Deltarian National Confrenece on Inaleinable Rights

Conferences, visits and other bilateral or multilateral meetings.

Deltarian National Confrenece on Inaleinable Rights

Postby kylejenkins27 » Mon Jan 28, 2013 5:14 am

March 3432
Naban Convention Center

Due to recent discussion on the possiblility of a Deltarian Bill of Rights to be enshrined in a Treaty to prevent any future Usurptious governments from violating the inaleinable rights of the Deltarian People, naturally we Whigs being the advocate of maximum freedom feel inclined to support this idea therefore we shall host this confrence where all Deltarian Parties are invited to discuss a compromise on what we can all come to agree are inaleinable rights that the Deltarian people should hold.

I George Milton, Premier of the Federal Republic and Chairman of the Whig Party shall represent my party at this confrence, and to bring this thing to a start I would like inform all present the the Whig Party cannot accept any Bill of Rights that would add restrictions on the right to own guns to any other than those with criminal histories or mental illness.

George Milton
Whig Party Chairman
Premier 3431-
Demokratychna Delic Partija Deltársko
Deltarsko Risa
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Re: Deltarian National Confrenece on Inaleinable Rights

Postby Donrub » Mon Jan 28, 2013 8:35 am

All further correspendence to this conference will be a joint statement issued by the Official Spokesperson for the INDC, the Hon. Dy Premier Of Deltaria, Karl Mathias and the NC General Secretary.

The laws which will be PREVENTED (LOCKED) by the Bill Of Rights:


Adulthood is determined by religion.

Citizenship is granted only to landowners.
Citizenship is granted based on race/religion/gender.

The Head of State is also Head of Government. (OOC: Seriously for game purposes)
The Head of State is hereditary and symbolic; the Head of Government chairs the cabinet.


Homosexuality is not tolerated in the military. The military actively seeks to remove homosexuals from it.

Candidates must be of a certain race/religion to be armed or take part in combat.
Candidates must be of a certain race/religion to have any place in the military.

All adults upon completion of schooling must serve a term in the military.

Paramilitaries are allowed with full privileges, with the right to intervene when necessary.

Prisoners of war may be mistreated without legal sanction.
Prisoners of war are enslaved.
Surrendering enemy combatants are summarily executed.

Women have no place in the military.
Only women can serve in the military.


All abortions are illegal.
Abortions are only allowed in medical emergencies. (This refers to permission NOT funding)

Contraceptives are banned for religious reasons.

Euthanasia is illegal and considered murder.
Euthanasia is mandated for the old and sick

The sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages is outlawed.

There are no laws concerning food and beverage labeling.

There is no requirement to disclose Gentically Modified ingredients, or chemicals used in agrigulture or processing.

There are no food standards provisions.

The sale of food is unregulated.

Health care is entirely public and free; private clinics are banned. (D)
Health care is entirely private.
Professional health care is prohibited for religious reasons.

There are no set health and safety regulations for the Industry.

Organ donation is prohibited.

Pharmaceutical drugs are banned for religious reasons.
The government does not subsidise the cost of pharmaceutical drugs at all.

Smoking is prohibited.

Sports clubs are banned.

Vaccinations are banned.


Child labour is mandatory; all children must seek employment.
Child labour is allowed and it is subjected to the same regulations as adult labour.

Energy is provided by private companies which are not subject to any special regulations.

Employers are free to fire workers who go on strike.

Trade unions are illegal.

All strikes are illegal.


All judgements are final and binding; appealing against them is not possible.

There are no courts.

The death penalty is applied to most minor and all major criminal offences.
Local governments may choose whether or not to administer the death penalty for capital crimes
Religious doctrine determines the death penalty.

No gated communities are allowed
Dueling is legal and unregulated.
This matter is left for the local governments to decide upon.

Legal representation is never paid for by the state.

Members of the national legislative body are exempted from any civil or criminal liability fot their speech or actions, but this immunity can be overruled by a vote in the nation's legislative body.
Members of the national legislative body are not exempt from any civil or criminal liability for their speech or actions during their term of office.

Judicial corporal punishment (eg. caning or flogging) is legal.
Judicial corporal punishment that causes permanent injury (eg. mutilation) is legal.

The government does not operate or fund any police.

The police may arrest citizens for any reason.
The powers of the police are not restricted.
The government has no policy towards the powers of the police.

The police can search a person or their property without restrictions.

It is at the discretion of the police officer to torture suspects for information.

