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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby YankeeHater » Mon Jun 08, 2009 3:08 pm

Protesters Call on UNT to End Support of One-Party Lodamese Government

PORT ANDALAY, ANDALAY (LBC) -- Several hundred protesters gathered outside UNT headquarters to protest the lack of action to resolve anti-democratic concerns in Lodamun. Investigation of the issue has been effectively hindered by continued interference in the DIC. "Threats of Security Council vetoes may have blocked that body from taking actions from the DIC report, but the General Assembly should take actions such as relocating its headquarters from its current location - Terra's least democratic state," said URP leader Matt Diggory.
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby Opakidabar » Mon Jun 08, 2009 4:10 pm

General Director of Triguniya Stepan Belosnezhek sends an open letter of support to current Lodamun government:
"You were our lighthouse in the battle against democracy, and you were the ones that showed ineffectiveness of it. There is no reason why people should rule the nation, why 50% of people should rule the nation. 5% of elite smartest people are more than enough to rule. To rule wise just as Leaders caste is ruling Triguniya.
We insist that UNT headquarters stay in the Lodamun, for it is the nation we all should take as an example of how effective and internationally powerful nation becomes when it does not follow the mainstream democracy!
Long live Lodamun, Long live one elite dictatorship, Long live Obshestroi and anti-democracy!"
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby Rumbold90 » Mon Jun 08, 2009 5:14 pm

Rengheedra Invites Matt Diggory to Rengheedsdryf

Today after hearing from aides about several protests in Port Andalay, Rengheedra Joseph Sionla invited anti-Liberal Party activist Matt Diggory to the church headquarters at Rengheedsdryf. "We will disscuss the state of democracy in Lodamun and hopefully create a symbolic coalition against the Liberal Party, an Alliance of Democracy as it were. The government in our nation needs to democratize and embrace opposition parties, instead of forcing them to crack under government pressure."

"I also hope that Mr. Diggory and I will create a friendship which will last for many years."

In response to the message from the government of Triguniya, all the Rengheedra said was "that a letter is worth a thousand words. When a foriegn government agnowledges the un-democratic actions of another government, you know it means something."
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby Mr.Yankees » Thu Jun 11, 2009 6:10 am

"The Economy is Growing" says Prime Minister Johnson

Port Andalay, Andalay (LCN)- Prime Minister Johnson dedicated today's weekly press conference to talk about the economy. "Our economy is growing at a fast pace" she said in her opening statements. "We have seen a steady economic growth during the last fifty years." she added.

When asked whether the government will increase subsidies of certain industries she responded: "We are considering adding more money to go towards subsidies. However, as of now, we considerably subsidize many industries, especially Defense. Let's just say it's not a priority right now."

Carl Jones of the Lodamun Daily asked the Prime Minister what were the future plans of the Administration in regards to taxes, she responded: "Well, that's what we are currently looking at. The President wants to see some of the taxes decreased considerably. Our plans are to reduce the corporation tax further. We will probably propose it to be reduced to around 15%. This will create residual revenue for corporation which can lead to their expansion and therefore, more jobs for Lodamese citizens. We are also looking at our current income tax system. We believe the middle and upper class need some tax cuts. Yes, there is some income disparity but that's always going to be there no matter how high or low our taxes are. Reducing the income tax will boost consumption considerably and will help our economy grow much faster."

In her closing statements, the Prime Minister made sure to clarify this: "I want to make sure everyone understands that we are in the process of evaluating all the options. We are not going to be proposing anything any time soon. Obviously, we will be proposing the tax cuts slowly and carefully. It is the policy of this administration not to ever propose a budget which includes deficit spending. We are also not planning to make any spending cuts. However, I again point out that we will review all of our options."

The Parliament is currently discussing a corporation tax cut of 4%. This cut will put the corporation tax at 15% if passed.
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby Mr.Yankees » Sat Jun 13, 2009 4:50 am

President Kynes not happy with the situation in Gaduridos

Port Andalay, Andalay (LCN)- At a round table meeting with the leaders of several human rights organizations, President Kynes expressed deep concern with the current situation in Gaduridos. When asked by a report what his thoughts were on Gaduridos impending withdrawal from NATO, the President responded:

"You know, I am concerned with their situation and to be honest, it worries me. I think giving control of their country to a foreign power is a mistake. I am very skeptical of Pontesi's intentions. Maybe they have good intentions in mind but the current situation in Gaduridos does not indicate so. Pontesi has shown some signs of wanting to expand its territory before. I sincerely hope this is not the case. Not only would it make them look bad but the international community will not stand by and let 'em do it. These are different times. Withdrawing from NATO is a big mistake. Vice President Johnson made that very clear to them. We do not know Pontesi's real intentions. Withdrawing from NATO will leave them at the mercy of Pontesi. I think that says it all. NATO has always provided protection for them and we would have kept doing so if they had decided to stay with us. Needless to say, they made a mistake. Time will tell.

I have spoken with the leaders of Gaduridos, Pontesi, and other nations and we will be monitoring the situation closely. We certainly don't want it to get out of hand. There is no need for it to."

