
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Deltarian International Wire Service

Postby justinviens14 » Thu Nov 18, 2010 2:34 am

December 3031, (DWIS) Mekansk, Delataria

(Mekansk): The heavily contest election for President of the FDP has come to an end. Vote totals are now in and Foreign Minister Jeio Antioch has been elected as leader of the Freedom Party of Deltaria. Mr. Antioch recieved 54% of the vote, with Mr. Peck-ah'k garnering roughly 38%, and Mr. Han recieving the remaining 8%. FPD Chairman-elect Antioch thanked supporters and went on to outline his plans for the new Democratic Union of Grand Deltaria:
1. Increased Foreign Presence, increasing the amount of trade between nations, reactivating the OMS, and possible military and security agreements.
2. Increase development of rural economies, infrastructure and commerce between regions.
3. Further development of Socialist ideas, stronger centralization by the government.
4. Protection of Civil Liberties.
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Re: Deltarian International Wire Service

Postby justinviens14 » Fri Dec 17, 2010 10:18 am

From the office of the President of the Grand Union of Deltaria,

For too long, the people of our great nation have been under the control of various tyrannts. Czars, Dictators, Emporers. These titles may be different, however the oppression has all been the same. Since the founding of the Freedom Party of Deltaria, we have seen political, social and economic freedom boom from the hearts and souls of all citizens of this great state. However, now there are those who wish to take away our freedoms. Those freedoms which have been building for the last 50 years. These individuals wish to see all Deltarians return to a more subservient, docile people. People are not free to speak their minds, not free to practice their own beliefs, not free to assemble peacfully and lawfully, not free to be equal under the eyes of our most just laws. These people I speak of, as we speak, preapre for WAR! Our eastern neighbors, who secretly negotiated with rabble-rousers, Kalopia currently wishes to blockade our ports, Vanuku wishes to support an overthrow of our legitamatly elected government by supporting Deltárska Socialistický Strana. I however can assure these beligerents that no amount of force, no matter how hollow, will dissuade the people of FREE Deltaria from stepping down and giving away the rights they have fought so hard to earn over the last several hundred years.

So we warn those powers who wish to step on the toes of the DEMOCRATIC UNION OF GRAND DELTARIA, that we prepare for war! Our generals, commanders and admirals prepare as we speak!

1. The Military of Deltaria has been placed on its highest alert, order to fire upon any nation which violates our soverignity.

2. An members of Deltárska Socialistický Strana who are seen violating the rights of Deltarians shall be dealt with swiftly and ruthlessly.

3.The 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th divisions of the Deltarian military has been placed on active status, and are currently moving to secure our borders. The 1st and 2nd Fleet is being moved to protect Ushalande from agressors. The Central and Eastern Republican Forces are moving toprovide boarder security on our Eastern front.

4. Additional military precautions are currently being put into place to secure the freedom of all members of the public.

The people of Deltaria shall ask only one more time for the aggressors to rethink their current plans in order to avoid a large scale war which shall see the deaths of millions of innocent people. If however they do not change their minds, the Democratic Union of Grand Deltaria shall have no other options than to use the deadliest of force.

George Han
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Deltarian Daily News Network

Postby kylejenkins27 » Wed Nov 02, 2011 4:13 am

Welcome to the Deltarian Daily News Network! We host articles from a huge variety of news outlets throughout Deltaria so that you're always kept up to date on the latest happenings in Terra via your favourite news channel or paper. We are based in Menkask and will not offer any additional content under normal circumstances. We hope you enjoy our services.

-CEO Neil Patterson
Demokratychna Delic Partija Deltársko
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Re: Deltarian Daily News Network

Postby kylejenkins27 » Wed Nov 02, 2011 4:35 am

Governor James Tote of Deltaria recently ordered the complete mobilization of the Deltarian Military in response to his administrations opposition to the Majatran Union, the party of the Governor, the Whigs, has also introduced legislation to close the borders between Jelbania and Deltaria and prohibit all trade between the two. ... lid=330912

The Governor released this statement:
My administration will do everything in its power to fight this Majatran Union, we are prepared to go as far as neccessary to eradicate the MU from Terra though we prefer to accomplish this through diplomatic means. But the nations of Terra should should be assured that if diplomacy fails Deltaria stands ready to fight the good fight for liberty


