
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Kalistan Beacon

Postby pentalarc » Mon Apr 27, 2009 1:44 am

KNN News: Head of Government Premier Darth Jones of the Liberal Patriots' League and Right Wing Coalition Releases Statement:

Official Broadcast from the Office of the Premier Darth Jones

A new era is born…but the old guard does not retire quietly. As Socialist militias behave with disdain for the rule of law, we must respond. They have mobilized and now hamper traffic on major roads, threatening to bring the Kalistani economy to a halt.

As my time as Premier comes to an end, I have called an emergency session of cabinet. The blockades must be broken. The resistance to progress must be broken. I hope that this shall be my legacy, and the Conservative Coalition authorizes whatever means necessary to ensuring that the great work continues.

Kalistan Prevails!
Kalistani Survivor: Outplay, Outwit, Outlast

Right now, in an Alternate Dimension, Superman is Denying People Water

Carmine, I request permission to hit Ragano
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Re: Kalistan Beacon

Postby pentalarc » Mon Apr 27, 2009 1:50 am

KNN News: RFP Militia, the Kalistani Libertarian Army for World Socialism (KLAWS) Releases Statement: KLAWS to Operate in Urban AReas with the assistance of the Kalistani Revolutionary Youth (KRY) and in Rural Areas with the Assistance of the Polytheist Army of Nature (PAN).

Aquarius Society, the February Guard, and several FAmily Based Import/Export Companies also Rumored to Assist.

Kalstani Libertarian Army for World Socialism (KLAWS) Press Release:

While the KPRF Militia secure the countryside and rural areas, the KLAWS, the RFP militia, will operate within the cities. Always more used to urban operations, KLAWS will secure the property and assets of the party, the KEG, the Kalistani Left Alliance, and True Kalistanis. Additionally, they shall protect the people of Kalistan from fascism and the effects of fascism, distribute assistance to the people of Kalistan, funded by the Aquarius Society, several private benefactors, and several family based import/export companies. Additionally, they shall engage in counter-action against the fascist, and disruption against any violent fascist uprisings.

According to reports the Polytheist Army of Nature (PAN) will assist the work of the KPRF Militia in rural areas.

According to additional reports the Kalistani Revolutionary Youth (KRY) will assist KLAWS in their urban actions, as well as engaging in counter action and disruption against violent fascists and fascist groups, as well as marking the businesses, vehicles, and property of fascists and fascist sympathizers so that true Kalistanis may know, protect themselves, and take appropriate action.

The following press release is correct as stated by the Kalistani Libertarian Army for World Socialism.

--- Lady Ariela-Frigyth Miyo Rautiainen-Butler
--- Director of KLAWS

-- Wolflow Gordon Jr.
--- KLAWS Media Liason

Beware the KLAWS!
Kalistani Survivor: Outplay, Outwit, Outlast

Right now, in an Alternate Dimension, Superman is Denying People Water

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Re: Kalistan Beacon

Postby pentalarc » Mon Apr 27, 2009 2:31 am

KNN News: Kalistani People's REvolutionary Front Release.

Cpl Bennots interviewed by unnamed reporter.

Leftist Forces Begin Further Blockades


Message *The following broadcast was replayed over KPRF propaganda channels several times late today. We present a transcript of the exchange for those who do not have access to television or radio. The following voices are those of an unnamed reporter and KPRF Party Leader Cpl. Frederick Bennots:*

[unnamed reporter] Your Party's activity has been joined in the cities by elements of the RFP militia. Do you have any comment?

[Bennots] Sure. We welcome the efforts of the PRFP, and will arrange a liaison to coordinate our efforts throughout Kalistan. We already have a functioning garrison in the Capital, and are working closely with our allies there.

[unnamed reporter] And do you have any comment on the calls of the Premier for you to lift your blockade of all major roads in and out of major cities?

[Bennots] I'm sorry... his order again?

[unnamed reporter] The order... to end your blockade of all major roads.

[Bennots] {long pause and some inaudible discussion} Oh... of course, I see. We have issued the wrong order. This is all a big mistake. The government should rescind that order, because we made a mistake... We'll just go ahead and correct that order right now.

[unnamed reporter] You mean to say your order to close off the main thoroughfares in Kalistan was an error?

