Khaganate Conference on Dankuk Crisis

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Khaganate Conference on Dankuk Crisis

Postby Kubrick » Sun Jan 04, 2015 7:48 pm

This is a Conference for the member states of the Jelbek Khaganate. Other Majatran nations are welcome to join as observer parties and share their opinions. All Kyo nations are welcome to actively participate in the Conference.


Neo-colonists, under the banner of the Draddwyr minority, have established an apartheid regime in the nation of Dankuk. Now Zardic imperialists are attempting to get a foothold in Dankuk under the guise of "monitoring human rights". The Kyo and Jelbic peoples have a common ancestry and Dankuk has always been a staunch ally of several Jelbic nations. It is for this reason that the Khagan has called this Conference to decide the course of the Khaganate.


Hajánékhaján Jelbijékai Laurens-Wrntukai (Khaganate)
Prefect Jan Grnohekam (Principality of Vanuku)
Azi Jeztrisrmko Salyzr (Kingdom of Pontesi)
Yabek Taj Grzkai Heijiwrn (Khanate of Jelbania)
Wnrtusrljikai Jlemai Heijiwrn (Khanate of Jelbania)
Minister of Foreign Affairs Yi Eunseok (Great Kyo Kingdom of Dankuk)
Last edited by Kubrick on Mon Jan 05, 2015 3:49 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

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Re: Khaganate Conference on Dankuk Crisis

Postby Zongxian » Sun Jan 04, 2015 8:24 pm

Representatives of the Conference,

The Great Kyo Kingdom will send Foreign Minister Yi Eunseok as a representative for the nation of Dankuk. We are gracious for the continued support from our allies and from other Gao-Showa throughout Terra.

The interventionism by Zardugal and their behind-the-scenes talk with the Buchan neocolonialists are an attack against the ideals of self-determination and sovereignty for Gao-Showa peoples in their homelands. Particularly for Dovani, as we are so close to realizing historical continent-wide freedom and decolonization, the increased Zardic involvement in numerous Dovanian affairs is extremely worrying.

We have one goal in Dankuk. That is to restore the Kyo government. The Buchans have openly refused to recognize the native culture and they have no care for anything but their own familial power and their illusions of centuries-dead colonial ideas. For this reason, the Zardic involvement with the Buchans is even more intolerable.

대통령 (Daetonglyeong) Christian Rhee, 대쿄왕국 (Daekyo Wangkuk)
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Re: Khaganate Conference on Dankuk Crisis

Postby TheNewGuy » Sun Jan 04, 2015 9:14 pm

"First, to Minister Eunseok of Dankuk, I wish to say welcome to Majatra. The Jelbic peoples have long stood in opposition to the Zardic menace, and our hordes stand ready to swarm the Augustan Alamais, who for too long have taken all and given nothing to the nations of Majatra and Terra.

"Having only recently overcome a colonial Zardic regime, the Pntek hordes stand with our Kyo cousins in loving solidarity. Too often to minorities impress their will upon Terra's ancient and noble peoples, armed by Zardic support against the will of God and men. Just as the Jelbic peoples must rule in Jelbic lands, so too must the Kyo rule in Dankuk. It would serve as a useful reminder that wherever a minority imposes its will on a majority, it is only possible due to the meddling of a foreign, imperial power. The Zardic imperialist is clever... He clothes his aggression in language of humanity. He talks of the rights of Man while he murders men with wanton abandon. He speaks to education and human rights and yet he opposes those who are educated, he oppresses those who stand for true justice.

"The Zardic imperialist is ever searching for means by which to strengthen his stranglehold on the peaceful peoples of Terra. He is all too willing to massacre the Jelbek, the Pntek, the Voronan, the Sekowan, the Kyo - he is racist in his outlook and he is ruthless in his desire for monetary and military gain. He must be stopped.

"And the Jelbic and Kyo must be the ones to stop him. Never before have Jelbek, Pntek, Wrnukek, and Kyo stood so solidly in brotherly solidarity. Our Khagan is strong, the Jelbic horde stirs like it has not since the conquests of Temrkai. The Indralan dragon flexes its rested muscles, snaps its jaws at the minute Zardic dog, the Czar in Deltaria is steeled.

"Now is the time for the final death of the Zardic imperialist. We must march through Belgae, ride bravely into battle with the coward dogs. This has gone too far already, the Kyo should not fear for their freedoms in their own homes! Pontesi will march with the Khagan, should he ask!"

