Holy Hosian Patriarchal Churches Council

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Holy Hosian Patriarchal Churches Council

Postby egalion » Sun Feb 01, 2015 11:14 pm



Rejoice! In the name Eliyahu Hosios the bishops of the main Patriarchal Churches have decided to meet and discuss the fatih and Church organization.

These Curches were part of the Holy Apostolic Church of Terra (http://particracy.wikia.com/wiki/Holy_Apostolic_Hosian_Church_of_Terra), that was founded in 533 with the council of Auroria, Selucia and collapsed in 1819 when the Church was persecuted in Auroria and the different patriarchies declared independence. Since then, these Churches have taken different paths, but remained fatihful to some common points of doctrine as the Aurorian Creed. The main branches are:

The Selucian Patriarchal Church (SPC) (http://particracy.wikia.com/wiki/Selucian_Patriarchal_Church) Headed by the Supreme Watcher and Arch-Patriarch of the Selucian Patriarchal Church and based in Selucia. With 640 million adherents it is the largest Hosian denomination in Terra. This Church was the core of the Apostolic Church. IN 1819 the new polytheistic government persecuted the CHurch and lead to a great collaps; hence large chucnks of the Church in the rest of Terra became independent such as the Terran Church in Deltaria. After the Archbishop and the faithful endured the persecution, the CHurch grew once again and it spread and reclaimed large parts of the worlds. Today the Church is based in the City of the Empyrean Temple, a city state within Auroria with a beautiful temple that is the largest religious building in Terra. It is prevalent in Selucia, Egelion, Dranland, Gaudirios, Keymon (Church of Keymon), Kazulia, Tukarali, Vanuku.

The current leader of the SPC, the Supreme Pontiff and Arch-Patriarch of Selucia Marcus III

The Terran Patriarchal Church (TPC) (http://particracy.wikia.com/wiki/Terran_Patriarchal_Church) Headed by the Pápež in Deltaria and it has 522 million adherents. After it declared independence from the Apostolic Church in Selucia, it was revived by a Deltarian serf, Radoslav Volic that declared himself the Supreme Pontiff of the TPC, Claiming apostolic succession from St. Michael, he declared himself Pápež Petr I. Its main singularity is that along God (called Bog) and Eliyahu (called Ilya) they also revere the Old Deltarian gods as Saints as lesser gods, such as Saint Parnum - storm and war god, Saint Volos - earth god, Saint Prĕčista - mother goddess. It is prevalent in Deltaria, Cobura, Dolgaria, Kizenia, Telamon, Trigunia, Zardugal.

Current leader of the TPC, Papez Tomas VIII

The Theognosian Church (TC) (http://particracy.wikia.com/wiki/Theognosian_Church) Headed by the Theognosian Archpatriarch, currently Gabriel XII, it is based between Kanjor and Rildanor, and it has 339 million adherents. It separated from the TPC after the scandal of the cadaver trials (OOC: all the info in the wiki). The church was small at the beginning, but after many controversies around the corruption of the TPC, most of the Patriarchal Hosians in Canrillese speaking countries such as Kanjor and RIldanor converted and it expanded. It is mainly found in Kanjor, Rildanor, Istalia, Lourenne, Solentia.

The current leader of the Theognosian Church, Archbishop Gabriel XII

Together these Churches have 1671 believers and make up 55% of all Hosians and 27% of all inhabitants of Terra. Together they own many churches and religious buldings across the globe.

Apparently, there has been a great push towards unity from inside these denominations since many faithful and clerics desire to reform the once universal and far reaching Holy Apostolic Church of Terra. This and other topics will be discussed by the bishops and representatives of the Churches.

It is not yet known where, where and how the Council will proceed.


Hosian: Christian
Patriarchal: Apostolic so Catholic/Eastern Orthodox
Holy Apostolic Hosian Church of Terra (HAhCT): The church before the schism of 1054
Council of Auroria: Council of Nicene
Aurorian Creed: Nicean Creed
Selucian Patriarchal Church (SPC): Catholic Church / Selucian: Latin / Auroria: Rome+Constantinople
Terran Patriarchal Church: Medieval Catholicism + Orthodox Church + some pagan beliefs
Theognosian Church: A French variant of the Catholic Church, heavy on hierarchy ad liturgy

This forum is to discuss the events at a Council between the three main branches of Patriarchal Hosianism.
The main goal would to discuss a reconciliation, but it doesn'y have to be this way.

