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Re: Badaran News Channel (BNC)

Postby LNRulez01 » Wed May 04, 2011 6:11 pm

Majilis Al-Sha’ab authorizes Badaran military intervention in Saridan.

Bier Qassem, Emirate of Kayuratan,

Today the Majilis Al-Sha’ab passed a bill that will allow the Badaran government to send troops to reinforce the Kafuri forces in Saridan. The mission will be designated Badaran Military Intervention Force Saridan or BaMIFoS. After the bill passed, the Minister of Defence, mr. Abu Zian as-Said Muhammad, ordered the 1st, 2nd and 5th Squadron of the Badaran Naval Forces Eastern Command Fleet (BNAVFORECOMFLT), containing the aircraft carriers BNV Sultan Qudamah I and BNV Emir Mu'adh, to join the naval blockade of mainland Saridan. Mr. Abu Zian as-Said Muhammad also ordered that the 1st, 4th and 8th Brigades of the Marine Corps Forces (MARFOR), each containing 15.000 troops,the 2nd and 5th Division of the Badaran Armed Forces (BAF), each containing 20.000 troops, to join the Kafuri forces in Surtilati. Several units of the Badaran Special Forces will also be made avaible combat the insurgency in Saridan. The Minister of Defence also made it clear that the Badaran troops will be placed under the direct control of the Kafuri Central Command, for the period needed to end the Saridani conflict.
- It is the rule in war, if ten times the enemy's strength, surround them; if five times, attack them; if double, be able to divide them; if equal,engage them; if fewer, be able to evade them; if weaker, be able to avoid them.

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Re: Badaran News Channel (BNC)

Postby LNRulez01 » Fri May 06, 2011 5:54 pm

Badaran Government recalls its ambassadors to Beiteynu, Selucia and Cobura

Bier Qassem, Emirate of Kayuratan,

"In a responce to the acknowledgement by the Beiteynuese, Selucia and Coburan governments of the Majatran Socialist People's Republic of Badara in Exile, the Badaran Government has decided to recall its ambassadors to both nations and has ordered the ambassadors of Beiteynu, Selucia and Cobura the leave Badara within 24 hours.

The Badaran Government would like to make clear that all foreign interference, other than those asked for by the current, legitimate Government, in the current situation will be seen as a violation of Al'Badara's sovereignty and will be dealth with accordingly."

Statement made by the Badaran Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
- It is the rule in war, if ten times the enemy's strength, surround them; if five times, attack them; if double, be able to divide them; if equal,engage them; if fewer, be able to evade them; if weaker, be able to avoid them.

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Re: Badaran News Channel (BNC)

Postby meisme » Tue May 10, 2011 10:01 pm

OOC: I suck.


September 22, 3115

Al'Badara's troops just entered Saridani soil with two main armies. The map shows their current path. General Rahman is heading north and General Armanjani is going south. More news when it comes.
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Re: Badaran News Channel (BNC)

Postby Badaran Communists » Mon May 16, 2011 12:22 pm

The Majatran Communist Party of Badara will do some changes in the line of the party. The decisions have been discussed and accepted during the Third Congress of the Majatran Communist Party of Badara “Returning to socialism, rebuilding the Communist Party”.

Changes in the official line of the MCP(B)
The Majatran Communist Party of Badara declares itself as centralist. Formerly the MCP structures in Badara supported confederalism but, as that can break the unity on economic matters (socialist politics), the Party supports centralizing the power. The former analysis of the national question, that considered the five emirates as nations, has been rejected by the Central Committee. The new line, historically proved, considers that the nations of Badara are Mu’tasim and Nashwa that will have the right to self-determination.

The Majatran Communist Party of Badara rejects officially the radical ecologist points of view and will take them to a minimum, in order to protect the main economic sectors. As well, the MCP(B) will quit the Badaran state from the “Protection Of The Environment Act” international treaty.

The Majatran Communist Party of Badara considers that, as most of the countries in Terra are friends of imperialism, the labor of an antimperialistic party is to protect the peoples of the Nation through an isolationist policies campaign. Otherwise, the MCP(B) still supports the Confederation of Majatran States and Nations and the ratification of a treaty for the socialist and antiimperialist nations of Terra.

