Gaduridos - War Clock

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Gaduridos - War Clock

Postby albatrosinus » Sat Jun 07, 2014 2:25 pm

When the clock reaches midnight, Gaduridos is good for war.

The clock started in 3660 at 23:30.

3676 - 23:39
Early 3677 - 23:41. New extremist parties are being born.
May 3677 - 23:40. The traditional parties won and extremists did not win a single seat.
July 3677 - 23:43. The Revolutionaries are going mad... and if their crazy military laws pass, we go straight to (civil) wars.
August 3677 - 23:41. Both Labor and Progressives are against Revolutionaries' crazy laws. No war for now
September 3677 - 23:40. Crazy laws have been countered by all traditional parties.
June 3678 - 23:44. Advancing in instability.
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