
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.


Postby Drew-1986 » Tue Nov 17, 2009 7:20 pm

Christian Holiness Church~Christian Holiness Socialist Party
Hear O Terra, God is Love. From eons past to eons future, God is Love.
And may the Peace of our Mother, Sophia, flourish among us all.

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Re: Valruzian National News -- VNN

Postby Drew-1986 » Tue Nov 17, 2009 7:39 pm

We receive this release today from a group that most in our Federation had thought to be long extinct.

Hear O Terra, God is Love. From eons past to eons future, God is Love.

After several centuries of dormancy, the Council of the Faith of the Christian Holiness Church would like to announce that the Gospel of our Mother Sophia is once again being spread throughout the lands. Our communities in Valruzia have kept to themselves for too long and will once again involve themselves in the political processes of the Valruzian Federation to ensure that our Vision for Shalom is heard across Creation.

May God Above, God Beside, and God Within bless our efforts. Amen and Amen.
Sister Aine Sophia Zelenko, Prophetess of the Light
Christian Holiness Church~Christian Holiness Socialist Party
Hear O Terra, God is Love. From eons past to eons future, God is Love.
And may the Peace of our Mother, Sophia, flourish among us all.

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Re: Valruzian National News -- VNN

Postby Drew-1986 » Thu Nov 19, 2009 5:34 pm

Valruzian National News -- July 2850
Sophians Take Control of Government in Dramatic Comeback

With the return of the Christian Holiness Socialist Party to electoral politics, there has been a great tension over the elections in Valruzia. What have the voters decided? It appears that the message of the Sophians has been embraced by the people of the Federation. Sister Aine Sophia Zelenko has swept the election for General Secretary in the first round with 52.2% of the vote, and the party has claimed 117 out of 225 seats in the Valruzian People's Congress. The Valruzian Communist Party and the Communist Party of Valruzia will have 40 and 68 seats, respectively, in the new Congress.

In a statement from Sister Zelenko, the CHSP thanked the Valruzian populace and announced several aspects of their Vision for Shalom.

Hear O Terra, God is Love. From eons past to eons future, God is Love.

While the results of the most recent elections may come as a shock to Valruzia and to Terra, we knew from the time that we reemerged that this day would come. This is the reason that we came out of our communities; To show the world that Love will always prevail. The people of Valruzia have suffered under the atheist oppression of the State for too long, and we have come to change that. The ban on religious faith is hereby lifted. All Valruzians may now worship their God in peace. The Light shines in the Darkness, and the Darkness will not overcome it!

We would also like to announce the reform of the Valruzian Armed Forces into the Terran Soul-Forces, a nonviolent defense force. In the Resurrection of our Brother Yeshua, we were taught that violence will never solve anything. It cannot prevail. Nonviolence has always been and always will be a force more powerful. It moves the hearts of humanity, in ways that military violence has never been able to. Blessed are the Peacemakers!

We will announce a new cabinet shortly that will carry out these objectives of the People. And we look forward to working with our comrades in the Communist Party of Valruzia and the Valruzian Communist Party to bring about a world more Light-filled than ever before.

And may the Peace of our Mother, Sophia, flourish among us all.
SIster Aine Sophia Zelenko, Prophetess of the Light, Council of the Faith

We have not yet received a reaction from the other parties of the Federation, but hope to have these soon.
Christian Holiness Church~Christian Holiness Socialist Party
Hear O Terra, God is Love. From eons past to eons future, God is Love.
And may the Peace of our Mother, Sophia, flourish among us all.

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Re: Valruzian National News -- VNN

Postby llangone » Fri Mar 04, 2011 3:19 am

Valruzian Broadcast Company: January 3085

Today in Relonanki the Committee on Foreign Affairs have chosen Michael Langone XI as the first Observer to the LTN and have chosen Dr. Aleksander Maridon as his Under-Observer. "Both men have great talents that will be used to help further Valruzia's international goals" said President Langone X.

