Holy Hosian Patriarchal Churches Council

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Re: Holy Hosian Patriarchal Churches Council

Postby TheNewGuy » Fri Jun 12, 2015 7:08 pm

Patriarch of Quanzar and Solentia said to be 'in favor' of proposed compromise reforms

Rumors are circulating throughout the Hosian world that the Theognosian Patriach of Quanzar and Solentia, a Solentian famous for his distaste for recent Istalian successes in the Church hierarchy, might be in favor of nomenclature compromises suggested by Wrunkek and Selucian delegates in efforts to end a nascent dispute with Theognosian Arch-Patriarch Benedetto (Benoit) V.

Halion Tonight, a major Solentian news outlet, reported that sources close to the Solentian Patriarch say he is more open than ever to compromise with the Istalians over naming issues that have split the Church for centuries. Solentia's Theognosian leaders have maintained a respect for the history of South Majatra that they say their counterparts in Istalia do not share. The Patriarch, Indri Maurin, is said to be "open to discussion in the name of Hosian brotherhood." This is a major development, as it may be the removal of the last barrier to the integration of the Theognosian and Selucian Patriarchal churches.

The Solentian Patriarch is said to "strongly favor" the compromise suggested by Bishop Rnúf Anzlék of Vanuku, which would keep the Patriarchate of Quanzar and Solentia as one Patriarchate, renamed to the Patriarchate of Istalia, Solentia, and Quanzar. This, sources say, might turn out to be the proposal that heals a long divide in the Theognosian Church while facilitating the unification of the TC and the SPC.
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Re: Holy Hosian Patriarchal Churches Council

Postby Antani Sfini » Sat Jun 13, 2015 1:05 pm

Benedetto V accepts the compromise proposed by the Council for the sake of unity


Official statement of His Holiness Benedetto V: "To rebuild the unity of the Holy Apostolic Hosian Church I come to meet the needs of the Council and accept the name "Patriarchate of Istalia, Solentia, and Quanzar". I hope that this gesture will serve to proceed quickly to the Council towards the goal of re-foundation of the "Holy Apostolic Hosian Church".

With this move, the Arch-Patriarch of the Theognosian Church could get a double result: to bring together the patriarchs of his church and the Council to proceed to the final vote with a timing really reduced. Second, such a compromise, as already mentioned by other experts, could provide a big symbolic emphasis to the new Patriarchate, till put it, in the future, among the most prestigious of the Holy Apostolic Hosian Church.
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Re: Holy Hosian Patriarchal Churches Council

Postby egalion » Sat Jun 13, 2015 8:37 pm

☩ First Major Step forward in the Council ☩
The Conciliar fathers have achieved a major goal in the structurization of the Church


The Holy Apostolic Hosian Church of Terra gained a new structuralization this morning after the bishops have finally agreed on one major issue of contention, the Quanzar debate. This debate reneter in the larger scheme of the structuralization of the Church after the council. The conciliar fathers agreed on the need of centralist in the Church represented by the See of St. Michael.

  • The ArchPatriarch (of Pontiff) will have jurisdiction over the whole church, will be a primus inter pares among bishops, and shall retain the last word in matters of faith and ecclesiology. The ArchPatriarch selects and appoints all other bishops.
  • Inside the Church, there are a number Patriarchates that have a special amount of autonomy from Auroria.
  • The Patriarch is selected from inside the Church and only requires approval from Auroria. All the bishops in the Patriarchate are selected by the Patriarch but need approval from the Arch-Patriarch.
  • The liturgical aspect of the Church exists in a variety of traditions, and these take form of rites. There are four main rite: Selucian, Theognosian, Augustan, Pontesian, and a number of smaller and local ones.
Hierarchy of the HAHCT:

ArchPatriarch in Auroria (or whatever we call him)
----Majority of bishops (both of Selucian and other rites)
--Patriarch of Canrille.
----Canrillaise Bishops. The Patrarchate follows mainly the Theognosian rite
--Patriarch of Istalia, Solentia, and Quanzar.
---- Solentian, Istalian, and Kafuri bishops. The Patrarchate follows mainly the Theognosian rite.
--Patriarch of the Augustans
----Kalopian bishops and Augustan-Rite bishops in Zardugal, Cobura, and Vanuku. The Patrarchate follows mainly the Augustan rite.
--Patriarch of the East (OOC:name may change)
---Pontesian, Barmenian, and Cildanian bishops, as well as Coburan-Rite bishops in Zardugal and Cobura. The Patrarchate follows mainly the Pontesian rite.


