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Re: Hobrazian Broadcasting Corporation (HBC)

Postby Neurotic » Thu Oct 09, 2014 4:09 pm

Coup in Hobrazia

"The new party in Control has decided to fully support Luthori in any way which is necessary." -David VIII, LeaderImage
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Re: Hobrazian Broadcasting Corporation (HBC)

Postby l-rouge » Sat Oct 11, 2014 2:26 pm


We interrupt todays current programming for an important news bulletin.

*Cut to a lecturn with the letters WSS!P spelt in gold, behind which a well manicured, suited man is stood*

"Today, I stand before you, the people of this nation, to inform you that for too long have the leaders of this once great country taken advantage of you.
"Today, I stand before you, as many have stood before you, to speak of how the political elite works not for you, but for themselves. They have forgotten what it means to be Hobrazian, lured instead by the proferred riches from another nation.
"So little faith do they have in their ideals, and so little belief do they have in you, the people of this great country, that they feel the need to mount a coup against us, the people of this nation, so that they can force their will upon you.
"We have watched from the shadows. We who centuries ago led this nation to its highest achievements. We who were there when this nation took its first faultering steps on the road to political democracy. We, who with the support of the people of this great nation, saved the lives of countless millions in many other nations around the world. We, who with the power of our convictions and the strength given to us by the people and Spirits of this great land ruled over an Empire, who are now being downtrodden on the heel of a jackboot without even the chance of protecting ourselves, dragged by those who portain to lead us in a direction not of our choosing.
"So it is, after so many years, that We, once again, return to the position of helping guide this nation from its darkened squallor back to the light.
"It is our intention to rebuild that which we have lost. To regain our position in the international community. For people around the world to know that Hobrazia and its citizens stand for what is right. Just because it is easy to capitulate, to lose what it is that makes us who we are, does not make it right.
"So, I stand before you here, today, to tell you something simple.

"We are back.
"We Are Right.
"We Say So!"

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Re: Hobrazian Broadcasting Corporation (HBC)

Postby l-rouge » Tue Oct 14, 2014 6:59 am


In political news; after the renaming of the Nation from "Hobrasuri Respublika" to "Luthorian Hobratsuri" the We Say So! Party immediately released this press statement;

"It is with anger, and not a little disappointment, that the We Say So! Party is forced to make a statement denouncing the current Government.
"Not only are they an illegal entity operating without democratic mandate due to the coup which placed them in power, but they have further damaged the international standing of this great nation by forcing a name change which does nothing but attempt to place this Nation under the contrived control of another.
"Hobrazian law dictates that renaming of this nation requires not less than 2/3rds of the elected officials to the Hobrazian Parliament to vote in favour. Ignoring the fact that they are not elected, this bill was passed with a majority barely passing 1/2 of the legislature.
"The We Say So! Party hereby declares that we will not honour the illegal renaming of this nation and will continue to refer, rightly, to the Hobrazian Respublika until such time that the current, illegal, government stand before our people and wins a 2/3rd majority of their votes in a free and fair election, and we call on all peoples within and without this great nation to do the same.

We Are Right.
We Say So!

Alan be Praised.
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Re: Hobrazian Broadcasting Corporation (HBC)

Postby l-rouge » Fri Oct 17, 2014 5:38 am


Election special:

With the return of the We Say So! Party to front line politics for the first time in centuries, there were people who were expecting them to make little to no impact on Hobrazian daily life. This, it appears, was untrue.
In an almost unprecedented result, the We Say So! Party has swept the board in the recent election and taken control of the government with an automatic 2/3rds majority.
In no region did they poll less than 55% of the population and, staggeringly, in Stormereti the Party received 80% of the popular vote.

In the vote for the position of Prezidenti, again the Party polled over 66% of the vote and received over 30 million votes.

