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Re: Indralan Imperial Gazette

Postby Reno » Fri Sep 21, 2012 1:38 am

Ten-an(Tian'an), 25th day of the 4th month, 28th year of the Xin Era (May 3368)

Today is a glorious day for the Great Empire of Indrala, as following the collapse of the far-left People's Communisty Party, and the centrist Indralan Alliance, the only political organisation left standing in Indrala, the Gao Nation Restoration Soceity has become the dominant party following the early election in the 4th month of the 28th year of the Xin era. While the leadership of both defunct parties have left the political scene of Indrala, many of the lower-ranking members and supporters, especially young ones, joined the growing nationalist movement headed by the society, which eased the transfer of power from the Indralan Alliance to the GNSR. Such shift in allegiance despite their ideological difference in terms of left and right surprised many political speculators, as many members of the society come from various political background, from hardline communists, centrists, to conservatives alike.

Kitano Terunori, the leader of the society, however, is not surprised by the result. In fact, during one of his rallies following the landslide victory over the nation, he claimed that it fits perfectly into his political theory, known as the "cycles of conflicts". "It is only natural for the people of our glorious nations to put aside petty differences between the so-called 'left' and 'right', and face the true enemy that have threatened our very survival as a civilisation." He said, "The true threat lies from the western imperialists, who, under the masquerade of 'moderate', 'democratic', and 'universal values', enforce their western-centric values to our people, and slowly but surely, assimilate into their decadent culture."

In the rally, lord Kitano announced a myriad of acts that will start the transformation of Indrala back to its traditional glory and dignity, with more to come, especially regarding the international relation between Indrala and Sekowo, whom has undergone a similar process recently, as well as the Brotherhood of Terror and Virtue, of which the society is an active member within.
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Re: Indralan Imperial Gazette

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Tue Jan 08, 2013 10:09 pm

Progress in Indrala!

It has been many years since the radical nationalists of Indrala shut down the Indralan Imperial Gazette to remain an isolated country, but the isolation is over! During the years since the radical nationalists left, many changes have been slowly implemented in the largest island in Terra.

First off, a period of de-Daenification has taken place. Many of the foreign concepts that directly oppose Jienism and Guidao were removed by the Jien-Imperial Party, who were widely known as "liberals" during the period of radical nationalism. Some persecution of Daenists have taken place by the wealthy, both landowners and by members of the business class, but have met with strong condemnation of the government.

Due to the de-Daenification and subsequent moderation of government policy in Indrala, the Xin Emperor was placed under house arrest by the National Assembly due to his crimes against the Indralan people during the Blue Lotus Rebellion and the Southern Hemisphere War. Aging Chancellor Ma Qi, former Protector General of the former Hegemony of Gaduridos, specifically condemned Indrala's action during the war and called them inherently anti-Indralan and hypocritical for a regime that followed a religion declaring universal peace. In reaction to the post-bellum years, the government of Indrala sold a portion of the Great North Dovani Plain that contained a majority of Welsh peoples, who are one of the two indigenous peoples of Dranland, to Dranland, in return for cash and cultural protection of the Welsh and Kyo peoples, especially in regards to nobility and native government.

Perhaps the most radical since the Jien-Imperial Party began a massive reform of Indrala was the forced abdication of the Xin Emperor and his subsequent exile to Gao-Soto, the homeland of his ancestors. The Imperial Court officially responded that, "No, true emperor causes the death of millions of his own subjects, let alone citizens of a modern state. Therefore, Tengyuan Xinyu was no emperor, he was a scoundrel and murderer that brings shame to his own family, the family that is directly descended of Jienfushi himself! However, due to Tengyuan Xinyu's former status of head of state of Indrala, the people must show some sense of leniency in his punishment. Henceforth, he shall be stripped of all rank and title and be banished to his ancestral homeland of Gao-Soto where he may study the works of Jienfushi and pray for forgiveness from his ancestors, the gods, and Shangdi."

