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Re: Glorieuse Journal Impérial

Postby Cirith » Wed Feb 02, 2011 7:42 pm

Le Figaro – Parlement National Elections!
Saint-Pierre, Alvium – September 3069

The PCR have won the elections, as expected. The party which has reformed the Empire holds all 200 seats in the Parlement but that does not stop the debate and work as factions are arising within the party itself.

On the one hand you have the Conservatives, who want to follow a conservative agenda and strengthen the countries economy, while making sure the power of the democratically elected bodies is strongest in Lourenne. They are led by Allen Nestor, the current Minister for Justice.

Elad Cirith, Chancelier of Lourenne

On the other hand, you have the Royalists, who want to preserve the monarchy of Lourenne, in House Orleans Vasser and the throne of Isabelle Iième & her descendants. They also want a strong central government with changes to improve the nation where it is needed but not change for changes sake. They are led by the current Chancelier of Lourenne, Elad Cirith.

Cirith has put a new cabinet in place and begun a large legislative agenda. His government also seek a conference with Kanjor & Rildanor and there are rumours abound that a League of Nations charter is being drafted.
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Re: Glorieuse Journal Impérial

Postby Cirith » Wed Feb 02, 2011 8:06 pm

Le Figaro – Queen Approves Union for the Sovereign Prince!
Saint-Pierre, Alvium – October 3069

A royal wedding was announced today, to take place in December of this year, keeping the Queens promise that her son will marry before the year is out. We can now reveal that Maria de Montesquieu, daughter of the Duc de Montesquieu of Alvium, is the mother of Françoise and has been dating the Sovereign Prince, Immanuel, for over a 20 years.

Many question how long it will be before the Queen abdicates as she nears 71 years of age but many say that if this marriage does not go ahead, and legitimise Françoise, there will be problems for the 51 year old Sovereign Prince when it comes time for him to pass on the throne. Royalists see this marriage as essential and praise the decision by Queen Isabelle to favour the union.

Maria de Montesquieu, future Princess Consort of Lourenne

The Duchy's are not too happy about the announcement though, with the exception of Alvium, as the Duc's believe this will raise de Montesquieu above them and it will be the first time a member of the royal family marries a member of the 5 Lourenne Ducal families, usually off bounds due to concerns of status.

The people are of a different opinion however as they look forward to the wedding and call for a national holiday on the wedding date, as it will be the first royal wedding since Queen Isabelle married Consort Maximilien Isodore.

The mood of the nation is optimistic and excited.
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Re: Glorieuse Journal Impérial

Postby Cirith » Wed Feb 02, 2011 8:27 pm

Le Figaro – Consort Passes Away in Sleep!
Saint-Pierre, Alvium – November 3069

Sad news today as the palace announces that Consort, Maximilien Isodore, the husband of Queen Isabelle II and the father of Sovereign Prince, Immanuel, has died. The passing was peaceful, the royal couple went to bed last night and the Consort simply did not wake up this morning.

The Queen is in mourning but the palace have already enacted the funeral plans and it shall take place in 4 days time, after the body is laid in waiting for 3 days at the palace for visitors to say goodbye.

The Chancelier will give the eulogy, it is believed the Cirith family have become extremely close to the royal family since working tirelessly to put them back on the throne last year.
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Re: Glorieuse Journal Impérial

Postby Cirith » Wed Feb 02, 2011 8:34 pm

Le Figaro – Funeral of the Consort!
Saint-Pierre, Alvium – November 3069

The funeral of the Consort of the Empire was held today. Maximilien Isodore, 71, was lavished with a state funeral with over 200 guests in the 'Cathédrale nationale de Lourenne', with the royal family and entire government among them, as well as previous politicians and famous Lourennians. The funeral procession went from the palace to the cathedral, with thousands of citizens lining the roads to see the funeral car pass with the Queen and Consort inside.

