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Re: Aldegarian News Report

Postby Polites » Wed Dec 12, 2012 9:42 pm

Yazdean Revival in Aldegar

Yazdean faithful flocking to the Fire Temple of Vafatshahr

Aldegaria, 8th of Khordad 4118 SS (20th of November, 3409 CE) - The people of Aldegar have begun to flock to the ancient fire temples of our nation, seeking the help and guidance of Yazdān and His Prophet, Shapur. Aldegarians have abandoned that colonialist heresy of Zamānism and the foreign lies of Hosianism, and returned to the Good Religion. In a recent poll, almost half of all Aldegarians have declared themselves religious, while 22.92 percent declared themselves very religious. Truly, these are blessed and holy times for our nation.

Hyat ashâi vahishtâi ashem.
("Happy is the man who is holy with perfect holiness!")
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Re: Aldegarian News Report

Postby Noose » Fri Aug 09, 2013 4:14 am

Moderation and Development Party becomes official.

December 3527, Aldegaria - Secretary-General of the Moderation and Development Party Shahriar Sherazi alongside his deputy Bahadur Mossavi formally announced that the Government of Aldegar has officially approved the Moderation and Development Movement on becoming a full and official political party. Political experts speculated that the government was hesitant due to the hardline Ahadist ideology which the party espouses though the power and influence of the Mobedan Mobed won out they believe. The first assembly of the party was held and publicly televised. Secretary-General Sherazi laid out the plans for the political party at a crowd of a few thousand, a well received turn out for a relatively unknown political party. The movement has its foundations in the establishment of a Ahadist Republic in Aldegar with the Moderation and Development Party at it's fore-front.
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Re: Aldegarian News Report

Postby Jalal Al-e-Ahmad » Sun Aug 18, 2013 9:42 pm

What you aspire to as revolutionaries is a new master. You will get one. - Jacques Lacan
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Re: Aldegarian News Report

Postby Tawa » Mon Sep 16, 2013 9:27 pm

Hirini Takes Over
January 5, 3547

Gen. Hirini at his command centre

In what proved to be an extremely smooth manouever, one of the Aldegarian army's highest ranking officers, Major General Peroz Hirini led a swift and bloodless overthrow of the interim government which has ruled the country for the past eight years. Hirini showed up at the Prime minister's residence with a couple dozen of tanks and demanded that the Government resign, which it proceeded to do with little protest. From there, Hirini directed the takeover of the largest private TV and radio stations, ATV1 and AR3 and an hour later when martial music poured out of people's radios, collective sighs could almost be heard cross the country as people were relieved with the smoothness of the whole ordeal. By midnight last night, Hirnii's forces had secured most of the large cities across the country and had crossed the Canal to occupy the southern prefecture of Polran.

Gen. Hirini announced that he would convene a consultative Council to determine the future of the nation and that it would make its decisions by the middle of September. The council is to be composed of high ranking military officers, mobads, senior civil servants and other conservative groups. Gossip mongers in the capital, Aldegaria say the General is certain to declare the country a monarchy but who would take the throne if he chooses to do so...
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Re: Aldegarian News Report

Postby Tawa » Wed Sep 18, 2013 2:29 pm

Padishah Chosen
September 12, 3547

Gen. Hirini received some shock yesterday when the Consultative Council he assembled last January delivered its decision on the future constitutional structure of Aldegar. The Council agreed with most of the points that Hirini had directed it to consider and adopt such as the installation of a monarchy and one which is to be absolute in nature. The Council was however hijacked by the mobads who rejected the idea of installing the General on the throne and pushed for a 'moral and youthful monarch who wil lreflects the values of the nation' which General Hirini took to be a direct jab at him being 58 years old and having never married but instead living with his longtime paramour, Farideh Pirnia. The General moved quickly and offered assurances and positions to the leading councilors but only managed to get the Council's promise to appoint a monarch from the Hirini clan.

Padishah Balash I

The Council chose eleven year old Balash, a second cousin of General Hirini but as a consolation prize, offered the title of Shâhzâde (Prince) to all Hirini male dynasts and a reluctant General Hirini accepted the Council's decisions. General Hirini however moved fast and claimed the Regency over the Padishah which should last until the Padishah is 18. He also announced his intention to marry the boy's mother, Noor Eftekhari and swiftly appointed a Council of State composed of 9 members - 3 of them Mobads clearly showing the great influence the Yazd clergy will have on the administration.
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Re: Aldegarian News Report

Postby Wardog » Tue Oct 15, 2013 1:52 pm

The Free Market Party of Aldegar enters an election phase to elect the new Party President,and the Party's Executive Council
The current President is of course the founder of Free Market Party William E. Dogsworth
The members of the executive Council are:
Garth Repulse (MP and Minister of Science & technology)
Laurent De Cauvile (MP)
Johan Billung (MP)
Edward Savarding (MP)
Fernando Haler (MP and previously Minister of Justice from 3559 until his withdrawal in 3560)

