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Re: Tukarese News Agency (TNA)

Postby EEL123 » Fri Aug 31, 2012 7:07 am

Nuke program begins amidst controversy
February 6, 3358
After intense debate in the public and media, but with surprisingly little conflict and political wrangling in the National Assembly, the controversial nuclear weapons bill has passed. The passage of the Military Reform Act has set into motion Tukarali's nuclear program, which aims, in five years time, to create and successfully detonate a nuclear device that can be delivered both by bomber and by missile.
Some eminent members of Tukarali's growing scientific community have agreed to take part in the project. Foremost among them is the 38-year-old Érico Carlos Marzagão Gralheiro, widely considered the most brilliant physicist in Tukarese history. Marzagão Gralheiro first came to the attention of scientists when he built a crude particle accelerator at the age of eleven, and went on to study and then teach at the highly prestigious Technical Institute of Sangon (TIS). He is currently the Dean of the Physics Faculty at the TIS. He has accepted an appointment as the leader of the team of scientists who will develop Tukarali's first nuke.
Érico Carlos Marzagão Gralheiro (right) and a research associate
Tukarese scientists are not, however, building the nuclear bomb from scratch. For years, they have been permitted to research nuclear weapons technology, although until now they have not received authorisation to actually build one. There are a fair number of facilities such as a plutonium reactors and gaseous diffusion plants that already exist.
Plutonium reactor in a secret location
The Tukarese public seem to be supportive of the development of nuclear weapons. In a recent poll, the results were clear:
Do you think that Tukarali should build nuclear weapons?
1) No, nuclear weapons are immoral and/or dangerous - 26%
2) No, we're not ready to build nukes; we shouldn't be in a hurry - 19%
3) Yes, nuclear weapons will help us defend our country - 58%

A second poll conducted days later asked citizens about the government's policy on the use of nuclear weapons once Tukarali had obtained them:
What do you think Tukarali's policy on using nuclear weapons should be?
1) Nuclear weapons are evil and should never be used - 22%
2) It's immoral to use nuclear weapons in a first strike - 10%
3) We should only use nukes if an enemy uses WMDs - 10%
4) Nuclear weapons should be used on military targets only - 13%
5) If we can't win without using them, bring out the nukes - 9%
6) If our sovereignity is threatened, use nuclear weapons - 29%
7) If there's someone we don't like, nuke 'em - 7%

However, despite, the public support that the government's moves have received, the anti-nuclear movement is unfazed. Their leader, Amika Yoshikawa, told our reporters that
We are deeply disappointed in the government's decision. They have acted in a foolish and immoral way and the citizens of Tukarali demand that they stop their attempts to build a nuke. We won't stop protesting and opposing this horrible decision until the government agrees end the nuclear program.

The controversy has only increased a result of two further moves by the government pursuant to the new legislation: the creation of a chemical and biological stockpile. While largely overshadowed by the more prominent nuclear program, it has also aroused the ire of pacifists.
The government has declared that it begun synthesising VX, cyclosarin and disulfur decafluoride in chemical plants across the factory. While the nuclear program is likely to require significant construction due to the fact that not all infrastructure has been built, the chemical weapons program will have the advantage of near-complete infrastructure. In terms of its biological weapons program, Tukarese biologists are working on anthrax, botulinum toxin (the most potent toxin known) and a weaponised version of yersinia pestis (i.e. black death).
Weaponised bacteria
The official policy of the Tukarese government is that chemical and biological weaponry can be used in any circumstances, and they are viewed as the final step apart from the use of nuclear weapons.
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Re: Tukarese News Agency (TNA)

