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Re: Jakanian News Network [JNN]

Postby Mr.Conservative » Mon May 09, 2011 6:17 pm


The Progress Party of Jakania once played a crucial role in Jakania, being the leader of the pack in a former coalition called the Contract with Jakania Coalition (CJC) which ruled for several decades. After big turmoil inside the coalition, and ultimately ramblings inside the party, they decided to dissolve it and push their influences onto other parties. Finally, in November of 3116, they decided to reawaken the once national giant to ensure Jakania a better future.

The party is now called The Republican Party of Jakania, or RPJ. The Fitzgerald-Clan, which founded the great party, is still keeping their positions. The current Chairman is Mr. Matthew Fitzgerald.

Matthew Fitzgerald, the RPJ's candidate for Supreme Governor

Will they win the next election?

The next election is in 3119, one and a half years from now, but it’s surely time to put together some analysis. The Financial Statistics Office reports that current GDP growth last 1.5 years is at -3.48%, which is a major upset to the ruling party, the United Jakania Democrat Party (UJDP). When the election comes around in October 3119, there’ll be the question of which party can present the best economic policy. There’ll also be the issue of coalitions. As the CJC has died out, there’s really a free-for-all in who co-operates with whom. “Eventually, as I see it, we’ll have a Republican Party coalition with the Radical Republicans. The Radicals are farther to the left of the Republicans, but they’re not nearly as leftist as the UJDP. It’ll be a ‘lesser of evils’ discussion for the Republican Party.” Said the Chief Political Analyst here at Jakania News Central, Mr. Robert Portman.

Matthew Fitzgerald is rumored to hold a press conference soon to launch his bid to become the next Supreme Governor of Jakania. We’ll keep you updated here at the JNC.
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Re: Jakanian News Network [JNN]

Postby KD21 » Tue May 10, 2011 12:54 pm

Finance Minister: 'Economy on road to recovery'

Sonhata - Finance Minister Christopher Spears has announced that he believes that the recent economic downturn is gradually being reversed. With a surplus of 629,324,034,477 JAK and unemployment falling, Mr Spears believes that the Jakanian economy is in its strongest position for a generation, with more good news to follow. Mr Spears has also announced that he -and also those who follow after him- will bring in an annual budget, rather than wait until its needed; meaning the next budget will be held in June 3119.

Finance Minister Christopher Spears - announcing his most recent budget to the Council
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Re: Jakanian News Network [JNN]

Postby Mr.Conservative » Tue May 10, 2011 3:35 pm


The United Jakania Democratic Party, the current ruler for now approaching 130 years, recently voted, with their super-majority, to massively gut the defense budget.

The defense budget just a few months back accounted for roughly a third of GDP, resulting in a strong military that could live up to its requirements. Now, the UJDP has voted to massively eradicate all spending in one month, leaving the military unable to perform their duties. “How will the military be able to defend Jakania with this kind of budget? We’re looking at soldiers having to just go home because they were fired on the day. And all of this is because of the UJDP’s inconsiderate policies. Not even a debate in the Supreme Council!” Yelled an angry former Spokesman of the Department of Defense, who was fired during the so-called ‘reform’. “Where’s the solidarity from this party!?”

Robert Portman, the Chief Political Analyst here at JNC sees trouble for the UJDP. “The Republicans have already started their campaign, and rumours are that Matthew Fitzgerald will be their Supreme Governor candidate. The Fitzgerald-Clan has governed before, and created successful coalitions; this might spell trouble for the UJDP.”

As analysts argue on who will win, Matthew Fitzgerald held a speech in Nilaka today, condemning the finance minister for his “reckless” economic policy. “Currently, we’re in a deep recession; and unless we fight it off with tax cuts and freer economic policies, we’ll eventually end up in a depression. The UJDP’s policies are the root cause of this, and once we get into government we’ll start investing in science and technology, reforming entitlements to cut wasteful spending, and cut taxes so that people can keep more of their paychecks.”

Matthew Fitzgerald speaking in Nilaka today

“It’s not about how much surplus the government is piling up; it’s about jobs and ultimately families.” “We should use the surplus to invest in our economy; that’ll get job creation going.” Fitzgerald said in an engaging speech.
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Re: Jakanian News Network [JNN]

Postby KD21 » Tue May 10, 2011 9:09 pm

Spears: 'U-turns' beginning already!