The candidates for Party Presidency are
William E.Dogsworth(current President,48 years old,a staunch capitalist,phd in Macroeconomy,University of Hikirena)
Laurent De Cauvile( A liberal politician,46 years old,mostly interested in civil reforms towards Libertarianism,lawyer)
Sarrah Rails( One of the first women to join the party,47 years old,tries to combine capitalism with ecology,Journalist in several newspapers in Aldegar)
Garth Repulse( The right hand of William Dogsworth,44 years old,noted for his anti-socialist speeches,phd in Foreign Relations University of Kemoku)

The executive council member candidates are
Edward Savarding
Fernando Haler
Robert Carlsberg(MP & Minister of Agriculture)
Johan Billung
Gertrude Van Swerts( MP & Minister of Trade & Industry)
Anna Velikovna
Martin Underwood (former Army Colonel and Minster of Defence)
Salvador Jurado
Ernest Deeler

The results will be announced tommorow
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Re: Aldegarian News Report

Postby Wardog » Wed Oct 16, 2013 12:50 pm

1.123.287 people,all members of the Free Market Party,have come and voted the candidate of their choice for Party Presidency and Executive Council.
The winner is William E. Dogsworth who received 58,8% (660.493 votes) where his main opponent Laurent De Cauvile who had only 25,2%(283.068 votes).
The other 2 candidates had 10,1%(Garth Repulse) and 6,9%(Sarrah Rails)

The new executive council members are
Edward Savarding who received 510.389 votes
Fernando Haler who received 481.899 votes
Robert Carlsberg who received 411.818 votes
Gertrude Van Swerts who received 398.779 votes
Johan Billung who received 352.461 votes
(The voters could actually vote 3 out of 5 council members)
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Re: Aldegarian News Report

Postby Wardog » Mon Oct 21, 2013 4:18 pm

Socialist Party disbanded,Free Market party calls for early elections!

In a surprising turn of events the famous Socialist Party of Aldegar was disbanded earlier this month,due to internal strife after the resignation of the Party's Leader and former Aldegar President Ricardo Brito.
This caused a chain of events which led the Free Market Party of Aldegar to request early elections,because "no government could be just and truly democratic if there is no solid opposition to said government",as stated by the Free Market Party President William E.Dogsworth,who is also a parliament member.
Reports are surfacing that the Free Market Party wants to capitalize on the situation and overtake the National Front in early election,as it is likely that Socialist Party voters to come under the banners of a more liberal party which is Free Market Party.
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Re: Aldegarian News Report

Postby Wardog » Wed Oct 23, 2013 11:01 am

Free Market Party gets all seats in Parliament,after National Front is disbanded

Yet another party disbanded in the Republic,this time it was the (formerly ruling ) National Front.Former Aldegar President and notable NF member C.Sheldon stated that he should be party leader and Victor Carlyle,the party's actual leader had cheated in the last party elections(in which Shelton lost by 2.39% to Carlyle.)
Carlyle resigned from NF's leadership,stating that the accusations where unbelievable lies.This was the epilogue of the National Front as supporters where divided between V.Carlyle and C.Sheldon.
Meanwhile the Free Market Party won the recent election with ease.They managed to get absolute margin (230 seats) lacking any real political opposition.
This turns effectively the Republic of Aldegar into an one party state.
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Re: Aldegarian News Report

Postby Polites » Wed Nov 06, 2013 2:52 am

Darkness Vanquished

Pāytakht-e Aldegār, 19th of Meher 4281 SS (February 20, 3572) - Yazdān has granted his faithful triumph over the forces of Duzakh and his minions in Aldegar. Light is now victorious and Darkness has been vanquished from these lands once and for all. With divine guidance, the Āzādān and People of Aldegar have risen against their dark masters and have overthrown the creation of Duzakh known as the "Republic of Aldegar". As Darkness was weakened by petty internal squabbles, Yazdān's beloved Ardeshīr Savārāni, the vanguard of Light in our nation, spared no effort in cleansing Aldegar of Concupiscence, Corruption, and Venality. Supported by the Armed Forces of Aldegar under his command, Ardeshīr was granted the Holy title of Shah of Aldegar, returning the Good Religion to our Sacred nation. Now as the Aldegarian Falcon spreads his wings once more, Aldegar will once again become the bastion of the Good Religion, as she will return all nations to the path of Good Thoughts, Good Words, and Good Deeds, and vanquish all forces of Darkness on Terra.

The Yazdān-Worshiping Divine Most Peaceful King Ardeshīr of the House of Savārāni
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