[Bennots]. Yes.

[unnamed reporter] So you will comply with the government's orders and lift the blockade?

[Bennots] Whoa who said anything about that? The order itself was an error. It should have read: Block all major AND minor routes in and out of the cities, not just the major routes. So we'll just go ahead and correct the order. And while we're at it, we'll just block roads in and out of privately owned factories outside of the cities as well, just to make sure we drive the point home. And one more thing: The picture frame is in use. I repeat, the picture frame is in use. Your listeners will know what that means. Thank you for your time...
Kalistani Survivor: Outplay, Outwit, Outlast

Right now, in an Alternate Dimension, Superman is Denying People Water

Carmine, I request permission to hit Ragano
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Re: Kalistan Beacon

Postby pentalarc » Mon Apr 27, 2009 3:13 am


90% of Kalistanis Surveyed by KNN Think the Current Actions of the Right Wing Will Increase Abortions.


Widespread shock across Kalistan at the destruction of I-COARA has turned to fear and sadness. Three weeks ago, Violet-Egattala Fiamma Hixon was overjoyed to find out she was pregnant with her third child. Now, she tearfully calls to set up an appointment for an abortion. Having to hang up for the second time, unable to control her sobbing long enough to speak, she curses the right wing for the removal of programs. A removal which will now force her into an abortion.

“All I ever wanted was a family,” Hixon stated from her home in Kaliburg, “now, I'm scared. The destruction of the COARA makes me wonder if I will be able to feed the children I have now. They are destroying all of the security that we had. I don't even know if I will have access to medical care, or if my rights and safety will be protected. This is breaking my heart. I even had names picked out already, SanHerous-Emilian Patchoulus Hixon for a boy, or Talia-Agnes Zuzanna Hixon for a girl.”

She then began crying uncontrollably. When she was finally able to speak again, our reporter asked, “What about those on the right who state that their intention is to reduce abortion?”

“They're lying!” She replied, her sadness turning to anger. “They say they want to prevent abortion, then they take away the ability for people to raise their children. They take a way the protection that women have from hate crimes because of pregnancy! We know what they really want: To control us, to control society, and to make us all into drones and slaves!”

Rainor-Go-Shirakawa Frodo Evelyn-Cornelius, who would be the father of record for Hixon's child if the right wing had not forced her into abortion could not be reached at his place of employment, the Pug Pub, a coffeeshop in Kaliburg. He had taken a personal day in order to acquire a gun, in case he needed to protect Hixon.

His actions may not be unrequired. Part of the COARA now at risk is the section that protects women from hate crimes, discrimination, or harassment, based on their reproductive choices or status. This is the reason why Yuna-Narumi Franks is considering abortion. Several years ago, when she was pregnant with her first child, she narrowly escaped death when a terrorist from the fascist anti-population group No More People! attempted to run her down on the sidewalk. The NMP! Member, and the leader who ordered the hit was prosecuted under the law which protected women from violence due to reproductive choices.

Of course, not everyone is angry with the right wing for ending the I-COARA. A spokesman from the aforementioend No More People!, who wished not to be identified, for fear it would, “Interfering with my cleansing of the world of these breeding sows,” had the following statement: “Years of voting for the right wing have finally paid off. Finally Kalistan will be able to stop these uneducated fools from breeding like rabbits. Every time I see some pregnant slut disgracing the surface of Terra, I feel like vomitting. Now I can do something about it. It's time they learned their place, working in factories, being useful, rather than sitting around violating Terra with their useless spawn.”

No More People! has announced that they will stage a series of protests and possible bombings at fertility clinics across Kalistan, to celebrate the victory of their right wing allies.

The Eagle Militia, a long-serving right wing fascist terrorist group also released a statement, from a member who wished only to be identified by his condename, “Puritanus.” “We rejoice that these steps have been taken. This is a process we have supported for a long time, and we are happy the right wing has gotten the power to help us with our plans. First you get rid of the so called “help” these leeches have been given in keeping Kalistan a plague. Then you get rid of abortions, and they know the score: Don't have sex, don't rebel, don't be immoral. Find yourself a military group, and enforce it upon those who haven't gotten it yet. It's time to control society. And if they start acting in an immoral manner. . .well, that's what a bullet to the back of the head is for. Besides, once we stop the high reproduction rate, we can start working to prevent race mixing, and we can finally cleanse Kalistan of this multi-ethnic “stupidity” and “tolerance.” Long live the Kalistani right wing!”