Azi Jeztrisrmko Salyzr,
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Pontesi
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Re: Khaganate Conference on Dankuk Crisis

Postby Reddy » Mon Jan 05, 2015 11:43 am

The Khanate of Jelbania has sent Yabek Taj Grzkai Heijiwrn and Wnrtusrljikai (Premier) Jlemai Heijiwrn to the Khaganate Conference.

First, to Minister Eunseok of Dankuk, welcome to our beloved Khaganate and we wish to express our condolences on the passing of Emperor Ryōta. He was one of the rare lions of justice who worked to advance the interests and liberties of his subjects.

Returning closer to home, the vultures of injustice have cast their eyes on Dankuk and Sekowo. The greatest of the vultures, Belgae spreads her wings over the east. A wicked beast, intent on ravaging the magnificent and long standing civilisations. As brethren to the Gao-Showan peoples, we are outraged to witness this ongoing cultural degradation. The dog Buchan must go, his regime was, is and will remain illegitimate. By Akim, it is as if Christopher Dove himself has returned to ravage the east!

The parties assembled here must make an example of the Buchan neocolonialist regime. The Khanate proposes that we all impose exemplary sanctions on Zardugal since it is the only country which appears to be recognising and propping up the illegal Buchan regime. On the Buchan regime itself, we believe only diplomtic sanctions would be appropriate, we would not want to doubly punish the people of Dankuk who are already suffering under the apartheid yoke.

Taj Grzkai Heijiwrn
Yabek of Jelbania
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Re: Khaganate Conference on Dankuk Crisis

Postby Kubrick » Mon Jan 05, 2015 5:07 pm

"I cordially welcome all representatives to this Conference and hope they have a most comfortable stay in the Principality of Vanuku. A special welcome for the Minister from Dankuk, the government of the Principality is most pleased to receive you here to offer us more insight in the situation. Most of the problems have already been made clear by the other most noble guests here. The government of the Principality is glad to see all member states are unanimous in their support to take action against this grave injustice to the Kyo people. Together we can tame the Zardic beast once and for all.

However, I first like to yield the floor to the Hajánékhaján, so His Grace may further enlighten us with His wisdom."

Prefect Jan Grnohekam

"My Lords, many of you have made it clear already; the Kyo and Jelbic peoples have a common ancestry. We have therefore decided to call this Conference, the Khaganate is a unification of the Jelbic peoples and thus we must stand by the side of our Kyo brothers. A decision must be made, what shall the Khaganate do? We have heard different proposals; the most noble Yabek Heijiwrn calls for severe economic sanctions against the Augustan successor state and diplomatic sanctions against the foul neo-colonists to avoid hurting Dankuk. We praise the wisdom of the Yabek on the latter, our Kyo brothers must not be touched by this crisis. We also praise the bravery of Minister Azi Jeztrisrmko; the Augustan beast has powerful jaws and sharp fangs and to face it fearlessly is a most noble deed.

We must decide, but not alone. That is the reason We have called this Conference, so together we may decide the path we take. My Lords, only just a moment ago We have instructed our most noble diplomat to invite the Czarina of Deltaria to this Conference as well. Our ancestors forged a great alliance with the Deltarian Czars and the Jelbics and Deltarians stand together in the common cause of taming the Augustan beast.

We wills it to hear the carefully decided opinions of the Lords; must the Khaganate take a diplomatic course or must We prepare to summon the hordes? We know that currently We only ask questions but it is a great burden to decide on such a matter alone. Speak, my Lords, and let Terra tremble at our might."

Hajánékhaján Jelbijékai Laurens-Wrntukai
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

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Re: Khaganate Conference on Dankuk Crisis

Postby Nickmaster » Tue Jan 06, 2015 2:58 am

Most honorable comrades and brothers in arms,

Firstly, I would like to celebrate the 273rd anniversary of the removal of the Augustan-dominated, Zardic-backed, abusive government from Cobura. Zardugal doesn't seem to have a very good track record in respecting the rights of minorities, or even in respecting the rights of the majority, for that matter. These people are unwavering in their commitment to the expansion of the Zardic empire. They will attempt to crush anyone who stands in their way, be them man, woman, or child.

I make these statements for the very probable possibility that Zardugal will retaliate for our interference with one of their bigoted puppet regimes. All of the Zardic Empire will be unleashed upon us. Zardugal is weak by herself. It is her slaves that make her a formidable opponent.

On that topic, I would like to explore as to why we have allowed them to create their global confederation in the first place. They remain a threat as long as they are able to manipulate nations across Terra. With all due respect to the negogiators of the Zardic-Vanukean War of the 3720s, I say we have been much to soft on them. A broken Zardugal means a peaceful Terra.