The Majatran Communist Party of Badara supports a big government so it will be able to smash the counter revolution and prevent anarchism, imperialism and terrorism in the country. The General Intelligence Service (GIS) (Al-Mukhabarat Al-'Ammah) will be split into two parts, one for internal matters (controlled by the Ministry for Internal Affairs) and other for international matters (controlled by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs). For this, the MCP(B) will ask for the consensus of all the major parties.

The Majatran Communist Party of Badara will start a nationalization campaign in all the sectors of the Badaran economy. The former line, known as New Economic Policy, was started because of the necessity of a bourgeois revolution before the socialist one. Now, that it has been successfully done, the MCP(B) will start an antirevisionist line (the same as the Communist Party of Badara era) to stablish a socialist economy in the nation.

In republican, civil rights, morality, religious and militaristic matters, the MCP(B) will continue the same line as the decided in the Second Congress of the Majatran Communist Party of Badara.

About national symbols
The Majatran Communist Party of Badara supports the use of the flag of the National Reconciliation, started by the MCP(B) after the conflict between the State and the Communist Party (3114-3117), universally accepted by the citizens of the State.

About the Majatran Socialist People’s Republic of Badara in Exile(3114-3117)
As a part of the National Reconciliation, the MCP(B) will do the following:
The party still supports the republic and will overthrow the monarchy as soon as possible. Even so, the MCP(B) will recognize it and will only change the political system by parliamentary ways.
The Majatran Red Brigades will be dissolved. In substitution, the MCP(B) will form the “Self-defense Organization for the Communists” (SOC), that will act as a security force during acts of the party or as bodyguards for prominent members of the Communist Party, no paramilitary actions will be performed.

About the Communist Youth League of Badara
The organization will return to its former structure. It’s by-law defined as “independent in organizational issues, autonomous in political issues and under the strategical line of the Party”. The CYLB will withdraw its membership from the Communist Youth League (international) and change its name to Majatran Socialist Youth.

About the unity of the communists
The MCP(B) will start a meeting with the Nadhraist “Islamic League of the Communists” in order to join forces to continue the struggle for the Socialist Republic.

Central Committee of the Majatran Communist Party (Badara)
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Re: Badaran News Channel (BNC)

Postby Badaran Communists » Sun May 29, 2011 8:34 pm

Joint communicate of Al-Ḥizb al-Shīūʿīy al-Majatraniyyah and al-Jabhah al-Badariyah al-Qawmiyah

The Majatran Communist Party (Badara) and the National Badaran Front have decided to join forces in order to stablish a new socialist, democratic, Majatran and republican society in Badara. Before several meetings between Muhammad Al-Qafir and the Ayatholla Mehmet ibn Yaccub al-Wazir, the leaders of both parties, they decided, with the approbation of the majority of their organizations, to join into a coalition known as al-Jubhat al-Jumhuriyyah al-Badariyah (Badaran Republican Front).

The liberal ideas of Hizb al-Wasat al-Islami and the Monarchist League and the official islamo-fascist tendence of the House of Al-Majali are considered by the BRF as contrary to the ideas of the majority of the of the Badaran population that elected democratically the main socialist, anti-fascist and republican forces of the Nation.

The necessity of a democratically elected Head of State is clearly seen on the surveys that the pro-republican government has done. The 80% of the population supports the establishment of a Republic in Badara.
The proposal of the Badaran Republican Front is to stablish a new State called “Al-Jamahiriyyah al-Majatraniyyah al-Badariyah ash-Sha'biyyah al-Ishtirakiyyah al-Uzma (Great Badaran-Majatran Socialist People's Republic)”. A new flag, motto and anthem will be proposed.

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Re: Badaran News Channel (BNC)

Postby Zongxian » Sun Jun 26, 2011 8:12 pm

Outrage at Libertarian Power Grab

Protesters outside the residence of the Vazir.

BIER QASSAM -- The past year opened a large door for the ruling Green-Yellow Coalition after the dissolution of both political parties of the opposition Badaran Republican Front. The Muslim Centre Party and Libertarians, who compose the Green-Yellows, have worked out many disagreements and found much common ground since their coalition's formation five years ago. They became a symbol of bipartisanship and mutual cooperation for the best of Badara.

