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Re: Valruzian Media Syndicate

Postby LukasV » Wed Nov 14, 2012 8:28 pm

OOC: From what I gathered from your nation's wiki, Port Ubuntu is one of Elbian's largest port cities, so a probable port for your recovery team. Also, I don't understand what you mean by "the ship has arrived".
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Re: Valruzian Media Syndicate

Postby EEL123 » Wed Nov 14, 2012 8:35 pm

LukasV wrote:From what I gathered from your nation's wiki, Port Ubuntu is one of Elbian's largest port cities, so a probable port for your recovery team.
Doesn't exist anymore. Probably been renamed.

LukasV wrote:Also, I don't understand what you mean by "the ship has arrived".
More accurately, the shipwreck has already arrived. So the blockade is a little late.
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Re: Valruzian Media Syndicate

Postby LukasV » Wed Nov 14, 2012 9:01 pm

Valruzian Media Syndicate - May 24th, 3395
Valruzian Government Questions Dranish Commission's Report
Story By: Solomon Redawka

-Białograd, Wielkowalruzja

Analysts remain skeptical over the finding in the Dranish Sinking Commission's report.

Analysts have taken into account the information released by the Dranish Sinking Commission, which states that a faulty GPS signal may have thrown the ship off course and into Dranish territorial waters. While this new development seems very plausible, this does present more questions than it truly answers. In order for a GPS signal to be altered, it is necessary to acquire specific encoders for the satellite signals which, if tampered with, could potentially cause a misguidance error with associated GPS instruments. Due to this, such encoders are almost always locked away in government institutions, as to prevent any possibility of technoterrorism with the use of such a device.

The most striking question to this report would be the circumstances surrounding the sinking of the HMS Chulbark. Even if the ship was off-course, what right do the Dranish have in bringing it down, and then massacring innocent sailors? If this was now judged to be the cause of an error with the ship's instruments, it is almost inconceivable to think that the entrance into Dranish waters would be precedent enough to warrant an attack on a military vessel. Is there any justification for the lives lost in an unprovoked attack of malice on the crew of a simple off-course ship? The answer is no. No, there is no reasonable justification for such an attack.

This newspaper awaits the decision of the Valruzian government, urging them to strike against the very monsters that have turned an innocent mistake into a veritable massacre.
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Re: Valruzian Media Syndicate

Postby LukasV » Wed Nov 14, 2012 9:04 pm

EEL123 wrote:
LukasV wrote:From what I gathered from your nation's wiki, Port Ubuntu is one of Elbian's largest port cities, so a probable port for your recovery team.
Doesn't exist anymore. Probably been renamed.

Ah, my apologies then. It's difficult to make an accurate story when the wiki stuff isn't updated :P

EEL123 wrote:
LukasV wrote:Also, I don't understand what you mean by "the ship has arrived".
More accurately, the shipwreck has already arrived. So the blockade is a little late.

The blockade is to make sure that no vessels enter or leave the harbor, ensuring that we can safely and securely acquire our property without any complications from shipping lanes or possible third-party aggressors.
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Re: Valruzian Media Syndicate

Postby EEL123 » Thu Nov 15, 2012 5:09 am

LukasV wrote:Ah, my apologies then. It's difficult to make an accurate story when the wiki stuff isn't updated
Don't bash yourself, it's not really your fault. But yes, the wikis need more regular maintenance.
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Re: Valruzian Media Syndicate

Postby LukasV » Thu Nov 15, 2012 2:28 pm

Valruzian Media Syndicate - June 5th, 3395
Zajkowski: Valruzia Won't Believe Dranish Report of Lies
Story By: Solomon Redawka

-Białograd, Wielkowalruzja

Valruzia and Dranland remain at odds over a widely rejected report from the Dranish Sinking Commission.

