
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Beluzian News

Postby zlopado » Sun Oct 07, 2012 5:15 am

Karavs condemned as autocrats; House Forstev withdraws from coalition

In the wake of the Karav Dynasty's controversial decision to deploy security forces, Rebecca Forstev has delivered another inflammatory speech, condemning the Karavs once again:

They say I am the one who will take away your freedoms. They say I am the one who will destroy Beluzia. Yet am I the one who carries guns? Am I the one who is so cowardly that I can only speak behind the armor of other bodies? The Karavs are the true dictators here, the true traitors -- as are the Williams and anyone who stands with Kristov III. The Society never brought arms to the street, or threatened to harm innocent civilians. You can see the effect these thugs have had on our nation -- the righteous supporters of the Society and House Forstev have been frightened away from the polls, and nearly half of all voters in Beluzia were too afraid of crossing these tyrants to vote. These soldiers -- gangsters, really -- have already begun to destroy our democracy.

We want only justice and truth. Our way is one of peace and enlightenment, and it always has been. The cravenness of the Karavas only makes us say louder: we stand for the People! We stand for Hope! We stand for a New Beluzia!

In protest over the Karav security forces, all Forstev-affiliated members of the cabinet (Dean Kelsey, Eleanor Melburn, and Luanna Tasker), have resigned. Dean Kelsey, who has been a part of the cabinet since the administration of Susan Wodeham, stated that he was "deeply saddened by the Karavs' lust for power" and warned that he believes "Beluzia is approaching the point where there is no democratic way to fix the Union."
House Forstev (Liberal Republican Party & People's Great Society of Hope) -- Beluzia
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Re: Beluzian News

Postby zlopado » Tue Oct 09, 2012 2:47 am

Protesters surround Federal Council of Nobles

Members of the Federal Council of Nobles were surprised this morning as a ring of protesters barred their entry into the Capitol building. All except Forstev-affiliated Nobles were shoved out of the way -- sometimes violently, as was the case with a Karav-affiliated Noble who is currently being treated for two broken ribs.

Police were quickly called in to control the situation; use of force was necessary to re-open the building. Three protesters suffered minor injuries, and the entire movement has relocated outside the no-protest zone. Rebecca Forstev herself has joined the protesters, declaring her intention to continue the protests until a new election is called and the Society's "6 Points of Virtue" implemented.

Tents are placed in preparation for a long season of protesting
House Forstev (Liberal Republican Party & People's Great Society of Hope) -- Beluzia
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Re: Beluzian News

Postby Siggon Kristov » Tue Oct 09, 2012 4:30 am

Iliathar Pumped

Karavs are ready to spread their patrol to Iliathar. They had greatly increased their paramilitary presence in Iker Ado, and now they're willing to do the same in Iliathar. They are not ready to say who has been hurt, but the victim wasn't taken to a human hospital. Rumours even have it that the victim quickly left for Barmenia.

Karav PR officials refused to comment on the issue, but they did issue a warning, saying that their troops will engage protesters. The military isn't allowed to take any action against Karav militants for doing so, unless the civilians pose no threat, but they clearly posed a threat this time, and it will get worse in the future.
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Siggon Kristov
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Re: Beluzian News

Postby Siggon Kristov » Thu Oct 11, 2012 1:57 am

Beluz Citizens Re-Affirm Support for Royalists

The Royalist Coalition, in its "Dennistov" era, has again won a landslide election victory in Beluzia.
The people have re-affirmed their support for the Karavs.
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Siggon Kristov
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Re: Beluzian News

Postby zlopado » Thu Oct 11, 2012 10:40 pm

Rumors of Solentian presence

As the protest in Port Tackstov continues to build up steam, rumors of a Solentian presence have begun to spread. A dock worker, Greg Johnson, claims to have spotted Tracy DeVos leaving a cargo ship, who, despite attempts to conceal her identity, was still easily recognizable as a premier Solentian artist. If true, you can be certain that DeVos will make an appearance soon.

But she isn't the only Solentian rumored to be in Beluzia. Despite the ban on Beluzia-Solentia travel, House Forstev's sympathies for Solentia are well known, and it is entirely possible that protesters are helping to smuggle in foreign supporters.
House Forstev (Liberal Republican Party & People's Great Society of Hope) -- Beluzia
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Re: Beluzian News

Postby Siggon Kristov » Fri Oct 12, 2012 2:42 am

They Will Be Shot

Karav troops have been instructed to shoot Solentians who create a scene or major protest in Beluzia.
Travel between Solentia and Beluzia has been banned by both governments.