Executions may be carried out in public and/or be broadcast on television.
Executions are always carried out in public and/or broadcast on television.
Local government decide the legality of public executions.


Education is entirely voluntary.

The government does not subsidize tuition, students must pay for higher education themselves. This does not include scholarship programs.

Schools should not educate students in sexual matters.

Teachers may use corporal punishment at their discretion.


All radio stations are owned by the state.

All television stations are owned by the state.

Use of the internet is prohibited.
The government runs it's own internet with government approved content only and no connection to the rest of the world.
There is major censorship of the internet by the government.

International media content is banned.
International media content is heavily censored for political purposes.


The State does not undertake any action towards the protection of cultural and historical heritage.
The State actively removes or modifies cultural and historical heritage which are considered "inappropriate", or if public interest so requires.

Only government approved movies are allowed to be viewed.
The viewing of movies is illegal.


The use of animals to test cosmetic products is unregulated.

The government neither subsidizes research and development of drugs nor regulates their prices.

All stem cell research is illegal.


Research in cloning technologies is not regulated.
Research in cloning technologies is legal, but regulated.

Internet service providers are banned.

The government requires that all source be closed. (Concerning Software)
The government requires that all source be closed and owned by the government. (Concerning Software)


Ownership of domesticated animals is banned.

Local governments decide about this. (Concerning Endangered Species)
The government enforces no regulations. (Concerning Endangered Species)
Only licensed people may hunt endangered animals.

Everyone may keep endangered animals, without any restrictions whatsoever.
Everyone may keep endangered animals, without any restrictions whatsoever.

All forestry is performed by private companies.
The government has no policy on forest protection.

Industrial pollution is not regulated by the government.

The government does not intervene with regard to the replantation of trees.
The government discourages tree plantation.
Local governments may set plantation policy.

Waste disposal is left entirely to the private sector and is unregulated.

The government does not regulate the quality of drinking water.

Local governments decide about whaling.
The government has no position on this. (Concerning Whaling)
Commercial whaling is legal and not subject to restrictions.


The government denies subsidy assistance to farmers.

There is no government oversight or regulation of pesticides.

Civil liberties

Adoption is illegal.
Adoption is illegal.

Only heterosexual couples may adopt children.
Only heterosexual couples and singles may adopt children.

Adultery is illegal, but not prosecuted.
Adultery is a capital offence.
Local governments establish policies on adultery.

All public amenities are segregated.
All government owned public amenities are segregated, private organisations are free to choose.
Government owned amenities are not segregated, private organisations are free to choose.

The police may disperse a group without giving any reason.

Crossdressing is prohibited by the state.
Local governments determine the legality of crossdressing.

Divorces are only legal with grounded cause. (such as adultery, or violence)
Divorces are only legal with mutual consent.
Divorces are prohibited.
The legality of divorces is left up to the local governments.

Only male partners may initiate a divorce
Local governments decide who can initiate a divorce

There are no regulations regarding the desecration or use of the national flag.

No foreign marriages are recognised.
Local governments regulate the recognition of foreign marriages.

Adult individuals are allowed to own and purchase guns freely.
Individuals are not permitted to own firearms under any circumstances.
Ownership of firearms is mandatory for all adults.

The government inherits everything, private inheritance is outlawed.
There is a strictly regulated inheritance law, private regulation is not allowed.

Interracial marriages are recognised by the government, but with fewer rights than those of same-race couples.
Interracial marriages are not recognised by the government.
Any form of unofficial interracial marriage or civil union is banned.
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Re: Deltarian National Confrenece on Inaleinable Rights

Postby gladius » Mon Jan 28, 2013 2:08 pm

We fail to see the purpose of making conditions on the ownership of television and radio stations when the purpose is for the rights of individuals. Also, we disagree with restricting people's rights to do what they please with their flag, among a couple other issues. However, we begrudgingly will support this version if it put up to a vote.

Christian Northway
General Secretary of the Deltarian Left
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Re: Deltarian National Confrenece on Inaleinable Rights

Postby Reagan25 » Mon Jan 28, 2013 2:58 pm

President Townsend Opposes Some Parts of the Bill of Rights

President Townsend has announced the parts of the Deltarian Bill of Rights he opposes:

I find it to be a sense of hypocrisy that we have a Bill of Rights that defends all citizens. That is all well and good, but why then can't we ban abortions except in medical emergencies? Aren't these fetus' our citizens at conception? Then why can we kill them? Does the Bill of Rights not apply to all Deltarians at conception? This is hypocrisy. These fetus' should have the same rightd as an adult. Abortion is murder no matter what stage it is conducted. You deny a citizen there right to live. I believe the Whig's will back us.