People line the Consort's funeral procession

The Chancelier, Elad Cirith of the PCR said in his eulogy;

'... Maximilien was a great man, he only ever wanted to serve this nation and be with his family. I remember the day we welcomed our Queen back, he said to me, “Elad, I cannot tell you how pleased I am that I get to see my Queen smile again, doing what she loves for the people she loves.” That is a great man, a man that is happy to see his wife happy, happy to serve his country and his family and happy to give his wife to the people of Lourenne for their entire marriage. We have lost a great man today and I mourn with you all...'

Long live the Queen!
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Re: Glorieuse Journal Impérial

Postby Cirith » Wed Feb 02, 2011 9:05 pm

Le Figaro – Royal Wedding of the Sovereign Prince!
Saint-Pierre, Alvium – December 3069

On this holiday of the people, Sovereign Prince, Immanuel, and Maria de Montesquieu, have married in the 'Cathédrale nationale de Lourenne'. Last month they buried the Prince's father but today was a different scene altogether as royals came together to see the wedding of a future King and Consort.

The private ceremony lasted just over an hour before the parties left the cathedral and headed back to the palace for a lavish reception ceremony. The Duc's were also in attendance, with Duc de Montesquieu giving his daughter away and joining the other 4 Duc's on the front row, opposite the Queen. The Queen is believed to have given her engagement ring from Consort Maximilien Isodore to Maria, as a wedding gift, and as her something old.

Immanuel and Maria, A picture from after the ceremony, at the reception in the palace

Parties have been thrown across Lourenne to celebrate the union tonight and the people rejoice to see the couple finally united in matrimony after 20 years together. Rumours are now abound that the Queen, who has been growing ever quieter since the death of her husband, is preparing to abdicate, to allow Immanuel to see his son married and begin a family while he is on the throne, ensuring the continuation of the line and rule.

Current figures show that the PCR government has a 72% approval rating, while the monarchy has a 64% approval rating. Sovereign Prince Immanuel has a 80% approval rating and when you combine that with his new wife, they have a 83% approval rating. When asked if they want to see Queen Isabelle abdicate for the Sovereign Prince, 57% say yes, while 30% they do not mind as long as it stays with this family, the Orleans Vasser's.
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Re: Glorieuse Journal Impérial

Postby Cirith » Thu Feb 03, 2011 3:21 pm

Le Figaro – League of Nations Charter Presented!
Saint-Pierre, Alvium – January 3070

The Chancelier of Lourenne, Elad Cirith, today revealed the charter proposed for a League of Terran Nations international organisation, through to be a group that aims to replace the UN as the primary international organisation of Terra. Lucius Mevra, the Minister of Foreign Affairs for Lourenne, has proposed the ratification of the charter in the Parlement, along with 11 other nations that have also proposed ratification already, the charter is expected to come into effect, with 5 nation ratifying it, by August 3071.

Lucius Mevra, Minister of Foreign Affairs

The Chancelier has sent personal messages to every party in Terra that holds seats in national legislatures it is rumoured and we managed to speak to him earlier today, this what he had to say:

'...The League is meant to be an organisation that is committed to the peace and prosperity of every nation in Terra. It does not matter what a nations political scene is, it does not matter what legislative process or current legislation of a nation is, no matter the history or the culture, the League is a co-operative organisation that will operate on an international level. With no legislative powers, only majority will being made known, it enacts no sovereignty over member states and I hope that it will be an active & large organisation...'

The treaty is open to ratification and the Chancelier is optimistic it will have 10 member states minimum by the end of next year.

LTN Treaty: http://classic.particracy.net/viewtreat ... atyid=1895
LTNP Org: http://classic.particracy.net/vieworgan ... ionid=2457
Last edited by Cirith on Thu Feb 03, 2011 11:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Glorieuse Journal Impérial

Postby Cirith » Thu Feb 03, 2011 11:37 pm

Le Figaro – Sovereign Prince's Son Declared Legitimate!
Valois, New Kreshar – March 3070

The 19 year old son of Immanuel and Maria Iième, Françoise, is to marry Kirsten Panetier before his 20th birthday next year. This marriage will go hand in hand with the legitimisation of Françoise in the line of succession by the Queen and will take place at the Cathedrale de Valois.

