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Re: Keymon News Service

Postby Romulus » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:29 am

President address to the people of Keymon and The International Community

The President of Keymon, making his Address to the nation

The year is now 3130, I have just recovered from a minor stroke, which could have been extremely life threating if I was found later. We are doing all we, can to improve Keymon’s, reputation and image to the international community. However, the economy is most important, and our GDP has greatly increased ever since the lower tax proposal that our party passed. The budget cuts have been made so that we didn’t have to raise, the taxes on our beloved people. We also stopped the domestic terrorism that has plagued us and the international community far too long. I am so happy to see Keymon and our friends in Telamon, in such a stable condition.

We look forward to building our strength and relations with the rest of Terra, far too long has Keymon, been seen as a weak and tyrannical Nation; but I can announce that today keymon shall be seen as a nation of honor strength and peace.We look forward to building an everlasting relationship with the people and government of Telamon and the rest of Terra.

Thank you for you’re greatly need support.


Drake Coolwithy president of Keymon
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President is Reelected

Postby Romulus » Sun Jun 05, 2011 1:49 am

The President has been reelected
We won the elections!

The Preisdent during the parade!

People of Keymon, I want to thank all of you that have voted in this election. I am pleased to be elected as your president or Royal Chancellor again. We are going to do everything to restore Keymon to its place, and finish our reforms and orders. We will continue the plans of our foreign policy to open up and fix our reputation as a democratic and free nation.

Thank you all that voted,

Drake Coolwithy
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President Running for Third Term In Office

Postby Romulus » Thu Jun 09, 2011 9:03 pm

Dear people of Keymon, and the International community

It has been almost six years since I took office in keymon. We have seen much improvement in the government’s efficiency, and New Foreign Policy. I will continue the polices, we have done so many times and will always be improving them. So as of now, I can happily announce, that I am going to run for a third term for the presidency of Keymon. I have been the present for almost six years and I hope to be elected again to continue our efficient policies and great economic policies, if elected for a third term.

We will do everything we can to create more prosperity in keymon if reelected for a third term and make the government and military much stronger with our new technological advancements. In addition, we are going to do everything which is possible to continue the great relations we have with the rest, of Terra and our friends in Telamon.

Thank you so much


Drake Coolwithy
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Re: Keymon News Service

Postby Romulus » Fri Jul 01, 2011 7:34 pm

Presidential address to the people of Keymon and the International Community

First I want to say that I made no threats of war to the People of Hutori. All I stated to them was if they left the union that we would consider the possibility of a total mobilization in defense! From Hutori’s extremely sudden departure from the Union. We also proposed sanctions against the state of Hutori, if they left the Union. That is true. However, we did not threaten war against Hutori and would never do such thing the talk of mobilization was just a defense against Hutori not a move to declare war, but there leader cannot tell the difference, and will try to use everything he can to leave the union.

We ask the people of Keymon and the International community to look at their motives.

Thank you,
James Vonburg of Keymon
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Update from the President

Postby Romulus » Wed Jul 13, 2011 7:20 pm

The President's Update....

The president plans to put constitutional reforms forward, for a “Better Keymon”

“We as a people deserve to make some changes to our government’s ways and powers.
It is my beliefs and party’s belief that we must have a balanced system of power so democracy and the republic can function more efficiently and most important, be very effective.”

The president also commented on the military situation here in Keymon.

“We are moving in the right direction, our military is improving and the technological advancements that we have made bring great happiness to me, as we slowly build a more stronger army to counter and threats to our nation, and domestic violence And terrorism.”
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Re: Keymon News Service

Postby Romulus » Tue Jul 26, 2011 10:01 pm

Announcement from the Government of the Second Republic of Keymon
This press message was released by the Government of the Second Republic of Keymon.


Small states have little power to influence the course of international events. The great powers possessing the means of destroying the world bear the chief responsibility for the maintenance of peace. The smaller states can and must constantly remind them of this responsibility. But they can do more. They can in their own behaviour disassociate themselves from everything that is likely to increase tension.

Therefore, Keymon will be a nuclear-free zone in the future. Government of Keymon has stopped all development of nuclear weapons.

In addition, government of Keymon has decided to abolish the army.

"Keymon does not need weapons. What we need is love, prosperity and peace", president Moreló announced.

the Government of the Second Republic of Keymon"

The Most Dangerous Times we live in......

(We have already stated this in the Party news, due to censorship here we cannot express our full veiws on this matter)

Mr. President,

You have destroyed our country and our military. There are rumors that regiments of the BBB terrorist organization is reorganizing because there is no army or police. The underground criminal empire has reorganized, and a few days ago right near my house, thugs beat up our neighbors and burned down there house! You are being warned to please reinstate our national defense or our militia will be reactivated to do what is right in the name of justice for the People of Keymon.


Drake Coolwithy
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The Great Leap Forward!

Postby Romulus » Wed Aug 03, 2011 8:18 pm

The Great Leap Forward!

Dear People of Keymon and the international community,

People of Terra after almost ten years of debating and conflicts with both parties, we have finally joined together to form a greater Keymon, a nation for Union Friendship!

We have done everything we can to join together to reform our system, we have made some compromises to reinstate the military and to arm Keymon for defensive purposes and to bring out the strength and power of our nation. We look forward to work with the NCM for a better Keymon.

Thank you so much


Robert Flowers

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Stop Hutori!

Postby Romulus » Sat Aug 06, 2011 7:44 pm

Attention all nations of Terra!

We the Government and People of Keymon have put an Embargo on the nation of Hutori. We would like every other nation to ratify the Embargo treaty we have created to send a message to Hutori that they must change or face harsh punishment for their corrupt government and actions.

The people of Keymon have been bullied far too long by the corrupt Parasite that sits on Hutori’s throne down with their monarchy! Hutori must face the reality of Democratic Justice!


Robert Flowers
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New reports from the Minister of Defense!

Postby Romulus » Tue Aug 09, 2011 2:26 am

The Hutori-Keymon crisis has reached an all-time high! Fears of war begin to settle in people minds!


We will protect Keymon from Hutorian threats at all costs. Our Embargo must be enforced which is why we are deploying naval and air forces near Hutori but not in there waters. Keep in mind these are just exercises…

We have begun to move our fleets through Telamon’s waters to watch for suspected Hutorian activity.
We are making sure that no Hutorian ships are inbound to Keymon, because they will be destroyed.
This is in the defense of Keymon, and whatever happens will be for protection for our glorious nation.

Thank you and May god protect us.


John Castburg
Minister of Defense

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Re: Keymon News Service

Postby Xanathos » Tue Aug 09, 2011 7:50 am

OOC: Sorry, but the notion that Keymon, a miniature country of 12 million people has one aircraft carrier, let alone 5, is utterly and completely ridiculous.
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