President Townsend voicing his opposition to abortion
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Re: Deltarian National Confrenece on Inaleinable Rights

Postby kylejenkins27 » Mon Jan 28, 2013 7:45 pm

We in the Whig Party completely agree with President Townsend, and furthermore we were not under the impression that the INDC would attempt to push such a broad number of issues, there are numerous points of dissagreement that we in the Whig Party have with the above proposals and frankly we shall never agree to many of the broad and sweeping proposals put forth by the INDC. This confrence should look into actual areas where compromise can be reached, we find the INDC's proposal to be excessive.

You cannot have a right to the fruit of anothers labor, therefore healthcare cannot be a right, education cannot be a right, these are merely priveledges. We believe that our civil liberties are those inherent rights to which our creator has given us. The Whig Party will not support any bill that does not prevent gun control legislation as we have mentioned before, also we expect the left to demand some sort of welfare program to be included in this bill of rights for deltaria so we would like to say that if we are to single out the poor as special and in need of special government treatment then we must apply this same philosophy to other areas. The Minor rights of the Nobility should be preserved for it is the Noble upper class of our society that has long dominated the ranks of power and finance in not just this land but all lands, and they to deserve their recognition for this.

To sum up what I'm saying we in the Whig Party demand the rights of the nobility to be included and the Gun Rights to also be protected from over-regulation, only those with mental illness or violent histories should be subject to gun regulation.

Lastly we ask that the reasonable leadership of the INDC please shorten their list to something atleast accomplishable before the 3434 elections.

George Milton
Whig Party Chairman

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George Milton
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Demokratychna Delic Partija Deltársko
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Re: Deltarian National Confrenece on Inaleinable Rights

Postby gladius » Mon Jan 28, 2013 10:45 pm

The nobility are not the ones who need defending. This is a disgusting attempt by the Conservative Bloc to hijack the movement to further protect themselves so they can exploit those who need protection. We will not support anything that gives any protection to nobility.

Christian Northway
General Secretary of the Deltarian Left
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Re: Deltarian National Confrenece on Inaleinable Rights

Postby kylejenkins27 » Tue Jan 29, 2013 4:26 am

Without a gurantee of the rights of nobility we can support no gurantee of unneccessary government services to the poor, you cannot deem one class of people without recognizing the special role of all classes.

George Milton
Whig Party Chairman
Premier 3431-
Last edited by kylejenkins27 on Tue Jan 29, 2013 11:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
Demokratychna Delic Partija Deltársko
Deltarsko Risa
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Re: Deltarian National Confrenece on Inaleinable Rights

Postby gladius » Tue Jan 29, 2013 5:47 am

The entire point of this conference and of proposing a bill of rights is to prevent the nobility from exploiting the common man. The nobility have privilege enough without the state guaranteeing more to them.

Christian Northway
General Secretary of the Deltarian Left
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Re: Deltarian National Confrenece on Inaleinable Rights

Postby jmayor22 » Tue Jan 29, 2013 9:11 am

The RCP supports the here said by the INDC. Also, in the matter of the nobility protection brung by the Whig Party is just absurd. Even I, a member of the Turquoise Order of Deltarian Knights for over 15 years, am against it. The ones that need protection are the people that is potentially subject to the government or the rich people's abuses.

Lord Bellamy Hundlberg,
RCP Vicepresident
President of the Federal Republic of Deltaria (3411-3415)
Member of the Turquoise Order of Deltarian Knights
RCP chairman
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Re: Deltarian National Confrenece on Inaleinable Rights

Postby Donrub » Tue Jan 29, 2013 11:10 am

Education is not a right? Healthcare, the right to live is not a right? How can a senior member of government can make such despicable comments? We demand that the Premier apologize. Wait, what's the point of apologizing. The reason you defend abortion is because you've been funded by a Hosinian Church's corrupt leaders who don't know their own bible! Foetus' are full-grown adults? While living breathing human beings don't desereve to live, right?

As we've said when abortions go illegal, they go underground. They never cease to exist. The logic you apply to your own interests' doesn't apply to ours, right? While the fact remains that guns are not necessary.

This is a serious issue and we won't allow one half of the nation to impose their view on the other half.

As far as the huge list of above provisions is concerned, we understand that the list is huge therefore this is a final draft of the list
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