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Re: Neótaton tês Basileías Kalopikês - Kalopian News

Postby Hrafn » Sat Aug 21, 2010 11:56 pm

To Arms

Facing the possibility of Lodamese aggression toward Kalopia, the government has decided to make the military forces of Kalopia ready for war. The programme includes modernization of Kalopia's arsenal of nuclear and biochemical weapons.
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Re: Neótaton tês Basileías Kalopikês - Kalopian News

Postby Hrafn » Fri Sep 03, 2010 2:11 pm

Crack Down on Migration

To protect the territorial and cultural integrity of the Kalopian people, the Phalanx-dominated Gerousia passed the Immigration Act of 2993, closing the borders of Kalopia to anyone who is not a citizen of a nation in the Pact of Nations. The same day they voted in favor of the Emigration Act of 2993 which prohibits all emigration of ethnic Kalopians, calling it treason. Only by authorisation by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs can an ethnic Kalopian reside in a foreign country.

The government is also happy to announce that the legalization of voluntary segregation has considerably eased the tensions between the Kalopians and the Wantuni.
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Re: Neótaton tês Basileías Kalopikês - Kalopian News

Postby Hrafn » Wed Sep 08, 2010 5:17 pm

Kalopian Economy Shrinks

During this year the GDP of Kalopia has been halved. An opposition has emerged within the Phalanx, blaming the depression on the economic politics of the establishment, and especially the introduction of the salary cap. Minister of Finance, Epameinondas Panagou, claims the opposite, that the salary cap was introduced to attempt to mitigate the effects of negative growth on the lower classes. He also remarked in passing that the depression is part of the Hellenic Socialist revolution.

The Wantuni, always at the end of the line, are not as happy as Mr Panagou.
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Re: Neótaton tês Basileías Kalopikês - Kalopian News

Postby Hrafn » Mon Sep 13, 2010 5:36 pm

Socialist Market Reforms

With the loss of influence of the totalitarian faction of the Phalanx, the Ekklesia decided to liberalize the economy of Kalopia. The first great step was the removing of most public and all private government-granted monopolies, allowing among other things private clinics and pension funds to supplement the public ones, and the selling of most state owned industries to worker cooperatives. The state also gave away the greater part of Kalopia's land in small parts to every national announcing their interest.
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Re: Neótaton tês Basileías Kalopikês - Kalopian News

Postby Hrafn » Sun Sep 26, 2010 12:55 pm

Warning to Kafuristan

After all the insults the Liberal Urban Party has thrown at Kalopia, Kafuristan will be in grave danger if they elect this rat party to power. Our intelligence has revealed that the Liberal Urban Party seeks to increase Kafuri military strength drastically. This must be dealt with. Kalopia shall always be the great power of the region!
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Re: Neótaton tês Basileías Kalopikês - Kalopian News

Postby Amazeroth » Sat Oct 09, 2010 12:50 pm

King goes into Exile

After the overtake of the authoritarian Kalopian Regime Coalition, and their first actions effectively ending the Basileus' rule over Kalopia, the Basileus, his family, and his closest friends and advisors, have decided to leave the country.

"Knowing, that the last time the KRC took over, they soon issued an order that all opposing elements were to be executed, we cannot say that it is safe for the King to remain in his country at this time", said a spokesman for the royal family.

The Basileus himself made a last speech, from the balcony of his castle, to his subjects:

"Once again, Kalopia has fallen under the tyranny of the Apellas regime. Once again, all those who hold their freedom dear, all those who do not have naught but contempt for their neighbours, all those who value Kalopia, and the beacon of civilisation it has been, will have to face an enemy set on extinguishing everything, and anyone, who made Kalopia great. My heart and my mind is with my people, and my people's suffering is my suffering, for I know, that now all that we managed to achieve, all our contributions to Terra, will be ended by the fire of the authoritarian executioners.

I urge all those who have come to love the free Kalopia, the Kalopia that has been an outstanding example to its brother nations, to leave the country as well, if they hold their life dear, for the new regime will ultimately find, torture, and kill them.
Leave, or fight back! Be ensured, my loyal, wonderful Kalopians, that I will do everything in my power to help you fight the ursurpers. Be ensured, that I will not hold back wares or money to help you fighting these tyrants.

For there still is hope! If history has showed us one thing, it is that tyrants always fall! No nation on Terra, that has not once overthrown their unlawful leaders! No dictator has lived forever! No regime, that didn't have to succumb to the people it exploited after all!

So hope, my Kalopians, hope and have faith in God, and this regime will fall again!"

And indeed, as the KRC didn't pass any laws or orders to prevent the King leaving with all his possesions, the King has now an immense treasure with which to fund any anti-KRC organisations and actions in Kalopia for probably even centuries. Also, it is rumored, that the King has left some men of his elite guard behind, in order to train and lead anti-regime troops.