KNN did not have time to ask any right wing politicians about the statements of the Eagle Militia and No More People!, but, according to Puritanus, “We know that they support us. That's why we voted for them.”

Juan-Carlos Dufrense-Smythe, a minister with the Reformed Church of Kalistan has called for peace, and the resturn of the COARA. “I will be praying for the right wing to reverse their path and restore the I-COARA. However, I doubt they will ever hear reason, so I am praying for the return of Kalistani Left Alliance to power.”

Hixon, Evelyn-Corneilius, and Franks are likely praying for the same thing.
Kalistani Survivor: Outplay, Outwit, Outlast

Right now, in an Alternate Dimension, Superman is Denying People Water

Carmine, I request permission to hit Ragano
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby treepost1974 » Mon Feb 14, 2011 11:54 am


New Political Pary Forms
CAPITAINIA, Oldufaray - Following several days of peaceful demonstrations and political maneuvering delegates from the first Third Way national conference have announced that they have reached an agreement to form a political party and have elected party leadership. The demonstrations began on February 26th, 3075 with small scale protests over the national sales tax and grew as other organizations and individuals throughout Oldufaray and Kalistan learned of the demonstrations via the internet. Police estimated that upwards of 30,000 people may have taken part in the demonstrations.
On March 1 delegates from the largest political organizations present formed a leadership committee to oversee the demonstrations and plan strategy. Although the committee was split early on popular demand brought them to the conclusion to found a new political party. When a spokesman for the committee revealed to the crowd that they were considering forming a new political party a great cheer erupted from the crowd and elections for party leadership were announced.
Following this announcement hopeful politicians began maneuvering to gain a position of power. Hopefuls for the office of party chair addressed the crowd the next day to varying levels of support. The clear crowd favorite was former general Bill Sherman who gave a rousing speech near the end of the day that cemented his place as the clear favorite to win the chairmanship. True enough, he was elected by popular vote of all assembled with a mandate on the first ballot over both more progressive and a more conservative nominees.
Party leadership immediately announced that they will submit a platform to reinvigorate the economy before the end of the year. Chairman Sherman stated that economic issues would take precedence in the party platform.

Text of Bill Sherman's "Expect More, Kalistan" speech:
"Greetings, fellow Kalistanis. In all my years of public service I have never felt so privileged to speak as I do to you today. Looking out over this great mass of patriots, mothers and fathers, workers and business owners, I see one thing: the desire to give our children a better world than the one we inherited. Today, we come together to form a new movement. Today, we are choosing to take charge of our own destiny. Today, we proclaim in one united voice, that we expect more from ourselves and our leaders.
It is not at all improper that we should expect more from our government; no, not in Kalistan, because Kalistan is unique among nations. We are a star in a vacant sky, a shining haven of democracy. Yet our government does not work for the majority of Kalistanis. Whether by conservative indifference or socialist mismanagement our people find themselves struggling. This should not happen in Kalistan.
There are some who say compromise is a bad word. They conjure up fables of politicians without convictions and voters without principles. Any ground given to the enemy is surrender, they claim. And while they stamp and swear and smear Kalistani families can’t find food to eat. They have the luxury of inflexibility, but our families don’t. Orthodoxy can’t provide a wage. Slogans can’t feed children.
I went by the old treacle mine where my father worked to support our family years ago. At one time, the mine employed over a thousand workers. Today, the mine that once fed an entire town has shut its doors. Decreased investment in the economy deprived ordinary people the opportunity to improve their community and starved the economy of necessary funds. And while a few jobs have come to replace the good paying union ones eliminated with the mine, the lack of a basic minimum wage and a regressive tax structure mean that people receive even less compensation for a hard day’s work as they did before. The result is that hard work no longer pays for the average family. We’re here to fix that.
Our opponents call us “without principles”. How wrong they are! If they would only listen to the voice of the people they would know our movement is based on the most fundamental principle of modern democracy: that hard work should be fairly rewarded. We believe the best government is the one that helps people help themselves. While the past rule of the right wing made it impossible to move up in the social ladder the socialist temptation could just as well lead us to ruin. For in the socialist system the people work for the government, but the government does not work for the people.
We choose a different path. We choose to accept Kalistan’s destiny as a world leader. We choose to expect more."
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby treepost1974 » Mon Feb 14, 2011 12:37 pm

