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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby Farsun » Sat Oct 11, 2014 11:54 pm

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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby Maxington » Sun Oct 12, 2014 4:44 am

Opposition Leader, Jacqueline Castillo, as she is quickly removed from a Restaurant in Kostandian Bay after she was deliberately shoot at.
17th September 3741.

The sounds of plates and spoons banging on the tables, the murmuring of customers at the Bastro Executive Restaurant in Kostandian Bay was silenced after bullets would heard and seen coming through the windows. Opposition Leader, Jacqueline Castillo, was present when the shoots were fired. Jacqueline Castillo's Left arm was apparently hit by a bullet from the unknown criminal/assassin. She was rushed to the Hospital after she was removed from the Restaurant by Federal Police Agents. All fingers point to the email Jacqueline Castillo had bee receiving over the couple of days by an anonymous sender. These emails contained matters of personal threats and plots to assassinate members of her party the ZNK. The Cyber Security Force has stated that they are currently carrying out a full probe into the allegations of the email gate scandal. Federal Police Agents found a Note across the street from the Restaurant where the Opposition Leader was shot. It said, "JC,JA,CVF". Federal Police Agents has stated that they are unsure of what the letters mean. With the Opposition Leader hospitalized she has left Julia Alexander as Acting Leader of the Opposition. She will be sworn in Tomorrow by the President and the National Congress.
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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby Aquinas » Sun Oct 12, 2014 11:57 am

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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby PaleRider » Sun Oct 12, 2014 4:17 pm

The test rig sitting idle after evidence was found against oil drilling
December 3, 3741

The hopes of RDC and other mineral development groups were dashed as the drilling rig came up negative and Aldurian authorities busted the false claims from several geologists. Federal authorities are now involved in the investigation in regards to defrauding businesses and investors. The Federal Attorney of Limenostomo (where RDC is based) opened the investigation together with officials from the Foreign Ministry, Environmental Ministry and the Trade Ministry. Officials stated that those accused would be punished and brought to justice. A federal arrest warrant has been issued to those persons still at large and the Government is working with regional partners to bring them to justice.
However the natural resource extraction push is not dying down. RDC is still working with the Aldurian Government to conduct fracking test drill sites in the Zaynal Valley to probe for natural gas deposits. An official with RDC stated that deep level and previously unrecoverable reserves of natural gas could be discovered and removed, allow Alduria to pump much needed cash into the economy. Local environmental and interest groups have expressed concern over the proposals and the government has yet to respond.

Left wing protesters gathered to rally against the Zardic visit
December 12, 3741

Zardugal's Foreign and Defense ministers traveled to Gaduridos to meet with their counterparts in the Gaduri Government. Gaduridos has long been a nation with which Zardugal has prioritized relations with and this recent high level visit only confirms those moves. Zardugal in particular has been looking to expand its contacts in the Seleyan continent given its concern with the situation in Lodamun. The 4 day visit included high levels talks about Terra security, human rights in Seleya and development projects.
After the meeting was over a spokesman for the Foreign Ministry stated that the talks had been extremely productive for both parties. Gaduri officials shared Zardic concerns over the human rights issues in Lodamun and announced they would work with Zardugal to ensure worldwide concern about the plight of Hosians and other discriminated groups in the country would not fade away.
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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby Lionking » Mon Oct 13, 2014 5:14 am

Lodamun is transforming
Moderates hopes to push through reforms


The EL is now for 6years in power in Lodamun and that has been noticed by many. The EL, a moderate Lodamese Nationalistic party has pushed through several reforms such as the restoration of an equal, just and fair Justice system that was been annihilated by the GNRG and the LNC. As now the EL is continue to push through some more major reforms that will not enforce the people of Lodamun to adhere the Lodamese Nationalistic Religion and guarentees equal rights for those who follow it and those who renounce it.- read here- The EL and the current moderate administration are encouraged and delighted by the Zardugal regime to ease some restrictions upon Lodamun. -read here- The Percy administration is open for any kind of negotiations that would result in the end of the embargo upon the Lodamese nation. Yet, the Percy admitted that the negotiations will be though and that both sides must compremise in order to reach a deal that would benefit all.
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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby PaleRider » Mon Oct 13, 2014 8:48 pm

ZNS James Baker (a James Baker class DDG) making a port call in Zefal, Alduria
July 13, 3742

