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Re: Selucianum Libererum

Postby Leonardo222 » Sun Apr 29, 2012 12:56 pm

KLP condemms Attack and proposes steps

After the attack of the Selucian emabssy by the FPA the KLP is demanding action.

"We will not sit here and watch our Selucians sisters and brother to be slaught by a cirminal minority group. We will act and therefore the KLP fraction has proposed the criminalization of the FPA in Selucia nd joint actions with the Protectorate ( ... lid=345861). I hope the parliament will agree on this in order to smash the terrorists and give the freedom in the Protecorate a chance." so Mr Gerhardt the leader of the KLP in a press conference yesterday evening.
"Selucian citizens were attacked and this will not be tolerated." so Mr Gerhardt also.
Mr Gerhardt at a press conference
Meanwhile the Caesareae Maiestatis eius, Imperator omnes Seluciae, Jens Wurster (head of state) makes plans to visit the Protectorate. "I will visit the brothers and sisters of our great nation and see how common we are.Let us find together and let us find peace and propserity not jst in Selucia but also in the Protectorate."
Jens Wurster at a press conference after talks with high generals.
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Re: Selucianum Libererum

Postby Leonardo222 » Mon May 07, 2012 1:40 pm

Selucian ultimatum

Franz Lingerbach the Selucian head of the government has set the Pontesi government a ultimatum to beginn negotiations about the Selucian question

Good afternoon ladies and gentelmen,

as yet we haven't received any response from the Pontesi government about the persecutions of the terrorist who killed one Selucian citizen and have repeatedly threatened to go on with it.
Apart form that, no official agreement was yet reached to begin negotiatios about the Selucian population in Pontesi, however we now offically recognize the government of Pontesi and Selucia does not longer want unification with the Selucians in Pontesi.
However what we do want is cultural and poltical autonomity for them and in the face of cultural and poltical discimination I am left no other option than setting out a ultimatum for the Pontesi government.
If they will not agree on negotiations between Selucia and Pontesi within 48 hours we will take necessary measures to bring them to the negotiating table and we are not fearing to fight for freedom.

I therefore warn the Pontesi government to negotiate with us in a fair and peaceful way or otherwise they will have to fear the consequences.

Franz Lingerbach, Selucian head of state.

(Franz Lingerbach giving his statement)
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Re: Selucianum Libererum

Postby Leonardo222 » Mon May 14, 2012 2:16 pm

Second term for a change
The KLP has won another term in office by a substential majority

According to the national returning officer the result are as follows:

KLP: 343 seats (-18)
DRU: 181 seats (-4)
SLP: 121 seats (+22)

Gov. majority: 20 seats



Yesterday, the KLP once again has achieved a substential majority, regardless of the fact, that se has lost a number of seats to the oppositon. Mr Lingerbach already has thanked the voters for their trust once again and promised to go on and on with the liberal economic policy but as well with the conservative policy in terms of the morality.
"We have ablolished abortion and we want in this term protect the marriage between men and women", so Mr Lingerbach.
The government is expected too to finally begin negotiations with the ATR to become member of the organization, regardless of the fact, that many members of the KLP are against this.
On the oppisition benches, it is especially a defeat for the DRU who hoped to cut the majority of the KLP significant but lost seats themselves, but the SLP is rather delighted because of her net gains.
"We are back!" so many supporters of the SLP.
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Re: Selucianum Libererum

Postby Leonardo222 » Tue Jul 10, 2012 4:33 pm

New initative

Selucian Empire acts with brother and against the Protectorate

The Selucian government does not intend to give up the Selucian majority in Pontesi and therefore yesterday gave out a press statement stating the conditions under what conditions a possible settlement of the long lasting conflict might be possible. The offer of the Empire is, that it's recognizing Pontesi as the "Pontesi Protectorate" under the following conditions:

1.) Autonomity of region where there is a Selucian majority
2.) Portection of the Selucian culture, languange, lifestyle and various opt out options for the autonom regions
3.) Recognition of the Selucian Empire as the protection power for all Selucians
4.) Protection of Seucians from persecutions and racism
5.) Selucian quota in Protectorate politics+ public service
6.) Allow Selucians to have deep connections with the Empire
7.) Change of the name of the Protectorate to: Selucian-Pontesi Dynastic Protectorate

