care nothing for Hobrazia, nothing for its people and nothing for its culture, but only for themselves, their power, their wealth and their happiness. Everyone else to them is a slve to their needs, working for them in return for their life, this is no power that cares, this is not the face of a country that once cared for its people.

We must make a stand, stnad up for what is correct, make sure that we are on the side of good and not on the side of evil. We must make sure that the rights of all the people of this great nation are protected, all those things that we hold dear are protected and everything we have built is still ere in years to come. We do not wish to see this nation brought to its knees, we do not want to see a single Hobrazian killed, we do not want a tyrant in charge of the nation. We will defend the needs of the people, together we can say NO! we can stand together with one voice and say this has gone to far.

People unite and make a stand for the true Hobrazia, the free Hobrazia.
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Re: Hobrazian Broadcasting Corporation (HBC)

Postby Sam » Thu Apr 23, 2009 3:00 am

Dominic Nessam Arrested

First Party leader Dominic Neesam was arrested yesterday by policemen of the Servicio de Informaçao Nacional after giving a speech in Kiduran. After trial before the People's Court of Kiduran City he was convicted of treason, sedition, and crimes against the state, and sentenced to life in prison. On appeal, the Supreme Court of Hobrazia upheld the sentence. Many of the people who were listening to the speech were identified by police and, in accordance with Ministry of Internal Affairs Administrative Order № 137-B, were summarily executed on the spot. The Director of the Servicio de Informaçao Nacional, António Peixoto, stated: "This is a great victory for justice. We have captured the leader of Hobrazia's largest terrorist organization. We look forward to doing the same to anyone who attempts to take his place."

Construction of Fortifications Begins Along Luthori Border

Anti-tank obstacles in Zargundia.

The Hobrazian Army has began to construct fortifications along the Hobraizan-Luthorian border, to protect the Fatherland from any future Luthorian aggression. According to Northern Army Group commander Gen. Luis Serrão, "The Axis scum, led by Luthori, has been planning aggression against Nova Terra since Nova Terra was founded, and it does not look like they will be stopping any time soon. Therefore, the construction of these fortifications is necessary for Hobrazia's national security.
"The FSB finally caught him for talking shit about replacing Putin with this "Saiser" character. I'm guessing they're up to his seventh toenail by now."
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