Disgraced and teary-eyed Tengyuan Xinyu at his hearing in the National Assembly

As Tengyuan Xinyu was banished and removed from office based upon the will and whim of the people, Indrala needed a new emperor, one that directly experienced the pain and suffering that the reign of Tengyuan Xinyu caused to the common people and one that truly loved his country. After years of searching, they discovered a young professor of Indralan Studies, Politics, and Philosophy (Indrala's most popular academic field for those headed into government and legal services) at the Imperial University who fit the bill.

Dr. Sima Zhi had graduated from the Imperial University and was sanctioned as an Erudite, one of highest non-noble honors the state grants to citizens, during the last years of the Xin Emperor. He was instrumental in creating a Jienist plan to be used by the state for governance of the country. Due to his middle class background, he was greatly harmed by the policies of the Xin Emperor, while his family was also harmed by the previous Xinhan Dynasty. These events created a strong sense of democracy within him, thus making him the perfect candidate for Holy Emperor of Indrala. Shortly after the Xin Emperor was deposed, Sima Zhi was enthroned as the Ping Emperor, meaning "Peace", of the Minzhu Dynasty, meaning "Democracy". These names were chosen by Sima Zhi, himself, to denote his devotion to peace and democracy in Indrala.

Coronation ceremony of Sima Zhi: The Ping Emperor looks back upon his old life in preparation for his new one

In other news, rumors are abound with the possibility of a royal wedding between Sima Zhi and Okatori Kinuye, Princess of Gao-Soto. Such a marriage would bring the "off and on" relationship between Hulstria and Gao-Soto and Indrala to a position of perpetual friendship, which is something Indrala seeks with all nations throughout Terra.

The Government of Indrala is actively encouraging monarchy throughout Terra, especially in Aloria and Dranland, where many cultural and historical ties lie.
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Re: Indralan Imperial Gazette

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Fri Apr 26, 2013 9:44 pm

Death and Rise of an Emperor, A New Era for Indrala

The events of Indrala during the reign of the Ping Emperor have been relatively small, with the largest event being supporting the Czarists with troops and aid during the Deltarian Civil War, of which former Crown Prince Sima Jun led the Indralan forces to victory with the Czarists. The government during the Ping Era focused mainly on rebuilding the Indralan nation by supporting democracy and culture. One of the most notable acts of the former National Assembly, was to reform its name and recreate the position of "Grand Preceptor", the mythical term of the Head of Government in Indralan culture, as one of the final acts of promoting Jienism. His Imperial Majesty, signed the bill with a great deal of happiness, know that it would be the last bill he would ever concern himself with, as his old age had eventually caught up to him, leaving the virtuous man with many diseases. Within a month, Holy Emperor Sima Zhi passed away, preceded by his wife, the Holy Empress-Consort Okatori Kinyue, Princess of Gao-Soto.

A state funeral was held for the Ping Emperor in August, attended by numerous members of the Imperial Clan and the Indralan nobility. The late monarch's mausoleum, a staple of every Indralan monarch, was far smaller than previous mausoleums. It is said that, in the end, Sima Zhi stuck to his commoner roots and preferred thrift in death over opulence. Former Crown Prince, now Holy Emperor, Sima Jun gave the eulogy, declaring that his mourning would last three years in accordance with ritual.

Soon after the funeral took place, Sima Jun was crowned Holy Emperor of Great Indrala and Its Other Realms and Territories at the Temple to Shangdi. The ceremony was far more extravagant than the state funeral of the late Ping Emperor. Surprisingly, the ceremony was open to the public, the first coronation of its kind. Usually Indralan coronations are reserved for the government and nobility, but Holy Emperor Sima Jun appears to be more populist than his father. Pundits worry that by using populism, His Imperial Majesty will be able to have power in government. However, His Imperial Majesty firmly stated that he supported democracy and would only act in a ceremonial role and uphold the constitution of the nation.