As for the matter at hand, we would absolutely recommend severe economic sanctions not just on Dankuk but on Zardugal and as many Zardic puppet states as possible. If they attempt to retaliate militarily, then we can crush them under the heel of our boot.

-Her Majesty, the Czarina of Deltaria Marazanna I
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Re: Khaganate Conference on Dankuk Crisis

Postby Kubrick » Fri Jan 09, 2015 12:44 am

"My lady, Czarina, We bid you most welcome to this Conference. During the last great war between our nations we won a glorious victory in bringing the Zardic beast to its knees. My dearest father, Elyon bless his soul, always told Us that his father, the late Prince Boudewijn, had insisted on the "soft treatment". Our dearest grandfather believed in peace and solitude between the nations of Majatra. We are afraid he was, in all his wisdom, wrong in his approach. He was right that there can be peace and solitude between all the nations on Majatra, the Jelbic peoples have already united and now live in prosperity and peace. Our claim to the Augustan Empire is rightful and just, We can unite their peoples too. Since no more proposals have been made We have dictated our wishes to the Prefect who has made a proposal for all member states to vote upon. My lords, cast thy votes."

Hajánékhaján Jelbijékai Laurens-Wrntukai

"Honourable Yabeks, the Khagan has suggested the following measures of action to be taken against the state of Zardugal and the neo-colonist regime.

- Diplomatic sanctions against the Neo-Colonist Apartheid regime in Dankuk.
- Light economic sanctions against the Neo-Colonist Apartheid regime in Dankuk, emphasizing we will only do business once we see Kyo government officials.
- Mobilization of all Khaganate forces, aimed at the Zardic Federation.
- Severe economic sanctions against Zardugal.
- An ultimatum demanding that Zardugal ceases their activities in Dankuk or face the mighty horde of the Khaganate.

We would like to hear aye and nays from all member states."

Prefect Jan Grnohekam
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

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Re: Khaganate Conference on Dankuk Crisis

Postby Zongxian » Fri Jan 09, 2015 1:19 am

Representatives of the Conference,

I want to emphasize the importance of very carefully imposing any economic sanctions on Dankuk. We are aware that some nations beyond the Khaganate have pursued the idea of economic sanctions, but this idea has many potential dangers. The Buchan Family is wealthy and economic sanctions will do nothing to harm them. It will only hurt the people of Dankuk.

I do agree that light economic sanctions are appropriate if they take this into consideration. These sanctions should only target the dealings related to the Buchan Government and any corporations found to hold affiliations or financial relations to it. Most significant, to our current awareness, is the private military contracting company, the Buchan Defense Consortium, that was founded in Talmoria. This company has since relocated to Dankuk and its mercenaries, named the Valorian Guard, are frequently attempting to pose as law enforcement.

Overall, I endorse the proposal presented by Prefect Jan Grnohekam and I hope that all member states continue their commitment to opposing both neo-colonialism and imperialism.

Foreign Minister YI Eunseok, 대쿄왕국 (Daekyo Wangkuk)
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Re: Khaganate Conference on Dankuk Crisis

Postby TheNewGuy » Fri Jan 09, 2015 2:39 am

OOC: Sorry about my silence, I got minor surgery (wisdom teeth are finally gone!) recently and I'm on pain meds, makes following RP pretty tough ;)


"The Kingdom of Pontesi, with my full blessing, supports the platform of Prefect Jan Grnohekam and the wisdom of the Khagan and votes AYE. We, of course, also understand and respect the wishes of the delegation from Dankuk, and would see their concerns addressed in any action taken."
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Re: Khaganate Conference on Dankuk Crisis

Postby Reddy » Fri Jan 09, 2015 7:04 am

First of all, we wish to welcome the delegates who have since arrived since the last time I had the opportunity to address this august gathering. condolences to the Pontesian delegation on the passing of our brother Yabek Salzyr - he was a bold one who brought pride and self-awareness to his people. To Her Imperial Majesty the Czarina, congratulations on your success in regaining Deltaria Nova for your glorious Czardom.

Having carefully examined them, The Khanate of Jelbania approves of the Khagan's proposals, presented to us here by the honourable Prefect Jan Grnohekam. We vote AYE. We had thought that the Zardic dogs and their puppies would have had the sense to stop their follies, alas it is not so. We call for greater speed in the implementation of these measures proposed here, if approved of course. The Khanate has some trade with Zardugal ,forced on by geography. We however would not hesitate to cast this away for the wellbeing of the Khaganate, our eastern friends and perhaps all of Terra.

Taj Grzkai Heijiwrn
Yabek of Jelbania
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