
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Zardic World Report

Postby bucsfan47 » Sun Jan 23, 2011 6:17 am

Zardic World Report
LVIII Edition

United Nationalist Cabinet Ministers Hard at Work

In the recent weeks an amazing amount of announcements have come from the various Ministries in The Director General's new Cabinet.

Internal Affairs- December 4th
Internal Affairs Minister Gavin Haywood announces that in Cooperation with The DMF and BLS a new alcohol and drug education program will be implemented in communities across the Federation, especially In The Federated States of Dovani where Drug Related Crimes have risen 17% in the past 5 years.

Defense- December 10th
Defense Minister Tyler Kelley announces that The Kostandian Army Academy has developed a new Hand to Hand Combat Instruction Regimen that has proven very effective in the field, Recruits are scoring nearly 45% Higher on Test Scores in the Area, and there are plans to begin a ZAF Wide Competition to boost Morale.

Justice-December 22nd
Justice Minister Bruno Monroe awarded Distinguished Service Medals to the two Prosecutors who were key in the conviction of Chester Feels who went on a cross country Bank Robbing tour. A medal was also awarded Posthumously to Sgt.Gregory Gist who was killed attempting to arrest Chester Feels.

Health December 26th
Health Minister Mike Harrison announces new findings in the fight against "The Common Cold" and other viruses. New government research has found that the belief that once a virus enters a Cell the anti-bodies in immune system can do nothing else is false. Anti-viral antibodies can in fact enter the cell with the invading virus where they are able to trigger the rapid destruction of the foreign invader. Researches are still trying to figure out how to capitalize on that information but a giant step has been made.
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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby bucsfan47 » Thu Feb 10, 2011 4:20 am

Zardic World Report
LIX Edition

Director of State breaks official Silence


Today the Director of State met with the 4 Vicar Generals of The Federated States in The Capitol and afterwards a press conference was held on the steps of The National Directorate Building. The Initial question concerned the claims from the House of Orleans Vasser to Federated land.

Time and time again the Federation has come under attack from enemies both home and abroad, these enemies have been most earnest in their attempts to overturn the will of the Federation and its people. They do not do battle with us militarily, but instead try to undermine the hard work of you and your ancestors with pen and paper in a most cowardly way. Once again we were recently under attack, and once again The Federation and justice prevailed. Through the tireless efforts on behalf of my office, the Foreign Minister and other members of the Government these events have been firmly and categorically settled.

The now deceased Self Proclaimed Queen Isabelle II of Lourenne attempted to steal from the Federation by trying to lay a baseless claim to what is rightfully Zardic soil in The Federated States of Dovani. The audacity of this “monarch” to demand that our ZAF forces—your countrymen—leave their rightful homeland undefended was audacious. We have had countless would-be representatives of House Orleans-Vasser making quite nearly the same article of redress against the Federation and the manner in which the late Proclaimed Queen Isabelle II did so was quite revealing. This Queen didn’t request the lands back in the name of Lourenne, but for herself and her family.

The Land in question was rightfully the property of Lourenne, not a family or an individual but of the entire country, and this land was rightfully sold to The Federation in good faith, that is the most important and prominent fact. Governments rise and collapse, the changing political landscape of Terra is not a perpetual state of the status quo, and it’s with this basic understanding that when international agreements are signed bilaterally or between many nations they are done so in the name of not just the government, but the people of the nations the government represents. To this counter to this makes very little sense. It would be as if every time the people of Zardugal elect a new Director-General every single treaty we’ve committed ourselves to disappears, of course this isn’t the case.

The Federation integrated the land and its people into the Federation in an efficient and smooth transition and has treated them as our equals for centuries. A contract was entered into and The Federation has and will live up to its end of that contract despite the past political instability in Lourenne in the face of all false claimants to the throne of House Orleans-Vasser. Which brings up a very important point, the legal arguments are there and demonstrate the baseless claims and actions on behalf of Queen Isabelle II. Though, perhaps the most important issue would be the current realities on the ground. Lourenne recently went through a horrible civil war and now has a would-be monarch that is tasked with regaining the trust of the nation; which House Orleans-Vasser has ignored for centuries. It would be criminally negligent to even entertain the idea proposed by Queen Isabelle II.