In his first speech as in his new position, the newly elected Mr. B'stard has this to say;

"It is with great joy and humility that I take this position and we, as a Party, form a new Government.
"The people have spoken. They will not allow a government of this nation, whether elected or forced into power by a a hidden plot, to give away their hard won sovereignty to another nation.
"Many believed that we, as a Party, were outdated, that our ideas were no longer relevant to the modern world. Well, we knew better and, it seems, so do the people of this great nation.
"There will be hard decisions ahead. It has already been shown that within this nation there are traitors willing to sell us out for a hint of personal power. It is evident that they are being backed by outside influences, and so we as a Government and as a Party will act to defend this nation at any cost.
"There will be proposals placed before the Erovnuli Kreba (National Assembly) which will allow us to defend our borders, to defend our people, from those who wish to do us harm.
"Moreover, we will not rest until those people are brought to justice.
"We know you stand with us. You have already shown your support for our policies before we were able to carry them out. Now, with the mandate you have given us, we will carry out those policies.

"To those within our borders, and to those without, we say this;
"If you've done nothing wrong you've got nothing to fear,
"If you've something to hide you shouldn't be here.
"Remember this, we have the mandate.

Hail Hobrazia.
We Are Right!

Alan be Praised".

It is reported that the incoming Government immediately put on hold the transfer of money and equipment to the Holy Luthori Empire, the nation the previous government had drawn close to and had already put into motion systems to transfer money, military equipment and operational influence. It is suggested by sources within the Civil Service that the nation had already transferred some 5bn HCR in cash funds and over 5% of armed forces equipment. Including other "deals" made by the previous government, it is estimated that Hobrazia has transferred close to 15bn HCR.
Whilst some have pointed out that, currently, Hobrazia is running a surplus of hundreds of billions of HCR, it must also be placed into context that 15bn HCR would be the equivalent of the entire corporation tax income from 3 regions for an entire year.
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Re: Hobrazian Broadcasting Corporation (HBC)

Postby Darkylightytwo » Tue Jan 06, 2015 10:26 pm

another coup in Hobrazia,

A military from an unknown country, rumoured to be Lodamun or Luthori, has taken power and suppressed all kind of freedom, refering the population as his little play things, Yugi Irving has made Hobrazia into a corrupt dictatorship. the government openly say they are corruption and that corruption is man true essence.

The new was official when Yugi threatned the journalist on place with a machine gun, asking them to pay him his bribe, After receiving his bribe, Yugi Irving shoot some of the citizen, killing some of them, then he shot one of his own minister who were presents with him

Today, Hobrazia shall fall under eternal corruption, yeah, because I made the party of Corruption, - Say Yugi Irving, before shooting.

Even more controversy, Yugi Irving has decided to cut the ministry of education, of healthcare, of transport, of agriculture, of environment, of foreign affairs and of trade and industries, putting all money into defence,

I don't need those minister, I could even cut justice, cause I decide what is wrong and right in the nation
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Re: Hobrazian Broadcasting Corporation (HBC)

Postby Darkylightytwo » Sun Jan 11, 2015 3:50 am

World Spread panic after the first purge or Hobrazia.
on the night of jenury 31, more then 1 000 000 hobrazians were murderers and countless where hurt, a incalculable number of women were rapped, this being the resutl of the legislation on those night of all crimes by the government of Hobrazia, who now rules his land with an iron fist,

Sooner this year, the government has legalised the horrible pratice known as slavery and torture for citizen of hobrazias and restricted the citizenship to less then 20 000 000 hobrazians.

The arrival of Yugi Irving on the scene shall be considered as the saddest day on terra.

The government as announce that unsecure ship will be transporting oil around the planet, saying it is possible to see a few accident.

Condemnation of Beitenyu
Yugi Irving has strongly condemn the stupid innocent useless state of Beitenyu, not because of their embargo, but because their pope called them communists, Yugi Irving is very pissed of the accusation and his thinking o declaring war to Beitenyu
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Re: Hobrazian Broadcasting Corporation (HBC)

Postby Servia » Sat Feb 14, 2015 5:35 am

Frmr. Prezidenti of Hobrazia Iuri Svanidze of the Socialist Vanguard Party pictured above.