Postby EEL123 » Sat Sep 01, 2012 11:55 pm

WMDs programs make progress
December 15, 3358
A cascade of uranium centrifuges
A new uranium enrichment plant for the Tukarese nuclear program (Project Greyhound) was completed on November 27, and was first operated on December 1. The program's scientific director, Érico Carlos Marzagão Gralheiro, complained to his seniors in government that the gaseous diffusion plants were unsatisfactory due to their age and inefficiency. He requested a cascade of gas centrifuges instead.
Prior to this, Tukarali operated just several uranium centrifuges that were capable of producing weapons-grade highly enriched uranium. The only industrial scale enrichment plants in Tukarali were used to produce low-enriched uranium for civilian reactors around the country.
KafuriTech was awarded the contract for the construction of two enrichment plants in late February. Construction on the first began in late March, with the finished product expected by the beginning of February. Working hard not just to meet the deadline, but to beat it, the plants are now complete just over two months head of an already tight schedule. Work has already begun on the second plant; it will be completed in April.
Many military and scientific analysts believe that Tukarali may have enough weapons-grade uranium to make a bomb by the middle of 3360. The Tukarese government has expressed confidence that a simpler gun-assembly type uranium bomb could be ready by early or mid-3361. The synthesis of sufficient plutonium is expected to take until the end of 3360 or the beginning of 3361. Explosives experts have been testing different explosive lenses to form a perfectly spherical implosion for use in the plutonium bomb. It is expected to be ready by the beginning of 3362.
Meanwhile, the chemical weapons program has progressed quickly, as predicted. Already, cyclosarin and disulfur decafluoride have been successfully weaponised; these weapons have been comprehensively tested, and are now being massed produced by various corporations in Tukarali (and some overseas). While the government has not released any information regarding the amount of weaponry to be produced, experts state that annual production will probably be between 100t and 200t of the chemicals. They are to be distributed to military units within the next few months.
The beginnings of Tukarali's new stockpile
Last edited by EEL123 on Mon Sep 03, 2012 10:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tukarese News Agency (TNA)

Postby EEL123 » Sun Sep 02, 2012 8:47 pm

Karav Financial Services allowed to expand into Tukarali
February 9, 3359
As part of Tukarali's increasing engagement with the outside world, as opposed to its traditional isolationism, the Tukarese National Assembly has passed a resolution permitting Karav Financial Services, one of the largest corporations in Terra, to establish a branch in Tukarali. The bill was met with opposition from isolationist groups who stated that it would possibly compromise the Tukarese economy; however most believed that it would be beneficial, as it allowed manufacturers producing cheap Tukarese goods to expand into the international market. The bill passed unaniumously through the National Assembly.
Karav Financial Services will work closely with the Central Bank of Tukarali. This move allows Tukarali to more easily convert money and trade commodities. In terms of the Tukarese government's long-term plan, this will be one step closer to making Tukarali a major economic and commercial centre of the world. Karav Financial Services is expected to commence operations soon.
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Re: Tukarese News Agency (TNA)

Postby Zongxian » Sun Sep 02, 2012 11:34 pm

Highways Extended through Rainforests to Loska
June 30, 3359
Land being cleared for construction of highway system through the rainforest.

TUKEDO -- After initial restriction on the expansion of the Tukarese highway system to Loska, the roadways have now been approved. For the past three years it has been hotly debated in Boruska as to whether construction of the highways should be permitted. By building the roads to Loska, rainforest would have to be destroyed, and nearby forest, while not destroyed, would inevitably be disturbed by the highways.

This week it was announced by the Governor of Boruska that a number of highways would constructed to connect Loska to Garoda, Estaba, and Tukedo. The day following the announcement, construction crews began removing sections of the forests where the roads would be constructed.

It is not expected for the highway construction to hit any barriers, however heavy rains could present huge problems for the projects. In the cleared areas it is likely that any heavy rain could flood out all incomplete roadway. Once the entire system is complete though, it will be structured so that it is resistant to flooding and can exist in operation even during the rainy season. This feat will come as a result of elevation and a specially designed system of drains and tunnels for water to disperse to, rather than allowing it to build up and destroy the road.

377 Years Since the Great Dictator's Birth
July 2, 3359
Citizens paying respects to the Great Dictator for His 377th birthday.

SANGON -- Thousands of citizens are paying their respects today to Great Dictator Shuya Nakagawa as the nation celebrates His 377th birthday. As an official national holiday, most all Tukarese are off from work and school in commemoration of the birth of the State's Eternal Guide. It is expected that any dutiful and patriotic citizen set aside at least one hour exclusively to the Great Dictator. In accordance with the holiday, all media outlets are being prompted to run a 1-minute video honoring the Greater Dictator every hour. Additionally, state channels will be running documentaries of the Great Dictator all day, accounting of all the successes of the Aikokusha in the old Greater Tukarese state; along with the successes of the Kanzo Faith.
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Re: Tukarese News Agency (TNA)

Postby Zongxian » Mon Sep 03, 2012 2:00 am

General Rao Chosen to Replace President Malagar in April
June 31, 3359
Minister of Defense Aaron Rao

SANGON -- It was announced today by the Society of Patriots that President Rui Malagar will not continue a second term when elections are held in April of next year. This came as an expected announcement as President Malagar will be seventy-six next year. There has been much speculation as to who might be chosen as Malagar's replacement, and initial rumors pointed towards Foreign Minister Rubén Kuang.