KNN News - Your Source for Politics

Third Way Hails Passage of Bills, Bipartisanship
Jubilant members of the Third Way, Kalistan’s newest political party, can point to recent legislative success as evidence to their constituents that they can get things done. Although voting is still underway, two bills authored by the Third Way, the Make Work Pay Act and the Help Families Work Act, have already received a majority “yes” vote in the People’s Assembly. Another bill, an economic policy wish list called Making Kalistan Work currently has slightly more yes than no votes and appears headed for passage.
However, the Right Front has yet to vote on any Third Way proposals and could conceivably defeat or pass all the current bills being voted upon. Third Way members expressed optimism that the Right Front would support their public safety and Freedom of Religion Act but seemed positive that they would vote against their economic policy bill, which would doom the legislation.
“It’s a great day for Kalistan,” said Eliakim Sherrill, co-author of the Third Way economic platform and Third Way candidate for Minister of the Treasury, “We came together and we accomplished something that will help Kalistani families. I’m very proud of this Assembly.”
Irene Everett, a Kaliburg single mother and hotel maid, expressed hope that the establishment of a minimum wage with the passage of the Make Work Pay Act would help her provide for her child. A religious woman, she was forced to drop out of school when she became pregnant and has been working full time since. “It’s just not possible to pay for myself, let alone my daughter no matter how many hours I work with the pay I get. Maybe now things won’t be so bad for us.”
Irene also benefits from the inclusion of nurseries and pre-school education in basic public education provided by the Help Families Work Act. “I used to never be able to spend time with my child. It was between going to work and looking out for her, and it just tore me up inside. I figure we pay enough in taxes to at least be able to get this back, you know?”
Party chair Bill Sherman heralded support from the Socialist Party of Kalistan and the Patriotic Rebellion as a step forward for bipartisanship. “We were able to put small differences aside and concentrate on the big picture and get something done that will help all Kalistanis. I can only hope this spirit of cooperation extends into the next legislative session, when we expect to introduce more reforms that our constituents demand.”
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby treepost1974 » Tue Feb 15, 2011 6:04 am

KNN - Your Source for Election News

APRIL, 3076

Socialists, Third Way Make Gains in Election, McHenry Wins Third Term

Kaliburg - After a spirited and fair election the people have spoken, and the incumbent coalition will remain in power. Socialist President Danielle McHenry easily won her bid for a third term, besting Sir Ignance Ananto of the Right Front in the second round 57.92% to 42.08%.

Erwinn Schwimmer, Patriotic Rebellion candidate for President, took 29.1% of the vote in the first round, 5.5% behind the nearest rival. The Third Way declined to run a candidate for President and endorsed Schwimmer.

In Kaliburg, the news of McHenry's victory led to shouts of "Three more years! Three more years!" from the crowd assembled in the city square. The jubilant crowd celebrated their electoral victory well into the night and early morning. Socialist Party activists celebrated across the nation in the same fashion.

The mood was more somber at Right Front campaign headquarters. With 99% of the precincts reporting at 2 AM local time the reality that the conservatives would lose a fair number of seats along with the Presidential election set in. Although the Right Front prevented the Socialists and their allies from obtaining a super majority in the People's Assembly the Right Front lost a total of 45 seats.

"I just don't recognize my country anymore," Carl Gerlick, an Ananto volunteer said at an election watch party in Port Davon, "I thought we were gonna win this one. I thought people would be smart enough to see what socialism is doing to this country."

Bill Sherman, party chair of the Third Way, also had reason for celebration. "We didn't expect to do this well. We won over 20% of the vote in Ananto and 57 seats total. Clearly, we've introduced ourselves and people recognized that our party offers real solutions for the challenges Kalistan faces. Our movement, our platform wasn't created by politicians in a back room. It was conceived by ordinary Kalistanis who just want to leave the country a better place."

