
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Dundorfischer Zentralen Medien (DZM)

Postby Richard LV » Mon May 20, 2013 11:02 pm

Stanfelj defends party

After hearing sharp remarks from the SRP about his party's new budget plan, Lukas Stanfelj went before dozens of cameras and attacked the SRP's agenda. He blamed them for weakening our national security
These "socialist rats" are only trying to make our border security weak so that more of their kind can come walking into our nation and take over. If we allow them to dictate our lives then Dundorfians young and old would be neglected. Many nations that fall into the hands of socialist parties end up having their people enslaved. They claim to be for the worker but if they were; why do they prefer you to pay more in taxes which mean less in your pockets?
The speech went on for 15 minutes and at the end Mr. Stanfelj was asked "What would you do if you were Reichskanzler?". He simply responded
If I was Head of Government this nation would be moved forward the way it should be. I would work with or without the SRP, and would most definitely make this era in Dundorf's history a great one.
Currently because of the SRP Dundorf is not tranquil. This is due to the fact that the SRP is starting up demonstrations that are not helping the situation Dundorf is in. Forcing people to march and support their party is absolutely wrong. NKRP officials have said that Erwin Raithel is planning on allowing multiple official marches to get revenge on the SRP.

Stanfelj pledging to make this era the best era for Dundorf.
Richard LV
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Re: Dundorfischer Zentralen Medien (DZM)

Postby denkdaetz » Tue May 21, 2013 10:59 am


The Reichsheer marches through Dunburg with the mission to eliminate the Socialists. Feldmarschall Grauburg says that he and the 43. Infanteriedivision wont stop and secure the capital!
Martial Law has been declared in the capital city.

Reichskanzler Otto von Dundorf:
"People of Dunburg, this is for your own security, please stay at home until the state of emergency is over. If anybody sees a socialist, he has to report it to Feldmarschall Grauburg. Thanks for your attention."
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Re: Dundorfischer Zentralen Medien (DZM)

Postby pSp » Tue May 21, 2013 1:19 pm


SRP decries "coup against democracy"

The decision by the Reichskanzler to proclaim a state of emergency and send in the army to crack down on the left in the capital has been decried by representatives of the SRP as a "coup against democracy and an illegal reactionary takeover". Party Chairman Max Weinhof, speaking from an undisclosed location, said that "von Dundorf has shown his true self as the fascist-in-chief of the corporate state. When faced with the people peacefully demonstrating and expressing their views, he calls in the military to strike them down and strip them of their rights." He called upon the soldiers to "refuse to attack your brothers. Refuse to aid those who want to install tyranny on our country!" He also described the NKRP claims of the SRP having forced people to demonstrate as "pure fabrication". There are rumours that leading figures of the SRP have been organizing the party's paramilitary wing, the Arbeiterschutzbrigade (Workers' Defence Brigade) to defend working-class areas in cities around the country where SRP backing is strong in case of attack by the army or right-wing militias. One member said that "we do not wish violence or bloodshed. But if they attack us, we won't be sitting ducks."

No confirmed reports are available as to the whereabouts of the party's leadership, and it is believed they will try to leave the capital to avoid capture by the military. Due to the organizational structure of the SRP, however, with its strong local affiliations, it is considered unlikely that a lack of top leadership would provoke a collapse in party structure.
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Re: Dundorfischer Zentralen Medien (DZM)

Postby denkdaetz » Tue May 21, 2013 2:46 pm


The Red Menace

Don't let the red menace paralyze your brains! "Fascist leader of a corporate state". Pha! And you red scum are of course friends of democracy and want to defend the parliament? I guess so. Well, we'll see. If you wont stop building up your communist army of workers with spades, we will be forced to use the DNKSV and the Reichswehr to eliminate you. We wont shoot unless you stop trying to take over!

"DNKSV troops taking a break in front of a building in Dunburg"
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Re: Dundorfischer Zentralen Medien (DZM)

Postby salve311 » Thu May 23, 2013 4:24 am

OOC: didn't know my country has a poster like that :D
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Re: Dundorfischer Zentralen Medien (DZM)

Postby denkdaetz » Thu May 23, 2013 4:58 pm

OOC: Lol, I also never saw that poster before. I found it on Google.
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Re: Dundorfischer Zentralen Medien (DZM)

Postby Richard LV » Sat May 25, 2013 1:31 am

Stanfelj becomes party legislative leader

With the great news of impossible wins for the NKRP pouring out of Dunburg; Party President, Erwin Raithel, has made Stanfelj the official legislative leader for NKRP. Stanfelj will now have to find ways to solve the epic problems that currently face Dundorf. He also has to keep the party's popularity up while making deals on the future of Dundorf. But for right now all he has to do is enjoy his victory party. Mr. Stanfelj is now part of the Dunlake delegation to Parliament. The NKRP won a sweeping landslide victory in Dunlake giving the party control to 60% of the seat in the local legislature. They also have won two new governorships and a huge following of Dundorfians ready for change.