The Federation has shown that it is one of the most diverse Nations on the face of Terra, both demographically and politically. We have been allied with Monarchs, Religious Oligarchies, and Democratic Republics all the same and have strived to put differences aside in order to do what is right for The Federation and its people and will continue to do so as long as The Zardic Coalition is in power. We will not give into demands of men and women with fancy hats and titles nor will we be intimidated by any other nation.

At the end of his answer applause rang out from the crowd that had gathered to see the Vicar Generals . DoS Bailey then called on another reporter who asked about the Hutori embargo upon Luthori and their acknowledgement, or lack thereof of the existence of the Luthorian Colonies.

The Luthorians are very close allies to the government of Zardugal and we view the legislative efforts by the Hutorian Parliament as grossly misguided and contrived articles of revenge, born out of rash emotions on behalf of the former members of the I.M.L. While I’m not in any position to comment on the record about the I.M.L’s affairs, it seems very odd to me that the International Monarchist League’s issues with the former Hutorian royals isn’t more widely implemented by the government of Hutori if this a true item of national concern for them. Surely if it be, the economic and diplomatic measures imposed on Luthori would also be affecting a great many other nations, and as far as I am aware only Luthori has been the target of a quite malicious campaign.

**Another Reporter raises his hand and is called upon**

"Director Bailey, it sounds as if you are saying that no matter the grounds of Hutori's grievance against Luthori, the government stands by Luthori. Would this be a correct assumption?"

If there is a serious grievance against our allies in Luthori, I am certain the government of Luthori will respond accordingly. The Federation is committed to peace and stability across Terra and the actions taken by Hutori warrant much explanation and thus far little has come to light in the public. Given the information I have at this time, this incident does not affect relations with the Zardic and Luthorian Governments at all. We support our friends, without precondition, this is the Zardic way and extends to not just Luthori, but all of our allies and friends.

Director of State Bailey then stood back from the podium and the attention turned to the newly appointed Vicar Generals who fielded questions concerning their specific Federated States, but by far the message from the DoS still was on everyones mind.
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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby Darvian » Tue Feb 15, 2011 5:03 am

Zardic World Report
LX Edition

More Good News for Director of State Bailey and the Federation

Belgae, Unkassa
December 28th 3075

After a cabinet meeting Monday afternoon where ministers from the United Nationalist Alliance gave their positive briefings, as reported by Zardic World Report, more good news came from F.R.P. ministers. Finance Minister Cheryl Atanas has been working very hard with the Foreign and Trade and Industry Ministries and pursuing vigorous action with the nation’s monetary and fiscal policy. The Federation under the reforms pushed by Mrs. Atanas has seen a continued rise in GDP and the Federation is currently running a surplus; an achievement heralded by economists as a truly remarkable feat.

Deputy Director-General and Foreign Minister Valentin Kostandian announced to the press lobby that a pact of comity has been ratified by Lourenne and the Federation. Mr. Kostandian commented, “This is a remarkable step in the right direction. I commend Foreign Minister Cirith and King Immanuel for their wisdom and courage to see this treaty through. I’m most pleased that some of the most contentious issues between our two respectable nations have been resolved. I look forward to continued diplomatic and economic arrangements with the government of Lourenne under the parameters agreed.”

The Foreign Ministry confirmed that it was in active talks with members of the governments of Selucia, Al’Badra and Jelbania working with each on various ends. A treaty of friendship and economic relations was ratified in the Directorate for Selucia, the treaty remains pending review within the Selucian legislature. Zardugal and Al’Badara have a longstanding diplomatic treaty, the talks involved here as specified relate specifically to trading arrangements. The Foreign Ministry wouldn’t give an answer as to the nature of the talks currently developing with factions in Jelbania.

Alison Kostandian, Minister of Trade and Industry, recently returned from the Federated State of Granin where work on a major oil pipeline has been interrupted by minor protests from disgruntled Apex Syndicate contractors. The pipeline, which has been underway for nine years, is meant to run the length of Central Dovani. The government has been accused of providing Apex Syndicate with far too much leeway in this effort given the interest such a pipeline has for the Federation’s strategic infrastructure. Mrs. Kostandian was able to resolve the grievance of the disgruntled workers and assured Director of State Bailey there would be no further incidents.
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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby Darvian » Tue Feb 15, 2011 5:33 am

Zardic World Report
LX Edition

Business as Usual in the Federation

Belgae, Unkassa
March 1st 3076

The polling stations have closed and results are in of the election of 3076 and the Zardic Coalition, as projected, continues its reign as the informal alliance driving forward the governance of the Federation. The only real questions going into the election was whom the Zardic Coalition was going to support as its next Director-General. The head of state of the Zardic Federation is a position that by tradition is held by the elder party of the Zardic Coalition, the Federal Republicans, leaving the only question as to whom the F.R.P. would select and run as Director-General.