With the Zhuquan Emperor's ascendance, the House of the Way of Humane Authority called for a vote on the Minzhu Doctrine, establishing claim to dominance over South Dovani. Many agree that Indrala is already the power in South Dovani, due to its extensive colonial holdings. However, Indrala appears to be taking a bolder step in the realm of foreign affairs. Such a bold move can also be seen by the sale of the four most northern provinces of the Kingdom of Utembo to the Deltarian Empire. The sale was opposed by Dranland, of which received a rebuke from Foreign Minister Peng Min. Deltarian-Indralan relations are said to have greatly improved with the sale, establishing the two as all but allies.

In even more recent news, Indrala has been approved to purchase the colonies of Northern Vascania from Malivia. Indrala will buy the colonies for five billion LOD, quite reasonable in the grand scheme of things. The sale further shows that Indrala is further asserting its dominance and role as a world power.
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Re: Indralan Imperial Gazette

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sun Apr 28, 2013 9:13 pm

The Indralan Empire Grows, Jien-Democratic Party Pledges Popular Platform

Within the last year, the Great Empire of Indrala has grown to a large size, incorporating the territories of North Vascania (purchased from Malivia) into the empire. Many now wonder if Indrala shall play a role in Artanian affairs, as Vascania is one of the closest continents to Artania. However, Indrala Watchers may be dissuaded by this theory, as the Jien-Democratic Party recently put to vote the "Doctrine of Zhuquan". In the resolution, Indrala claims hegemony over Northern Seleya (everything north of Aldegar) and vows to defend those nations at any cost, should foreign aggressors attempt to disturb the peace.

The Doctrine of Zhuquan is largely an effort of the Jien-Democratic Party to persuade voters to continue voting for them, as in the most recent election, the Jien-Democrats lost their constitutional majority and have barely held onto a majority. Grand Preceptor Ma Zhi, the Duke of Tianzhi and Chairman of the Jien-Democratic Party, has called for the party to support environmental skepticism, again a tactic to garner votes. However, most Indralans feel that the Jien-Democrats will only vote against proposals that are extremely environmentalist, opting for the status quo.

All appears to be quiet on the world stage...For now...
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Re: Indralan Imperial Gazette

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Tue Apr 30, 2013 12:22 am

A Future Indralan Hegemony?

In recent years, the Great Empire of Indrala has not only grown in size, but in ego. With the passage of the Minzhu and Zhuquan Doctrines, Indrala has laid claim to be the principle great and regional power of South Dovani and North Seleya. It's might in South Dovani cannot truly be disputed, as it controls an overwhelming majority of the territory, save for the Luthori colonies in the region. However, claiming the mantle of North Seleyan hegemony may be a bit too far for the Dovani monarchy to extend its influence.

While, yes, Indrala is part of both Seleya and Dovani, its connections to Dovani are far stronger, both culturally and historically. If anything, Indrala is part of Seleya geographically, which leads one to the question of why Indrala would declare hegemony over North Seleya? The main factor behind this claim is that Indrala is the successor (proclaimed) to the Anantan Empire, a former empire of Kalistan founded by colonists from Indrala that dominated North Seleya. Due to this "succession", Indrala feels that North Seleya is within its geographic sphere of influence, as well as, to a minor extent, a cultural and historical sphere.

Quite recently, the Grand Preceptor and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Indrala have asked the various governments of North Seleya (minus Baltusia) to send tribute to the Indralan Empire in exchange for Indralan cultural gifts and titles of nobility, recognizing Indrala's supremacy of the region. However, the government officials quickly stated that this situation could be averted should the governments of North Seleya, minus Tukarali, Likatonia, and Baltusia, install the Indralan monarch as their respective monarchs.

It has yet to be seen if North Seleya will reject Indrala's claim, but so far, the international community has allowed for the Great Empire to extend its influence across the Southern Hemisphere.
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Re: Indralan Imperial Gazette

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Fri May 03, 2013 4:41 pm

Mixed Reactions over Indralan "Hegemony", Anger Brewing in the South

With the passing of the Doctrine of Zhuquan, the Indralan Grand Preceptor, Duke Ma Zhi of Tianzhi, and Minister of the Household and Herald, Director of Dependent States (Minister of Foreign Affairs), Duke Peng Min of Ping'an, issued memorials to all of the appropriate ministers of the nations of North Seleya. Some government had responded and both had been mixed. It appears that the predicted negative backlash to the Doctrine of Zhuquan has not been preached by any nation.

