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Re: Selucianum Libererum

Postby Jesuit » Tue Jun 08, 2010 11:04 pm

Selucia mobilizes for war, attack foreign newspapers

Auroria, Korgana -
December 2950
At exactly 12:00 SST (Standard Time of Selucia, Selucian Standard Time) on December the 26th, 2950, part of Selucia's navy and air force mobilized for war. Finishing up another sad holiday season, the Empire is praying that this war will be done with soon, and be fast and quick, to restore hope in Selucians throughout the nation. Selucia plans on ending this war as fast as possibly, and will not show any mercy. Selucian has sent two Imperial Cruisers, ICC Uleroth and ICC Imperator, along with two Imperial Light Cruisers, ICL Black and ICL Yellow Snow out east, towards Al'Badara. Along with these four warships, a bomber - B-Wing 1, accompanied by close support planes FB Wing N-11 and FB Wing N-16 have set out towards the country as well. As of 3:00 SST December 27, 2950 the vessels and aircrafts have been reportedly been "going at a slower, more cautious pace" near the coast of Clidania. The Ministry of Defense has confirmed that they will not disclose any much more information, if anything else at all.

ICL Black

Along to start their campaign against Al'Badara, Selucia's Church, the Selucian Catholic Church, have launched several political attacks against foreign opponents and newspapers. After Zardugal's immediate response to the death of Talal Hannad, the Church waited for an appropriate time to respond to Zardugal, and find the current hour fit. In response to Jozef's statement concerning the lack of knowledge from Grant Randall of Solentia, how much does Javier Kreuz of Rutania know? Randall was asked to "not speak of things you know nothing of." To Selucians, it appears Randall knows a lot more then the Artanian Kreuz of the Axis does. Kreuz does not only embarrass himself as Foreign Minister of Rutania, he embarrasses the Axis, and he embarrasses Rutania as well. Kreuz, like the rest of the Axis, has failed to mention a word concerning Al'Badara launching missiles into the open Majatran Sea. Would Badara be the aggressor if, per say, one of those missiles hit and sunk a Selucian transport boat? Clearly it was a risk too big to take. But the act of the Axis failing to mention one word about this shows who they sided with from the start. The Selucian Catholic Church pleads for smaller Axis nations to save themselves and withdraw from the Axis at once.

In response to Jacob Kennedy of Barmenia, Selucians were in immediate protest. How could Barmenia simply turn their backs on them? Was Barmenia as clueless as the Axis was in Badara launching missiles? Clearly so. In fact, Selucian Foreign Minister, Brother Eric Sokeria SJ had a few words to say himself. "If Barmenia wants to violate our treaty, they can withdraw from it. In fact, we encourage Barmenia to withdraw from our treaty, as Selucia will be in a short matter of time, and go re-ratify the Axis." Brother Eric Sokeria later accused of Barmenia working as a tool to get Selucia kicked out of the Axis, per Article V.

In the day's final response, Selucia was quite pleased at Luthori's decision. Father Jason de Augusta SJ, had the following to say to Luthori's response to the situation. "We're glad Luthori did not declare war on us. In fact, we thank the nobleman of Luthori for not directly intervening on this conflict, and Selucia promises not to touch Battlefleet Orion. If the Holy Selucian Empire misread the article in Luthori Central News in any which way, and Luthori is in fact declaring war, along with the rest of the Axis on Selucia, the Holy Selucian Empire would greatly appreciate an immediate response in order to mobilize as many forces as needed. Selucia is most saddened to see the Axis Alliance tear two Christian Brothers apart, in order to defend this Alliance along with a Muslim nation." The priest, holding this speech of his in his native August, teared up towards the end near the Christian Brothers part. This war will be an emotional one for many.
Last edited by Jesuit on Wed Jun 09, 2010 1:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Selucianum Libererum

Postby Gracchus » Wed Jun 09, 2010 12:45 am

Vestnik (International Edition): Open Letter to Combatants

“To the combating nations of Majatra,

“The Great Princedom of Trigunia has long held itself in isolation, staying out of foreign nation’s internal and international disputes as long as our trade interests are not endangered. The recent calls for war in Majatra, however, endanger not only the two nations in question, but all parts of Terra.

“The United Badaran Emirates provide the petroleum that is the lifeblood of the Great Princedom. This blood flows along the great shipping lanes in and around Majatra, serving as great arteries to Trigunia and other nations. Mixed in these arteries along with the petrol are various products going into and out of the nations bordering the Sea of Majatra.

