[CAN] Crusader Airwaves Network [CAN]

Organisations involving national governments as members.

[CAN] Crusader Airwaves Network [CAN]

Postby SelucianCrusader » Mon Jul 23, 2012 9:00 pm


The Crusader Airwaves Network is a multinational radio broadcasting network, owned by the International Crimson Crusade, based in Barmenia. It's purpose is to give the government in exile of the Union of Imperial Crusader Kingdoms, the rightful government of the so called Pontesium realms, a voice to the international community. It operates agencies in Barmenia, Selucia, Dranland and Davostag, but its headquarters lie in Sekhmet, Barmenia (advantageously close to the "pontesi" border).

The primary focus of the CAN will be issues of international politics, history, ideology and religion, with special attention being on Majatran matters and the everlasting fight against the Queranzariah faith and the consequences of radicalist ideologies.

Correspondents and interviewers
  • Roger Svarthild, history and theology
  • Larissa Aritê, international politics
  • Arethas Lagana, ideology and philosophy
  • Ignatius Zenon, sociology and warfare

OOC: The songs were:

Crusader - Saxon
Preliator ("March of the Templars") - Globus
Last edited by SelucianCrusader on Thu Aug 01, 2013 5:41 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [CAN] Crusader Airwaves Network [CAN]

Postby SelucianCrusader » Fri Nov 09, 2012 12:45 am

The Evening Report: Should Kafuristan be obliterated?


Larissa Aritê:
Good evening all believers of Terra! You are listening to the Evening Report on Crusader Airwaves Network - Just facts, no BS - Liberty for all, hero or nut, with me Larissa Aritê. Should Kafuristan be bombed into nn-existance? Some believe it should. This evening we have the honour of having Cepheus Nikitas, Associate Professor in History at S:t Michails University in Sekhmet, as our guest. Good evening sir!

Cepheus Nikitas:
Good evening, madame!

Larissa Aritê: So, you sir have recently stated that the entire nation of Kafuristan should be obliterated, right? Why is that so?

Cepheus Nikitas: Well, I do partly object to the term “obliterate”, as I am not currently advocating the extinction of the entire people of Kafuria. But in the sense that the nation, as a cultural and political entity should cease to exist, that is correct. We of the crusade see the restoration of the rule of the Natural State of Terra, the reign of the Ancient Peoples, as our terminal goal. However in this case, the Kafuri people actually belong to the Ancient Peoples, but they have been cursed from the depths of Hell, and bought unto us the Abadi and Queranzariah heresies that caused the destruction of the harmony of the Ancient Peoples on Terra. The only feasible solution on the matter for us civilized peoples is to invade, conquer and colonize the land, and ensl... *ahem* make the people work for us, and for their own salvation, until the scourge of the false prophet Ranz'riah has been annihilated, and the gates of Hades has been closed for this time.

Larissa Aritê: I imagine that to cost millions of faithful Hosians and felinists? Couldn’t we just drop a big A-bomb over Kafuristan?

Cepheus Nikitas: Well, that would solve a lot of problems, wouldn't it? *malevolent laugh* No, seriously, the reason for why we can't do that is the same for why we can't just blast the fantasy empire of “pontesi” back into the Stone Age. God Eliyahu has a plan for those lands, they rightfully belong to someone, or rather to some tribe. Just because we are tested in our faith by filthy diabolical scum of the very deepest pits of Hades, and these happen to dwell in a certain geographical area, we have no right to make a parking lot of that area. Just as the beautiful hills, mountains and coasts of Selucian Pontesi were created for the faithful of the Selucian tribe, so do the deserts and the barren lands of Kafuria rightfully belong to some nation. We just don't know which tribe it rightfully belongs to yet, though I would certainly feel safe if it was under the heavy handed leadership of Jalal Al-e-Ahmad. A truly inspiring and blessed man, if you ask me.

Larissa Aritê: I have another question, good sir. If the restoration of the rule of the Ancient Peoples of Terra will make the Dawn of Time last for ever, and this will permanently avoid Armageddon and the end of the world, doesn't that mean that Eliyahu will never return, and we will never experience the merge of earth and heaven into one?

Cepheus Nikitas: Well, there is no point in being the Church Militant if there is nothing to fight against, is it? The scourge of our lives, the body we purify with hard labour, the soul we purify with prayer, the enemy we purify with fire, they are all really means for our own salvation. Pain is not always the enemy; there is no path to true enlightenment or spiritual pleasure that doesn't come with pain and struggle.

Larissa Aritê: But why does it have to be in that way? Isn't the very point of the Armageddon and the Messianic Kingdom that we faithful will never have to struggle for our joy again, because it has already been granted to us infinitely?

*a few seconds of silence follows*

Cepheus Nikitas: Watch your thoughts - and your tongue, young lady! Remember the first rule of the Saints: “I shall not believe the Annunciation except as moved by the authority of the Selucian Patriarchal Church.” Do not question the mystery of Our Lord!

*the awkwardness of the situation can be felt through the radio by most people processing some cognitive ability*

Larissa Aritê:
And thank you for that thoughtful explanation, good sir. And thanks to all you who listened! Remember to turn on for the next show. Bye bye!

OOC: The songs were:

Inkubus Sukkubus - Church of Madness
Hammerfall - The Templar Flame
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