
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Selucianum Libererum

Postby Leonardo222 » Fri Jun 07, 2013 1:55 pm

Selucia stands firm

The Selucian government issued a statement condemming both parties of the war in South Majatra. The note calls for immdiate stop of any hostilities and actions of war. It also stressed the need for some balancing of the current distribution of power in the region.
"We are very aware of the situation and are quite alarmed at the Deltarian behaviour. However, what we need now is peace and I urge both sides to come back to the negotiation table in order to find a fair peace.", so the Princeps Senatus.
Selucia also offers help in the negotiations.

Manwhile Selucia is planning an increase in defence spending and the modernization of the nuclear defences.
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Re: Selucianum Libererum

Postby DoW » Fri Jun 07, 2013 8:31 pm

Justice launching probe into a December 3493 terrorist attack that left 53 dead

Aurioria, Selucia- The Selucian minister of Justice addressed the Imperial Senate on a new probe being launched to investigate the horrible terrorist attack on December 14th, 3493 that left 53 dead and 1 injured.

"Honored Senators, the Justice ministry is launching a probe into the terrorist attack that left 53 citizens of the Empire dead in December 3493. Justice is shocked at the lack of an investigation of the Liberal Party's government and part of the probe is to see if any illegal coverups had occurred during the administration of former Princeps Senatus Tony Salmon. Justice shall release the results of the probe when the investigation is complete" - Justice Minister Julia Bavious.

Justice minister Julia Bavious

"It's about time the government investigated this matter. For the last several years, the Imperial Senate has been peitioning the Liberal Party's government to investigate who was behind the attack. But they never listened, no investigation was launched and on one has been held accountable. It looks like Princeps Senatus Tony Salmon and his administration were hiding something", said freshmen Senator Julius Achilleus.

In other news in Selucia

A 250 million SEN relief package for the Federation of Zardugal was brought in front of the Imperial Senate today. The provisions contain canned goods, vegetables, fruits, bottled water, dry milk, blankets, medicine, boots, and other clothing items. It is expected to pass the Senate.
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Re: Selucianum Libererum

Postby Leonardo222 » Sun Jun 09, 2013 10:20 am

Selucia acts firm

Yesterday, in many Selucian newspapers and journals caricatures of the Zar of Deltaria appeared. They show the Zar in many hurting and unacceptabell ways, such as beeing shown in this journal.
Unconfirmed reports speak of a aimed champaign made by rich exil Delatrians, however the Selucian government refused to comment nor to censor the journals and newspapers.
Selucia only stressed again the need for a longlasting slution and critzeds again Deltaria and its allies for finally "stand back and make the way clear for a fair peace agreement".


(Caricature of the Zar in one journal)

Selucia intervenes?

As an informed source leaked yesterday to the press, there are increasing signs of Selucian intervention in Pontesi. Many passports and visa were printed during the last weeks and there is an increasing sea traffic between Selucia and Pontesi, from both sides.
In addition, the defence spending for wepaons and guns has increased steadily for a few weeks.
"No comment", so the offical response to our questions.
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Re: Selucianum Libererum

Postby DoW » Tue Jun 11, 2013 3:10 pm

Breaking News!
Ministry of Justice calls Press Conference to Release Results of Terrorism Probe

Minister of Justice Julia Bavious steps up to the podium at the Ministry's Press Room.

"Good evening, the MoJ has called this press conference today to release the preliminary results of the investigation launched last year into a terrorist attack that killed 53 citizens of the Imperium. On December 14th, 3493 three bombs detonated in the Eligius Business Tower in the city of Augusta around 1:32pm. With two bombs in the lower garage level and one on the lobby floor the bombs were clearly meant to bring down the building. After the detonation of the bombs, nearly 33 people died instantly, fire had began to engulf the forty-five floor structure, and the building had started to sag as structural support began to give away. With severe damage to the first four floors, office workers on the other floors began scrambling to evacuate the building. Thanks to the heroics of the Augusta police, firefighters, and first responders a lot of lives were saved. 20 people died of smoke inhalation when they become trapped trying to escape.

After a thorough and intense investigation, intelligence points to a racial hate group in Pontesi as the responsible party for the bombs that were meant to instantly bring down the Eligius Tower. This hate group has been on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs terrorist watch list for the past two decades and it is unknown if they supported by the Pontesi government...although that is not out of the realm of possibility.

We have also concluded that the government of former Princeps Senatus Tony Salmon did not conspire with these terrorists, though their failure to investigate the attack immediately following it has cost us valuable information and the inaction has made Selucia less safe.

We will now focus our attention to determine the role of the Pontesi government of the attack and we will be working with elements within Pontesi to ensure the culprits are brought to justice."

The Eligius Business Tower
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Re: Selucianum Libererum

Postby DoW » Sat Jun 22, 2013 1:17 am

KLP Motion for Early Election Passes
Government Still in Gridlock


Auroria, Selucia- The election of 3500 transformed the political landscape of the Imperium, as it ushered the Konservativ-Liberale Partei out as the largest party and the Selucian Liberal Party seated with the most power in the Imperial Senate. Despite this, the SLP did not have enough votes to form a government. An old senatorial procedure which allows only the largest party in the Senate the ability to form a cabinet allowed the current government of the KLP-LP to continue their term.