The Third Way is also hopeful that their electoral gains will give them a place in the next cabinet. "We knew we weren't going to get a majority of seats. Our strategy was to introduce ourselves to the voters this election and gain access to the government. We did it, and now we can get to work for Kalistan," Sherman stated.

But the clear winner tonight was the SPoK, who not only managed to win the Presidency by a large margin but also gained 15 seats in the People's Assembly. Overall, their coalition now has more votes than it did before, although they did not achieve a super-majority.

The Patriotic Rebellion lost 27 seats this election, mostly from Ananto department. While party officials were not happy with the loss of seats they can take solace in the fact that they are nearly guaranteed a position in the new government due to their association with the SPoK. Some unnamed sources were quoted as suggesting that a change in party leadership similar to the attempt in 3064 would be in order after the Patriotic Rebellion's second straight electoral loss. However, other party members called these claims "bunk" and "entirely baseless". KNN advises our readers to take any claims of a shake-up in the Patriotic Rebellion with a very large grain of salt for now.

Parties immediately maneuvered after the election to see that they would have a part of the new government. As of today, the Socialists Party has proposed a cabinet along the same lines as he previous government with Theodore Bagwell of the Patriotic Rebellion continuing as Premier. The most glaring difference between the proposed cabinet and the previous one is the inclusion of the Third Way in the new government, which would run three ministries if the SPoK's proposal passes.

Names of possible candidates for President in 3079 are already drifting about. Although KNN assumes that the Socialists and Right Front will continue to fight for dominance the real wild card for 3079 is what course the other two parties will take. Will the Patriotic Rebellion try to shift its positions to gain votes? Will the Third Way run a candidate for President? Even though the election is three years away, speculation abounds.

For now though, President McHenry is concentrating on the present instead of looking to the next election. So is Ananto supporter Carl Gerlick. "The only thing we can do now is try to stop them from doing too much, then wait 'til the next election. I'm still proud of my country, I'm just sad for her too," Gerlick said, leaving the eerily quiet election watch party. "Just wait 'til 3079."
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby treepost1974 » Tue Feb 22, 2011 1:51 am


Elections Produce Major Shake-Up, Neveras Elected President

KALIBURG - As the final election returns filter in analysts and politicians alike are predicting a major change in government. With nearly 100% of the precincts reporting the election for President has been called for Carlos Neveras of the Patriotic Rebellion, who defeated George Willard of the Third Way by a 5% margin. The Third Way gained the most seats by far, going from seating 57 delegates before the election to 266 after, making them the largest party in the People's Assembly. The Third Way and the Patriotic Rebellion now plan to form a governing coalition without the Socialist Party, a decision the SPoK called "a betrayal".

Coming off three terms in power, the Socialist Party of Kalistan lost 78 seats. Their candidate for President, George Jaxon, failed to energize voters as his predecessor, Danielle McHenry, did in three consecutive winning elections. Although glum on election night, the SPoK has regrouped with characteristic tenacity and plans on acting as the loyal opposition after the cabinet is approved. Already the SPoK has introduced a bill in the People's Assembly to re-energize their base and present a clear alternative to the Third Way-Patriotic Rebellion agenda.

The Right Front continued to fade from relevance. They lost 154 seats overall. While the Right Front has traditionally dominated politics in rural and mainland Kalistan, this election the only province where the Right Front received more votes than any other party was Vrassa, and only by a small margin. Exit polls revealed that many voters who traditionally favor the Right Front grew impatient at the party's lack of activity in the Assembly and voted for either the Third Way or Patriots instead. The outlook for the Right Front at present looks bleak; they now border on irrelevance as the smallest and least active party in the Assembly.

The new governing coalition has already set out several goals, including the establishment of a police force, increased investment in the economy, public decency laws, and improved health care. With a large majority, the government is confident that they can get most of their agenda passed before the next election.
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Kalistan's Patriotic News(KPN)

Postby Giorgakis111 » Wed May 02, 2012 5:18 pm

Kalistan's Patriotic News' is a reality!The founding of the newspaper took place in the headquarters of the party, Dulnerstaad, Ananto.