Military Parade in Doron Akigo
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Re: Deltarian Daily News Network

Postby kylejenkins27 » Thu Nov 03, 2011 7:25 am

International Convention of Nations Against the Majatran Union convenes in Deltaria

Leaders from the Sultanate of Jakania, the Majatran Sultanate of the United Badaran Emirates, the Kingdom of Dranland, the Kingdom of Malivia, and the Republic of Cobura, and Deltaria have met in the capitol of Deltaria in a convention to decide on a collective decision to dismantle the Majatran Union.

Demokratychna Delic Partija Deltársko
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Convention of Nations Against the Majatran Union begin vote

Postby kylejenkins27 » Fri Nov 04, 2011 3:43 am

International delegations began a vote on the decision to send a Joint Observer Committe to the Majatran Union to submit their demands. The commission is to consist of delegates from Jakania, Deltaria, and Cobura. As of now the confrence has made these demands "The complete dissolution of the Majatran Union or its reformation in a way that ensures the continued security and soverignity of all nations in attendance at the conrfrence."

The confrence has been under negotiations for months now in the Deltarian City of Menkask. If the MU does not submit to their demands they have threatend sanctions and the possibility of other actions. The Governor James Tote has spent the past few weeks away from the forum attending the confrence by day and visitiing the now fully mobilized military.
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Re: Deltarian Daily News Network

Postby Destori » Fri Nov 04, 2011 12:43 pm

In a surprising move today, former Governor of Deltaria and leader of the Liberal Movement's Conservative Faction Nicolas Wies unleashed a ferocious denouncement of national involvement in the Darnussian Civil War. Upon hearing about the Whig Government's decision to commit Deltarian troops to the military action - Mr. Wies retaliated with a forum resolution that would, if passed, restrain the administration from interference in Darnussian affairs. In a series of press conferences and statements released throughout the day, the son of former 5-term Liberal Conservative Head of State Jonathan Wies said the following:

"The Liberal Movement cannot support this intervention. Not only will his act have nothing to do with the nation of Deltaria or the defence of our treaty signatory allies in Luthori - it will actively oppose a democratic nation in this conflict.

"We vote no, as we will not devote our troops to fighting a battle that is not ours or that of Luthori. We note no, because we support democracy and a nation's right to self-determination. We are not an interventionist nation, and out very stance against the MU is based on preventing intervention politics. We will not come down to that level."

The resolution however, has been subject to early setbacks however, with the Whig Government enlisting their Federalist subordinates to support the intervention. When questioned on this, Mr Wies said:

"The DLM has reached out to the Federalists. We have told them that now is the time to prove that they are the social jusice, small-government, ecologically friendly party that they allege to be. Supporting this move would be a denouncement of those principles. We can only hope that the Federalists are an honest organisation, and will honour the ideologies that spurred their success at the recent election."

The Former Foreign Minister also hinted towards receiving international support for his move, particularly coming in response to his international message:

"The Liberal Movement cannot and will not condone the entry into this engagement. A nation should have the right to self-determination over its future, and our involvement does not do anything to achieve that aim. Our full resolution, and the reasoning laid out for it is available for public viewing and commentary by foreign dignitaries."

The vote is currently ongoing in the Deltarian National Forum, and if Mr. Wies has anything to say about it - many Deltarian lives will be saved from the slaughter before the next election. As he put it:

"To the Federalists, the Whigs and to anyone else considering supporting this: Reconsider your vote. The lives of Deltarians abroad, as well as humanity across the globe demand it. They beg you to stay their government mandated slaughter."

Pauline McCrossin reporting for the Deltarian Daily News service.

Mr. Nicolas Wies
Deltarian Liberal Movement - Federal Republic of Deltaria [Inactive]
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Re: Deltarian Daily News Network

Postby Destori » Sat Nov 05, 2011 1:30 pm


In a statement not heard often in party politics, the Deltarian Liberal Movement candidate for Governor, Ms. Dianne Walker, thanked the Deltarian Governor James Tote for his policy reversal on his administrations intervention policy regarding the Luthori treaty.

