Particracy Player Profiles

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Re: Particracy Player Profiles

Postby GreekIdiot » Sat Apr 18, 2009 12:17 pm

Chazza wrote:Professional Goal/Current Occupation: Student at Sheffield University. Current goal, this;

Wow, that's awesome! Bookmarked it. Damn I find it so interesting that sorry man, I have to thank you for posting the link. :P

I used to have an acquaintance that told me once how he had traveled around Europe by train. He named the route and said it was specifically for university students, but I don't remember.
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Re: Particracy Player Profiles

Postby Chazza » Sat Apr 18, 2009 1:58 pm

George S.K wrote:
Chazza wrote:Professional Goal/Current Occupation: Student at Sheffield University. Current goal, this;

Wow, that's awesome! Bookmarked it. Damn I find it so interesting that sorry man, I have to thank you for posting the link. :P

I used to have an acquaintance that told me once how he had traveled around Europe by train. He named the route and said it was specifically for university students, but I don't remember.

Yeah it's a great website! I really like the idea of the journey being a part of your trip and something to enjoy as opposed to just a way to get from A to B. That journey however seems very dependent on the Zahedan-Quetta bit, but I'm at University for at least another year so it'll be while until I get to actually do it, hopefully I will though.
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Re: Particracy Player Profiles

Postby GreekIdiot » Sat Apr 18, 2009 2:03 pm

Going to the middle-east or at least passing through it does not scare you at all? Not to act like a pussy but come on, it's the troubled middle-east, they hate the West there.
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Re: Particracy Player Profiles

Postby Chazza » Sat Apr 18, 2009 2:14 pm

George S.K wrote:Going to the middle-east or at least passing through it does not scare you at all? Not to act like a pussy but come on, it's the troubled middle-east, they hate the West there.

I'll have to get the Israeli stamps out of my passport first, that'll be the tricky bit!

Yeah it does have its risks but I think a lot of the talk you hear about everyone is the middle east hating Westerners is just media scare tactics and I also think it is unfair to group all people in a country as entirely represented by the views of their leaders, I'm specifically referring to Iran here and I know people who have been there who have said as long as you are respectful and don't display any sort of Western arrogance the people are generally quite happy to get to know you and are pleased you want to see their country.

I think everywhere in the world has its dangers and I was told by some I'd be dead within a week when i went round Central/South America but I survived that, it's probably given me an blind sense of overconfidence though!
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Re: Particracy Player Profiles

Postby Eldascar » Sat Apr 18, 2009 5:20 pm

Chazza wrote:
George S.K wrote:Going to the middle-east or at least passing through it does not scare you at all? Not to act like a pussy but come on, it's the troubled middle-east, they hate the West there.

I'll have to get the Israeli stamps out of my passport first, that'll be the tricky bit!

Yeah it does have its risks but I think a lot of the talk you hear about everyone is the middle east hating Westerners is just media scare tactics and I also think it is unfair to group all people in a country as entirely represented by the views of their leaders, I'm specifically referring to Iran here and I know people who have been there who have said as long as you are respectful and don't display any sort of Western arrogance the people are generally quite happy to get to know you and are pleased you want to see their country.

I think everywhere in the world has its dangers and I was told by some I'd be dead within a week when i went round Central/South America but I survived that, it's probably given me an blind sense of overconfidence though!
Did you get attacked by the ancient tribes of the Oh-me-peep-to-hos when you where there?
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Re: Particracy Player Profiles

Postby IdioC » Sun Apr 19, 2009 11:16 pm

One more for the book...

Party Name and Nation: I was the Cynical Bastardry Party of Pontesi (and Jelbania, Barmenistan (briefly) and Beiteynu (Tadraki/Endild) at other points). Whether I return is anyone's guess.
Real Name: Ed (despite often being called C and this is nothing to do with the origin of my nickname...)
Age: 21
General Location: Bristol, Her Britannic Layabout's Divided Kingdom
General Political Affiliation: Complete Bastard. Most online tests put me as a "Soft libertarian" so go with that, but there is a conscience somewhere.
General Religious Affiliation: Sympathetic apostate
Professional Goal/Current Occupation: Final Year BSc Chemistry at Bristol Uni, intend to work in research, brewing, food or running a pub.
Favourite genre of music: I pick and choose. Mixture of Rock, Electronica, Industrial, Downtempo, Reggae, Choral, Classical, Classical Guitar and 80s/90s Britpop.
Hobbies: Bristol Real Ale Society, Computer Games, Playing Guitar, Food, Webbuilding and Homebrewing.
Level of School: did 4 A-Levels; let's just hope I get this degree this year.
NationStates Nation Name: Kurui, Atacama, Ficticious Proportions [sic (although not at the time)] - had some brief fame with "The Ten Day Repeal" in the UN, Mass Produced Coleslaw. All inactive.
Other information: There might be some history with me and the game. Just a speck. Never comes off in the wash.
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Re: Particracy Player Profiles

Postby pentalarc » Fri Apr 24, 2009 9:55 am

Don't have my old one, so time to cut and paste somebody's and replace their answers. . .