This is the announcement of the President of the party and the country, Sinatra Jaahyad:
''I'm so happy to be standing near Jake Candow, the publisher of the party's newspaper. This will be a newspaper founded by our party and funded by our party. Our attempt isn't to disorient people by telling them our party is the best of all times or make our voters and supporters fanatics, we just want the people to know what we believe in, where do we stand on issues and how we see the facts that happen to our country and the world. I wish you Jake the best. I'm sure you ''ll do great''.

Jake Candow stated:''Thank you President. When I first heard that I was one of the possible publishers of this newspaper, I said to everyone who was informing me of this, ''These are nonsense''. But now this dream came true. I am a supporter of the party since I was 15, but that doesn't mean that I will publish falsehoods. I just want to tell everyone this newspaper will have as target to gather the opinions of the party, the statements of our members, what we believe in, who we are, how we got started, what are our dreams for the country and Terra and what would the ideal Kalistan would be for us. I hope we reach our goals, and again Mr. President thank you for coming here and showing your support. I also want to thank all the journalists who came here''
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Re: Kalistani Beacon

Postby Doc » Sun Jan 13, 2013 7:42 pm

Reprinted from
IZQUIERDA- The Voice of the Kalistani Left
Socialists claim responsibility for Recruitment Center explosion, 2 injuries, no deaths reported
Kaliburg, Ananto District
November 3, 3425

Spokesperson for the Revolutionary Socialist Militia, Felicia Bennots-Phillips

Socialist Spokeswoman Felicia Bennots-Phillips held a brief Press Conference on the steps of the old Socialist Party Headquarters in downtown Kaliburg last night, to issue the following statement:
"The Revolutionary Socialist Militia of Kalistan accepts responsibility for the explosion last week which demolished the downtown recruitment center. The aim of the explosion was to send a message to the current Government that their police state tactics will not be tolerated in a free Kalistan. Their policies have already done irreparable harm to the the Nation of Kalistan, and therefore, our Party's Militia will not stop its activity until those policies are rolled back and fascism is outlawed in Kalistan once and for all.

"Our target, the military recruitment center here in the Capital, is merely a symbol of the larger problem in our nation, a nonstop trajectory from the abolition of nuclear weaponry to the establishment of fascism as a governing ideology in our nation. The recruitment center itself was unpopulated at the time, and while the Militia regrets the injury caused to the two passers by, we are grateful that their lives were spared.

"In light of the government non-response to our actions, our own Militia has stepped up recruitment efforts in all districts, and will soon be fielding three more regiments of irregulars, to bring our total fighting strength above 3500 in the field, and no fewer than 3000 in support positions throughout the cities and villages of Kalistan. We would note that at least one cell has been successfully infiltrated by Government agents, and we have taken additional measures to further decentralize command and control across the country to combat the desire for spies of the jack booted thugs to infiltrate any more of our units. As a result of the infiltration, one combat infantry platoon has been decommissioned, and activities in Suldanor District have been temporarily halted.

"The Militia has authorized me to serve as the point person for all questions and discussions from interested parties. As we work to bring the country off the cliff of civil war by getting the fascists and their so-called 'Socialist' allies in the PSP to resign, we will also work very diligently to internationalize this situation in Kalistan by publicizing the actions of the Militarists abroad."

Militia Members mix with National Press reporters at the Press Conference last night at the old SPoK HQ in Downtown Kaliburg

Spokeswoman Bennots-Phillips then took questions from the bevy of reporters, mostly dealing with a possible endorsement for President of the Republic in the coming elections, as well as the possibility of yet another civil war in Kalistan. Bennots often responded with the standard "I cannot make a comment on that question at this time." response, but in one telling moment she did suggest that the Militia has dropped its endorsement deal with the PSP over their unqualified and inexplicable support for the police state measures instituted by the Fascists, as well as their refusal to condemn the rise of fascism in Kalistan being moved forward by the CLD and the Minimalists. Bennots-Phillips called the PSP "compradores" and betrayers of the people of Kalistan, saying, "Yes, we worked with the PSP, but this apparently is a new stripe for them which we did not see at the time. We wonder how much it took to buy them off."

The Press Conference lasted about 15 minutes.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
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