In other news, Indrala and Deltaria have nearly concluded in private the formation of the "Holy Alliance of the Three Monarchs". However, the other monarch, the Supreme Leader of Egelion, has spited the Deltarian Empire by coercing the government of Deltaria Nova/Vorona to accept the Supreme Leader as its head of state. Minister-Director Peng has issued a statement condemning the action by both Egelion and Deltaria Nova/Vorona, asking why Egelion would eliminate the chance of a future alliance with Deltaria, Indrala, and, now, Trigunia, as they have accepted the Czar of Deltaria as their Tsar and Grand Prince.

This action has brought Indrala closer to the middle of the Egelion-Dranish disputes over the past decades, now leaning more towards Dranland. It is unknown if Indrala will take any more action on both of these issues, but it appears that Indrala is upping the military rhetoric. Grand Commandant (Minister of Defense) Yue Yun has announced upcoming military drills, mostly taking place in Northwest Indrala and the sea between Indrala and Vorona. It is also rumored that Indrala will ask Dranland to engage in joint military exercises, a means to intimidate Egelion and ease concerns about the Indralan sale of North Utembo to Deltaria.

Hopefully, the Indralan-Deltarian alliance will be able to expand its efforts and draw another nation into the fold, with most of the attention being on Rildanor, the only other colonial power outside of Luthori and Hulstria.
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Re: Indralan Imperial Gazette

Postby Siggon Kristov » Fri May 10, 2013 8:55 pm

Coalition or Collision?

The Xinpusen Wangchao, the Opposition party in Indrala, is expecting breakup of the governing coalition of Indrala.
While it can be expected that the Jien-MZD will try to say that everything is okay, the Xinpusens still have their doubts.

The Jien-MZD said that they "cannot work with a party that seems to change constantly."
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Re: Indralan Imperial Gazette

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Fri May 31, 2013 5:02 pm

Holy Emperor Granted Status of Superiority Over All the Gao-Showans, Foreign Policy Alerts

Since the fall of the various opposition parties in Indralan society, the Jien-Democratic Party has proven to remain steadfast in representing the Indralan people at all times. Some Jienists say that God has granted the Jien-Democratic Party the Mandate of Heaven to rule for eternity, as they have failed to waver in Indralan politics for nearly 500 years. Due to the JDPs monopoly on power, they have submitted a bill that only needs to pass that shall grant the Holy Emperors of Indrala the status of Heavenly Sovereign, Imperial Person, Gate, and Master of the Gao-Showans, titles held by the ancient rulers of the Empire of Gao-Soto. While such a title and claim may anger the Okatoris of Gao-Soto, the current Holy Emperor has stated that he is "a descendent of the Okatori Clan" and reigns over "an overwhelming majority of the Gao-Showan peoples". These factors are the basis for the claim to Gao-Showan superiority, a claim that is hard to refute.

In the very same bill granting the Holy Emperor near divine status was a title granting the Holy Emperor to use the title of Maharaja of Northern Namviet, reflecting Indrala's recent purchase of Northern Vascania from Malivia. The purchase has created a policy rift, with some members of the House of the Way of Humane Authority to argue that Indrala should only concern itself with Dovanian and Seleyan affairs, while some urge that Indrala should always be peacefully expanding, as it is God's Will. A small minority argue that all colonies should be granted independence, with Northern Vascania and Medina being given to Luthori so that the descendents of Namviet may be joined together in unity. Territorial issues between Indrala and Luthori could definitely flare up in the future, as Indrala claims to be the Supreme Protector and Defender of South Dovani.

