Karav News

Organisations involving national governments as members.

Re: Karav News

Postby Siggon Kristov » Sat Apr 06, 2013 7:37 pm

Tackoppe III?

Lodamun's new head of state goes by the name "Tackoppe III" and his surname is "Karav" which is odd, because usually Karavs use "DeKarav" as their surname. The Karavs, in Beluzia, are very interested in personally meeting him. Mixed feelings arose as they were made aware of this fellow's existence, considering their own "Tackoppe II" went missing during the reign of Kristov IV.

Never being found, is it possible that he ran away to Lodamun, and used the name "Karav" instead of the traditional "DeKarav" so his initials would make it more difficult for Beluz cyber-spies to find him? When he went missing, it was believed that he wad kidnapped, but psychological experts (after studying some of the pieces of writings and drawings he did while in school) suggested it was possible that "he would feel an irrational guilt for being alive after witnessing the death of his mother and grandmother. This irrational guilt would have led him to the assumption that he would be blamed," they said.

Tackoppe II was a descendant of both Tackoppe I and Kristov I.
He was the son of Kristov III (Kristov I's grandson) and Viktoria Lligro (Tackoppe I's daughter).

If Tackoppe III is indeed the son or grandson of Tackoppe II, Speranta DeKarav says she would be very happy to have a family re-union, though he should be allowed to remain in Lodamun to fulfil his duties there as Prince of the Republic.
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Re: Karav News

Postby Siggon Kristov » Tue Apr 09, 2013 12:05 am

Solentia to Re-Enter "Karav Treaty"

Officials, from the Bank of Solentia, made an announcement that Solentia is to re-enter a treaty which permits the operation of KFS outlets in their nation. With KFS outlets working for Solentian banks, Solentia's currency will be one of the few currencies that economic statistics and comparisons can be listed in. All Terran nations (except Cobura) are encouraged to ratify the treaty, to allow economic statistics to be listed in more currencies. Economic statistics can only be listed in the currency of nations which have signed the treaty.
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Re: Karav News

Postby Siggon Kristov » Tue Apr 09, 2013 8:26 pm

Karavs Face Competition

When the Karavs lost ownership of the Coleshire Mining Company, they decided to start KFS in 3321.
Until recently, they never had much competition, but then the Mathias family came along and formed Mathias Financial Services. The Mathias family is Deltaria's equivalent of Solentia's Clarke family. They claim to be democratic, and in favour of a republican system, but is that the truth, or do they only support monarchy when the monarch is from their family?

The Karavs say they are not afraid of the "petty competition" from the MFS, considering that they "really do not have much to offer the world," compared to the KFS and the project they recently funded.

Some even believe that the MFS is a fraud. Its description is exactly the same description that the Karavs used in the early and mid 3300s. Its largest operations are currently in Cobura, which imposed an embargo on Deltaria. It is believed that MFS forced the Coburan government to impose the embargo, and that MFS profits contribute to anti-Czarist insurgency in Deltaria. There has been a confirmed connection between the Mathias family and a certain political party in Cobura, but it is unlikely that it is the only one.
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Re: Karav News

Postby Siggon Kristov » Mon Apr 15, 2013 1:39 pm

Mathias Family Driven Out of Business

Mathias Financial Services have been kicked out of Cobura and Indrala, the last 2 nations which allowed their operations. Karav Financial Services are now in over 10 countries, including Cobura and Indrala, and plan to expand to more. There was a time when economic statistics could only be listed in the Lodamun Dollar; everything was about the Lodamun Dollar. Times change and things change. Now, any country (which has ratified the treaty) is allowed to have economic statistics listed in their currency without spending hours on calculating conversion rates. It makes it easier for them to compare things like budgets.

University students never expected that their project would be as successful and functional as it is today. The money, made from these projects, go back to subsidising the expenses of university students worldwide.
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Xinpusen News

Postby Siggon Kristov » Tue May 07, 2013 1:30 pm

The Xinpusen Wangchao is preparing for parliamentary elections in Indrala.
They are confident that they will win at least 40 seats.
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Xinpusen News

Postby Siggon Kristov » Thu May 09, 2013 7:42 pm

The Xinpusens were unable to form a coalition with either other party in Indrala. The former "Democratic Left" party has now become a centre-right party, and claims to support the monarchy, despite earlier considering themselves Leftist Republicans.

They told the Xinpusens that they wanted control of Finance and/or Foreign Affairs, or they wouldn't enter a coalition with them. The Xinpusens rejected this, and the party allied themselves with the Jien-MZD as a result.


Xinpusens are not angered, but they said they would have given the Jien-MZD a confidence vote to allow them to govern by themselves. The Jien-MZD rejected the offer, insisting that the Xinpusens form a coalition themselves as the largest party. The Xinpusens did not believe that this was the better way forward, saying they would prefer the Jien-MZD to have control of specific ministries, especially Foreign Affairs and Education/Culture.