This symbol exists no more. With absolute legislative power up for grabs in the parliament, the door has been shut in the face of the Muslim Centre Party. Rather than continue the distinguished record of the Green-Yellow alliance, the Libertarians bolted for the door to power and barricaded themselves behind it. Within weeks of the complete dissolution of the Republican Front the Libertarians introduced dozens of bills, along with two pieces of omnibus legislation. All Libertarian-backed legislation will pass as the MCP holds the only against votes.

The Muslim Centre has made two attempts at calling for early elections to redistribute the abandoned Republican Front but the Libertarian Party has voted down both initiatives. MCP leaders called out the Libertarians on their opposition. "It is clear that this is for one reason, to ensure their plurality and allow themselves to push through omnibus legislation." The Libertarians responded with arrogance, expressing their feeling that a two-party state removes reasoning for cooperation like there had been in the past. The LP continued on to state their hope that the MCP would again ally with them in the future should the nation again become a multi-party state.

Raiis Abdullah Azaida has condemned the Libertarians and has called for the resignation of Vazir Joseph Stigler and his party's cabinet members. Ministers of the Muslim Centre Party have already issued their resignations; with the exception of the Ministers of State and Defence, who are remaining for the sake of stability for Badara's military and foreign interactions. Azaida is heavily critical of the LP's omnibus legislation and radical initiatives which are bypassing the common ground originally found on issues. "Within the year we will see the end of the Badaran system of higher education, the end to healthcare benefits, and the end to much of what has allowed our nation to progress."

This rift in the Green-Yellow Coalition has also sparked activity among the more radical portions of the Libertarian's opposition. The United Badaran Front, originally put into planning as the paramilitary wing of the MCP is rumored to have illegally begun recruitment throughout rural regions of Badara. The UBF seeks the disestablishment of the Jamahiriya and the ultimate return of the Sultan. The organization, if truly active, has been detached from the MCP for the past year, removing any legal consequences for the Muslim Centre.
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Re: Badaran News Channel (BNC)

Postby Zongxian » Sat Jul 02, 2011 10:52 pm

Muslim Centre Returns to Power in New Coalition

Ra'iis Azaida speaking to rallying supporters in Bier Qassam.

BIER QASSAM -- Within the next few months the Muslim Centre, party of Ra'iis Abdullah Azaida, is set to return to power in the parliament in a new coalition. Agreements were reached between the MCP and the recently established National Restoration Movement. The NRM has its roots back to the 28th Century and follows socialistic Ba'ath ideology. Despite this contrast with the MCP, which heavily opposes the Jamahiriya and acted as opposition to socialist forces less than a decade ago, compromise has been found.

Ra'iis Azaida, the MCP's President, offered this statement:
Our interest is in what's best for Badara. We are not socialists and have even acted as opposition to them, but, that doesn't mean we can't work together for the greater good. Just a few years ago we entered a coalition with libertarians for this same purpose. We are not libertarians. Again, our interest is in the people.

The Libertarian Party abandoned the ideals of cooperation during Badara's time as a two-party state. With their power they imposed radical capitalist ideology, far beyond what we sought during the years of the most-socialistic era of the Jamahiriya. Now we must work with socialists to rid of the radical capitalism, and thus far, we have been extremely successful. While we definitely do not agree with everything of the NRM, they are a common ally against laissez-faire policy in Badara.

The Muslim Centre Party continues to act as the 'middle-ground party' in Badara as governments toss between two ends of economic politics. Even while focus has been on economics, the MCP has successfully restored the Badaran system of higher education with the help of the NRM. It is expected that the MCP will be pushing harder in non-economic realms of policy in the coming years. The MCP will likely face its heaviest opposition from both the LP and NRM.