Following the statement from President Malagar, the official candidate was chosen to take Malagar's place. Rather than Kuang, the Minister of Defense, General Aaron Rao, was selected by the Aikokusha Central Committee.

Under normal circumstances the General would be immediately designated as President in April, just following the close of parliamentary elections. However this will likely not be the case due to the alliance of local political parties, known as the Alliance of Liberals & Progressives. These regional parties have operated with cautious legality granted from the government. In this spring's elections the Alliance will appear on national ballots as a semi-recognized political party. The national government has not extended an exact recognition to the legitimacy of the Alliance as a legal party, but by allowing it on the ballot, it has essentially given de facto recognition.

Even if the Alliance wins some representation, it is not expected to see any overwhelming cooperation of the Society of Patriots with the opposition party. Society members have not given any public comments regarding the Alliance, but their negative opinions are easily deciphered.
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Re: Tukarese News Agency (TNA)

Postby EEL123 » Wed Sep 05, 2012 9:18 am

Landslide victory for the Alliance
April 4, 3360
Alliance supporters gather outside the HQ
With a clear majority for the Alliance of Liberals and Progressives in every prefecture except for the Morata Valley, the Society of Patriots can now clearly read the writing on the wall: their government has been routed from office in one of the most impressive landslide victories in Tukarese political history. For the Society, once controlling two-thirds of the seats in the National Assembly, it was a long fall from grace as voters deserted them in droves. For the Alliance, on the other hand, it was a victory without parallel, as the newly founded coalition of different interests and ideologies, united in pursuit of freedom, rose against all expectations from the tentative legality granted by the previous government to being in government itself.
This incredible victory was totally unexpected, with most political pundits predicting that the Alliance would win around one-third of the seats, maybe two-fifths on the good day. Within an hour of the polls closing at 7:30, the result was fairly evident. By 8:43, the Magura Broadcasting Network had the audacity to announce unequivocally that the Alliance had won the election by a significant amount. By 9:15, all the major news networks had broadcast their agreement.
Those in the Alliance heaquarters in Sangon were in a state of excitement and jubilation. Luciano Manoel Gadanha Hortencio appeared before the gathered supporters at 9:39 to wild cheering and applause, and gave his victory speech.
President-elect Gadanha Hortencio speaks to supporters
Today, the people have spoken. There can be no remaining doubt that the people of Tukarali have endorsed our message of freedom and liberty. Just less than five years ago, I spoke to you, just a few miles from this place, announcing to this good nation that the forces of freedom had united together in pursuit of their common goals. We promised on that day, and we promised in the months prior to this election, that we would bring freedom, prosperity of strength of Tukarali. We have earned your trust today, and we fully intend to fulfil the solemn pledges that we have made to you.
This victory has been incredible and uplifting. It's almost dizzying to think that just several years ago, we had no voice. The freedom-loving people of this nation were silent - and, as it has turned out - the silent majority. We are now at the height of success, with the support of the vast majority of the Tukarese nation.
This Alliance, though young, has been born through the fusion of ideas. We believe that we are all entitled to certain rights inherent to all; we believe that we are all equal and should be treated accordingly. We believe that through their labour and effort, Tukarali was built by the Tukarese people more than it was build by the government, and that therefore the best path to wealth is through private enterprise, yet we believe also that those that cannot cope on their own should be supported by their compassionate fellow citizens of Tukarali. We believe that Tukarali must be strong and willing to engage with other nations. That is our vision for our great nation, which we are proud to proclaim, and which we intend to deliver.
We are humbled that you have placed your trust in us. It shall be a sacred covenant. The trust of the people of Tukarali will always be valued by us; we will wear it with dignity and integrity as a badge of pride. Fear not, for we will not betray you; instead, we will seek to serve you. We thank you for this incredible opportunity to shape the future of our great nation for the next six years. This is a chance we very much treasure.
With this momentous day we bring to Tukarali new hope. The cries of those that want to be free, those that want to be lifted out of poverty, those that want the promise of Tukarali to be fulfilled, have today been answered. This is a new epoch for our nation, an emancipation from the shackles of the past. We advance with optimism, unity and solidarity into the future which will bring with it freedom and development.
Perhaps there are those in this nation that doubt us, those who support I have not. The road to freedom and prosperity is long and hard. There will be many obstacles. But to the doubters, the cynical ones who do not truly believe in their country, I say to you, the greatest obstacle of all is the belief that progress cannot be achieved. We must put aside all conflicts and work whole-heartedly towards our goal of a better and brighter nation for us all. It will require the exertion of all of us, these are common challenges, and will bring common benefits if we together surmount them. Let us resolve to co-operate across party lines, across religious and ethnic lines, to build this nation from its present state to the greatest country in the world. Nothing can be done without the people's will to accomplish it.
Tukarali has been through many challenges before. We have suffered blows and knocks. We have suffered setbacks. Yet we have never fallen; we have always remained strong and resolute whatever fate, or our enemies, can throw at us. That is the nature of this nation's people: they are resilient and strong. In this time, where so much, where our history and our identity, hangs in the balance, we must muster that strength and make our nation great.
I would not speak today without expressing my profound gratitude to those that contributed to our amazing victory. To those that distributed leafteds at street corners or knocked on door after door, thank you. To those that gave a little bit of money to support our campaign, thank you. To our able campaign staff and my colleagues in the Alliance leadership, thank you. It has been a privilege to work with you. Finally, and most importantly, we owe an immense debt of gratitude to those that gave us their support in this election. Thank you very much for voting for us. That cross against our name signified your trust, and we do not take it lightly.
I must mention also the Society of Patriots. They are of course our political opponents, but we have to thank them for their gracious acts in the past half-decade. We remain committed to the ideas of bipartisanship and co-operation. We do not believe in quarrelling for the sake of it. We will not create conflicts where there are none, or engage in vindictive and ultimately futile finger-pointing. We believe in finding common ground, and working towards it for the good of Tukarali. President Malagar has done a lot for his country, building roads and infrastructure. We intend to continue with these policies. I must also thank General Rao, our former Defence Minister. He fought a brave election campaign to the last, and he is an able commander and statesman who has been serving his country for longer than I have.
Tonight is a night of celebration, of popping corks and flowing bubbly, of confetti and balloons. The joy can only last for a night. Tomorrow we will get to work. Tommorrow we will roll up our sleeves, and tirelessly toil to achieve our ambition to create a better nation for us all. We, as your elected representatives, and I, as your new President, will always be committed not to serving ourselves or our agendas, but rendering service to the people of Tukarali.
This is not a personal victory, or a political victory. It is a Tukarese victory, for it marks the beginning of a new era of prosperity and liberation for this entire nation. From today, new opportunities will arise. We have come thus far. We cannot turn back now. We must pursue our ambitions and dreams, and we must never give up. We must never, ever, cease to go forwards in the name of inexorable progress to lift up this nation to the highest point of Terra. We shall one day be the freest, wealthiest and strongest nation in the world. Today we have taken the first steps. This is our moment, and we cannot waste it. One day, in many years time, our grandchildren's children will look back at us and say that we built a truly great Tukarali.

