Council of Majatra

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Re: Council of Majatra

Postby joshnz » Tue Oct 14, 2014 7:58 am

"Distinguished members of this Council,

The government of Selucia has been recently focusing on bringing our nation back in order from the ineffective reign of the previous government. We have noticed the happenings in Barmenia and believe that this is the best opportunity, for us Selucians, to restore justice in this troubled land. This mission is not only vital for Selucians but for others in the global community including this very Council. We endorse Zardugal's Resolution 3001 with full support.

On top of that, the government of Selucia wishes to deploy 4,500 peacekeepers to aid the situation in Barmenia through MUMSB. The peacekeepers will be accompanied by 20 experienced military officers who will help teach the local personnel from the Barmenian Army some useful information regarding their practise. Selucia’s government also plans to help guard Barmenia’s waters during this time. In regards with political assistance, Selucia is willing to provide 10 advisers to help improve their current state of governance.

The government of Selucia would like to nominate the following nations for the Majatran Peace and Security Council :
- Istalia (chair)
- Selucia
- Vanuku
- Zardugal
- Barmenia
The government of Selucia would like to nominate the following peoples for the Majatran Peace and Security Council :
- Secretary General = Husn M. Grnohekam
- Chief Legal Representative = PhD Helen Mirenson
- Majatran External Representative = Denise Baker
- Chief Judge = Brutus Kyle, former Supreme Court Judge, Criminal Lawyer and Police Officer. Currently lecturing Justice at the acclaimed Auroria University (part time) and deputy Foreign Affairs Minister. Brutus specialises in both International and Criminal Law.
Lastly, distinguished members, I would like to ask upon this council to review the situation in Barmenia and relate this to their own nations. We must ensure that prevention is in order so that we can safeguard the prosperity of Majatrans.”

Hector Serepisos
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Permanent Representative to the Majatran Council for Selucia
Selucian Commonwealth

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Re: Council of Majatra

Postby Antani Sfini » Tue Oct 14, 2014 8:14 am

Honoured council members,

Istalia votes aye on this proposal to preserve peace and democracy in Barmenia. We are willing to contribute 2000 peacekeepers to the Majatran Union Mission to Secure Barmenia (MUMSB).

We also thanks for the nomination for the Majatran Peace and Security Council and we would certainly cover this role of responsibility.

Maurizio Luppi
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Repubblica Istaliana
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Re: Council of Majatra

Postby PaleRider » Fri Oct 17, 2014 9:41 pm

Members of the Council,
We vote yea on the resolution and encourage all of our regional partners to work to end the threat of terrorism.

On the matter of organization officers we withdraw our SecGen nominee and endorse the Vanukuean candidate. We should solve this issue quickly. As of now the candidates are:
- Secretary General = Husn M. Grnohekam
- Chief Legal Representative = PhD Helen Mirenson
- Majatran External Representative = Denise Baker
- Chief Judge = Brutus Kyle

And we back the Selucian proposal for the Security Council."

James Figorote II
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Re: Council of Majatra

Postby Kubrick » Sat Oct 18, 2014 12:35 am

"Vanuku votes aye on the individuals for the council."

Karel-Eksandr Bommelaer
Delegate to the Council of Majatra
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Re: Council of Majatra

Postby PaleRider » Tue Oct 21, 2014 6:19 am

"If there be no objection we would like to proclaim the new members of the Majatran Peace and Security Council:
- Istalia (chair)
- Selucia
- Vanuku
- Zardugal
- Barmenia

Congratulations to Istalia for gaining Chairmanship of the Council! As for the candidates for office, here are the nominations:
- Secretary General = Husn M. Grnohekam
- Chief Legal Representative = PhD Helen Mirenson
- Majatran External Representative = Denise Baker
- Chief Judge = Brutus Kyle
- Chief Prosecutor = None

We urge any nominations left to be made be done so quickly. It is urgent we fill these positions. Given the recent events in Majatra, the Zardic delegation proposes the following resolutions:
Resolution 3002 (Non-Binding Statement)
We the member states of the Majatran Union hereby condemn the continued Artanian moves to exploit the people and nations of Majatra and we stand firm in our resolve to lead the fight to end imperialism and foreign interventionism in Majatra. We call for the Luthori Government to free the people of Jakania from their rule and we call on Dorvik to end their support of the Kafuri Regime which backs terrorist organizations across Majatra that threaten and undermine the stability of the continent.

Resolution 3003
The Majatran Union hereby declares the Government in Exile of the Majatran Republic of Kafuristan to the legitimate successor government to the previously recognized Ahmadi Republic of Majatra. We offer the new Kafuri Government in Exile the chance to join the MU as a non-member observer state pending return of Kafuristan to the Majatran Union.
We call on the current de facto government of Kafuristan to end its support of Ahmadi terrorists in Majatra, to rejoin the MU and begin negotiations with the MRK to reconcile the divisions in Kafuristan. We stand as a willing partner to peace and security and will work constructively with both parties to create a stable and free Kafuristan.
Because of Kafuri support for the Ahmadi terrorists in Majatra, the MU hereby declares an embargo on all energy and energy related products from Kafuristan including all varieties of petrochemical products. All MU member states shall abstain from doing business with all Kafuri companies involved with the energy or petrochemical industry and shall impose a 75% tariff on the value of all goods entering their country from Kafuristan and shall not export or help facilitate the trade of arms with the Kafuristan State.
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Re: Council of Majatra

Postby Kubrick » Tue Oct 21, 2014 7:14 am

Vanuku votes nay on both proposals. Dorvik is free to act as it did and this government in exile has lost its legitimacy decades ago.