The work at the council is far from done. A number of matters have to be settled:
☩ The Sacraments
☩ Details about liturgy
☩ The election of the ArchPatriarch
☩ The name of the ArchPatriarch
☩ Challenges for the evangelization (Especially in Dovani, where the church is strong but at risk from totalitarian regimes)
☩ Celibacy of priests
☩ Relationship with the TPC and Heretic Hosians (non-patriarchal)
☩ Resurgence of paganism and other fundamentalist sects.


Polites, why has the church dropped so much in Selucia? I saw the new bill you drafted and Hosianity passed from 67 to 43%. I think that this council would make the Church much much stronger. Also, we should do something about people in Dovani that complete trump Cultural protocols and change everything to Asian cultures and religions for no reason.

I think we should call the ArchPatriach Pontiff. Pope would be confused with Papetz, and ArchPatriarhc is a mouthful and ugly. Or something else.
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Re: Holy Hosian Patriarchal Churches Council

Postby Kubrick » Sat Jun 13, 2015 9:29 pm

OOC: I like Arch Patriarch, it sounds different and cool. Pontiff is confusing, since the big wig of the Selucian paganism is the Pontifex Maximus.
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Re: Holy Hosian Patriarchal Churches Council

Postby Polites » Sun Jun 14, 2015 4:52 am

OOC: I also like Arch-Patriarch, sounds quite imposing, and I also agree that Pontiff could lead to confusion with the Pontifex Maximus/Maxima of Selucian Paganism. There has also been no parallel to RL history of Christianity in the Roman Empire that would have led to a Pope adopting that title. Alternatively we could just call him "Ecumenical Patriarch" as the RL Patriarch of Constantinople. IG he's also known as "Papa" and "Supreme Watcher".

In what concerns Selucia, Hosianism has been declining for a long time as a result of a Pagan resurgence. The Empyrean Treaty and the current Council may have reversed the resurgence a bit, but the overall trend has been in that direction. The religious demographics will stabilize at a relatively equal demographic share for Hosians and Pagans, with the ultimate goal of allowing parties of both orientations to play without having to go out of their way to justify their vote share, simply because both religions have a very long history (as in from the earliest days of the game) of being RP'd in Selucia.

As for Dovani, well it's been established as the East Asian/Pre-Columbian American continent of the game, with many African influences, and I wouldn't OOCly want to see a reversal of that. IC the Church should of course offer its disapproval.

Overall I agree with your proposal and I will soon present my IC response.
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Re: Holy Hosian Patriarchal Churches Council

Postby egalion » Sun Jun 14, 2015 6:53 pm

The Arch-Patriarch of the Aurorian Church
An extract from the documents of the council


The Official Titles of the ArchPatriarch:
  • Ecumenical Arch-Patriarch of the Holy Apostolic Hosian Church of Terra
  • Vicar of Elijah Hosios
  • Successor of St. Michael Vigiulius, the First Apostle
  • Bishop of Auroria
  • Primate of Selucia
  • Supreme Watcher of the Church
  • Sovereign of the City State of the Empyrean Temple
  • First and equal among the Patriarchs
  • Father of the bishops
  • Servant of the Faithful.

The statue of St Michael Vigiulius in the Empyrean temple weaaring Archpatriarchal regalia. Such regalia have not been used by recent Selucian ArchPatriarchs because of the troubles affecting the church. It is said however, that the new Archpatriarch may regain use of the full regalia to represent the refound vigor of the Church.