The process of choosing who would be the first Observer to the LTN was a very long and ardious process that caused some members to resign their seats. Congressman Roberto Taza reportedly stated that Michael Langone XI was given the position, because the family runs the VLP. Also Congressman Tonan McVar had this to say, " I believe that the will of the people has been manipulated by the hierachy of the party to give an unfair advantage to Michael Langone XI."

When asked what his thoughts were on the accusations hurled against his nephew, Luis Langone X stated "that every person was given a fair and equal opportunity to become the Observer. Obviously, my nephew had better credientials and a great pedigree when it comes to this sort of thing. Do I believe that the process was somehow rigged? No, We had equal represenation of both parties and President Langone X did not have to use his tie-breaker vote, so all this stuff about rigging the election is complete nonsense."

The Valruzian Supreme Court in conjunction with the Ministry of Justice will be looking into the election. Congressmen Wiz Tallin and Tebby Gonzales will be carrying out the legislative battle for a new election. When asked if they would leave the party if the election did turn out to be rigged they both stopped and did not give more than two seconds to the thought and said yes that party loyalty should not make one blind to injustices.

We will keep you posted as the invistigation starts and the legislative battle starts. Thank you for watching VBC. I'm your host Danny Winchester.
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Re: Valruzian National News -- VNN

Postby tnowacki » Sat Nov 05, 2011 12:15 pm


With a stable majority, Mr Bak's party support his urge call for support for Darnussia. In a very moving speech, the Prime Minister stated that "it should be every republic's duty to help each other in danger. Clearly, Darnussia is in such state of danger, being threatened by monarchist uprisings and interventions." According to him, the Valruzian democracy is not only to be defended at home, but also in Darnussia - "If Darnussia falls, any other republic can fall, too.". The Congress passed the call for action with 236 votes.

According to government experts, the 3rd Valruzian fleet will be sent to the Darnussian Sea, being in stand-by there. Cooperation with other supporters, such as Gaduridos, is aimed at. The support also arises during negotiations about a republican alliance, which was one of Mr Bak's hot topics during the electoral campaign. Mr Damian Fischer-Rański, the current Secretary of Defense, said that the fleet is to arrive in Darnussia soon. Land troops will be prepared, but it depends on Darnussia whether they will accept our help or not.
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Re: Valruzian National News -- VNN

Postby LukasV » Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:42 pm

Valruzian National News - May 2nd, 3224
The Beginning of a New Era
Written By: Lord-Chancellor Jerzy Chulbarski, Secretary to His Imperial Majesty, Cesarz Aleksander I

-Białograd, Wielkowalruzja

On August 8th, 3222, the Second Republic of Valruzia ceased to exist. In its stead, the First Valruzian Empire has been formed, to help bring Valruzia back to the forefront of politics. This decision was undertaken by the population of Valruzia in a National Referendum taken back in 3220, where 78% of the population surveyed revealed dissatisfaction with the then-current administration of the nation, as compared with a smaller percentage of 16% that were content with the progress of the nation. A further 6% had no opinion on the matter.

Led by Aleksander Sterzyński, the former Walruzyjski Związek Narodowy (WZN), or Valruzian National Union, overturned and removed the administration of the Republic of Valruzia, and instead installed the First Valruzian Empire, to strengthen and reform Valruzia into a force to be reckoned with once more. The WZN then became the administrative body of the Empire, duly renaming the party into the Walruzyjskie Dowódstwo Cesarskie (WDC), or the Valruzian Imperial High Command. As a result of these events, the High Command chose a new leader for the party in the form of Lord-Chancellor Jerzy Chulbarski, who is Vice-Chairman of the WDC, while the former leader took on the mantle of Emperor of Valruzia, becoming Imperator Aleksander I the Strong, Lord and Protector of the Valruzian Lands of Greater Valruzia, Lesser Valrusia, Biało Ustka, Chulbark, and Tormaszek, by the Grace of God.