The incumbent Director-General Madrick Kostandian expressed some time ago that this would be his last term in office. Mr. Kostandian served the Federation for over twenty-five years, though chiefly heralded as the first of the Kostandian dynasty to return to political life. Under Mr. Kostandian’s tenure he not only saw the economic expansion of the Federation, quick to respond to international crisis and perhaps more importantly returning a sense of tradition and normalcy to the Federation’s politics. Under Madrick Kostandian’s tenure he oversaw the appointment of not just his son, but also his daughter-in-law within the cabinet.

Mr. Kostandian’s eldest son, Valentin Kostandian, has served as the Zardic Foreign Minister for close to twenty years and three years ago was appointed Deputy-Director General. It was widely reported Valentin was in the internal running of candidates to stand as Director-General and these rumors appear, now, to have been accurate. Mr. Valentin Kostandian took the oath of office late last night and in the customary victory speech, carried across all cable affiliates, focused on domestic strength in economic affairs, curbing joblessness, further diplomatic engagements and a more transparent and responsive government.
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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby bucsfan47 » Sun Feb 20, 2011 1:36 am

Zardic World Report
Edition LXI

Federation answers Darnussian Call for Aid

July 3078- After the initial Darnussian Call for Aid went out The Federation of Zardugal was one of the first to answer. Immediately negotiations began between The Darnussian Foreign Minister Karl Gustav Ebert, The Darnussian Minister of Agriculture Silvio Kolmanetti and The Zardic Minister of Agriculture Alexis Peyton. After efficient and amicable negotiations between the Ministers terms were agreed to. Zardic Potatoes, Corn, and Wheat would be exchanged for high quality Darnussian Steel and Iron in addition to a sum of Dar. The Agreement is set to last for 5 years at which time the deal can either be renewed, renegotiated, or terminated.
The speed and efficiency at which this problem was solved saved countless lives and is an example of the excellent leadership in place in Darnussia and The Federation. The first shipments left Zardugal by sea and air as soon as the deal was officially approved by the Darnussian Parliament and already food has arrived in Darnussian Ports.
Already the ties between these two republics have strengthened and a Treaty of Friendship was signed and approved by the two legislatures. The people of Zardugal are excited to see The Federation gain a new republican ally and the word among Zardic Elite is that they will look to increase ties between the two nations and look to visit Nihaton the wealthiest part of Darnussia in efforts to broker new deals.
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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby Darvian » Sun Mar 20, 2011 4:42 am

Zardic World Report
Edition LXII

Terra Watches Hutori Zardugal Reaches Out

The Bekenial Dispath has reported that the Federation of Zardugal has stepped in to the Hutorian situation by offering to take in the Maschacaran people. Most analysts could not have predicted such a stunning u turn from the ruling Hutorian National Party which just months ago was mobilizing to begin the wholesale slaughter of the ethnic minority group in a government sanctioned policy of ethnic cleansing. The actions undertaken by the regime in Hutori has been the subject of controversy for weeks now across Terra.

Analysts familiar with the situation were as shocked as the media when contacted about the declaration from the Hutorian Home Affairs Minister, Mr. Stephen Collins, confirming and outlining the new Hutorian deportation policy. Professor Alli Alisah of Ingram University, a professor of history who’s written several books on past conflicts involving Central Macon, said of the situation, “I’ve no idea how any of our governments diplomats managed to secure such an arrangement for the Maschacarans. It seems to become more evident each day that the leaders of the Hutorian government are feeling under siege from the international community and there seems to be a streak of fear of foreign meddling in the strife filled nation.”

Bryan Rawlins of the Rawlins Institute, a respected intellectual on matters of Zardic foreign policy wrote a lengthy editorial in The Belgae Herald with his appraisal of the situation. Mr. Rawlins has recently been in the press as a leading advocate against the policies undertaken by the Zardic Coalition, making his very complimentary view all the more news worthy. Mr. Rawlins applauded this latest action undertaken by the Federation, citing the recent economic arrangement and humanitarian aid extended to Darnussia during their horrible famine and now, with no strings attached, extending a hand to the beleaguered Hutorian regime.