The canons and regulations regarding hierarchy:

§1 When Eliyahu instituted the Apostles at the head of which he placed St Michael Vigilius, chosen from among them. Just as "by the Lord's institution, St. michael and the rest of the apostles constitute a single apostolic college, so in like fashion the Aurorian ArchPatriarch, Michel's successor, and the bishops, the successors of the apostles, are related with and united to one another.

§2 The Lord made Michael alone the "rock" of his Church. He gave him the keys of his Church and instituted him shepherd of the whole flock. This pastoral office of Michael and the other apostles belongs to the Church's very foundation and is continued by the bishops under the primacy of the ArchPatriarch.

§3 The ArchPatriarch, Bishop of Auroria and Michael's successor, "is the perpetual and visible source and foundation of the unity both of the bishops and of the whole company of the faithful."

§4 "The college or body of bishops has no authority unless united with the ArchPatriarch, Michael's successor, as its head." As such, this college has "supreme and full authority over the universal Church; but this power cannot be exercised without the agreement of the Aurorian ArchPatriarch."

§5 The bishops are appointed by the ArchPatriarch, and no bishop will have authority unless appointed by the ArchPatriarch. The ArchPatriarch has the faculty of revoking the appointment at any time.

§6 Particular Churches inisde the Mother Church are given the status of Patriarchates. The bishops of these churches are selected and appointed by the Patriarch, after the approval of the ArchPatriarch. The Patriarch is chosen by the bishops of the Pattriarchate, but needs to be appointed and approved by the ArchPatriarch. Unapproved bishops and Patriarchs are in full schism with the Church.

§7 Each bishop and priest may say the liturgy in the rite he may chose. Every dioceses has an official rite, but other rites can coexist within it.

§8 The ArchPatriarch is chosen by the holy Assembly of Cardinals. The elctions are secret and each candidate has to obtain 2/3rd of the votes. Any priest of the Church can be voted.

§9 The ArchPatriarch appoints Cardinals in the Empyrean Temple. Every priest can become a cardinal. Patriarchs are automatically cardinals.

§10 The ArchPatriarch shall reserve the right to dress in white and gold. Cardinals can dress in red. Patriarchs can dress in gold. Bishops can dress in purple and priests in black.

§10 The language of the See of St, Michael shall be Selucians. Patrairchs and bishops are free to adopt the language of their rite and culture, but official documents are encouraged to be in Selucian.


The Church

The Arch-Patriarch




Selucian Rite

Theognosian Rite

Augustan Rite

Eastern Rite


Terran Patriarchal Church

Apostolic Church of the East

Last edited by egalion on Sun Jun 14, 2015 11:32 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: Holy Hosian Patriarchal Churches Council

Postby SelucianCrusader » Sun Jun 14, 2015 7:05 pm

Pontesian Selucianists seeks canonisation of Crusade's Founder
Bishop challenges view of Hosio-Felinism as heretical

Ignatius Homogenus

The Selucian Metropolitan Archbishop of Dawnstar, Ignatius Homogenus, has revealed a four-point programme outlining his agenda for the Council. As a favourite of the current State Director of Ponticum, it is not surprising that his agenda is closely aligned with the Crimson Crusade:

- Encouraging the submission of the Hobrazian Orthodox Church to the Arch-Patriarch in Auroria.
- Encouraging the government of Free Ponticum to, at the very least, "create incentives" for such a union of churches.
- Abstaining from the categorisation of Hosio-Felinism as a per definition heretical concept.
- The recognition of Alamar Xarfaxis as a venerable person for the faithful, or at the very least, recognition of his message as "divine".