(Herbert Schön, the princeps senatus presenting the conditions)

Meanwhile, as the war against Davostag comes to an end, the Selucian government abdicates the payment for war material by Barmenia."Our brothers and sisters have fought a long and hard war, we will not punish them for that!", so the defence under-secretary, Mr Granz.
While the war, Barmenia had bought war material with the value of 11,4 billion MCR
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Re: Selucianum Libererum

Postby Leonardo222 » Wed Jul 11, 2012 2:54 pm

Selucia is peaceful
Selucia tries to deescalate the situation

"We are not intrested in any war at all, however I warn the Pontesi side to come back to the negotiation table and to stop the follwing things:

1.) Racial actions against Selucians in the Protectorates Army
2.) Cultural persecutions against Selucians in the south of the Protectorate

If the Pontesi side is not willing to come back and negotiate, we will consider further measures together with Barmenia.
To make it more comfortable to come to the table we changed the conditions:

1.) We are ready to accept the Pontesi Protectorate without any change in name", so the last statament of the Princeps Senatus.

Menawhile the Selucian fleet is making a naval exercise to demonstrate their last resort option.


(The Selucian flagship, the Uleroth SN)
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Re: Selucianum Libererum

Postby Leonardo222 » Thu Jul 19, 2012 12:22 pm

Selucia deploys army

In respsonse to the unwilligness of the Pontesi Protectorate to negotiate and the cultural descrimination the Selucian Empire deploys its army.

Today, the government presented the Troops Deployment Act ( ... lid=354691) before the Imperium Senatus and put it up for vte at once, because all needed approvals have been already recieved, such as one from the Caesareae Maiestatis eius, Imperator omnes Seluciae, Jens Wurster.
The statement from the government spoke in clear words:"the government is not prepared to watch our brothers and sisters persecuted by a intolerant regime and we are now urging the protectorate to come to the negotiation table in order to make a peaceful settelment of the conflict possible", so Mr Eichbaum spokesman of the government on yesterday evening.
For now, thousands of Selucian men receive their deployment order. Many of them are confident , like 23-year old Hand Meier from Uleroth in west Selucia. He said, that he is optimistic and is prepared to fight.
(Selucian reservists marching to the barracks)
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Re: Selucianum Libererum

Postby Leonardo222 » Tue Oct 02, 2012 4:34 pm

Selucian naval exercise

In response to the naval exercise of Malivia and Kalopeia, the Selucian Navy has hold a naval exercise this afternoon to train prepardness and determination. A total of 25 ships participated and the new flagship of the Selucian Navy had it's first use, the Uleroth II SN.
For now, Selucia has only one air craft carrier, but at the end of the year, the second one, called West Shadar SN with a total of displacement of 35.000 tons shall come into operation.
Meanwhile the defence minister announced the exchange of the nuclear deterrent, namely of the three nuclear submarines which will be one by one exchanged by a new generation of submarines and warheads. At the moment the Selucian nuclear deterrent consist of three submarines with a total of 600 warheads. This number will be reduced according to ministerial figures to around 542 warheads.
The total exchange will be completed within 4 years, so a spokesman of the ministry.
The government wants to cut costs of the deterrent in order to maintain a second air craft carrier.
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Re: Selucianum Libererum

Postby Leonardo222 » Tue Oct 09, 2012 2:56 pm

Member of the Imperium Senatus speaks up
---Government looks in

Today, in the Imperium Senatus the new member Hannes Penzenweiler, 34 years old, stood up and hold a speech which caused widespread dicussions in Selucia about the role of Selucia in relations to Malivia and Kalopeia:

"Dear ladies and gentelmen in the chamber,

we have seen, over the last few weeks, a, as it was described by many, rising star in our region:The alliance mainly between Malivia and Kalopia.
Let us just focus on this alliance.
This was the alliance which expressed content about the killing of innocent people in the course of a revolution, this alliance consist of Malivia, which still trades with slaves and surpresses any opposition and free speech.
We of course, don't have to suprised, when now these two countries are holding naval exercises together and showing sympathy with each other.
But also militarily Malivia and Kalopia together are posing a substential threat to us and the peace in our region. Both are holding a considerable amount of nuclear weapons and naval forces and as we know, they are working day and night to prepare their people for a brutal champaign.
People in our country all over the world are beginning to ask: When will you act and stop these dictators?When will you set an end to the slavery and to the missinterpretation and violation of human rights?When will you step in?
And these questions I ask you in this glorious chamber.We need action know and not when it is too later. We need a total embargo of weapons against these countries and we need to bring our defences in order to widestand a possible attack.
Don't let time run out!Otherwise the shade of war and death will find it's way to Selucia."