Even the Forstevs voted against a bill to remove the ban.
They continue to promote the reduction of civil rights through their radical proposals to:
- Destroy hobbies
- Create Xenophobia
- Force children to surrender to their theocracy

At the same time, Rebecca tries to sell the lie of her being a saint.
Do not believe it.
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Siggon Kristov
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Re: Beluzian News

Postby Siggon Kristov » Sat Oct 13, 2012 11:13 am

Northern Forts Fall

While the Karavs have managed to maintain their political power, the Williams family was forced out of Negunia and Bailon by pro-Forstev revolutions, likely funded by the People's Great Society of Hope, who have been accused of using the Forstevs as puppets.


The revolution has received de jure recognition because of the most recent electoral referenda, which put the Forstevs with a 1 seat lead (over the Karavs) in the federal council.

The High Count, Kristov III, declared that "if Rebecca declares secession from the union, we will recognise her as High Countess of Northern Beluzia to prevent conflict. The people have expressed their demands through democratic referenda, and we have to recognise such demands."

The Karav Dynasty and House Forstev each have over 33 seats in the federal council, which means that certain bills cannot be passed without their consent.

Forstevs have more than half the seats in Bailon, and they have managed to strip the Stantons of all their power in their home-county of Negunia. Karavs have more than half the seats in Iliathar and Iker Ado. The Williams-controlled county of Parlos Decina is the most inclusive.
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Siggon Kristov
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Re: Beluzian News

Postby zlopado » Sat Oct 13, 2012 6:52 pm

Negunia, Bailon secede, form the Enlightened Republic of Northern Beluzia

After the stunning victory of the Society, the shocking and glorious endorsement of their agenda by the People, now-President Rebecca Forstev has announced that Negunia and Bailon will secede from the Union.

it is a glorious day! The scheming of the Karavs has been overturned by the truth of the people. From this day forth, we will not stand by and let them corrupt us with their evil. I announce the formation of the Enlightened Republic of Northern Beluzia, which is to stand as a beacon to people everywhere who are crushed by tyranny. And let me assure my brethren in the South: we will not let you suffer forever. Liberation is near.

One of the President's first acts was to convert the Union military into the People's Guard, which currently stands at 69,000. Already, the People's Guard has begun to line the borders of Negunia and fortify the shores of Bailon in preparation for the inevitable Karav treachery.

As Rebecca Forstev and the Interim Council have begun instituting reforms, spontaneous demonstrations of Joy and Hope have been cropping up around Northern Beluzia. The wonder at Rebecca Forstev's ascendancy is evident -- in fact, Chris Samton (a popular television anchor) broke into tears of happiness during his show, an event repeated in countless homes across the land.

This news produced by the State Media of the Enlightened Republic of Northern Beluzia
House Forstev (Liberal Republican Party & People's Great Society of Hope) -- Beluzia
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Re: Beluzian News

Postby zlopado » Wed Oct 17, 2012 10:48 pm

Enlightened Republic of Northern Beluzia goes to War

The inevitability of a clash between Good and Evil, Justice and Injustice, Light and Dark has begun. In an address this morning, President Rebecca Forstev officially declared war on the Sovereign Union of Beluzia. Already, the People's Guard has flooded into Parlos Decina, beating back the tyrannical Karavs. Coleshire, the new Regional Capital, was the first city to be liberated. Reports of spontaneous demonstrations of joy have been coming in since the War for Light began.

Rebecca Forstev wrote:In order to liberate our Brothers and Sisters who still live under Karav tyranny, there is nothing to be done but enter the sad state of war. The Karavs threaten our freedom and the freedom of those abroad.

The Enlightened Republic of Northern Beluzia therefore reluctantly declares war on the Sovereign Union of Beluz Counties, and issues a call for all other nations to join us in the struggle for justice.

Parlos Decina has already been partially liberated from Karav despotism.

The People's Guard parades through the newly-free city of Coleshire. The streets were lined with cheering supporters (not pictured).
House Forstev (Liberal Republican Party & People's Great Society of Hope) -- Beluzia
Posts: 239
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Re: Beluzian News

Postby Siggon Kristov » Thu Oct 18, 2012 1:00 am

Rails Sabotaged


The Forstev-loyalist militants have sabotaged civilian rail infrastructure, according to a news source in Iliathar.
The Karavs have retaliated by sending troops to attempt a military takeover of Coleshire.
The Karavs already have control of South Coleshire, and expect civilian support from loyalists of the Williams Family in Decinaville.

Even though Parloshire is the recognised capital of Parlos Decina, Coleshire is a major transportation and industrial hub. The Forstevs have declared Coleshire to be the "new capital" of the region, implying it would be the centre of revolution in South Beluzia. The situation of Parloshire is not as violent as it is in Coleshire. Parlos Decina is the most politically diverse county in Beluzia.
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Siggon Kristov
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