Polites wrote:OOC: I confess I am not familiar with the history of the SPC in Pontesi, but from what I can tell the Church there, in spite of its association with Selucian nationalism and the Crimson Crusade, does seem to follow the Hobrazian/Armenian Rite and is also very friendly towards the Nrkteks/Arev Mardik, the equivalent of Armenians. That is, I know, not good enough grounds for autonomy, but I notice that the Pontesian Church often expresses some degree of independence towards Auroria. Also, bringing most of the Eastern Rites under a Pontesian Patriarch could parallel the IC history of those Rites; the Patriarchal Church (ER) was introduced in the South by Barmenian missionaries and in opposition to the Aurorian-oriented Augustan Church (see here), and within the SPC Barmenia is hierarchically subordinate to Pontesi. So if an Augustan Patriarchate is to be established over Kalopia, Zardugal, and Cobura, the SPC faithful in those nations that follow the Coburan/Alexandrian Rite would not want to submit to it or even directly to Auroria, for historical reasons. Which is why I suggest the creation of a single non-Byzantine Eastern Rite Patriarchate within the new Church, and since Pontesi already has that role (shared with Cildania), I'd say it should keep it, while abolishing the Cildanian Patriarchate (which was never to any extent RPd anyway).
Actually the Pontesian SPC was Eastern-Rite even before the Pntek became Orthodox all of a sudden (they were Bishopal i e Anglican before TNG decided to retcon that). Martin and I agreed on that during the religious retcon, as we wanted to have Uniates somewhere in the Church and it appeared to make sense regarding Pontesi's location. Yes, the Pontesian SPC has periodically been in opposition to Auroria. During a period of Crusader rule when Martin's Arch-Patriarch who tried to mend ties with the Pnteks and expressed unfavourable views of our Felinist allies, I created the "Xarfaxian Disciples of Tolerance and Harmony" to act as an SSPX-esque counterweight to formal SPC authorities. The Crimson Crusade also venerates Alamar Xarfaxis as a saint, without the Church's approval, though obviously most Selucianist Pontesians aren't crusaders.
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Re: Holy Hosian Patriarchal Churches Council

Postby Polites » Mon Jun 15, 2015 8:52 am

Selucia expresses joy at reunion

The Council seems to be progressing smoothly in what concerns full unification of the two hitherto separate orthodox Aurorian branches. There now seems to be agreement on the hierarchy and liturgy of the Church, and the one major issue of contention, the role and name of the old Quanzar Patriarchate, has been resolved. But as the Egelian delegation pointed out, there remain areas that need settling before full communion can be restored. Responding to the issues raised by Egelion, Scriba Valentinianus presented his views on the matter.

☩ The Sacraments
The Selucian Patriarchal Church and the Theognosian Church, as sister Churches born from the same womb of the Holy Apostolic Church, both practice and revere the Seven Sacrifices instituted by the incarnate Spirit Himself and continued without alteration within all Aurorian Churches to this day. The Seven Sacrifices remain the following:

1.Sacrifice of Water (Baptism)
2.Sacrifice of Gratitude (Revelation, equivalent of the Eucharist)
3.Sacrifice of Fire (Illumination, similar to confirmation)
4.Sacrifice of Piety (Vocation, consecration of priests)
5.Sacrifice of Love (Marriage)
6.Sacrifice of Purity (Remission, similar to confession)
7.Sacrifice of Memory (Burial)

☩ Details about liturgy
The reunited Holy Apostolic Church must cherish the entire liturgical heritage passed on to us by the Holy Apostles and the ancient Apostolic Churches. The Selucian and Theognosian Mass are not the only liturgies of ancient origin, as the Fathers at this Council rightfully pointed out. The Augustan, Coburan, Hobrazian, and Kathuran Mass, and several other ancient liturgies, must receive the utmost care and support in their preservation. Particular care must be taken in making sure the ongoing practice of Liturgical Selucianization does not continue, so that other ancient and venerable Rites can continue to be practiced unhindered. We notice with concern that the Iconostasis in the Theognosian Rite is being abandoned; the ancient practice and reverence for Icons in the Theognosian Church should be restored, as are all other ancient practices in the reunited Church.

☩ The election of the ArchPatriarch

As the Council already decided, the ArchPatriarch, as the Successor of Saint Michael, is to be elected by an Assembly of Cardinals. In order to ensure the unity of the Church, we suggest that the ArchPatriarch be elected by the entire college of Cardinals in the Apostolic Church, with 2/3 of votes.