Pieter van Meer
Junior Delegate of Vanuku
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Re: Council of Majatra

Postby PaleRider » Thu Oct 23, 2014 5:52 am

"The Zardic Federation renominates Mr Orkard III to the position of Chief Prosecutor. With that being said, here are the final nominations:
- Secretary General = Husn M. Grnohekam (Vanuku)
- Chief Legal Representative = PhD Helen Mirenson (Zardugal)
- Majatran External Representative = Denise Baker (Zardugal)
- Chief Judge = Brutus Kyle (Selucia)
- Chief Prosecutor = Silas Orkard III (Zardugal)
If there be no objections or further nominations we consider the issue resolved."

James Figorote II
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Re: Council of Majatra

Postby Tawa » Thu Oct 23, 2014 8:19 am

The Pápežský States vote AYE on Resolution 3002 and NAY on 3003.

We nominate Barón Stefan z Topolánek (currently Deputy Secretary of Justice) for any of the three legal positions (preferably Chief prosecutor) . We support the rest of the nominations already decided on.

Artanian imperialism is completely unacceptable enough but propping up a terrorist regime is beyond unacceptable and a new Kafuri government in exile has to be set up. This one is nearly three decades old! It has not a single shred of legitimacy surely.

Kardinal Luk Nohsrmko Frjsrl
Pápežský Nuncio to the Council of Majatra
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Re: Council of Majatra

Postby PaleRider » Mon Nov 03, 2014 9:35 am

" With the withdraw of Vanuku from the organization, we are proud to announce that Uzziel Kohen of Cildania has been chosen to replace the Vanukuean for the position of the Secretary-General of the MU to finish their term in office.
My fellow delegates, Majatran before has never been confronted with so many problems. Global cooling is worsening around the globe, terrorism afflicts nearly the whole continent, radical Ahmadism is on the march and human rights concerns are present as ever. Throw in a slowing global economy and we have an unstable world ready to explode. As responsible members of the international community we must act accordingly. The situation in Barmenia and Beiteynu is worsening and a solution must be found to resolve the issue. We propose the following resolutions:
Resolution 4000
The Council of Majatra expresses its concern over the stability situation in Barmenia and Beiteynu and we hereby enact the following actions to bring about stability:
1. The current mission to Barmenia is dissolved and to be reorganized.
2. The Majatran Union Northern Security Assistance Mission (MUNSAM) is created to be the unified peacekeeping and security response to the stability situation in both Barmenia and Beiteynu.
3. 11,000 peacekeepers are allowed to be deployed to Barmenia and 3,000 to Beiteynu to assist local authorities in handling the situation in the area. They will be under a commander to be named by the Council.
4. The Majatran Union Northern Civil Assistance Mission (MUNCAM) shall be the unified aid and assistance group to handle the development and humanitarian situation in Northern Majatra. It will work with local authorities, non-governmental organizations and international assistance organizations to bring about stability and development to the area. A civil administrator will oversee the operations of the group.

Resolution 4001
The Council of Majatra expresses concern over the humanitarian and human rights situation in Eastern Majatran states of Kafuristan and Kalopia/Wantuni and enacts the following actions to deal with the crisis:
1. Creation of the Majatran Union Eastern Humanitarian Assistance Mission (MUEHAM) is mandated to assist refugees and those persons fleeing oppressive regimes in these nations and help them find safety and sanctuary in the member states of the Majatran Union.
2. MUEHAM shall operate, with the consent of the resident governments, 5 refugee camps in Solentia and 1 in Istalia to handle the exodus of refugees.
3. MUEHAM shall assist local and national authorities in their own refugee operations.

Resolution 4002
Given the actions of Kalopia/Wantuni, and Kafuristan in the assistance of known terrorist groups across Majatra we enact the following actions:
1. All member nations of the MU shall impose an embargo on the sale and export of arms and munitions to the aforementioned governments and shall deny all technical and other military support outside of humanitarian purposes.
2. All MU member nations shall impose an embargo on the export of energy products and petroleum products from both nations.

Zardugal stands ready to rally with our fellow Majatran brethren to combat the evils facing our people. We pledge 7,000 peacekeepers to be deployed to Barmenia and up to 1,700 peacekeepers to Beiteynu if need be. Let us stand for freedom, for rule of law, for basic human rights and respect for all people.
And to the governments of Kafuristan and Kalopia we say: we do not oppose your people, your faith or society but we oppose the evil actions you have taken in their name. We will always prefer to welcome you to the community of Majatran nations and to work our differences out in a peaceful and diplomatic manner but backing international terrorism is simply not a productive or viable option.

James Figorote II
Permanent Representative of Majatra
Political Affiliation~ GOP (US)
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Re: Council of Majatra

Postby TheNewGuy » Tue Nov 04, 2014 5:21 pm

"Members of the illustrious Majatran Union, though Badara is not at current a member state of the Union due to inefficient and regrettably isolationist government, the HHA wonders if it might make a statement of concern to this body that has due relevance to all member states of Majatra? We will hold until we are recognized to speak. Thank you for your consideration."

Mr. Said KADER, Foreign Affairs Representative, Party of Ahmadi Truth, Badara
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