Finally, after three years of a minority government, the Princeps Senatus Ralph Gerster called for an Early Election motion on the floor of the Senate. "To finally end the political deadlock it is evident, that we need new elections in order to form a majority government", said the Princeps Senatus. Members of the Libertarian Party and the National Front of Selucia supported the measure.

Libertarian Candidate for Imperator, Benedictus Tullus during a speech in Triairum. Tullus has been urging the SLP to support reforming the cabinet procedure or a unity coalition

With repeatedly failed attempts to bring the SLP to the negotiation table on the Democracy Act, the KLP hoped the special election would oust the SLP and allow for a formation of a new government. But while Tullus, a dark horse in the election, received over 61% of the vote in the Imperator's election the SLP still remained the majority party in the Senate.

"To bring unity and political stability is my only goal this term. I promise you that I will not stop working until the Imperial Senate has come to an agreement on a new cabinet", Imperator omnes Seluciae Benedictus Tullus said, speaking at his inauguration. But already the SLP has made it clear they have no intention of working with the KLP, once again bringing the Senate to a gridlock. The only hope for a new government would be a SLP-LP coalition, though it remains unclear if that's something the SLP would support.
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Re: Selucianum Libererum

Postby DoW » Thu Jun 27, 2013 3:16 pm

Libertarian's Unveil Aggressive Legislative Agenda


Auroria, Selucia- Speaking to a group of people and reporters outside the Imperial Senate, Senator Tatius Ennius fiercely denounced party politics which has caused the Senate to be mired in gridlock. Ennius, the leader of the Libertarian Party in the Senate, had this to say:

"After years of gridlock and the failure to budge stubborn political parties to reform who has the right to form a cabinet, the Libertarian Party will introduce a series of acts that will continue to show the citizens of the Imperium our dedication on making government work for them! We chose the people over party interests, not unlike some of my colleagues who had rather have Selucia grind to a halt and look weak to our enemies overseas.

I except these acts to gain hardly any traction in the broken Senate, but we will prove to the people that we will not quit!".

The LP has already introduced four such acts to the floor of the Senate and it appears that none will likely pass.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Calls for Zardic Aid

In other news, Minister of FA Marcus dan Umbria addressed the Senate today with hopes of getting a resolution of military support to the Federation of Zardugal passed.

"According to intelligence reports on troop movements in Majatra and Foreign Affairs speaking with Zardic representatives, we believe that hostilities are about to resume between Deltaria and Zardugal.

We ask the Imperial Senate to consider a position of militarily aiding the Federation. Believing that Deltaria is a threat to Majatran peace and an abuser of human rights, it is only natural that the Imperium defend the side of democracy", said minister Umbria. The motion would likely be on shaky grounds however, considering the minority government might not have enough votes to pass a war resolution.
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Re: Selucianum Libererum

Postby DoW » Sun Jun 30, 2013 9:12 pm

Tensions Flare in Auroria
Stocks plummet amid NFS threat to revolt, protests spring up all around Selucia

Auroria, Selucia- Sitting outside of a coffee shop on Aedile Avenue, the noise of local city life is washed over by the raucous caused by the protestors at the Imperial Senate building some four blocks over. It has perhaps been the most stressful week for the Imperium in the last decade.

Reports of the NFS sending paramilitary to aid the enemy last week caused Internal Affairs Minister Paul Bieber to order the paramilitary to dissolve itself voluntarily or police and military personnel would execute the law which forbids any activity by such groups. This event may have led the KLP to bring to debate (not yet to vote) a declaration of war against Deltaria. This outraged the NFS members.

"Traitor! We,the NFS, are already helping Deltaria with a vonlunteer militarist organization of our supporters. If you declare the war, we will revolt, we will not let it be!", said the leader of the NFS on the floor of the Imperial Senate. This is second time in the last week that the NFS has mentioned launching a civil war against the government.

News of a revolt sent shock waves throughout the Imperium, as the stock market plummeted and citizens began rushing to markets to stock up on necessitates.

Long lines at this New Selucianum Market is a common sight around the country

Just days after the outburst, the leader of the Libertarian Party in the Imperial Senate, Blasius Janus, introduced a formal censure against the NFS.

"A formal censure shall, upon passage of this resolution, be invoked upon the National Front of Selucia for conduct unbecoming and for threatening, not only peace and stability in the Imperium, but the lives of the citizens that we in the government serve.

Resolved that, upon passage, the Imperial Senate demands the NFS to retract their threat to revolt and promise to never take up arms against their countrymen

Resolved that, upon passage, the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Defense shall monitor members of the NFS deemed "likely to commit domestic terrorism" until such time as those respective ministries or the Senate elect to cease such an operation."