The speech was given in total silence and after that, the secretary of state for defence promised to look into all files and consider together with the minister a possible solution.
Menahwile a poll conducted by the opposition found out, that the vast majority of 68% of all Selucians is in favour of building up Alliances against the two countries.
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Re: Selucianum Libererum

Postby Leonardo222 » Fri Nov 09, 2012 6:19 pm

Selucia makes a new initaitive

After hopeful signs form Pontesi the Selucian government wants to find a solution to the Selucian-Pontesi question

Yesterday, in response to the approche made by the Selucian-Pontesi colony, the Princeps Senatus, Karl Zeiss, said, that he wishes not war, but a peaceful and longlasting settlement to the question. Although he is still suspicious after many tries. Mr Zeiss made the following statement:

"The government of the Imperium Selucianum wants a peaceful solution. We're welcoming the valuable approches of the Pontesi region and as Selucian government we want to come to the negotiation table as soon as possible. For too long, both sides played with the hopes and aspirations of their peoples and it is now time to act in the interests of all the people.
Hoewever, the government makes the follwing suggestions to be discussed, and as a first step the Selucian government would be ready to accept the independence of a Pontesi state,regardless, that are our wishes:

As a first suggestion: The holding of a great census, to determind the number of Selucian people under a commission which consists 50%/50% of Selucians and other ethnics

1.) Autonomity of region where there is a Selucian majority
2.) Portection of the Selucian culture, languange, lifestyle and various opt out options for the autonomic regions
3.) Recognition of the Selucian Empire as the protection power for all Selucians
4.) Protection of Seucians from persecutions and racism
5.) Selucian quota in Protectorate politics+ public service
6.) Allow Selucians to have deep connections with the Empire (military service)
7.)The persecution of the criminal offences and a official statement of excuse to all Selucians in the Pontesi region.
8.) Dissolution and persecution of the IML (Selucia will assist)

On the other hand the government is ready to do the following:

1.)Building up of friendly relationships
2.) Recognitation of a Pontesi state

I hope, that the Pontesi regional authority understands that this is a step which is heavily discussed within the KLP and Selucia, but sometimes a politican must decide on his conscience and not on the polls. We offer Pontesi our hand to negotiations and I personally hope, that they will not waste the oppotunity and begin negotiations with us.
Selucia will offer the place for negotiations and is open." so Mr Zeiss in the press conference.

(Mr zeiss)
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Re: Selucianum Libererum

Postby Leonardo222 » Wed Dec 05, 2012 7:56 pm

KLP leadership and future conference
After the shock defeat in the last election and after 41 years in government the KLP is electing its new party leader and chief whip and is setting out a new agenda to appeal to the voters in a new and open style

The election is held for the national party commitee of the KLP which has 15 members and those members of the KLP which received the most voted will become members of the commitee and the member with the most votes becomes subsequently party chairman and after mutual agreement with the MP's also the chief whip. Every party member has one vote.

Turnout: 63.313 out of 121.362 (52,17%)

Person with the most votes: Ruprecht Well (also chosen as chief whip)

Ruprecht Well, the new party leader is known to be on the hard right of the party and it remains to be seen how he will appeal to the center of the political spectrum in order to regain power. In his victory speech he said:
"We are in opposition because we have lost track and our roots. We lost because we weren't able to descipline ourselves and we were ready to give up things like a small state and a balanced budget for a few lousy votes. The KLP must become once again the party of the principle and the future."

Mr Wells plans are as follows:

1.) Reverse the changes made by the Liberal coalition
2.) Abolishment of income tax
3.)Refresh the party wih new faces.

Al these plans were agreed by the delegates of the party at the conference.


Well on the left with its deputy Peter Maier
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