“Surely, the only reason the Hutorians took this arrangement seriously has to have something to do with traditional Zardic foreign policy” Mr. Rawlins wrote. Citing Zardugal still refusing to sign a near universally accepted treaty, the Law of the Sea, and revealing for the first time publically a high level of contempt for the LTN, “People in the know would certainly be aware of the Zardic mode of thought and given the issues before the fumbling LTN right now, I imagine the Hutorians took note of the Federations views, even if those views are sometimes subtle.” Mr. Rawlins in closing viewed the action as beyond commendable on both sides. “The scope of lives that will be saved is immeasurable and, for a change, I’m quite proud of the Federation today.”

Zardic World Report attempted to contact the Foreign Ministry for further details on how the influx of the Maschacarans was going to be handled, the Foreign Ministry declined to comment officially citing the volatile nature of the entire affair.
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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby Darvian » Sun Apr 03, 2011 5:26 am

Zardic World Report
Edition LXIII

Zardic Silence

Government officials have been taking painful strides at keeping the press in the dark over the last several weeks while international events have reached a fevered pitch. From the continued crisis in Kazulia, this has prompted the governments of Hulstria and Trigunia to openly discuss intervention, to the reports of Hutorian intervention on behalf of the A.U.D.A. and K.A. forces. In items closer to home, the government of Kalopia collapsed when House Islyn was deposed and a democratic government formed, while a self-proclaimed religious oligarchy has formed in Kafuristan, with views that are sure to have a future effect on Terra. Though, if the Foreign Ministry thought this was a lot to deal with, it seems as if Terra’s focus has shifted once again and now to Luthori where the Imperial Government has been under internal pressures from a spirited Republican movement.

At home, the Directorate has been very busy lately with a frenzy of activity, most of which has little to no relation to any foreign events. On condition of anonymity a former member of Director of State Travers Benjamin’s staff spoke to Z.W.R. and spoke freely of the lack of public remarks from even regional Directors. “…(Zardic) foreign policy couldn’t be more controlled. When you have a situation that puts members of the Zardic Coalition in an uncomfortable position they ruthlessly enforce members of the political establishment to remain silent.”

On why the government hasn’t spoken out publically, “Notice the press lid went on at about the same time problems began to be reported out of Luthori. It’s pretty obvious given the historic and truly deep relations with the Imperial Government of Luthori being threatened; potentially I should say by republicans that put the Federation at a truly uncomfortable position.” More specifically, “…in the case of Luthori I’m sure the Foreign Ministry has taken the position of being damned if they do speak out and damned if they don’t. Given these choices, I know Director-General Kostandian would favor the latter. I’m sure he’d like it to go away, quick, but I can’t see that happening.”

Zardic World Report’s field reporters have been working full time to try and confront any member of the cabinet and our repeated requests for interviews with the offices of the Director-General and the Director of State have gone without a response. Relatively small and peaceful protests continue at the Luthorian embassy as well as outside the offices of the Director-General and Director of State. Z.W.R. will continue in our attempts to keep readers informed of all the latest events.
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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby Darvian » Sun Apr 03, 2011 5:32 am

Zardic World Report
Edition LXIV

Zardic Government Breaks Silence as Indrala Prepares for the Worse

Belgae, Unkassa
January 12th 3100

For the fifth day in a row protestors gathered outside the Luthorian Embassy in Belgae as well as outside the offices of the Director-General Kostandian and Director of State Benjamin. The protests have been centered on demands for democracy, human rights, and economic justice for the Luthorian people. The numbers swelled once news was released that the Luthorian Monarchists have started a campaign to crackdown and try members of the Republican or ‘revolutionary’ forces as traitors. The Minister of Internal Affairs for the Imperial Government of Luthori addressed these issues in an interview with the Luthorian Post and was clear in urging caution in going too far in this reported crackdown.

The Zardic government appears to be coming out of its bunker, at last, and conduct the business of government in the open once more. Minister of Internal Affairs Johnny Glanville, U.N.A. and his office released the following statement in respect to the ongoing protests:

” Zardic citizens have every right to assemble in public, to this point they have not been violent and therefore there is not much we can do. There is an increased BLS Security presence in the area with full riot gear just in case the situation escalates as well as paramedics and emergency response teams just in case of medical emergencies. Right now those men are under orders to ensure that no violence occurs and if it does that it is quickly and peacefully resolved, besides that there have been medical aid stations as well as hydration stations set up to ensure that people are staying properly hydrated in this hot Zardic Summer. We are a true democratic society and I am proud that we can disagree yet still be civil and maintain law and order.”