“Merchantmen from numerous nations, including Trigunia, sail in and around these routes providing the goods and products needed to ensure increasing standards of living and economic growth.

“However, when these routes are threatened, when the flow of trade and vital products is retarded by the actions of a few warring parties, a much larger problem will befall the world. And this is unacceptable.

“Trigunia is a peaceful nation, dedicated to economic growth, stability, and international trade for the benefit of all peoples of the world. But it will not accept the interference by warring nations on its international trade.

“Of course, there is more than money at stake; no one should think Trigunians are greedy and insensitive. This crisis has the potential to be greatly destructive of lives, property, and futures.

“With peace in mind, with the pleas of humanity, and with God behind us, Trigunia demands that both sides in this conflict continue the agreements concluded in The Law of the Sea, regardless whether they have ratified the treaty, by maintaining open sea lanes for all ships without regard to nationality, port of origin, or port of destination.

“Likewise, Trigunia demands that both nations agree that all neutral shipping, airlines, and private craft be protected from unlawful searches and seizures of property by combatants, and their passengers and crew remain safe and unharmed by any land, naval or air forces involved in the conflict.

“The failure of any faction in agreeing to these measures or in their execution will be considered a pariah nation specifically by Trigunia and the Great Princedom will take all efforts to end the conflict through outside means.

“I wish to reiterate that Trigunia is a peace-loving nation and does not come to nor speak these harsh words lightly. Please take heed of our words and end this conflict soon for the sake of humanity and God.”


Viceroy of the Great Princedom of Trigunia His Grace Vasya Romanovich Mashkov, 2nd Duke of Petrovgrad, NSZ, TVKS, VP, NTP, BZ
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Re: Selucianum Libererum

Postby Captain-Socialist » Mon Aug 23, 2010 12:48 pm

New Political Faction Defies Catholic Dictatorship!
October MMCMLXXXVIII, Auroria -Defying the authoritarian Jesuit Authorities, the United Legion of Trariists are attempting to register themselves as a legitimate political party in time for the next election.

The Leaders of the United Legion of Triariists wrote:Triariism is the ideology of the future, of the restoration of Selucian greatness. Naming ourselves after the Triarii of old, the fearless elite fighters of the ancient Selucian Republic, we swear to take up the Fasces and the Legionary Standards of our ancestors up from the mud and restore the Republic and the True Gods of old.

Triariism is a ideal based upon the true values of Social Responsibility, Militarism and Constitutional Republicanism. Pure Democracy is undesirable, the Republic must be built on solid foundations of liberty and equality of opportunity, not on endless fluctuations of policy caused by the flightily masses. Therefore the Constitution of our nation must be strict and guard against reckless change, and the executive must be strong, but not too strong. "Hope and Change" are the slogans of cowards and fools, as devote pessimists aware that our civilisation is always in grave peril of decline, we declare our slogans as "Weariness and Preservation"!

Our programme for the current time;
1) Remove the King from the Throne and do all in our power to discredit the foul ideals of Monarchism. The Republic must be restored and defended.

2) The integrity of the City State must be restored.

3) Catholicism, that foul religion of universal stagnation and sexual perversion beneath the charade of purity and love of the poor, shall be eternally separated from the state. The order of Jesuits shall be banned, and the Pope and all his fellows shall be treated as a citizens like any other, subject to taxation, military service etc. Paganism shall be promoted but not enforced. Foreign religions, such as Islam, shall not be allowed to proselytise themselves within the Republic's borders.

4) Selucia must respect the rights of private property and encourage foreign investment. Welfarism will damage the will of the Proletarians to work and seek employment.

5) A strong military and a independent foreign policy are vital. The world is full of powerful Monarchial Christian Empires who will no doubt seek to restore the tyrannical House of Victoria, we must build strong relations with other Republics to guard ourselves against this. We propose the creation of a International Republican League and membership of the Pact of Nations.
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Re: Selucianum Libererum

Postby Captain-Socialist » Mon Aug 23, 2010 9:08 pm

Triariist Revolution Grips Selucia! Catholic Authority Toppled!

December MMCMLXXXVIII, Selucia - In a stunning Senatorial election, the United Legion of Trariists have shattered the Catholic hegemony which has dominated Selucia for centuries with a jaw dropping 89.01% of the vote, which adds up to about 367,125,727 supporters in a nation of 586,662,370.