After Janus was done reading the censure to the Senate, an unidentified Senator from the NFS sprang up from his seat and shouted "Never!". He then proceeded to run out of the building with his fist in the air; likely on his way to commit some act of radicalism.
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Re: Selucianum Libererum

Postby DoW » Wed Jul 10, 2013 3:39 pm

New Cabinet Sworn In!
First cabinet since 3497

Auroria, Selucia- Since the 3501 elections brought the SLP as the majority party in the Imperial Senate (it would be that way for another decade); the LP-KLP coalition fought in vain to introduce ways to establish another government. Twice would the Democracy Act be placed to vote on the floor of the Senate and twice the SLP would strike it down. Now, after years of a minority government the people of the Imperium catapulted the Libertarian Party into power with a mandate to change the way government worked. "It's pretty clear that the message that we've had for the past ten years has finally clicked with the electorate, that the LP has fought for a government that works for the people", said LP Chairman Alexander Flavius.

The Senate, who are dressed in their togas which are reserved for special occasions, applaud after the cabinet is officially sworn in

Outside on the steps of the Imperial Senate Building, former Foreign Affairs minister and newly sworn in Princeps Senatus Marcus dan Umbria addressed the media about the current state of the Imperium.

Never has Selucia been challenged by so many internal and foreign factors. We must first look to within our own borders and focus on crushing this revolt. At a time when our country needed to band together in time of war, the fascists took up arms and have shed the blood of their countrymen. They can never be forgiven and the sword of justice will surely strike them down.

The cabinet will then be focused on reworking the national budget and tax code as well as fostering international relationships.

The Princeps Senatus was then asked about a report from the Deltarian Human Rights Commission charging the Imperium with the death of Deltarian Peacekeepers.

Peacekeepers? If the international community actually thinks that 5,000 heavily armed Cossacks were actual peacekeepers, then the international community has a lower IQ than the Czar. The Cossacks were not invited in by the government and upon arrival began supporting the fascists revolt by attacking police and soldiers in Argona. We have various reports of civilian deaths at the hands of these Cossacks as well. This Deltarian commission is just another tool of the Czar to pull the wool over the eyes of his people.
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Re: Selucianum Libererum

Postby NLP » Fri Jul 19, 2013 7:04 am

Rivet Averts landing in Dolgavas for safety, comes to Imperium Selucianum instead

Mona Rivet giving her infamous disapproving face after hearing the rumors at a press conference

Mona Rivet averted her plane trip to Dolgavas for safety reasons. She decided to come to Selucia three days sooner instead. Despite meeting Princeps Senatus Marcus dan Umbria,Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs,and Secretary of Majatra Affairs Avitus Didacus the rumors of Rivet being a spy filled the air. She was obviously unprepared for the questioning.
I'm not a spy. Sure I speak 14 languages but that just as well proves my position as a human rights activist and diplomate. If the Dorvik authorities like to take advantage of my Zardic nationality for political gains theres not much i can do to stop them. But I made an oath of political neutrality that isn't related to my job of protecting human rights plus I'm on the record of being very critical of the Zardic bombing of civilians in the war. I made a personal promise to myself to free the slaves and they have to kill me if they want to stop me muahahaha...sorry.

Rivet is expected to continue her travels despite aggression against her
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Re: Selucianum Libererum

Postby DoW » Sun Jul 21, 2013 12:55 am

State of Emergency Declared in West Shadar
Princeps Senatus hands over authority of the provincia to the minister of Defense

Auroria, Selucia- In his most bold actions against the revolt in West Shadar, Princeps Senatus Marcus dan Umbria asked the Imperial Senate to declare a state of emergency in West Shadar. At a press conference at the Imperial Senate building, the Princeps announced his plan.

I, as Princeps Senatus, order the minister of defense to install reasonable curfews in West Shadar as well as set up road check points designed to stop rebel traffic. The right to assemble in public has not been revoked, but a public assembly of more than 30 citizens requires approval from the MoD. Significant resources in our intelligence department will be based in West Shadar devoted to identifying rebel activity. The Dux of the provincia shall temporarily step aside until we restore normalcy in the region

The Selucian Civil Rights League has quickly denounced the plan for the number of rights it violates. "Umbria plans on fighting fascism with tyranny? The government's domestic policy makes about as much sense as Zardugal's foreign policy", said SCRL legal director Tatianna Onyx. The SCRL will petition the high court to review the motion and insist the court strike it down.

Deltarian Embargo Ending?

Tsěsarĭgradŭ, Deltaria- According to an unnamed source, Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister and Secretary of Majatra Relations Avitus Didacus made an unscheduled stop to Deltaria on his way to Portsmouth to represent Selucia in the Union of Majatra. The source releaved that Mr. Didacus met with high ranking Deltarian government officials about ending the embargo imposed upon Deltaria nearly 9 years ago. The Foreign Affairs Ministry had no comment on Mr. Didacus's unscheduled stop; FAM also refused to deny or confirm it was in talks with Deltaria on ending the embargo.
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