Party Name and Nation: RFP-KEG (aka (Rights and Freedom Party or Revolutionary Freedom Party)-Kalistani Emergency Government

Real Name: Rene (yes, another guy with a female-sounding French name. In this case Cajun French/New Orleans French Creole)

Age: Not Quite Old Enough to Know Better

General Location: Austin, Texas, USA, exiled from New Orleans, Louisiana, USA by Katrina and right wingers letting my city rot in the sun.

General Political Affiliation: Leftist libertarian, which some say doesn't exist. Those to my right would probably consider me a socialist libertarian. On the compass: Economic: Left -5.12 / Libertarian -5.79

General Religious Affiliation: Quantum Pagan / Neo-Pagan / Wiccan / Witch take yer pick

Professional Goal/Current Occupation: Assistant supervisor in an office which determines eligibility for children's medicaid (former, cooler ones included: pro music critic, bartender, courier, and inventory manager for a porn and sex toys shop.) / Professional goal would be to own a bar or a media company (music/video/games/art/publishing)

Relationship status: Engaged and polyamorous

Favorite genre of music: Metal, grunge, psychedelic, and goth, mostly, especially combos of those. Special focus on sludge, sludgecore, stoner rock, gothic metal, thrash, riot grrrl music, southern sludgecore, doom metal, noise rock, noise metal, hippie biker punk, gothic punk, etc. Three bands I listen to the most would the The Melvins (experimental grunge metal and sludge metal), Jack off Jill (metallic gothic grunge/riot grrrl), and Stiffs Inc. (gothic punk): Also lots of Nirvana, L7 (the middle albums, when they didn't suck), Alice in Chains, TAD, Babes in Toyland, Ruby, EYEHATEGOD, Placebo, Savatage (before they split into Trans-Siberian Orchestra and. . .Trans-Siberian Orchestra. . .wtf? a prog-metal band becomes two of the same novelty band? How does that work?) Motorhead, Skew Siskin, Mudhoney, the Beatles, Depeche Mode, Sonic Youth, Big Business, Khanate, Thulsa Doom, The Newlydeads, Corrosion of Conformity, High on Fire, the Toadies, Screaming Trees, etc.

Basically, just give me loud noise and someone screaming about how angry/sad/damaged they are, and I'm a happy camper.

My own band is/was sort of gothic psychedelic grunge metal. . . basically a lot like the Melvins meets Jack off Jill meets TAD. . .only pretentious.

Some death metal, but only Satyricon in black metal. . .the rest is "the Chipmunks do Death Metal, and Their Bassist Leaves in Disgust." Although I have thought about combining black metal, death metal, and zydeco. . .Cajun Blackened Death Metal!!!

Level of School: BA in Sociology

Hobbies: Particracy, science, philosophy, physics, movies, listening to very loud music, philosophy, mixology, mycology, chemistry, art, reading, writing, creating and performing, music, poetry, and prose, painting, RPGs, simulators, watching
[American] football (go Saints), politics, debate, sarcastic long-winded posts like the current one.

NationStates Nation Name: Lavek, New Lavek, and New Karriisstan (NS2), which has probably disappeared by now.

Other information: lead vocals, baritone guitar, and bass, chaotic good with chaotic neutral tendencies, autobot, Whodat. I once hosted an annual poetry reading the Thursday before Christmas called "A Very Gothic Christmas." At one point, we decided to do a second one called "A Very Gothic Easter." It never panned out, but we did design the flyers: A vampire getting out of his coffin with "He Is Risen" written under it.
Kalistani Survivor: Outplay, Outwit, Outlast

Right now, in an Alternate Dimension, Superman is Denying People Water

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Re: Particracy Player Profiles

Postby Molotov » Tue Apr 28, 2009 3:25 pm

Her Britannic Layabout's Divided Kingdom


"Some guard these traitors to the block of death,
Treason's true bed and yielder up of breath."

Shakespeare, Henry IV Part II. ;)
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Re: Particracy Player Profiles

Postby Fred » Sun Jun 21, 2009 4:51 pm

o hai, I'm here to bump you're thread.

Party Name and Nation: Luthori Tory Party. Guess which nation. Not in P2; never quite got into it, and didn't know anyone else in the nation I was briefly signed up with.
Real Name: Insufficiently defined term.
Age: Permanently 29.
General Location: UK
General Political Affiliation [if any]: Confused-annoyed, but grudging support for the Conservatives on the grounds that they aren't the other parties.
General Religious Affiliation [if any]: Popish Recusant/Seleucian Catholic.
Professional Goal/Current Occupation: Big shot. Occupation at the moment, just having fun.
What is your favorite genre of music: Baroque
Hobbies: Too many to list.
Level of School (h.s., grade school, college, none): PhD.
NationStates Nation Name (if any): N/A.
Other information: Causing large-scale minor irritation since 2100.
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Re: Particracy Player Profiles

Postby JuliaAJA » Mon Jun 22, 2009 2:30 am

Fred wrote:Level of School (h.s., grade school, college, none): PhD.

Two PhDs on Particracy, must be to balance out the swarm of Teenagers and College Students. :)
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