On paper it is a routine visit. The ZNS James Baker was on its way to reinforce the Zardic Naval Base operating out of Selucia and it made a port call for resupply. However what is unusual and daring is the visit to Alduria. Zardic Defense Officials said it made sense since the two nations have been increasing ties and both are working to show the world a strong alliance. The visit was greeted with a welcoming party for the arriving ship with hundreds of city residents (and plenty of "friendly females" as it were) showed up to welcome the 300 member crew to the city. The city's mayor and a few regional parliamentarians greeted the captain and his crew and a very merry liberty began.
On a deeper level however, the trip showed a daring move in this part of the world. Despite Zardugal being a regional hegemony in Majatra, the Zards have always had trouble influencing events and gaining allies in Eastern Majatra. Now with Zardic vessels making regular port calls to Alduria the thinking goes a Zardic naval base in Zefal, or other cities could be soon in the offing. And a base here would allow for much easier power projection in the East Majatra, South Seleya arena. Right now there is one nation that this could be aimed against, Kafuristan.
Kafuristan and Zardugal have long been at odds over the regional balance of power and often compete against each other. With the rise of a new nationalist government in Kafuristan the Zards fears are compounded. The new military government is rumoured to be interested in strengthening ties with Dorvik as a means to counter the Zardic organized Majatran Union. A Dorvish presence is the last thing Zards want in Majatra, however both nations are off to a bad start at relations. Zardic authorities want a Kafuri criminal who helped orchestrate a fraud of Zardic investors over oil reserves south of Alduria while Kafuri authorities gave him a hero's welcome as he returned to the country. The Federal Attorney's Office in Limenostomo has filed an international arrest warrant through the Justice Ministry but it remains to be seen how the new Kafuri Government will respond to such a request.

Zardic military and security advisers arriving in Barmenia
July 15, 3742

As the security situation in Barmenia remains fraught and contentious, the Zards are moving in more support to the Barmenian Government. There are now some 200 Zardic advisers working to create a stable security force and government for the nation. Additionally, the Foreign Ministry authorized the release of 300 million ZAR's in emergency development aid to the embattled government which is still having trouble securing portions of the country.
Defense officials remained tight lipped about what further actions could be taken including an air campaign, boots on the ground or even sea based support. A Foreign Ministry spokesman stated that there were high level talks going on in the MSCO and the MU about an appropriate response to the issues at hand. Publicly, the Zardic effort has been focused around building and training the security forces, countering outside support for the rebels and building up areas held by the Government. To further these goals, Zardic Defense Industries announced a package (at reduced prices) of new small arms and light armoured vehicles to the Barmenian Government along with a line of credit to purchase more weapons.
Political Affiliation~ GOP (US)
Pro: Liberal Conservatism, Paleo-liberalism, Chicago Capitalism, social conservatism, neoconservative
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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby Farsun » Mon Oct 13, 2014 11:01 pm

OOC: Pale, can you explain how the Zardic Armed Forces rebuilt after being devastated only a couple of years ago?
Dorvish Social Nationalist Party
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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby PaleRider » Tue Oct 14, 2014 12:02 am

Farsun wrote:OOC: Pale, can you explain how the Zardic Armed Forces rebuilt after being devastated only a couple of years ago?

OOC: The war ended roughly 10 years ago and was devastating. However we were spared an oppressive peace treaty and allowed to maintain our base in Selucia at least. Consistantly high defense budgets and a solid reconstruction plan were able to repair most damage wrought by the war (which it Endiraho and north-central Unkaso more than other parts of the nation) and Vanuku has been at least outwardly tolerant of these Zardic moves. However, Zardugal is in no state as of yet to take on Vanuku by themselves.
Delegates from the Govt and ZPF and ZRF finally put an end to internal squabbles
August 5, 3742

After more than 10 years of fighting, which has died off recently, the nationalist Zardic Resistance Front (ZRF) and the Zardic Patriotic Forces (ZPF) have signed a peace deal with the government in the city of Fortreso. Part of the Fortreso Accords is integrating the ZPF and ZRF into the Zardic National Defense Forces (ZNDF), which is the government supervised paramilitary group designed to organize paramilitary groups to defend the Federation if need be. The ZRF has declared 3,300 members to the Division of Paramilitaries in the Interior Ministry while the ZPF announced it has 4,125 members it would put under ZNDF authority. While the Federal National Congress has yet to formally approve the deal, the ZPP has shown high levels of support and ratification is almost assured.
This also brings to light simmering tensions with the nations Mallan minority. The Mallan Liberation Front (MLF) is still an active terrorist group though it has been quiet in recent years. Despite the massive reconstruction spending, and other economic benefits, the people of Kalvario, mostly Mallans and Irkawans, have seen little benefit and continue to distrust the government and its agents. A spokesman for the Government did not comment on possible outreach to the MLF and disaffected Mallan communities however Prime Minister Jonathan Sabeki (ZPP), one of the few Mallan politicians on the national stage, has pledged to do more to engage with the state and the group.
Political Affiliation~ GOP (US)
Pro: Liberal Conservatism, Paleo-liberalism, Chicago Capitalism, social conservatism, neoconservative
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Currently the Zardic People's Party
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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby PaleRider » Tue Oct 14, 2014 1:40 am