Sonhata: The war of words between Matthew Fitzgerald and Finance Minister Christopher Spears continued after the former attacked the Governments decision to cut defence spending. Mr Spears had this to say on the matter: 'Mr Fitzgerald has recently attacked my decision to make severe cuts to the defence budget; which he is of course entitled to do. I would take his word seriously if his Party hadn't made a point of putting forward details from the Financial Statistics Office relating to GDP growth. The U-turns are being made already. First of all its 'The economy needs to be sorted', now its 'Cutting too fast, too soon' - so which is it? The Defence Ministry was severely over-funded for a Nation which has not been involved in any major conflict in a millennium and it was prudent to make cutbacks here. This is why the RPJ face many years of opposition - if they shy away from tough decisions in opposition what chance have they got in Government? Neither myself, nor any member of this Cabinet, are proud of these cuts but they are necessary and we will do whatever it takes to rebuild our economy. May I also point out something Mr Fitzgerald failed to take into account - we have reduced taxation across the board, completely eliminating the tax band for those earning 10000 JAK and under. Does the RPJ propose taxation increases to fund the Defence Ministry? I, and the Nation, await his response on this matter.'
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Re: Jakanian News Network [JNN]

Postby KD21 » Fri May 13, 2011 11:44 am

Early elections see UJDP returned as largest Party

Sonhata - It seemed the near future would be bleak for the UJDP following their defeat in the October 3119 Elections. Without previous opposition the Party had been in power from 2990 with only one 5 year term going to another party. This changed with the re-emergence of several previous foes - the RPJ, RRP and the AJNF. On a disappointing turnout 55.57%, the UJDP dropped from 250 seats to 22 - while Supreme Governor Christopher Davidson held his post after no opposition candidates ran against him. Faced with a meagre band of Council members the Party looked set to face five tough years in opposition. However, the RPJ and the AJNF both supported early elections for December - perhaps in hope of a total UJDP wipeout. This failed to materialise and the UJDP returned with 83 seats, making them the largest Party in the Council with both the RPJ and ANJF suffering heavy losses with turnout up 12%. This was the results breakdown:

United Jakania Democratic Party 36,956,087 34.27% 83 33.20% +61 +24.40%
Radical Republican Party 27,944,365 25.91% 67 26.80% -3 -1.20%
Republican Party of Jakania 26,967,269 25.01% 61 24.40% -48 -19.20%
Armed Jakanian National Front 15,963,425 14.80% 39 15.60% -10 -4.00%
Total 107,831,146 100% 250 100%

Christopher Davidson once again held his post, this time after a close fought battle with the RPJs Matthew Fitzgerald:

Christopher Davidson United Jakania Democratic Party 59,018,075 51.60%
Matthew Fitzgerald Republican Party of Jakania 55,182,759 48.24% Armed Jakanian National Front,
Radical Republican Party
Total 114,200,834 100%

Of course, this still leaves the UJDP outside of the Cabinet and the Party will unlikely be able to bring forward any new legislation without dealing with other the other Parties.
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Re: Jakanian News Network [JNN]

Postby Mr.Conservative » Sat May 14, 2011 9:48 am

Republicans seizes power, invites all parties to join

The Republicans have once again triumphed to become the leader of the pack in the new Coalition for Jakania. The Radical Republicans and the Nationalists have joined in on a new coalition that has yet to release a formal manifesto. Insiders report that negotiations are going on, meanwhile, Matthew Fitzgerald said to the Jakania News Central, "As moderate Republicans, we`re interested in working with all kinds of parties, including the UJDP. They´re undoubtedly a party we agree with on some levels, and we should focus on these issues."

Robert Portman, our Chief Political Analyst, predicted that "...this new coalition is having a few problems, but there´s no doubt that people want something new, new reforms; as shown in the recent election. I guess the voters are just waiting for them to get their negotiations done, and get ready to govern the country."

The Hawk Institute, a right-leaning think tank, recently came out with a new paper on current economic policy. Frederick Hawk said in comments: "Currently, we´re looking at an unstable economy that needs some kind of well, "stimulus". Some suggests tax cuts, and that´s a legitimate strategy. We´re currently running an enormous surplus, and I bet the Republicans are interested in getting tax cuts done, particularly for the middle-class and up." 

Robert Portman chimed in that the Republicans, according to insiders, might release a new budget that reinvests in defense. Recently, the UJDP gutted the defense department, leaving thousands unemployed. It´s time to get a real defense again; we can´t afford to sacrifice our freedoms to foreign powers because we don´t have the defense required by a free nation."
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Re: Jakanian News Network [JNN]

Postby Mr.Conservative » Sun May 15, 2011 10:40 pm


"This is a tragic day for Wakanda, for Nilaka and ultimately for Jakania." Started the Chancellor, Mr. Paul Ferguson his speech in Wakanda this afternoon.


As the dust and screams from innocent victims had just settled in Wakanda, the Chancellor united his newly appointed National Security Council, discussing till midnight on major issues now facing the nation.

Chief Political Analyst here at Jakania News Central, Robert Portman commented: "This is a sad day for Jakania, and will undoubtedly lead to a new discussion on security policies. Do we need to curb our freedoms to ensure better security? Should we increase spending on counter-terrorism initiatives, and should we start allowing the Jakania Intelligence Agency to operate more?"

Republicans, and particularly Mr. Patrick Davis, the Internal Affairs Minister, couldn't help to flip the political coin. "There’s been a radicalization we’ve had reports on from the Jakania Intelligence Agency for quite some time now, and I am going to out on the limb and say radical Islamic groups did this.” Major investigations are already underway, and Chancellor Ferguson said: “We’re going to hunt these bastards down. Such things are never going to happen in Jakania again, and that’s why I am going to sit down with my security team and get policies going. We can’t have our people being afraid of going on the street because of terrorism.”