In regards to other Indralan claims, the Imperial Court has issued a condemnation of the current government of Egelion and the Imperial East Terra Company of Pontesi for expanding into Egelion and taking the rightful throne of the Prince of Egelion, the Holy Emperor himself. Foreign Minister Peng Min stated that "The Imperial East Terra Company and Pontesian Dynastic Empire have no history with Egelion, unlike Indrala, whose descendents founded the Empire of Ananto that conquered Egelion and various other states of Keris, Seleya, and Dovani. The Government of Indrala asks that the Pontesian invaders leave immediately and install the Holy Emperor on the throne of Egelion as its rightful Prince."

Regardless of the Egelion issue, the more pressing issue internationally is the impending crisis between Zardugal and Deltaria. It is widely known that Zardugal has been pondering sanctions openly and has thought of conflict with Deltaria, simply for the fact of stopping "Deltarian expansionism", which is in reality reclaiming Deltarian territory and uniting the Deltarian peoples and their descendents in brotherhood, and "restore democracy" to Deltaria, despite the fact that the people of Deltaria openly support the Czarist parties. Many Indralan political analysts and university professionals have come to the conclusion that Zardugal has been planning revenge against Deltaria for becoming the preeminent power in South Majatra and losing its colonies to Luthori and Indrala after the Southern Hemisphere War. In a rare political statement, Holy Emperor Sima Jun, a known friend of Czar Dusan and leader of the Indralan Armed Forces during the Czarist War, states that "Indrala will stand by its brother, Deltaria, and aid it in any way possible." The Grand Commandant of Indrala has issued a command for military drills to take place through the Indralan Empire and for a military parade to show off Indrala's might. Hopefully such actions will keep the tide of war at bay for the time being.
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Re: Indralan Imperial Gazette

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Fri May 31, 2013 8:46 pm

In Defense of the Empire

Due to the command of the Grand Commandant, military drills have taken place all over Indrala. Many concern coastal defense and amphibious landings, hinting at the possibility of what the Indralans might do in a war against Zardugal. Most notably, a great deal of the military drills took place in Northern Vascania, renamed by the Indralans as Northern Namviet to recognize that Vascania itself was originally made up of the Empire of Namviet, which is the closest Indralan territory to Zardugal.


During the military exercises, in the capital of Tian'an, a large military parade showing off the entirety of the Indralan Imperial Armed Forces took place, opened by the Grand Preceptor himself in the name of His Imperial Majesty. The parade took place in front of the administrative buildings of the Imperial Court, dazzling the thousands that watched. It is rumored that members of the Deltarian and Badaran high command were there, discussing possible scenarios regarding a war with Zardugal.

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Re: Indralan Imperial Gazette

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Tue Jun 11, 2013 2:24 am

Royal Weddings, Personal Union, and Calls for Peace

Praise be to Heaven! The personal union between Egelion and Indrala has been reestablished! His Imperial Majesty has traveled to Egelion with the eldest son and daughter of the Crown Prince to attend a coronation ceremony in Demar Solad and officially be browned at the Prince of Egelion. The relationship between Egelion and Indrala has also been recently strengthened due to the establishment of the Indralan Commonwealth, which has enshrined Egelion and Indrala as equals in the international system. Along with the coronation, two royal weddings shall take place between His Excellency and Most Excellent Lord Viceroy of the People Julio Silvestre, Duke of Amateria and Princess Sima Mu and the Right Honorable Chief Noble of the Forum Lady Fermina Bustamante of Eder Gira and Prince Sima Shan, both of whom will reign as Holy Empress-Consort and Holy Emperor respectively. These marriages will ensure that the personal union between Egelion and Indrala is bound in history and culture.

In other news, Indrala has increasingly called for peace between the former Terran Republican Alliance and the Holy Alliance, demanding that the former Terran Republican Alliance jointly pay the Holy Alliance and its allies a sum of 300 Billion LOD for the cost of the Zardic-Deltarian War. Foreign Minister Peng Min states that, "The division of 300 Billion LOD among the Allies will just cover the cost of the war. We do not desire to profit." It is yet to be seen if Solentia will favor such a peace, despite Zardugal and Cobura already giving their consent.
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