President David Venitin signing the executive decree to suspend large portions of the sanctions directed against Lodamun
August 28, 3742

In one of the biggest surprises of the year, Lodamun has begun to remove their institutional discrimination against Hosians and other religious minorities. A reform bill introduced by Enlightened Lodamun has garnered swift support from enough parties in their Presideum that it looks set to pass. Only a few months early, some Zardic sanctions against the Lodamese Government and people were relaxed as some incremental judicial reforms were made. However, no one on the sanctions side thought such progress was available in such a short space of time. A spokesman for the Foreign Ministry said all members of the Zardic Government sent their congratulations to President Percy and that relations could well soon normalize between the two countries. The executive decree signed by President Venitin (ZPP) includes easing restrictions on direct financial transactions, direct flights to and from Zardugal and allowing members of the Lodamese Government to travel to Zardugal and aboard Zardic owned and operated platforms. Perhaps most significant is the easing of business restrictions. Zardic businesses may once again do business openly in Lodamun (with Finance and Foreign Ministry approval) and no longer have to go through third parties. In addition to this, of the 1.5 billion LOD frozen in Zardic accounts of KFS when they were kicked out of Lodamun several years ago will be returned to the Lodamese Government in increments.
However numerous restrictions still remain in place. The Lodamese Nationalistic Committee and the Great National Republican Guard are still listed as foreign terrorist organizations and remain under strict observation and sanctions. Security officials stated that the threat posed by the GNRG and the LNC to progress on human rights, past genocide abuses and other forms of terrorism and threats to the international community make it likely that progress on this front will be slower.
Political Affiliation~ GOP (US)
Pro: Liberal Conservatism, Paleo-liberalism, Chicago Capitalism, social conservatism, neoconservative
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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby Maxington » Thu Oct 16, 2014 6:25 am

a Rural Area in Rejketo, Unkaso.
27th September 3743.

With most of the government's focus on Zardugal's foreign relations with nations and the national budget altered to develop Zardugal's Foreign and Defense Ministries, many citizens in rural areas have been forsaken by its Local Government Members. Roadways which are unfit for even walking, loss of water supplies for long periods of times, electricity taken from citizens who have in fact payed their water and power bills. Many people have fallen ill from the undrinkable water in Rejketo. Citizens of rural areas around Rejkto have crowded the Office of the Opposition Leader and Members of Parliament of other constituencies for aid after their calls to the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport when unanswered. Today the Zardic World Report spoke to the Opposition Leader where she was attending a town meeting in a rural town around the city of Rejketo.
Madam Speaker, I believe that the government does not care about their supporters anymore. Where has all the love gone too? Those people are your employers,they give you their demands and orders and it is the job of the government to execute them in the most quickest and best way possible. If you cannot execute the demands of your supports and voters, why are you called the government. These people have been forsaken by the Rejketo Regional Corporation and its Local government due to the fact that the local government have not decided on candidates for the mayor-ships of towns in Rejketo. Those living in the city do not know the daily struggle of those living in the rural areas around the city of Rejketo. Now i remember reviewing the National Budget and I noticed 1 very interesting things in the budget.One, Before the current National Budget was passed the budget for the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport was $99 Billion Zars. I noticed that $5 Billion ZARS was removed from the Infrastructure and Transport Ministry and was added to the Foreign Affairs Ministry.The City of Belgae has not even had a full completion of construction, and you want to removed 5 Billion ZARS? That is 5 billion ZARS which could have used to help those in the rural areas around Rejketo. Before you take out that much money out of a Ministry that Urgently needs the money for development of a certain area or part of Zardugal and put it into Foreign Affairs, Think about how will it affect the citizens and their well being.

For the past days the Opposition Leader has been attending Town Meetings all across Zardugal to listen to the needs of her supporters. The Opposition Leader will return to the Federal National Congress where she will draft a legislation which will best fit the needs of her supporters. The Opposition Leader has warned the government that if they do not hear the cries of their supporters they will have to work to a Legislation that will remove Ministers from their post if they do not execute several demands of the citizens.
"The future of the Nation is in the children's school bags" ~ Dr. Eric Williams
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