Kirsten Panetier, Daughter of Comte Panetier from Valois Country

The couple have been together for over 3 years now, since they were 16 and the Comte took Françoise in so he could study at Université de Valois. The marriage is expected to take place in Decembers, an exact year after Françoise's parents were married.

The people are already rejoicing, with the approval ratings for the monarchy going above 90%.
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Re: Glorieuse Journal Impérial

Postby Cirith » Fri Feb 04, 2011 12:05 am

Le Figaro – HRH Prince Gilles Passes Away!
Saint-Pierre, Alvium – May 3070

Today, the 75 year old cousin of Queen Isabelle and the third in the line of succession, has passed away peacefully in his sleep, joining the Queens, Consort, who passed away last November. The Prince never married but is believed to have had a number of partners, although the sex of those partners is a matter of great debate in Lourenne, which the royal family do not comment upon.

Queen Isabelle announced that the funeral would be private but she said the following about her cousin;

'...Gilles was a great man, he made me proud to be his cousin and he served our house well over the years, acting like a Prince throughout his life. I will sorely miss my cousin and I hope the people join me in saying goodbye to him in 4 day, wherever they may be at the time of his funeral...'

You have to wander if the losses are getting to the Queen, who it has to be said, is looking more and more tired as we approach her 72nd year and her 37th year on the throne of Lourenne.
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Re: Glorieuse Journal Impérial

Postby Cirith » Fri Feb 04, 2011 12:59 am

Le Figaro – Patriarch Named – Supreme Court Confirmed!
Saint-Pierre, Alvium – July 3070

Today, the Pope confirmed Pierre de Ursuul, the nomination of the National Catholic Ministry, as Patriarch for the Orthodox Catholic Church of Lourenne. A small ceremony at the Villes de Saints, attended by the Sovereign Prince and Consort, was held to invest the patriarch who now serves the national church under Pope Gregoire II.

Pierre de Ursuul, Patriarch for the Orthodox Catholic Church of Lourenne

The Patriarch is quite private and not very much is known about him but since the church is mandatory and more people than expected are voluntarily practising the faith in Lourenne, this man has the chance to become the centre of Orthodox Catholicism in Lourenne.

In other news, the Supreme Court nominations of Chancelier Elad Cirith have been confirmed by the Parlement and the Court has elected Henri Buble to be the Justice of the Court at the Justice Pavilion.
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Re: Glorieuse Journal Impérial

Postby Cirith » Fri Feb 04, 2011 1:16 am

Valois, New Kreshar – November 3070

The wedding of the year in Lourenne has been held, a month earlier than expected so that the royal family can mourn the Consorts passing last year. In a lavish ceremony, held at the Cathedrale de Valois, Françoise Iième and Kirsten Panetier, where wed by the Patriarch of Lourenne.

Nobility from across Terra where in attendance and the entire royal family attended, with the Queen giving the bride her veil from her wedding day as her something borrowed & old and the mother of the groom giving the bride a gold bracelet for her something new, from the Brides parents.

The Groom kisses the Bride

The ceremony lasted just under an hour before photos, confetti and registration took place at the second largest cathedral in Lourenne. Politics was put aside as members of the PCR and the new Parti Populiste de Lourenne where in attendance. The Chancelier sat with the Queen at the front of the cathedral but the leader of the PPL was sat just behind them.

The wedding party then moved to the Château de Chamont via royal transport where a lavish reception was held with celebrities, politicians and members of the nobility from across Lourenne mingled and enjoyed drinks in the royal garden.

The couple at the lavish reception at the Château de Chamont

There was high spirits and why the reception went on into the night, across the nation, citizens were holding their own wedding parties to celebrate the young couples union and once again show the growing support for the returned monarchy in Lourenne.

((OOC: Feel free to do a newspaper article in your own press about your attendance :P))
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