Grand Vizier Aleksander Zajkowski lashed out at the latest Dranish report from the Sinking Commission, which claimed to have absolved any Dranish involvement in the sinking of the HMS Chulbark, as well as the murder of 19 Valruzian sailors, found to be riddled with holes from ammunition typically used by the Dranish Air Force. In this report, it was suggested that the ship went off course due to a fault in the GPS system aboard, leading the ship into Dranish waters. Additionally, it suggested that, based on the remaining 5 bodies of the crew members that were recovered with the wreck, the sinking may have been caused by an explosion on board the ship, based on the coroner's results on the victims. There are several items wrong with this assessment, and this newspaper will do what is necessary for the truth to shine through.

In the case of the faulty GPS system, it is highly unlikely for there to be a fault with the on-board systems. Valruzia has one of the largest and most technologically advanced naval fleets in the world, and all ships are maintained in a state-of-the-art fashion, down to the last nut and bolt. To cause a fault in any system would require the presence of tampering, or at least heavy structural damage, enough to damage the inner workings of the console. However, this is not the crux of the matter here.

With regards to the findings of the additional 5 bodies, it is appalling that Dranland would seek to absolve themselves of any crimes, when there are proven, recovered, and documented accounts of the 19 bodies of Valruzian sailors who had been gunned down with Dranish ammunition. We're not talking about explosions here; we're talking "the men abandoned ship after it was going down, were swimming to the safety of land, and were subsequently gunned down in the water, with ammunition that has been identified by Hulstrian officials (yes, this was in the initial report) as that which is commonly used by the Dranish Air Force." I can't speak for the citizens of Dranland, but here in Valruzia, we usually shovel this kind of bullshit for farm animals. And even then, it's only for the naughty ones.

The report mentions that there were no unexploded ordinances left on the vessel. This is very troubling news. If what the Dranish say is true, then this may be the largest nuclear armament theft in history, as there were a confirmed 8 nuclear weapons on board at the time, in addition to several biochemical weapons. In total, with the conventional weapons, a total of 15 units, bearing the label "weapons of mass destruction", may have been lost during, or prior to, the attack on the HMS Chulbark. The more troubling bit would be the ultimate location of these weapons, and whether or not the Dranish government decided to confiscate the weapons for themselves prior to the publication of the report, or whether it was in fact a third party that may have stolen them prior to the illegal salvage operation conducted by the Dranish.

This report gives much food for thought, with a large focus on the pathetic Dranish attempts to cover up their tracks with lies and deceit, hoping that the "naive Valruzian government" won't notice, as well as the ultimate fate of the HMS Chulbark's missing weapons arsenal.

In closing, a statement has been released by Foreign Minister Leszek Majorkiewicz:
"I think that the crisis that Valruzia is facing right now is quite severe, and that our rage and frustration at the ineptitude of the Dranish administration in resolving this crisis should be understandable, even on a global scale. Let's just review here the amateur mistakes: they recovered a vessel that was not in their jurisdiction to recover, especially since they were already aware that a recovery team was already en route and that their efforts would be stymied by foreign involvement; they attributed a large portion of the blame to a faulty GPS system, which shouldn't have much of an indication as to why the vessel was sunk in the first place; they refuse to answer for the 19 sailors dead via Dranish ammunition used by their air force; they continually list us as the aggressors in a crisis that has all heads pointed at Dranland for culpability. Are we not entitled to answers? Can we not spit about in a rage over such ineptitudes that should not have resulted in a competent administration? Valruzians want nothing more than the solid truth, and Dranland has done nothing but meander and slither about it, trying to find ways to absolve themselves for committing a blatant crime against humanity." [...]
"I can agree on one point made, that it is highly unlikely that the Dranish high administration would sanction such an attack. It may be true that Valruzia and Dranland have never been allies in the past, but it surely does not mean that one requires a death wish on the other. However, even if it were the fault of only a select few in the Dranish military, we demand justice be done on them." [...]
"We have not ruled out the possibility of a third party involvement in this crisis, which would draw light to the fact that we have missing weapons that the Dranish have refused to comment further on.
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Re: Valruzian Media Syndicate

Postby EEL123 » Fri Nov 16, 2012 5:55 am

OOC: Can we take a look at the allegedly machine-gunned bodies?
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Re: Valruzian Media Syndicate

Postby LukasV » Fri Nov 16, 2012 10:55 am

Valruzian Media Syndicate - June 11th, 3395
Loose Ends Being Tied Up in Investigation
Story By: Solomon Redawka

-Port Ubuntu, Dranland

Foreign Minister Leszek Majorkiewicz personally addresses the Peregrine Commission in Dranland.