Along with the Internal Affairs Ministry, the Foreign Ministry has resumed operations as normal. To the surprise of many, the first act of the Foreign Ministry was to see fit to ratify a diplomatic treaty with the government of Alduria recognizing its status as a newly formed Republic. The treaty was co-signed with Lodamun. The Aldurian topic has been reported as a recent sour spot in Zardic-Luthori relations. The current Foreign Minister is recently-elected Director-General Vardel Kostandian, leaving daily operations to the Deputy Foreign Minister Milton Showaddy of the United Nationalist Alliance who released a statement after the treaty had passed the Directorate.

In the release the Deputy F.M. hailed the treaty as, “..truly historic moment.” Great emphasis was placed on future aspirations for the Federation and Alduria’s diplomatic and economic relations. Any mention of Luthori and the situation unfolding there wasn’t contained in the release. It was announced that the Director-General had completed a successful diplomatic mission to Vanuku and shortly there would be new legislation being worked up to reflect the continued ties and economic cooperation between the two nations.

It was hardly imaginable earlier in the day that the Zardic Government wouldn’t try and outdo the prior news cycles which do not reflect the traditional Zardic position. The issue of the treaty with Alduria alone sent pundits into a frenzy about what it meant in light of all the recent events in Luthori that the Foreign Ministry seemingly continued to avoid speaking about Luthori. Sure enough, the Director-General’s office released a prepared statement to all media outlets.

”The Zardic Federation stands with our friends and allies in Luthori. Political forces come and go and this is the test of a truly free society. Many nations who have gone through such heated political challenges would have already broken into violence. So far both sides in this most unfortunate disagreement have acted with measure. I would, above all else, urge all parties within the Luthorian Diet to meet as equals and settle outstanding differences they may have to ensure, not just for themselves, but all the proud people of Luthori that the future shall be one of peace and not strife. The Federation is here, as we always have been and will be, for the Luthorians.

After news broke of Indrala’s military exercises and continued presence near Luthorian territory, the Deputy Director of Defense General Thomas Wilburn appeared on Zardic News Network. General Wilburn also is currently serving as Chairman for the Federated Marines of Zardugal, F.M.Z. and urged his counterparts in Indrala to consider pulling back their Black Tortoise Fleet. “We understand all too well and even respect the active role Indrala has taken in light of recent events. Though, reports seem to confirm that such actions may be uncalled for in light of recent news out of Luthori. I not only speak for myself here, but others in the cabinet by saying further militancy will only inflame the situation further and risk an unfavorable international response and one that can surely only undermine the Imperial Government of Luthori.”
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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby bucsfan47 » Tue Nov 01, 2011 12:13 am

Zardic World Report
LXV Edition

Directorate Gives Funding for New Uranium Mines

June 3205


With the passage of The Energy Advancement Act of 3204, The National Directorate has provided funds to pay longtime Uranium exporter Apex Grunman to set up brand new Uranium mining facilities and processing plants in The Central Mountains of Zardugal. The decision comes despite protests from environmentalist groups who site the negative consequences for the local wildlife. All production from the mines and processing plants will be come property of The Government of the Federation of Zardugal.

Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry James Thompson hailed the Act as one that will "provide thousands of jobs to local workers and is of the utmost importance to the progress of The Federation." The facilities will be completed by 3208 and should start producing by 3210 at the latest.
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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby bucsfan47 » Wed Nov 02, 2011 8:38 am

Zardic World Report
LXVI Edition

Military raised to REDCON 2


August 3206

Overnight The Office of The Director-General has raised the Readiness Condition of The Zardic Armed Forces to Redcon-2. Troops on leave are being recalled all over the Federation and military installations across the Federation are abuzz with activity. The Director-General's office has not released the reasoning for the alert but says that as a matter of national security they can not disclose the reasoning as of yet.

All this comes after diplomatic talks with many nations have taken place behind closed doors and we at the ZWR are unclear about how those talks have gone but clearly the government feels these steps are necessary. We will be following the situation around the clock to make sure you are updated.
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