I propose that, although everyone may take part in the discussion, this forum concerns mostly users that are interested in RP, the history and religion of Terra, and especially users whose parties are Hosian or in a country that is mostly Hosian.

There are two things to decide first:
- Where to all the council
- How the discussion/decisions will be made

I propose that we call it in Auroria, since it is where the original church was born, and that each member takes the side of the church in his country. I also think that the three heads of the Church could be voiced by the players in Selucia (for the SPC), Deltaria (for the TPC) and Kanjor/Rildanor (for the TC)
But this is just my opinion

Also, I encourage only users who are interested to participate, and not people who want to troll, thank you :)

Btw, I currently control the Monarchist Party in Egelion
Last edited by egalion on Mon Sep 14, 2015 3:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Holy Hosian Patriarchal Churches Council

Postby Nickmaster » Mon Feb 02, 2015 1:29 am

Regarding the Terran Patriarchal Church:

I've been going over in my mind ways to make the TPC a more politically tied organization, specifically connected to and dependent on the Deltarian government. Through sufficient RP I should be able to fix it so that the Czardom can speak for the Church. Perhaps making the Papéz the head of government in return for carrying out the Czar's will somehow?(while not actually wielding significant power as the nation is an absolute monarchy) The Papéz would also bestow the title of "Official Protector of the Church" or something on the monarch. In short, the Church becomes subjected to the will of the Czar. With due pushback, of course.

Auroria would be a very fitting place for the meeting.
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Re: Holy Hosian Patriarchal Churches Council

Postby egalion » Mon Feb 02, 2015 3:59 am


Nickmaster wrote:I've been going over in my mind ways to make the TPC a more politically tied organization, specifically connected to and dependent on the Deltarian government.

Very interesting, exactly like the Russian Orthodox Church that was made a department of state by Czar Peter the Gerat (in the 1700s I believe but don't know when).
Yet there are drawbacks. The thing is that the TPC is also present in many other countries and other Terran Patriarchals might not like it and call for independence. It could lead to schisms as in Russi. But interesting move. It's difficult to implement it here tho cause there's no real religion gameplay, it's basically completely subject to players.
BTW, when Peter reformed the Church, he suppressed the patriarchy all together and made a council of bishops (that sorta obeyed him) the head of the Church.
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Re: Holy Hosian Patriarchal Churches Council

Postby Nickmaster » Mon Feb 02, 2015 3:09 pm

Given that the Church is present in so many countries, it would be kind of interesting to see all the backlash that would unfold internationally. I do want to keep the Papéz, if I can. There's just too much prestige attached to that name to just throw him in the gutter and forget about him.

I'll read up some more on the history of states controlling religions and then RP onwards.
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Re: Holy Hosian Patriarchal Churches Council

Postby delkana84 » Mon Feb 02, 2015 4:59 pm

OOC: I'm interested. :) It will be challenging because the SNQ is seeking to contain the power of the church right now. I need to spin the situation to be consistent with the party's objectives.
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Re: Holy Hosian Patriarchal Churches Council

Postby Antani Sfini » Tue Feb 03, 2015 10:41 am

Romula wants to participate in the Council and sends Bishop Gregory, belonging to the Church Theognosian.

Bishop Gregory hopes the restoration of the unity of the Church and believes that the city of Romula in Istalia would be the ideal place for the Council, taking up the ancient custom of the Chair of St. Peter.
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Re: Holy Hosian Patriarchal Churches Council

Postby Leonardo222 » Tue Feb 03, 2015 12:15 pm

The purity and integrity of the SPC, is non-negotiable.If the discussions are going into the right direction the SPC is of course happy to participate.