The President also expressed some concern with human rights violations. "The situation in Gaduridos is difficult to say the least. I think many nations are concerned that there may be some human rights violations. I guarantee you that if there are, the international community will be on top of it and we will work to get is solved."

When asked whether Lodamun will condemn or punish Gaduridos in some way for disrupting the peace and stability in the region, the President quickly brushed aside the question by saying: "Look, they made a decision. They need to keep in mind that every decision has its consequences whether they are beneficial or not. I wish them the best of lucks and I want them to succeed. I want peace to be restored to the region. This is not just an internal conflict, it is a regional matter and we will act accordingly."

The President's Office has not yet released a statement on the comments made by the President. However, it is expected that the Prime Minister will further explain the President's comments at her weekly press conference.
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby Mr.Yankees » Mon Jun 15, 2009 4:48 am

President Kynes refuses to comment on Viceroy Scott's comments; Vice President Johnson issues sharp criticism

Port Andalay, Andalay (LCN)- Minutes before LA One (Lodamese Air Force One) landed Wombat, Golavia, President Kynes approached the back of the plane where all the reporters were gathered.

"Are you getting bored guys? Where is that enthusiasm you show everyday?" said the President drawing smiles from reporters. "OK, I will make this trip worth your while. (*He pointed to an empty seat to the left of a reporter*). Is that seat taken?" The reporter quickly moved to the empty seat and promptly offered the President the space where he was, just seconds ago, comfortably resting . "Thank you, young man" said the President.

After a few seconds, he looked around. Every reporter in the section was scrambling to find their notepads, recorders, and microphones. "OK, guys, shoot some questions at me. I am bored too."

Reporters quickly began to question to President on several issues including the new proposals presented before the Parliament to deregulate corporations and his economic plans. Among the questions asked was this one by Kara Knight from our very own LCN:

"Mr. President, what is your reaction to the comments recently made by Viceroy Scott about NATO unwillingness to help Gaduridos."

The President replied: "Look, Kara, he wants a war of words. I won't give him that satisfaction. He wants to make us look like the bad guy to further his goals in Gaduridos. I also won't give him that satisfaction. He can say whatever he wants. NATO members know that we have always provided protection for them and we will keep doing so. All our members and the international community will attest to the fact that Gaduridos was provided protection by NATO. We have a long track record and it speaks for itself. I won't go about defending it. There is no need to."

Kara quickly asked a follow up question: "So, Viceroy Scott is only trying to make NATO look bad to further his goals and to take the international community off his back. Why do you think he is doing that, Mr. President?"

"Look, there is not much I can tell you. Again, I won't start a war of words with him or any of them. It's pointless. I won't further comment on this issue" quickly replied the President, who was visibly agitated by the follow-up question.

Vice President Johnson was not so calm as the President when asked a similar question at a town hall meeting in November City, Norstavan. An audience member stood up and asked the Vice President: "Mr. Vice President, over the last few days, government officials from Gaduridos have been very critical of NATO and the way it protected Gaduridos in the past. Are there claims real? Why do you think they are making these claims? Thank you."

The Vice President quickly replied: "Clearly, they could not be further from the truth. The new government of Gaduridos are nothing but puppets of Pontesi, a country whose ambition for power and territorial expansions are well known. The Viceroy is merely trying to do their bidding. They are violating human rights, they are taking political dissidents prisoner, they are usurping their people of basic need even though they claim to be rebuilding their country. Yes, they are improving the country but to their own benefit and trust me, the cons outweigh the pros for the people of Gaduridos.

They want to divert the international attention away from them and they will say anything to accomplish so. Now it's NATO, then is the Axis, then the UNT. Do you see pattern? It has happened before with rogue governments like this one.

Look, NATO provided Gaduridos with the utmost protection they could ever imagine. Not a single shot was fired against them by anyone. And NATO is the reason why that never happened. We provided weapons, ammunition, and training for their soldiers and sent aid for their people. We did enough for them. Our mandate was to protect them and we did so. We didn't fail them, they failed us. We never asked for anything in return and they never gave us anything. They should appreciate us and thank us for our efforts.

They claim we didn't help them with their internal problems. That is also a lie. Our mandate is to protect from foreigners not to be their police. However, we went beyond our mandate and provided them with all the means necessary for them to properly solve their internal problems. They couldn't do it and didn't do it. We didn't fail, they failed. We took all responsibility as to the defense from foreign aggressors, they only had to worry about their internal problems and couldn't manage to do it. We didn't fail, they did. I hope you all see a clear pattern here?

They want to blame NATO for their problems when they created and couldn't solve their own problems but we won't let them blame us. I am deeply concerned with the lack of civil rights and an effective government in Gaduridos. I am also concerned and at the same time skeptical about Pontesi's intentions. As the President expressed earlier, we will be working with other countries and organization on this matter and we will monitor the situation closely."

The Foreign Affairs Ministry released a two sentence statement on the Vice President's statements saying the following:

"Earlier today, Vice President Johnson gave his opinion on the situation in Gaduridos from NATO's perspective. As he mentioned, we are monitoring the situation closely and we are working with other nations and organization to solve this situation."

The President's Office did not issue any statements.


