Civil Rights Council

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Re: Civil Rights Council

Postby Aquinas » Fri Oct 03, 2014 1:44 am

Christine Aubry, an Aldurian citizen and Canrillaise Parti National member living in Zardugal, has written to the Civil Rights Council requesting them to examine the case of Paul Murphy-Spaak. "There can be little or no doubt that this man is guilty of crimes against humanity with regards to the appalling persecution of Hosians n Lodamun," she wrote, "yet one cannot help but be concerned about the way Vanuku has dealt with him. It seems unlikely he will go through a proper justice process in Vanuku, and for this reason, it is my strong view that Vanuku should be induced by all means possible to hand him over to another country, or perhaps some kind of international court, in order that he may receive a fair and proper trial."

OOC: Check out the Lodamun and Vanuku news threads for more information on the Paul Murphy-Spaak saga.
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Re: Civil Rights Council

Postby CanadianEh » Sat Oct 04, 2014 1:52 pm

This is a deep concern to me and my party.

Baltusia boarders Lodamun and we have many Lodamese citizens at the boarder wanting to come over because of how politically backwards the nation is. I will ask members of the council there opinions on this and we will get back to you on the situation. Since you are on the council and you opinion has already been stated I will not be requesting your opinion again unless you would like to tell me more on this issue.

George Walsh,
Civil Rights Council,
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Re: Civil Rights Council

Postby Kubrick » Sat Oct 04, 2014 5:34 pm

The government of Vanuku wishes to inform all delegates of this Council that a Lodamunese nationalist and imperialist organization by the name of the LNC has threatened to use military force against our nation. The constant threats and lies from Lodamun keep delaying this just and fair trial.

Marco Boers
Diplomat of Vanuku
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Re: Civil Rights Council

Postby M13 » Sun Oct 05, 2014 7:59 am

Vanukuian and Lodamese diplomats have had an agreement on losening the tension concerning the relationship between both nations. LNC has asked the Presidium of Lodamun to get to an agreement of not using military intervention as a measure to pressurize other countries. The discussions are likely to go on soon.

Clothilde Dewitte
LNC spokesman
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Re: Civil Rights Council

Postby CanadianEh » Sun Oct 05, 2014 4:37 pm

After hearing that peace is on the horizon, I believe that the Civil Rights Council should not intervene on this issue. Since there are two sides of this that seem to be working things out very professionally we believe that the Civil Rights Council should not intervene on this issue.

George Walsh,
Civil Rights Council,
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Re: Civil Rights Council

Postby PaleRider » Mon Oct 13, 2014 9:35 pm

"My fellow delegates, there is a new and evolving situation in Lodamun. Through negotiations with my government, Lodamun has agreed to start international talks in Vorona and to allow in international human rights observers to the country. The CRC and her partner organizations should take full advantage of this to ensure human rights are respected in Lodamun. What say my fellow parties?"

Jim Dodopolos (ZPP Representative to the CRC)
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Re: Civil Rights Council

Postby CanadianEh » Tue Oct 14, 2014 10:58 am

I'm glad to see that progress is being made in Lodamun for a more stable state. My party would personally like to applaud, Enlightened Lodamun, The Social Libermuns Party and The Lodamese Republican Party on their efforts for stability in the nation they so proudly represent.

George Walsh,
Civil Rights Council,
Kirlawa Liberals - Inactive
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Re: Civil Rights Council

Postby Aquinas » Tue Oct 21, 2014 12:30 am

OOC: Hope it's OK with you guys to run this story, any problems let me know

February 3746

Civil Rights Council website hacked


The Civil Rights Council website has been attacked in an apparent act of cyber-warfare which brought the site down for over 36 hours until it was restored by technicians. According to sources within the Civil Rights Council Headquarters in Baltusia, Lodamun's notorious Hacking Department is suspected of involvement, since the attack occurred less than a week after the site uploaded an extensive web feature on anti-Hosian discrimination in Lodamun. The Hacking Department is currently a topic of debate in Lodamun's Presidium, where the Conservative Monarchist Alliance is arguing for it to be shut down.
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Re: Civil Rights Council

Postby CanadianEh » Tue Oct 21, 2014 3:37 am

OOC: Yea it's great!

George Walsh Speaks on Website Hacking

Today George Walsh said a few words on behalf of the council,

This is very sad news to hear, the Baltusian secret service is currently looking into who hacked the website and If the government in Lodamun was at all involved. We believe that people have the right to speak openly online as long as it is not DIRECTLY hurting anyone else. We are very frustrated with this situation and we hope the culprit or culprits get caught soon.

The website has since been put back up and has been protected by the Baltusian secret service.
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Re: Civil Rights Council

Postby M13 » Wed Oct 22, 2014 5:31 am

Request on behalf of LNC - Lodamun

Honourable Members of the Council,

I would like to ask for your permission to adress the Civil Rights Council. I would like to discuss the case of Paul Murphy-Spaak, who is in exhile far too long.
I thank you all, Honourable Members, in advance.

Richard Courtois
MP for LNC
chairman of Free Paul Committee
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