What has dragged on as an endless drama between Valruzia and Dranland is slowly coming to a close, as new evidence presented by the Peregrine Commission ties up loose ends and answers crucial questions about the events that transpired with regards to the sinking of the HMS Chulbark. According to the body, a Dranish cruiser, the Comares, opened fire on the Valruzian vessel, without any order or precedent to do so. It is well noted that the crew of the Comares is largely responsible for the sinking of the HMS Chulbark, though it is unconfirmed whether they were also responsible for the massacre of the 19 sailors that were presumably able to abandon ship before it went under. Further investigations are ongoing into this matter, but it is evident that some closure may be had, in terms of finding the culprits.

It had been also released by the report that the Dranish government was in custody of a total of 14 weapons of mass destruction, and that they would be promptly returned without delay to Valruzian hands. However, in this report, it was also found that one of the weapons was not among those that were recovered. According to Dranish findings, one of the missile cradles for a Type-N nuclear ICBM was cut away before the start of the Dranish salvage operation, which may spell troubling news not only for Dranland or Valruzia, but for the entire world. No evidence of nuclear weapons were found during the investigation of the Comares, which may indicate the involvement of a third party organization in this conflict.

The bodies of the victims of the HMS Chulbark will be permitted to the Peregrine Commission for further investigation, after which they will be sent back to Valruzia for a proper burial.

The Valruzian Government has also provisionally apologized to the Dranish government, stating that the strong words of some of their members as well as the media may have sparked civil unrest and disdain between the two nations. Foreign Minister Leszek Majorkiewicz has defended the actions of the Valruzian government as "necessary in a time of crisis", and "perhaps too crude but understandable", in response to their actions and statements regarding such a delicate matter.
Foreign Minister Leszek Majorkiewicz wrote:"Our initial idea was to leave the involvement of Dranland out of our own investigation, but after they decided to involve themselves anyways, the situation became heated due to the suspicious nature of their actions, which included an illegal salvage of Valruzian military property. Now that the crisis is slowly becoming resolved, we wish to work towards a brighter future between our two sovereign nations, in the hopes that this tragedy will not mar the opinions and diplomatic outlook between us."
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Re: The Mouth of Valruzia

Postby LukasV » Fri Nov 16, 2012 11:15 am

The Mouth of Valruzia (MoV) - August 29th, 3396
New Season Starts with Retirement
Story By: Damian Fedarowski, Sports Columnist
Adam Cygan, Hel FC's most prominent goalscorer, has decided to retire.

-Hel, Tormaszek

As we start the new season of the Valruzian Ekstraklasa, the surprise announcement of the retirement of Hel FC's Adam Cygan from professional football has left a distinctive echo in the football community. The football legend has been named Player of the Year in the Valruzian league a total of 6 times, and has held the goalscoring record at 58 goals in a season in the 3392-3393 season. The Kalistani player, 36, has decided to take a break from football, and speculation remains as to whether he will return in a coaching role in the future.

Expectations are high for the 3396-3397 season, with FC Białograd making ample purchases in the transfer window, in the form of Dorvik superstar Mirko Reuß, Luthori delight Edin Azard, and Hulstrian shotstopper Manwell Noyer.
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Re: Valruzian Media Syndicate

Postby EEL123 » Fri Nov 16, 2012 9:10 pm

OOC: I will, if you like the idea, start a wiki page on the sinking of the Chulbark.
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