The Jien-MZD said they would not accept being a minority government, thinking it was unethical and illegitimate for a party with less than 50% of the seats to govern. The Xinpusens then encouraged the Jien-MZD to go ahead and accept being in a coalition with the other party, and accepted their role as Opposition.
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Xinpusen News

Postby Siggon Kristov » Thu May 09, 2013 10:58 pm

Xinpusens Call For Consistency from Co-Governing Party

The Xinpusens are taking their role, as Opposition, seriously. Opposition Leader Xinpusen Jialei said that he will dedicate as much effort, as he would if he was in government, to duties as Opposition Leader. The fierce public figure is attacking one of the parties in the ruling coalition.

First, they called themselves the Democratic Left, and their party colour was blue. They wanted a Leftist coalition with us, but we didn't give them the specific positions they wanted, and they didn't realise that we were monarchist; they thought we would support their republican reforms, but we didn't, so they changed their name to Centre Faction and their party colour was aqua. The aim of the Centre Faction was to have an identity more similar to the Jien-MZD, so they formed a coalition with the Jien-MZD. Now, the confused party again has renamed itself, to the Liberal Democratic Party and their party colour is yellow. They changed their ideologies again.

They say one thing in their election campaign to capture votes, then they betray their supporters by switching their ideology twice, not once, twice after being elected. This is a disgrace. The people need better representation.
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Xinpusen News

Postby Siggon Kristov » Fri May 10, 2013 8:48 pm

Xinpusens Anticipate Coalition Breakup

The Xinpusen Wangchao is anticipating a breakup of the governing coalition, which includes the Jien-MZD and another party which has changed its name too many times. The Jien-MZD says that it "cannot work with a party that seems to change constantly."

Apart from changing their ideology and party name, the party has attracted criticism for a proposed "agreement" that would mean the Jien-MZD unconditionally support the other party's Finance bills. Opposition Leader Xinpusen Jialei quickly slammed the bill, later not being too surprised when the Jien-MZD did the same, showing doubt in its own coalition.

The party demanded that the Jien-MZD give "full parliamentary support" for any Finance bills it was to propose.
The Xinpusens lashed out against this move by saying that "the Jien-MZD should have the right to question the policies of their coalition partners (even if not in public), especially when their coalition partners rush to propose bills" without first consulting the Jien-MZD.
The Jien-MZD joined the Xinpusens, by saying that they would "not agree to support all finance bills" without first reading and critically analysing them.

The Finance bills lacked support for obvious reasons. Finance Minister Lukas Robinson first proposed a tax cut, but the Xinpusens argued that it would put Indrala in debt, and that spending should be cut first. The Jien-MZD supported the Opposition by frankly saying that they "agree with the Xinpusen Wangchao."

The incompetent Finance Minister went on to proposing a budget cut, as advised, but it drew even more criticism than the tax cut. With taxes cut to give an expected revenue of a little more than 560,000,000,000 INS, the Finance Minister should have made budget cuts closer to that figure also, but he instead proposed to cut the budget to a figure below 395,000,000,000 INS. The Opposition criticised the bill by saying that it would put the nation into a recession, and that the Finance Minister should have proposed a budget closer to the 560,000,000,000 INS figure expected from his tax plan. The Jien-MZD's criticism was much harsher; the specific areas of the budget, that were being cut, seriously upset the Jien-MZD. The Jien-MZD responded to the budget by calling the budget "absurd" and saying that "Jienfushi himself would condemn this budget."
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Xinpusen News

Postby Siggon Kristov » Sun May 12, 2013 2:10 am

Xinpusens Seize Power, Ready to Hand Over

In anger towards the poor performance of one of Indrala's ruling parties, the Xinpusen Wangchao seized parliamentary power, thereby declaring themselves the new ruling party and successfully ousting the Jien-MZD and their coalition partners. The Xinpusens said that they did not do it against the Jien-MZD, but more in response to the Jien-MZD's partners, who were believed by the Xinpusens to be foreign agents trying to depose Indrala's monarch.

Xinpusen Jialei declared himself the Taishi of Indrala after the coup, and has been leading what he considered to be a transitional regime, as he waits to hand over power back to the Jien-MZD. He will enter a coalition with the Jien-MZD, and step down from Taishi to Internal Affairs Minister. This coalition will only be between the Xinpusens and the Jien-MZD; it will not involve the Jien-MZD's coalition partners who the Xinpusens despised.
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Re: Karav News

Postby Siggon Kristov » Sat May 18, 2013 3:42 pm

Xinpusens Study Jienism

The Xinpusen Wangchao has had all its members resign from positions within the Indralan Dao Wang Yuan. Xinpusen Jialei said he will still serve in the cabinet, along with other Xinpusens, as a Jien-MZD member. This move doesn't come as a surprise. There haven't been many arguments between the Xinpusens and the Jien-MZD in years, and Indrala seems to be stable enough. "Whenever the Mandate of Heaven says we should mobilise ourselves in the same fashion we recently did, we will do so. Until then, we will just support the Jien-MZD. We are a little more liberal than they are, but I'm sure they'll welcome internal discussion in the party," Xinpusen Jialei said.
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