The following is an excerpt of Imperator Aleksander I's inaugural ceremony, held on April 22, 3224:

"...The shroud of uncertainty has been lifted! The face of cruelty and tyranny has been uncovered and exorcised from the nation! The people cried for freedom, equality, and justice, and their righteous prayers have been answered. Never again will we be divided! Never again will party turn against party, friend turn against friend, sibling turn against sibling. We are one nation, indivisible!

To ensure that we will always stand together, that we will always speak with a single voice and act with a single hand, the Republic must change. We must evolve. We must grow. We have become an empire in fact; let us become an Empire in name as well! We are the first Valruzian Empire!

We are an Empire that will continue to be ruled by this august body! We are an Empire that will never return to the political manoeuvring and corruption that have wounded us so deeply; we are an Empire that will be directed by a single sovereign, chosen for life!

We are an Empire ruled by the majority! An Empire ruled by a new Constitution! An Empire of laws, not of politicians! An Empire devoted to the preservation of a just society. Of a safe and secure society! We are an Empire that will stand ten thousand years!"

At this time, we here at the VNN would like to announce that this will be our last broadcast as the VNN, before our renaming and transformation into "The Mouth of Valruzia". We thank you for your past patronage, and hope to see you again once our metamorphosis is complete.

Glory to the Valruzian Empire! Glory to Cesarz Aleksander I!
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Re: Valruzian National News -- VNN

Postby LukasV » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:26 am

The Mouth of Valruzia (MoV) - February 9th, 3225
Valruzia on Full Military Alert
Story By: Jan Marnowicz, columnist

-Relonanki, Wielkowalruzja

Discussions, debates, and decisions were finalized late last week, as the government voted to enforce a temporary conscription measure, as well as the deployment of the Valruzian Imperial Navy in the Southern Ocean near Relonanki. Details concerning these decisions are left rather vague, but it is believed that Valruzia will be undergoing a massive military overhaul in the near future. As it stands, citizens that are over the age of 18, unemployed, and are not currently enrolled in a post-secondary institution, must serve at least one 3-year term within the ranks of the Valruzian Imperial Army, after which they may choose to seek employment, education, or a prolonged stay in the employ of the military. Additionally, all students graduating from secondary institutions must serve a term in the military.

Quite a sight is to be had in the port city of Relonanki, where squadrons of battleships, destroyers, frigates, and aircraft carriers are docking, from the shore to beyond the horizons. The naval forces here are led by Lord Grand Admiral Henryk Lwosercny, who operates from his flagship, the Insubordinate. When asked about the purposes of the deployment, his Lordship had only this to say:
"The time for weakness in Valruzia is over. We must prove that Valruzia is strong and brave, but also merciful and just. The mass deployment of the navy here will serve in a military exercise in the Southern Ocean, for purely training purposes only. I will stress that this is a domestic exercise, and will not infringe on the sovereignty and security of other nations."

While the deployment of the fleet is the large focus here, certain governmental sources have leaked that the nation is spending an unprecedented 5 billion VPO on a new warship, designed for His Imperial Majesty. While details of the ship, its construction location, or its capabilities remain top secret, it is said that this is an ambitious design that promises to be the largest and most heavily-armed vessel in the history of naval warfare. More updates will be given as they become available.
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Re: Valruzian National News -- VNN

Postby LukasV » Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:05 pm

The Mouth of Valruzia (MoV) - April 17th, 3225
Valruzia Declares Economic Embargo on the Lodatien Republic of Lodamun
Story By: Dominik Gazula, Senatorial Reporter

-Białograd, Wielkowalruzja

Legislators in the Imperial Senate were called to vote today on the Complete Economic Embargo Against the Lodatien Republic of Lodamun. This embargo was proposed by Cesarz Aleksander I himself, after the Valruzian Intelligence Agency submitted their yearly report to the Imperial Office. It was said that the Emperor stormed out of his office after receiving the report, and burst into a session of the Senate, at which point the media was unable to enter the room. Later that day, the Senate drafted an Embargo Notice to the Lodamuni government, stating outright that the embargo was for "...reasons of conspiracy to undermine the strength and sovereignty of Valruzia, conspiracy to overthrow the administration of Valruzia, and aiding a foreign power in the destruction of Valruzian land and of innocent Valruzian lives." The senate refused to divulge any further information regarding the matter at this time.