President Kynes in his office aboard LA One talking to one of his advisers. Photo released by the President's Office
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby Rumbold90 » Mon Jun 15, 2009 7:55 pm

Rengheed Church Chronicle

"Worry About Domestic Problems First, Instead of Foriegn Nations" says Religious Leader

Earlier this week, our Vice-President and President made several comments regarding Lodamunese relations in the nation of Gaduridos, and the problems there concerning NATO. However, the President and his Liberal Party cabinet and Parliment forget the pressing issues facing us here at home. Rengheedra Joseph Sionla, at noontime yesterday released a statement concerning his views on the President's concerns.

"The President is concerned with the policial situation in Gaduridos. However, he forgets that he is the ruler of an anti-democracy tyrannical dictaorship. We must change the political climate within our home nation, before trying to change the political situations in neighboring countries."

The Rengheedra also expressed hope that Matt Diggory would come to the Church Headquarters in Rengheedsdryf in rural Kregon. The Grengheedra (the Rengheedra's wife) also expressed wishes for the church community to assemble outside of the United Nations of Terra building in Port Andalay to protest the un-democratic actions of the Lodamunese governemnt, controlled by the Liberal Party.
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby YankeeHater » Mon Jun 15, 2009 9:41 pm

Diggory Speaks at CDR Protest, Suggests Opposition Conference in Daro

PORT ANDALAY, ANDALAY (LBC) -- URP leader Matt Diggory made a surprise appearance at a recent anti-government rally led by the CDR. He offered mild support for the oppressed religious sect. "While I do not support religious separatism, I believe the current administration's actions crossed the line by illegally seizing land and offering no opportunity for meaningful appeal in a corrupt 'justice' system filled with LP apparatchiks," said Diggory. "Confiscation of land without compensation is clearly banned by Lodamese law, and unfortunately the Liberals denied the CDR the fair arbitration it deserved."

Diggory went on to address continued calls for a meeting with CDR leadership. He refused to meet on church grounds citing security concerns and his party's secular stance, but suggested a meeting in Daro to create a list of grievances and actions the oppostion may take in the future.
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby Mr.Yankees » Tue Jun 16, 2009 6:35 am

Vice President Johnson comments receive criticism from some Liberal Party leaders

Port Andalay, Andalay (LCN)- During the last two days, comments made by Vice President Johnson have been the hot topic in the political atmosphere in Lodamun. Earlier today, some members of Parliament issued a sharp criticism of the Vice President comments. Led by Barry McCallister, the leader of the liberal coalition and powerful member of the Liberal Party, they met in the steps of the Parliament Building to announce to the press their intentions to send a letter to the Vice President asking him to be more careful with his words.

"The fact of the matter is that we did not need to use such strong words. Yes, we are all concerned with the situation in Gaduridos but we don't need to bully anyone. Vice President Johnson's words will not help the situation at all. We need diplomacy and smart power. These are not times where you can simply bully someone and expect to get away with it cleanly. He is the leader of one of the most powerful military alliances; he should know that. He has always been a military man and we understand that. We admire his courage and honesty but perhaps, he should let the diplomats handle this.

We are not asking him to recant his comments. We are asking him to lay low and allow the President and our diplomats to handle this. We have very capable men and women in the Foreign Ministry who are ready to solve this situation.

You know, we have said this time and time again: You need to watch what you say. You need to choose your words carefully. Otherwise, it will just make matters worse. Our President is the chief diplomat. Get behind him and support him" said Mr. McCallister.

These are the harshest criticism to date expressed against the Vice President, who is known to be a low key government official who yields a considerable amount of power given his expertise and position. However, this is not the first time McCallister has been critical of members of the Administration. Last month, he sent a scolding letter to the Foreign Affairs Minister for his "lack of basic diplomatic skills at the United Nations."

McCallister is the fourth most senior member of Parliament and the chairman of the powerful Foreign Affairs Committee. He is considered "the most Liberal of Liberals" by his fellow Liberal Party members.
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby Mr.Yankees » Tue Jun 16, 2009 10:55 pm

Prime Minister Johnson to meet Rutanian Prime Minister

Port Andalay, Andalay (LCN)- The Prime Minister's Office annonced today that Prime Minister Johnson has accepted an invitation by her Rutanian counterpart, Victoria von Bruckethal, to meet at the Bruckenthal Palace in Hayek, Rutania. The Prime Minister is expected to travel around Christmas time for a period of three to four days. Among the topics to be discussed are: the Lodamun-Rutania relationship, regional conflicts, the current UNT agenda, and international affairs.

The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Kerry Tracy, will also travel with the Prime Minister and is expected to meet with the officials at the Rutanian Foreign Affairs Ministry.

The Prime Minister issued a short statement saying: "Rutania and Lodamun have always had a very good friendship. Past internal conflicts within Rutania have made us grow apart for a while. We, Prime Minister von Bruckethal and I, want to fix that. We will be talking about several topics and it is out hope that we can again work together to successfully accomplish our common goals."

The Prime Minister will be flying using LA Two (Lodamese Air Force Two) which serves both the Prime Minister and the Vice President.
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