Prezidenti Svanidze Makes Vow to Workers

Prezidenti Iuri Svanidze stated in his speech today that the working people of the great Republic of Hobrazia have nothing to fear in the coming elections. The Socialist Vanguard Party will maintain a strong presence, and it is the most popular party in the nation. The SVG's common sense, socialist policies are revitalizing the energy of the people who have so long been ill-treated by neoliberal economic policies. Prezidenti Svanidze also called out the Hobrazian National Movement and Hobrazian National Party(now a defunct political party) for having the nerve to bring forward a bill which would condemn the very party who has saved Hobrazia, the SVG. The SVG made it clear that they seek to be the only party of power in Hobrazia having before used the motto of: "One People, One Nation, One Party." SVG was clear in that it wanted to blur the party organization and government lines. A state of the party, and a party of the state. Prezidenti Svanidze ended the speech by saying: "Hail Hobrazia, Hail the Party!"
Last edited by Servia on Mon Feb 16, 2015 8:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Forward -- To a classless Hobrazia!"
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Re: Hobrazian Broadcasting Corporation (HBC)

Postby Servia » Mon Feb 16, 2015 8:34 pm

SVG Party Chairman Aleksandr Khujadze pictured above.

SVG Chairman Gets Ultimatum from Other Party Officials

With the Socialist Vanguard Party's shocking loss in the previous election, inner-party factions have begun to blame SVG Chairman Aleksandr Khujadze for the failing of the party to reach the working people of the nation. The most condemnatory criticism has come from the communist wing of the party. Tamar Licheli, the de facto leader of the SVG communist faction, was reported to have said, "Comrade-Chairman Khujadze's zealous support of centralism is what is going to kill this party, and the people of Hobrazia gave us the warning in the last election. The SVG must be willing to delegate more power onto local governmental structures. Comrade Khujadze needs to be willing to either compromise or step-down from office." Tensions are building within the Socialist Vanguard Party leadership only time will tell what kind of action will be taken.
"Forward -- To a classless Hobrazia!"
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Re: Hobrazian Broadcasting Corporation (HBC)

Postby Servia » Wed Feb 25, 2015 8:28 pm


United Left Coalition Formed

With the dissolution of the Protestant Democratic Union, and the quick call for early elections the Socialist Vanguard Party secured a victory as the new majority party and Iuri Svanidze was once again elected as Prezidenti of Hobrazia. Prezidenti Svanidze though probably would not have been elected if not for the needed support by the Hobrazian Socialist Party in the second round of elections. This victory though isn't just for the SVG to celebrate, it is a great victory for all leftist parties in the nation. The SVG decisively and timely formed a coalition cabinet with Power to the People and the Hobrazian Socialist Party. The three parties together have established a united left front devoted to securing rights for the working people of the nation. In just the first few months of the new session, it is clear that their main opposition will be a newly formed party called the Army of the National Revolution. The United Left Front believe that with strong history and united popular support that the new faction will not be an acute threat to the building of a nation of the people by the people.
"Forward -- To a classless Hobrazia!"
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Hobrazian News

Postby Hobraze » Sun May 17, 2015 11:39 am

Monarchy comes back to Hobrazia!
On March 1st 3847, Zurab Hobrave, claimant to the throne, was crowned as King Zurab I of Hobrazia.

After the complete victory of the Hobratsuri Monark'istuli Partia in the November 3846 elections, Zurab Hobrave, party leader, was crowned King of Hobrazia. He after gave a speech about his ambitions for the nation, starting with "People of Hobrazia, it is now time for change". Zurab I announced the transformation of districts into duchies and the reinstauration of the nobility.

The reactions varied, even in the government. For General Genadi Andronikashvili, Minister of Defence, "it is a great time for Hobrazia and its army, because it will be easier for a strong regime to get a strong army." However, the Minister of Justice, Lord Avksenti Palavandishvili, fears that "too much power in the end of the King might create an absolute monarchy when it should be parliamentary." Finally peasant leader Igor Rizhnov, thinks that "the government will end taking all the money for itself and not giving rights to people" and that "it is going to end just like with Sir Penguin. This isn't why we voted for Hobrave, we voted for change!"
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