To anyone knowing their Valruzian history, the "foreign power" refers to the Kalistani Invasion of Valruzia in 3104, where the Kalistani Military attacked the former Republic of Valruzia, in an effort to remove its government and to revert it back into its former status as a Federation. While peace has been made with Kalistan, relations are somewhat bitter between the nations, though they remain civil to each other. In this light, it may be possible that the report submitted to the Emperor contained information about Lodamuni involvement during the Invasion, which could prompt such a negative reaction from the government.

The Foreign Minister, Lord Filip Walony, had this to say on the subject:
"...It is a difficult road ahead of us. [Valruzia's] foreign policy is beginning to go through a rebirth, and this may prove to be more of a hitch than a crutch. What is certain is that Lodamuni involvement has been speculated in the Kalistani Invasion of 3104; I cannot say any more on the subject, as it is confidential and sensitive information."

The government of Valruzia has announced that question-and-answer sessions with the administration regarding these developments are available, and may be done at anytime.

(OOC: Message in-game or on forums with any questions/comments/concerns.)
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Re: Valruzian National News -- VNN

Postby LukasV » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:49 am

The Mouth of Valruzia (MoV) - August 26th, 3225
Imperial Navy Begins Training
Story By: Piotr Marudziewicz, Senior Reporter

-Relonanki, Wielkowalruzja

A large portion of the Valruzian Imperial Fleet left the shores of Relonanki this week, in connection with the proposed training program organized in the Southern Ocean. Among the scheduled training will be specific scenario-tests, as well as weapons tests. The current force, led by Lord Admiral Mikołaj Broda, are expected to return to Relonanki no sooner than late 3227. The remainder of the fleet, including the Aerial Divisions as well as the Submarine Corps, are still en-route to Relonanki and will join up with the fleet at a later date.
The Valruzian Fleet sails into the Southern Ocean.

Valruzian Businesses in Lodamun Close Up Shop
Story By: Paweł Krysicki, Columnist

-Babice, Biało Ustka

An influx of Valruzian nationals was observed today, as they had liquidated their businesses within the Lodatien Republic of Lodamun, due to the imposed embargo. The Imperial Government has promised a formidable compensation for the temporary loss of business, and will assist these business-owners with their reestablishment. While this is an unfortunate turn of events for some nationals, it presents an opportunity to strengthen and solidify Valruzia's economy, as a result of the business influx.
Valruzian Nationals going through customs at the border.
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Re: Valruzian National News -- VNN

Postby LukasV » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:27 pm

The Mouth of Valruzia (MoV) - September 22nd, 3225
Valruzia Invests Heavily in Cloning Research
Story By: Jan Sikora, Science Columnist

-Relonanki, Wielkowalruzja

Scientists at the Relonanki Institute for Cloning Research (RICR) have managed a break-through in the cloning of animals, being able to develop an accelerated growth process that peaks at the adult stage of a specimen. However, due to limited funding and resources, it is not possible to look into further applications of this process as well as possible improvements to its current administration. The Institute is asking for a further funding of 10 Billion VPO into cloning research, so that further advancements can be made.

The last major breakthrough of the RICR was the successful cloning of humans into a vegetative, comatose state. This process was bought, copyrighted, patented, and is currently implemented by Second Life Insurance Corporation, which uses the research to provide exact-match organ donors for medical transplants, essentially a ready-to-use clone for the paying clientele. Last quarter alone, Second Life managed to earn a staggering 2.6 billion VPO due to the rise in clients, both foreign and domestic.

At this time, Second Life does not offer to sell this technology to any other nation or organization for any price. Any incidences of this technology outside of Valruzia will be subject to a corporate lawsuit and surrendering of the technology, unless overwise overturned.
Scientists at the Relonanki Institute for Cloning Research look for further applications of this technology.
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