OOC: Shall I play the Selucian part)
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Re: Holy Hosian Patriarchal Churches Council

Postby egalion » Tue Feb 03, 2015 1:25 pm

Dear Hosian Brothers,

I think that it is a consensus (both Selucians and Terrans) to meet in Auroria, and if no one has anything against it so shall be. It is also a good choice since although secular, the Selucian Imperium is in good standings with the Church.

We can declare this the "New Coucil of Auroria" or "Second Council of Auroria", or something else. Which do you prefer, any suggestions?


Regarding the Romula location:

Antani Sfini wrote:Bishop Gregory hopes the restoration of the unity of the Church and believes that the city of Romula in Istalia would be the ideal place for the Council, taking up the ancient custom of the Chair of St. Peter.

Dear Antani Sfini, I perfectly understand what you mean here, alas in the Terra RP there is a major difference from the real world. Istalia is modern Italy, but the Roman Empire is in Selucia (whose language is Latin) hence there are two Romas: ROmula (modern Rome) and Auroria (ancient Rome). The Papal see in the past was Auroria since it was the see of St. Michael (No St. Peter in Terra).
Yet, we could try to mend this, maybe implementing another role of prestige to the Patriarch of Romula in the new church, since for now in the Theognosian Church it has none.

Then, we need to decide how to manage the Council.

In my opinion (but please, make your opinions know too) there are three ways we could go about doing this:
1) each user plays the patriarchal church(es) in his country
2) each user plays the church + the party/government together
3) each user plays the church and the party/government separately.

I propend for 1 or 3, but we shold discuss this and find new ideas.

Regarding Selucia,
Leonardo222 wrote:OOC: Shall I play the Selucian part)

Dear Leonardo222, since I understand your party is somewhat religious you could play the Selucian Church, although there is also delkana84 who I believe is head of the SNQ that is the ruling arty. You could paly the church toether, or Leonardo could play the Church and delkana the government.

Regarding Deltaria,

Since NIckmaster has this interesting plan that puts the Papetz and the State somewhat in opposition, I suggest you play both at the same time. For the Terran Church in other countries, I'm confident other users will join in.

For Egelion,

My party is very religious, but I'd play only the Church since the party will follow what the Church says. (It's Selucian)
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Re: Holy Hosian Patriarchal Churches Council

Postby Antani Sfini » Tue Feb 03, 2015 3:14 pm

@Egalion: I thank you for the explanation and for clarification. I think that, in any case, the city of Romula should play a central role in the formation of the Unitarian Church. Bishop Gregory will also participate in this direction in the work of the Council. We wouldn't oppose, any way, if the most appropriate venue for the Council is different from Romula, but we ask that it be decided unanimously.

As for the three alternatives, I would prefer the 3): each user plays the church and the party / government separately.
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Re: Holy Hosian Patriarchal Churches Council

Postby Polites » Tue Feb 03, 2015 5:53 pm

egalion wrote:Yet there are drawbacks. The thing is that the TPC is also present in many other countries and other Terran Patriarchals might not like it and call for independence. It could lead to schisms as in Russi. But interesting move. It's difficult to implement it here tho cause there's no real religion gameplay, it's basically completely subject to players.
BTW, when Peter reformed the Church, he suppressed the patriarchy all together and made a council of bishops (that sorta obeyed him) the head of the Church.

Well that is pretty much the whole point of the TPC; it is a very political and corrupt organization, that cares more about its power and money than the purity of its doctrine or the sanctity of its members. If the Papez is to gain more power by participating in the Deltarian government, even if that risks alienating the rest of the Church outside Deltaria, he will do it. Don't forget that the TPC very recently ruled Deltaria directly. The TPC is the kind of Church that calls crusades, establishes inquisitions, places the cadavers of former Popes on trial, or that has its military-monastic orders engage in drug trade and human trafficking. Personally I'd be opposed to the union of the TPC with any other Church unless it were a full merger with the TPC, including the acceptance of the supreme and absolute primacy of the Papez, the worship of the Deltarian gods, and the adoption of the Deltarian rite (basically the Russian-style Byzantine rite in Old Church Slavonic).

Also, as I hold a leadership position in the TPC organization and I did a lot of work on the Church, I would like to represent the Papez, if Nick is fine with it.
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