The King itself has not announced, where he will go, but it is considered quite sure that he will go to one of the countries with which the Islyns always had a good standing, most probable Hulstria or Luthori.
Eines Tages traf Karl der Große eine alte Frau.
"Guten Tag, alte Frau", sagte Karl der Große.
"Guten Tag, Karl der Große", sagte die alte Frau.
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Re: Neótaton tês Basileías Kalopikês - Kalopian News

Postby GreekIdiot » Sat Oct 09, 2010 3:38 pm

Kalopia faces bankruptcy

Once again the time has come for a different party to rule the lands of Kalopia and once again the King abandons its people and accuses democracy of being ruthless and barbaric. The King has abandoned the people of Kalopia in order to flee from their own claims of the KRC hunting them down and aiming on wiping out every political enemy. The King does not care of its people and it never will. The King lived in great palaces and great castles while the Kalopian GDP went slowly into overdrive.

And finally, the King has succeeded. He left the people of Kalopia alone in the fight towards economical recovery, leaving their professional torture-men to train rebels who will help in protecting Kalopia from suffering from the old mean dictatorship. The King has done it, he has created chaos out of nowhere. The rebels bombed a fishmarket where there was rumor that Apellas was meeting under the public radar with his associates. Six women and men lost their lives, and 15 others were seriously injured. "If the King had power, he would pin his flag on my husband's mutilated body, just to show the power he has!", Mrs. Elena stated, a newly pronounced widow, after losing her husband in the terrible explosion. The government is doing their best in order to protect the families involved in the tragedy.

And last, the King has finished it. No progress will be made. Kalopia now faces bankruptcy, declaring the danger the day after the King's departure. The King has taken the money and has fled, in order to help the remaining Kalopians he left untouched during his era of power to last against the new ruthless regime, and all that from a safe and unharmed distance.

The KRC asks for aid and humanitarian help to enter the nation and help re organize once again the left overs of a dark age that has stigmatized forever the Kalopian lands. Meanwhile, the Internal Affairs Ministry has mobilized all construction equipment and personnel in order to tear down every imperial palace, safeguard, using the golden statues, dishes and every other valuable item of the Imperial regime in order to help dying families by exporting the gold jewels and precious commodities to neighboring nations in different form in order to earn money.

"We don't want the King, he can suffer anywhere he likes, wherever that might be, in a five star grand hotel-cazino in Jakania, in the swift snowy hotels of Lodamun, in a wonderful gay cruise around the globe. We care not. We only wish the international authorities arrest and trial that man and his associates, for he is a beast amongst humans, and we have the whole of Kalopia screaming for justice", Mr. Apellas comments on the situation, "we dearly hope the King won't return. We can do it without him, he can stick all that money up his rotten bottom and have fun wherever he is. For all we care."
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Re: Archaíon Cheirógrafon ti̱s Kalopias - ACK

Postby GreekIdiot » Wed Oct 20, 2010 11:20 pm

Apellas Regime established

With the Declaration of Universal Governance the Kalopian Regime Coalition successfully established their stable regime to the safest and most secure stage. "The people of Kalopia depend on us for the choices we have made and for all the actions we have forced upon the political universe", was the comment of Mr. Apellas, leader of the leading political party, "we have the dictatorship of the people established with the best of options available for the state." Along with the official disbandment of all remaining political organizations, the current government officially handed all assets and stocks of the Kalopian major and only shipping company to the newly founded Apellas Ltd., led by Mr. Apellas. Upon passing of the aforementioned bills, the government of Kalopia will be issuing several diplomatic statements with regards to international proposals and offers.
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March 3027

Postby GreekIdiot » Mon Nov 08, 2010 2:58 pm

Kalopian government states "no involvement" unless asked

After months of debate, angry conversations and disagreements between the members of the Elite 75, the government of Kalopia has reached a final decision with regards to the conflict within Barmenian borders. "We will not interfere, unless asked to act in some way", was the statement of KRC spokesperson earlier this morning, "we value Majatra as a continent but will not be involved in other people's business".

Meanwhile, the KRC is being actively involved in international politics, mainly through the steadily rising ComIntern.
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March 3029 - Archaíon Cheirógrafon ti̱s Kalopias - ACK

Postby GreekIdiot » Fri Nov 12, 2010 11:35 am

Apellas government disappointed by Dorvik election outcome

The latest election results from within the Dorvik borders shout great loss for the leftist side with bold letters on the foreheads of the communist leaders. Although, despite this terrible loss, Mr. Trajan Petrov, the leader of the Communist Party of Dorvik and founder of the newly created ComIntern, was unanimously voted again to the position of the General Secretary of the party. "We wish to congratulate Trajan Petrov for his re election, but we ought to express our sincerest concern on the question at hand," was the comment of KRC spokesperson, "that of determining who runs in the end the entity of Dorvik." That quotation of course refers to the ComIntern's status.

Meanwhile, there are vast reports in Kalopia of military mobilization plans. No announcement or confirmation for that matter has been released so far.
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