When asked about his new job, Gadanha Hortencio confessed to being nervous, but stated that he felt ready to tackle the challenges of the Presidency:
It's a big job. Of course I have butterflies in my stomach. I don't think that anyone has been perfectly calm when they got elected to the Presidency. But still, I'm proud to have accomplished this, and I'm very thankful to the people of Tukarali for supporting me. And yes, I have quite a bit of political experience, and I'm confident that I will be able to deliver on my election promises and do my job, even if there are difficulties.

Tomorrow morning, Gadanha Hortencio will be inaugurated on the front steps of the National Assembly.
The National Assembly in Sangon
Last edited by EEL123 on Thu Sep 06, 2012 8:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Tukarese News Agency (TNA)

Postby EEL123 » Wed Sep 05, 2012 11:34 am

Nuclear program heads towards first test
September 12, 3360
A scientist holds a small piece of highly-enriched uranium
The Tukarese government announced that its nuclear weapons program had produced sufficient weapons-grade uranium to create a bomb. In a press release, it lauded the work of the nuclear scientists and engineers:
Those involved in the nuclear program are very much praiseworthy for their excellent work ethic and their drive to innovate. It is as a result of their prodigious intelligence and hard work that our nuclear program has made progress quickly. We are confident that within months, our first nuclear device could be tested.