Mr. Stanfelj celebrating his victory
Richard LV
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Re: Dundorfischer Zentralen Medien (DZM)

Postby Calistus » Mon May 27, 2013 8:54 pm

KNP Rally in Karlsborn, Celebrates "Moral victory"

Karlsborn was alight with patriotic fervor as the the KNP held a rally to celebrate its recent "moral victory" in the August Elections. The party has become the second largest party in Dundorf, beating out the DNVP by 5 seats. In front of a crowd of thousands, Ruprecht Alphonsus, party leader, stated "this victory represents a major morale boost for the KNP. Through our strength and determination, we went from being the smallest party to one of the largest!".

*The rally in Karlsborn, the KNP Headquarters building is visible in the background*

He went on to say: "Those who seek to destroy our nation; the socialists, anarchists and democrats, should be wary: the KNP will not let this nation fall to the vices of greed, laziness and incompetence! Freedom must be tempered with duty and honor, two ideals that the socialists cannot bear! The SRP have managed to maintain their position as the largest party in the state. I say that our nation deserves better than that rabble of anarchist vermin!". The speech was followed by a parade of the party's paramilitary wing, the Wolfsgarde, which had seen a sharp increase in recruitment numbers since the "attempted coup scandal", which lead to the August Election, several months ago.

*WG troops marching in Karlsborn*

Alphonsus ended the speech by claiming that his party will "climb to the top, and usher in a new era of strength, honor, freedom and duty". The rally was also marked by the planting of anti-communist posters throughout the city by the Wolfsgarde and KNP affiliates.

*One of many such posters placed throughout the city*
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Re: Dundorfischer Zentralen Medien (DZM)

Postby pSp » Tue Jun 04, 2013 2:21 pm


Far right caves in

The past year has seen significant change on Dundorf's political scene. The two far-right parties who unsuccessfully tried to topple democracy and persecute the left have now disappeared from politics under unclear circumstances, some analysts believing that the collapse in voter support for the two in the aftermath of the attempted coup may have broken their party organizations. Regardless, the Socialist Republican Party Chairman Max Weinhof, who himself was re-elected head of state by a landslide in the last elections, has been positive about the development in the country, noting in particular "the rapid expansion of freedoms and workers' rights since the end of the fascist régime". He noted that in the last elections, the SRP had won a plurality or a majority in every single region of the country, showing the popular appeal of socialist policies in urban centres and rural areas alike.
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Re: Dundorfischer Zentralen Medien (DZM)

Postby Calistus » Mon Jun 10, 2013 2:45 am

Parade in Karlsborn

Trumpets heralded the commencement of the KNP Parade. The streets were lined with cheering citizens, carrying flags and the parade was set to be broadcast on every major radio and television channel in the country.
Columns of rifle-bearing men and women marched in the streets, as the Wolfsgarde displayed its glory to the nation. The parade closed with the playing of both the national anthem and the KNP anthem (the latter had finally acquired a set of accompanying lyrics). A large stage was set up in front of the party headquarters in Karlsborn, party members seated accordingly. The crowd was hushed to a concerned murmur as Potentate Ruprecht Alphonsus arrived in full ceremonial military dress, a throwback to his time in the nations military.
His jackboots clicked loudly on marble as he made his way to the podium, dressed in a black tunic adorned with gold. Stepping onto the platform, he began his speech:

“Comrades! We have assembled here in Karlsborn to celebrate our culture, heritage, success! You have witnessed the unparalleled discipline and skill-at-arms of our men and women in uniform and now you shall witness the rebirth of our nation!
Our nation, for all of her greatness, suffers at the hands of a plague. That plague, my friends, is ignorance! Ignorance brought about by years of socialist tyranny! Politics in our land have devolved into a miserable popularity contest, where the Kaiser is the one who spouts pipe dreams and hoaxes! With the filthy politicians you witness on the television just trying to win the votes of the uninformed through buzzwords and mudslinging! This system – democracy – can do nothing but promote ignorance and prevents our government from effectively serving the people. The actions that the KNP is about to undertake, we do for the sake of the people and their benefit, for dissent is the greatest show of patriotism!
The SRP seek to destroy our proud heritage by allowing unqualified immigrants and refugees into our land...among their other destructive policies. These anarcho-socialists have no sense of loyalty, duty, honor or discipline…and it is for that reason that they must be punished for their transgressions. The KNP can no longer stand idly by while the socialists and their puppets continue to wreak havoc on our proud nation.
Therefore, I deliver an ultimatum to the SRP and its government: stand down now, relinquish all power and none shall be harmed…you’d be rewarded, in fact, for choosing the honorable path and lessening the burden of our people. If, however, you decide to circumvent our will, we will have no choice but to remove you through force.
A word of warning: the KNP is not acting alone. Fur Ehre, Ruhm und Vaterland!”

At these words, flags hung from the party headquarters building were unfurled, revealing the black-white-purple flag of the KNP with a new addition: a white phoenix emblazoned in the middle black stripe. The cheers only grew louder as another parade began, accompanied with the singing of patriotic hymns and anthems.

“Like a phoenix, our nation will rise from the ashes of corruption and destruction. We shall rise ever more, and we shall show our true glory to the world!"

((OOC: Consider this a revolt. Things were getting quite boring around our country, so I'm spicing it up a bit. ))
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