Chairman of the Jakania Intelligence Agency, Robert Hawkinson, couldn’t spell it all out, but confirmed that “investigations were under way” and that they are “compiling a report” for the National Security Council. He could also confirm that “…radical Islamic groups are being kept an eye on,”

In other news:

Economy is back in growth as tax cuts were passed, and the new budget was passed, ramping up spending on defense. Surplus is still kept, but analysts predict it will vanish by next budget year. Insiders are talking of a new spending package ramping up even more spending, as consumption taxes will be slightly increased. Jakania now has reserves of 1.8 trillion JAK. GDP per person was 25,948 JAK in May 3121. Up from 25,120 JAK.

Foreign Affairs Minister, Mr. Frank Johnson, is in talks with major military equipment manufacturers as the new Coalition between the Republicans and the Radical Republicans recently passed a budget ramping up defense spending heavily.
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Re: Jakanian News Network [JNN]

Postby Mr.Conservative » Wed May 18, 2011 8:18 pm

Intelligence report slams radical Islamists, hunt continues

In the recent terror attack that carried sadness and months of grief, the controversial Jakania Intelligence Agency, has compiled a report. Some leaks have gotten out, and very little is confirmed. The Internal Affairs Minister, Mr. Patrick Davis, today confirmed that there was a group called the “Freedom Fighters of Jakania” that is being watched. Leaks from the Jakania Intelligence Agency report that “The motive of these terrorists…clearly [was] a belief in some fundamentalist concept of Islam”, Some members of left-wing organizations are slamming the Agency for persecuting regular muslims, and putting too much weight on religion. Robert Hawkinson, the Chairman of the Jakania Intelligence Agency, responded to critics by saying: “We’re just doing our job.”

The Chancellor, Paul Ferguson at an interview with the JNC.

The Chancellor was asked at the press conference whether they are closer to capturing the terrorists behind these attacks, and was unclear: “Look, it takes time to find these terrorists, but what I am sure about is that the Agency is doing a great job and we’re going to keep investigating. We will never step down until they’re brought to justice, no matter how long it takes.” “We’re hoping the UJDP will work with us to ensure the security of the people.”

“There’s no doubt that these terrorists should be hunted down and brought to justice. If we, in the coming months, achieve nothing more than we have, we will look into our routines, and probably consider the creation of a new task-force. This government, that we inherited, is clearly not made for counter-terrorism. We’ve been brought to a new ball game, and we’ve got to win the game, or else the terrorists win.”

Economic Report

Under the former government, there was a serious recession in Jakania, with tons of people losing their jobs. Finally, we’re back to growth. People are getting new jobs, and Jakania is growing at an incredible rate. In less than a year, the Financial Statistics Office can inform that the economy grew by 7.42%, and GDP per person grew astoundingly from $25,948 to $29,382.

The new Coalition of Jakania, between the Radical Republicans and the Republicans are taking shape and they’ve gotten their policy initiatives through. “Through eager compromise, and an active willingness to put our differences aside and achieve sound policies for our nation, we’ve managed to kick the economy back to growth, and making sure that small businesses’ – the backbone of this economy – can create jobs without being taxed to death.” Said the Chancellor, Paul Ferguson, at a recent press conference.

The economy is back, but so is the deficit after an enormous increase in defense spending. “It’s time we fix our defense, and ensure that Jakania can face all kinds of threats.” Said the Chancellor, Paul Ferguson. He has also laid out a plan of minor tax increases to finance the surge in defense spending. This is bound to spark debate. For now, we have big reserves, at an astounding 1.8 trillion JAK, which the Chancellor is clearly eager to use for investments in the country’s security.

Earlier today, the Chancellor, in an Executive Order, authorized the appropriation of 50 billion JAK to the controversial Jakania Intelligence Agency. Libertarian organizations are criticizing the measure, slamming the Chancellor for putting too much power in the arms of the executive branch.
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Re: Jakanian News Network [JNN]

Postby Jaguar » Thu Aug 11, 2011 10:35 pm

People forced to burn the democratic flag of Jakania in favour of a monarchical style

On April 30, 3165 Syed I Al Amun of the SMP, took over office after a small military coup that shook Jakania. The military coup favoured for Syed I to take office as Supreme Governor and begin the transition from a democratic system to a monarchical system.

The people of Jakania are concerned about this and are uneasy about this change. Jakania has been a democratic state for hundreds of years and the idea of a monarchy and its place in Jakanian society is uncertain.

Military Coup
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Re: Jakanian News Network [JNN]

Postby Jaguar » Fri Aug 12, 2011 10:45 am


Current Supreme Governor, Syed I has proven to be unpopular due to his radical ideas. The people of Jakania also shows strong resentment against a new government being established.

Syed I has issued a bill, "HIM's Military Reform Act 1 of 3165," to be passed immediately, allowing police and military to use force if necessary to reduce the demonstrations taking place all over Jakania.

Police Brutality being legalised?
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