The Catholic Regime has failed to hold any region, meaning both the Monarchy and the Church are rendered completely impotent by the overwhelming mandate the Selucian people have handed to a Republican, Pagan Revolutionary Party. A military coup, feared by the Trariist leadership, is now unlikely in face of such a huge amount of public backing to the new government.

The Trariist Legion is a political newcomer, but has already proven itself to be a dynamic and much loved force in Selucian politics. Starting at a grassroots level, attracting students and intellectuals fend up with stifling Church dogma alongside soldiers and the rural poor amongst whom the pagan traditions stubbornly held out, building quickly into a national movement drawing large contingents of the urban proletariat and middle class sick of Clerical corruption and political stagnation. With easy to understand calls for the restoration of the Ancient Selucian Republic and the Freedom of the City States and two dynamic leaders, Ottaviano Faunus and Marius Hieronymon, it is no wonder that the Trariist movement has seized power from the stuffy and moralistic leaders of the Selucian Catholic Party. The widespread resentment caused by endemic sexual abuse and a series of dramatic foreign policies failures also contributed to the Revolutions success.

All across the nation, people are celebrating the fall of the old order. "For years, we had to hide the household Gods in a hollow wall" says a jubilant farmer "and the police would count our livestock to make sure we weren't making sacrifices. Now we are free to worship the old Gods again, Trariism has saved us.."

But what of it's policies, and how does it intend to govern Selucia?
"Our nation has been in a decline for many years following the establishment of the Jesuit State" says Ottaviano Faunus, a lively man of seemingly endless energy "the state lost touch with reality, ignoring the overwhelmingly Pagan countryside and bumbling along waiting to die and go to heaven, becoming unconcerned with, even glorying in, earthly suffering. Such a philosophy sapped the will to fight for the glory of Selucia from the state and the market, and the tyrannical monarchy made it impossible for a democratically elected executive with real qualifications for government to turn the nation around. Our new Trariist Regime will build a durable Republic and Empire, with a firm position in world affairs and a society based on correct moral conduct and a striving ambition for greatness. As our preliminary programme has stated, we shall join the Pact of Nations and attempt to create a Republican Counterpart to the International Monarchist League, and restore Selucia's credibility lost after the Al'Barban War Fiasco. We shall greatly extend the length of the electoral term from the frankly absurd current 24 mouths, a time in which no government can be expected to achieve anything was clearly intended to weaken anti-Catholic parties. We write a new constitution to preserve the Republic, and install a sense of duty in Selucians."
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Re: Selucianum Libererum

Postby Captain-Socialist » Wed Aug 25, 2010 3:19 pm

Triariist Government Launches Ambitious City Construction Programme
August MMCMLXXXIX - the dome of the new Senate building in the proposed new capital city of Ottavianivum, named after the Proconsul and Revolutionary Leader Ottaviano Albus Livio Faunus. The Faunus-Hieronymon Consulship has proposed the construction of eleven new cities to relive the overcrowding of Selucia's ancient cities.

Ottavianivum, East Shadar - In one of the most ambitious architectural projects in world history, the Triariist government has begun planning to rehouse thousands of Selucians in new model cities built using modern scientific methods which allow areas previously inhospitable to human habitation, such as marshes and mountainsides. Selucia suffers from chronic overcrowding, with the highest population density on Terra, 2,120.95 people / km, with only the United Badaran Emirates 1,326.83 people / km coming close. This bold move has attracted admiration from many developmental analysts, who claim that the Triariist's straight forward methods, which harmonise the interests of both capital and labour by harnessing both to work in the national interest, creating employment, infrastructure and tackling poverty.

The air of excitement and achievement amongst the Selucian people is breathtaking, the Triariist ideology has revitalised people who where once weary and apathetic under the Catholic Regime. Surly, this great experiment in Republican principles and strong arm government will provide a model for many nations who suffer from chronic corruption and decline, especially in the east, where Monarchist nations such as Sekowo and Vorona have a hundred percent unemployment.
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Re: Selucianum Libererum

Postby Bismarkey7 » Wed Aug 25, 2010 3:30 pm

2989: Government Declares Support for Selucian Triariists

Today, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of Beiteynu and Yishelem declared in a press release the government's official support for the Triariist Revolution in Selucia:

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of Beiteynu and Yishelem wrote:The Government of the Commonwealth of Beiteynu and Yishelem officially declares its support of the Triariist Revolution in Selucia, and officially recognizes its government as the legitimate government of Selucia. Although our support may seem a bit late in coming, we were waiting to see how the revolution would affect the People of Selucia. We are glad to say that in our eyes, the Triariist Government has placed the power back in the hands of the people through a responsible representative form of democracy. We are also glad to note that the Triariist Revolution was without fatalities and fairly devoid of any violent acts.