"The Government here has performed a complete 360 degree turn from the policies they held so dear just months ago. This is most certainly a victory not only for the Liberal Movement, but for democracy and for the international community.

"My deepest gratitude goes out to my successor at the helm of the Liberal Conservative Faction, Mr. Nicolas Wies for his heartfelt and skilled negotiation of his resolution to end our nations involvement in the Darnussian Civil War, a conflict ultimately irrelevant to Deltarian political affairs. What he did for this nation was perhaps a political improbability, acting from a position as comparatively minor in seats as the movement holds and convincing every, single, party in the country to support his proposal over that of the governments. That is real leadership, and it is a trait that we are proud to have in abundance here at the DLM. We don't need seats to push everyone around, as we are the group that talks and finds real solutions for all Deltarians, we are happy to negotiate and create positive outcomes, just as Mr. Wies did here.

"We thank in particular, the Federalists, who originally voted against the DLM resolution in favour of the warmongering one proposed by Mr. Tote - yet who were willing to amend their decision in the face of facts and reason. It is good to know that our government is in some aspects self-regulating and respecting of the reality of our world.

"It is these behaviours: fearless negotiation, a focus on international awareness over intimidation, and the valuing of human life and dignity that will be at the forefront of any Deltarian Liberal Movement administration into the future. So I ask - that if the outcome of this saga could have one further positive to add onto the dozens that it has already generated for this nation, please let it be the introduction of a fairer, freer and better government. Electors of Deltaria - we know that it may seem safe to be complacent with the big talk and big guns of the Whigs, but we urge you to look beyond that - to who can get the job done, and to who can create real change for a better Federal Republic.

Ms. Dianne Walker
Deltarian Liberal Movement - Federal Republic of Deltaria [Inactive]
National Party - Federal Republic of Deltaria [Inactive]
Rutanian Republican Party - Commonwealth of Rutania [Inactive]
Allianz Zentrum - United Imperial Crownlands of Hulstria and Gao-Soto
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Negotiations may be near completion

Postby kylejenkins27 » Sun Nov 06, 2011 12:02 am

Inside sources within Deltaria have reported that Deltaria may be very near a compromise with the MU. According to sources The governor has agreed to move to repeal the Jelbanian Excommunication Act in return for a non aggression pact with the MU. These leaks have come after months of diplomatic conflict have been felt between the MU and the governor.

Ruth Hemmings reporting from Menkask
Demokratychna Delic Partija Deltársko
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End of Conservative Era

Postby kylejenkins27 » Wed Nov 09, 2011 12:36 am

In Deltaria it appears the tide of popular opinion has turned against conservatives, for the first time in decades the Liberal minded voters have won a considerable victory in the forum. The elections of 3208 denyed former Governor James Tote of a 4th term. The forum now maintains a slight liberal majority but is more evenly divided among parties than it has been in decades which will most likely force parties to cooperate more than ever before. The Governor while dissappointed of his own election losses was happy to see that the Syzygy Party had won the Gubnatorial elections, he stated "Mr.Riordin I truly believe will serve Deltaria to the best of his ability and will do whatever he see's best to help the nation." Mr.Tote has stated that he will not again run for public office, he plans to continue leadership of the party until 3215 when the Whig Board of Directors will choose his replacement from amongst themselves. The Whig party has announced however that as of now they have no plans to field a canidate for Governor in 3212 instead the party plans to focus on the legislative elections, the party will back the Syzygy party in the next elections.

The Conservative Era that dominated Deltaria for the latter part of the 3100's and the begining of the 3200's will be remembered for the strong arm policies of former Governor Tote and the extensive conservative reforms that were pursued during this time including the controversial religious reforms. This conservative era also saw rise to a large military buildup in Delataria. Mr. Tote is said to blame the Federalist for the end of this conservative era and his own parties losses, he made this statement about the federalist; "The Federalist party is an unorganized, poorly put together party that has no one set of priniciples, they are radicals with no consideration for the results of their actions. My biggest mistake in office was supporting that party."

Former Governor Tote

Ruth Hemmings reporting from Menkask
Demokratychna Delic Partija Deltársko
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