Meanwhile, the government has been preparing a site for the testing of its first nuclear bomb. After a comprehensive search of the Tukarese countryside, a remote location 130 km or so due west of the nearest settlement of any size, the small city of Naga in the Morata Valley, was chosen. This 16 km by 22km area, which is now off-limits to the public, has been designated the Morata Valley Nuclear Proving Ground, and has been placed under military administration.
The testing site
Buildings are being constructed on the testing site, for various purposes. Some house the nuclear program's personnel. Some are for storing scientific equipment. However, a number of buildings and vehicles are at the Proving Ground for one reason only - to be blown up. These sacrificial lambs will be used to test the might of the nuclear bomb.
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Re: Tukarese News Agency (TNA)

Postby Zongxian » Wed Sep 05, 2012 1:31 pm

Aikokusha Condemns Nuclear Testing
September 13, 3360

Shadow Minister of Technology Telmo Sepúlveda wrote:Within a year of their election to power, the Alliance of so-called liberals and progressives have proven themselves dangerous to Tukarali. Their ideology alone is dangerous, but it is nothing in comparison to how much the Alliance will physically harm the nation and its people.

Under their direction, the nuclear program will begin carrying out actual test detonations on our land. The Alliance is nuking Tukarali; though they would likely say its in the name of science. Not only is the Alliance nuking our nation, but they are also committing the atrocious act in our most fertile lands in the Morata Valley. They are a directly threatening the food security of our nation, they are setting up to destroy the food supply; and whatever remains will be poisoned by nuclear fallout.

The Alliance does not care about our nation, their first priority is nuclear weapons. Their big plans for these six years includes the nuking of our fertile farmlands.

Freedom and liberty is a lie. This is nothing new for a party involved in the Congress for Liberty. Freedom and liberty will not bring prosperity to Tukarali as the Alliance claims. The Alliance's "freedom and liberty" will only bring about the destruction of our fertile lands, the dismantling of our prosperous society, and the end to our millenniums of peace and stability.
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Re: Tukarese News Agency (TNA)

Postby EEL123 » Wed Sep 05, 2012 8:30 pm

First nuclear tests successful
November 25, 3359
With a blinding flash, Tukarali detonated its first nuclear device at 2:30 in the morning of November 17 at the Morata Valley Proving Ground. A shock wave burst across the testing site, and after the intense light subsided, a massive vortex of swirling gasses heated to literally millions of degrees was seen perched on top of a broad column of dust and debris which had been sucked up from the ground, forming the distinctive mushroom.
A massive cloud, surging from the base of the giant mushroom, tore apart the test site, destroying the buildings and vehicles which had been placed there to test the fury of a nuclear explosion, so that Tukarese scientists could measure the effects of such a detonation.
Despite the stunning damage, the device was fairly small due to fears of fallout. It had the power of 7 kilotons of TNT equivalent. To further allay these concerns, the time for testing was chosen deliberately as the conditions were calm and windless, and the clouds were seeded to bring down any fallout as soon as possible.
Six days later, at 11:30 at night, a second device was tested. This device was not a one-off low-yield device but was actually a weapon - Tukarali's first deliverable nuclear bomb. This was a larger detonation, and was therefore staged underground to prevent adverse consequences. Placed in an abandoned mineshaft a small distance away from the site of the first explosion, the bomb was detonated. It had a yield of 29 kilotons of TNT equivalent.
The twin detonations were brought up from January after scientists told the Defence Ministry that they were already ready with the two devices.
Scientists have said that these were both simple gun-assembly uranium devices. They have also stated that they are working on a more advanced design, which will be tested underground. Scientific director Érico Carlos Marzagão Gralheiro told the press that
I wanted to work on a plutonium bomb, which I said would be finished in maybe five years, but President Malagar told me no, we need something sooner. You get me a nuke within three years, he said to us scientists. A simple design. A quick design. After that's done and Tukarali has an arsenal, you can work on you plut- whatever bomb. So I agreed, and now we've built a gun-type device. Now we'll be working on an implosion device, which will be much more powerful and efficient. Of course it will have to be tested underground. Our first test was small, so we could do an atmospheric test, but the rest, no, definitely not. Too much fallout. As far as I know, the first test will be our only ever atmospheric detonation.