The fall of the theocratic Catholic regime of Selucia was long overdue. We imagine that the Selucian People suffered greatly under the reduced freedoms and religious restrictions placed on them by the priest-politicians. While our government supports the freedom of religion, we sincerely believe that religion should not influence politics. The Beiteynuese Government was aware that Selucia was just an autocratic and imperialistic regime ever since their also long-gone puppet government in Barmenia threatened us with invasion, which, of course, the cowards never carried out.

Once again, we are thankful for the fall of Selucia's theocracy, and thankful for its new republican government. May the Triariist Revolution always stay true to its ideals of representative democracy, strength, and freedom. We wish the Selucian Nation, its People, and its Government - our fellow Majatrans - the best of luck. Thank you.
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Re: Selucianum Libererum

Postby Captain-Socialist » Sun Aug 29, 2010 12:06 pm

Constitution Takes Shape Under Guidance of the Faunus-Hieronymon Consulship
June MMCMXCI, Ottavianivum, East Shadar - First Consul of the Senate Marius Severinus Fabianus Hieronymon (left) and Tribune Elect and Proconsul of the Republic Ottaviano Albus Livio Faunus "the Apostate" (right) attend the ceremony marking the ratification of the Rules Relating to the Election of the Senate and the Consulship, which forms a vital part of Selucia's new constitution.

Selucia's liberty must be assured, and the work of our Consuls towards this goal is exemplary. The system of the Consulship will assure that the will of the People and the of the Senate will also be balanced, as the Senate will never be able to form a cabinet without the permission of the Peoples direct representative the Tribune Elect, and the powers of head of government and head of state shall never to merged, nor shall a King sally our liberties.

Also in the making are the Anti-Jesuit Laws, which will defend the Republic from any attempts to reestablish the Papist tyranny or create a new theocracy of some foreign faith, and the Anti-Tryanny Laws, which will defend freedom of expression as is the birthright of every Selucian citizen and forbids the subversion of the state by factional interests appointing their own kind to positions of importance within the state and army.

But who are these Consuls, these Founding Fathers of Our Republic, who have so guided our nation from the pits of Christian despair and Kingly tyranny? These men whose faces and image adore the homes of the people, whose health is preyed for by every mystery cult and Jewish synagogue freed from Papal persecution and name toasted by every atheist and freethinker for ending the Clerical oppression of science and learning?

Ottaviano Faunus during his days in the monastery.

Ottaviano Faunus, who is the most popular with the common people and is hence given the office of Tribune and Proconsul, is known by his Christian opponents as the "Apostate", for he was once a monk of the Church who rejected the tenants of the faith after finding the scriptures to be full of contradictions, abominations and lies and became a pagan and one of the first Triariists. A powerful public speaker with incredible energy, Faunus quickly became the figurehead of the movement.

During these early days, he made his partnership with Hieronymon, a gifted political maneuverer capable of reconciling various factions together in a common cause with ease, a skill he used with great effect to unite the various dissidents behind the Triariist banner. Together, they assumed the leadership of the Revolution and from there on the leadership of the Republic. The leadership of these two extraordinary men will surly go down with honour in the Annuls of the Republic.
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Re: Selucianum Libererum

Postby Captain-Socialist » Tue Aug 31, 2010 11:18 am

City Construction Plan Complete!
October MMCMXCII, East Shadar - The New Senate House in Ottavianivum is now ready for sessions.

The Altar of the Republic in Shadaium Occasus, West Shadar.

Triumphal Arch in Saturnium, Kal Serathi.
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Re: Selucianum Libererum

Postby haven222 » Tue Aug 31, 2010 1:59 pm

I have an idea that this republic will turn into an empire(Modern Roman Empire),and then be gang-banged by the Axis later on.
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Re: Selucianum Libererum

Postby Captain-Socialist » Wed Jan 12, 2011 9:34 pm

Republic Restored!
Triariist forces have swept into power, restoring the Republic and again casting down the Catholic Church. While for the moment occupied with internal reforms, the new Republican leadership are expected to take a strong stand against the Pan-Semitic neighbour state of Cildania, now called biQildar.
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