Already the MCP has made strong arguments against the two parties when 'religious symbols' were banned from being worn by public officials. The party sought clarification on the term 'religious symbol' and argued that this law (which passed) would limit religious freedoms as Muslim women would be barred from wearing clothing items like hijabs. This is one piece of legislation the MCP will seek to overturn.
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Re: Badaran News Channel (BNC)

Postby Badaran Communists » Thu Jul 28, 2011 10:07 pm

Muhammad Al-Qafir, Ra'iis of the Republic and leader of the Republican Revolution, dies
The communist and republican leader Muhammad Al-Qafir died yesterday 23 May 3158 at the age of 74. Son of the Badaran unionist Gamal Al-Qafir and the Kafuristani islamic feminist Ayda Al-Qafir, joined the Communist Party of Badara (reorganized) youth and became the leader of the republican faction. In 3103, he founded, with Ayda Jumanah, the Majatran Communist Party (Badara), being him elected as leader of the Party and her as the one of the Majatran Red Brigades, paramilitaristic faction of the MCP.

Recognised as one of the most active leaders and militants of the Pan-Majatran Movement, started an opposition movement inside the PMM, theorised in the Majatran Communist ideology, to support the anticolonial, patriotic and socialist revolutions of Majatra, having great success in Badara with the foundation of the Great Badaran-Majatran Socialist People's Republic. Through armed struggle and pacific ways, he started a true revolution against the monarchism, building the prosperous nation that Badara is today. He opposed the Imperialism and Colonialism in Saridan, sending volunteers to help the legitimate government and declaring a widely recognised Badaran Republic in that country.

As leader of the Majatran Communist Party (Badara), he could join Al-Jabhah al-Badariyah al-Qawmiyah and the Islamic League of the Communists (formerly monarchist faction of the extinct CPB(r)), building the nowadays strongest party: the Badaran Republican Front.

From the Badaran News Channel, we send all our condolences to his family and comrades.

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Re: Badaran News Channel (BNC)

Postby meisme » Sun Aug 28, 2011 12:36 am

New Government in Al'Badara; First Mission to Save Kafurstan

Bier Qassem, Kayuratan

Today, the Monarchist League passed a law to restore the monarchy with Naji II and will later pass a declaration of war against the Federal Republic of Likatonia and its Allies; Keymon, and others. The reason of war is to help beloved allies like Kafuristan, Hulstria, Trigunia, and Luthori from Likatonia in the South Ocean War. Little info is known besides the troops and ships being used, but we have one picture of what looks like a naval warship leaving port.

We'll sorry for the black and white picture.
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Re: Badaran News Channel (BNC)

Postby LNRulez01 » Sun Aug 28, 2011 6:46 pm

Likatonian Embassies in Al'Badara and Jakania bombed. AAPK militants claim responsibility.

BIER QASSEM-- Two massive bombs exploded minutes apart outside the Likatonian Embassies in Al'Badara and Jakania today, , in what officials said were coordinated terrorist attacks.

In Bier Qassem, the capitol of Al'Badara, an enormous explosion ripped through downtown at about 09:35 a.m., turning the busy Sultan Ameen I Avenue into a scene of carnage and destruction. The blast, which leveled a three-story building containing a secretarial school and gutted the rear half of the Likatonian Embassy next door.

Just minutes before, a bomb reportedly planted in a gasoline tanker detonated near the front entrance of the Likatonian Embassy in the Jakanian capital of Wakanda. The blast destroyed the front of the building and toppled a side wall, throwing charred debris down the street, setting cars on fire and toppling trees.

Witnesses in both Bier Qassem and Wakanda said the explosions, where preceded by smaller blasts, perhaps grenades, and gunfire.

Officials said they believed the bombings were a terrorist attack. Although officials did not identify any suspects, the newspaper Ranz'riah Kafuri Press -- based in Lehonti, Kafuristan -- reported that it had received a call claiming responsibility for the bombings from the Abadi Army for the Protection of Kafuristan (AAPK, a militant group based in Kafuristan. The same group claimed responsibility for the kidnapping of four foreign nationals from a hotel in the Kafuri capitol of Lehonti. The AAPK claimed that the attack was an retaliation for the ongoing assault on Kafuristan by the Likatonian Armed Forces and their allies.

OOC: I did not mention any casualty numbers in this post, i will leave the number of Likatonian dead and injured to MapleUnity and those of Al'Badara and Jakania to the respective players of Al'Badara and Jakania. I will also post this in the national papers of Likatonia, Al'Badara and Jakania.
- It is the rule in war, if ten times the enemy's strength, surround them; if five times, attack them; if double, be able to divide them; if equal,engage them; if fewer, be able to evade them; if weaker, be able to avoid them.

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