The Tukarese government confirmed the success of the detonations this morning.
The Tukarese government is proud to declare to the world that the two recent explosions in the Morata Valley were indeed successful nuclear tests. Tukarali is now a nuclear state. We can confirm also that the second test did not cause the spread of any radioactive fallout, and that the government has taken all measures to prevent fallout as a result of the first test.
We give our thanks and praise to the scientists and engineers who worked tireless on this project. We congratulate your for your achievements. Your ingenuity and diligence are unparalleled, and they have brought about this success. In particular, we thank Érico Carlos Marzagão Gralheiro, whose excellent contribution to Tukarese science has been greatly augmented by this successful test. You have done much for your country. Our scientists are now working on an improved design.
There are those that will accuse us of being warmongering and aggressive. Tukarali is a peaceful nation, and these nuclear weapons will never, under any circumstances whatsoever, be used as weapons of aggression. But to our enemies abroad who may take advantage of our peaceful nature, be warned. The Tukarese child has now grown teeth.

OOC: Look at the picture. Fertile farmlands? And a 7kt nuke only will cause severe damage within just over a kilometre. So everybody's fine. No fear.
Last edited by EEL123 on Wed Sep 05, 2012 9:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tukarese News Agency (TNA)

Postby Zongxian » Thu Sep 06, 2012 12:54 am

Protests Erupt Over Nuclear Test in the Morata Valley
December 1, 3360
Activists filling the streets of Seraai.

SERAAI -- In the days following the first nuclear test in Tukarese history, protests have erupted, criticizing the detonation outside of Naga. The protests were especially prominent in the Morata Valley, primarily in Seraai and Nusira Lionta. Demonstrations also occurred in Naga, the nearest large town to the testing site.

The Aikokusha continues to express it concerns of the affects of the tests, whether they be above or below ground. The party has also voiced concern over whether the Alliance is intentionally seeking to provoke other nations into giving attention to Tukarali.
Shadow Foreign Minister Rubén Kuang wrote:It's one thing to have nukes, but what the Alliance is doing is provoking the international community. The legality of nuclear development in Tukarali has become a tool for them to try to gather attention and consequently has caused the creation of potential threats which never even existed in the first place. Nobody bothers Tukarali, nobody has ever had a reason to. Tukarali has never threatened its neighbors, and our neighbors have in return done the same to us. Who are these "enemies abroad" that are being aggressively warned by the Tukarese government? The only guess that could be made is that the Alliance is declaring the enemies of the Congress for Liberty as enemies of Tukarali as well, because the reality is that we don't have any enemies. But now we apparently do, courtesy of the liberals of the Alliance.

If the government is indeed using the Congress for Liberty to determine who are enemies are, then I would like to say this in the direction of the international community.
No matter what the Alliance does to defame Tukarese foreign policy, Tukarali does not seek enemies. We do not determine our relations by the guidance of international organizations, we do it by our own bilateral interactions.

This government is indeed warmongering. They can deny it all they want, but it is the simple reality which is exhibited through their aggressive language.

The Society of Patriots also criticized reports from the scientists, such as the claim by one that President Malagar demanded a quick development of the nuclear program. No such dialogue ever occurred with the President and the scientists had operated with little direct communication with the government; up until the Malagar government established oversight for the program.

Former President Rui Malagar wrote:Under my administration we did approve the allowing of the development of nuclear weapons. This was not viewed as a major issue. The intentions of the Aikokusha were to have a modest and quiet nuclear program in Tukarali. Something that was treated in the same manner of our military industry's development of new technologies for our tanks or guns. No big deal.

What the Alliance has done is make the Tukarese nuclear program an aggressive show of power against our nonexistent "enemies abroad." In the process they're contaminating farmland, angering locals, and creating a highly questionable element of Tukarese foreign policy.

This new Greater Tukarali was created to reflect the best years of our history, and this is being reversed. This history has shown that it is possible to develop and expand militarily without the aggressiveness of the Alliance. While they may think nukes are new to Tukarali, a nuclear program existed in the old Greater Tukarali and it was no big deal. It was successful and made no provocations to enemies, real or imaginary.

KafuriTech Ceases Contracts for Weapons Program
December 1, 3360

SANGON -- In light of the increasing anti-nuclear testing protests, the KafuriTech company has ceased their contract for the Tukarese weapons program. KafuriTech was given the contract to construct two enrichment plants. While they are already complete, the company will be ending all roles its plays in the creation of new plants and in the maintenance of the current plants.

It is seen as likely that this move by KafuriTech is purely political, given its loose attachment to the Society for Patriots through the Malagar and Nasri Families. A statement was released from the company condemning the recent nuclear tests and they expressed their regrets that they played a role in making the event possible. The company apologized to residents of Naga for the occurrence and has pledged to help further the development of the rural regions of the Morata Valley.
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