☩ Challenges for the evangelization (Especially in Dovani, where the church is strong but at risk from totalitarian regimes)

The Church in Dovani, one of the most precious parts of the Apostolic Church, has been persecuted and driven into hiding. The Church must offer its full support to her faithful undergoing persecution at the hand of anti-Hosian totalitarian regimes. We are particularly concerned with the situation in Hulstria and Gao-Soto, where a totalitarian monarchy has brought all Hosians under the control of the government, violating the religious liberty of Hosians and non-Hosians alike. The Church should send missionaries to strengthen the faith there and to encourage faithful Aurorian Hosians in this time of persecution.

☩ Celibacy of priests
The Selucian and Theognosian Rites require all priests to be celibate, while all others allow them to get married. We see no reason to change the practice of ancient Apostolic Rites, and we propose that priests of the Hobrazian, Augustan, Kathuran, and Coburan Rites be allowed to retain that privilege. Bishops in those Rites should continue to be appointed from amongst monastics and thus required to be celibate, as has been practice for thousands of years.

☩ Relationship with the TPC and Heretic Hosians (non-patriarchal)
Saint Justus III argued in his Apostolic Constitution In Caelo Ecclesia that any Church that has valid Apostolic Succession, uses a valid liturgy, and is orthodox in beliefs remains in a state of schism from the Holy Apostolic Church, and not heresy. For that reason we continue to believe that Deltarian Hosians who reject the polytheism of the Terran Patriarchal Church, particularly the local Church in Trigunia, are not heretics but schismatics, and the only obstacle for their full communion is their acceptance of the primacy of the See of Saint Michael. Bishopals, High-Church Luthorans, and smaller national Patriarchal Churches are also considered to be in a state of schism and not heresy.

The Church must not, however, abandon its orthodoxy. The Holy Fathers assembled at Auroria in 533 unequivocally condemned Unitarianism and Ordism, and thus all those so-called "Hosians" are heretics, under the anathema of the Holy Apostolic Church. Luthoranism too, in most of its varieties, is a heresy, as it denies the Seven Sacrifices, Apostolic Succession, and the Holy Tradition. Hosians belonging to those churches must abandon their heretical beliefs in order to join the Apostolic Church.

☩ Resurgence of paganism and other fundamentalist sects.
We have seen a rebirth of various superstitions and heathen beliefs, including, most worryingly, in Selucia itself. The rise of Selucian Paganism we can only explain by the lack of interest of the Church in communicating truthfully with her flock. The Church was discredited in Selucia by several so-called Hosians, who, ignoring the beliefs and practices of the Apostolic Church, have attempted to violate the free will of Selucians by imposing laws going against the beliefs of our Church, including by banning women from work. We celebrate the liberation of Selucia from the tyranny of so-called Hosians, but we fear that the Church is now seen as a tyrant herself. In reaction, Selucians are taking to libertine practices, subjecting themselves to the slavery of sensual vices in a falsely and misguidedly understood form of "freedom". The Church must reaffirm its belief that no freedom can be found without the Spirit, that free will ought not be misused, and that sin and vice are a worse form of tyranny than any human dictatorship. The Church should also distance itself from extremist and fundamentalist groups acting in her name, committing numerous atrocities under the cover of Hosian piety. Those groups are Hosian in name only, and by their heresy have placed themselves outside the fold of the Holy Apostolic Church.

We are also particularly concerned with the continuing popularity of Pagan practices among Hosian faithful. In Selucia many baptized Apostolic Hosians have altars to the Laeses (family gods) and participate in pagan festivals while also going to Church. In Pontesi we notice with concern the reemergence of pagan Felinist practice among Hosians, a practice already condemned as heretical by the Church. Speaking ex cathedra, Saint Justus III declared Hosio-Felinism as a heresy, and to move against this is to call a Successor of Saint Michael and a Saint of the Apostolic Church a liar and a heretic.

Another fundamentalist sect that claims itself a member of the Aurorian Church but which by its beliefs and practices goes against its teachings is the Crimson Crusade, currently ruling Pontesi. In addition to professing sympathy for the Hosio-Felinist heresy, the Crusade follows a number of obscure and heretical beliefs, including the misguided belief that humans can somehow postpone the end of the world, as if God and the Spirit could be held hostage to human demands. The presence of these beliefs among the Pontesian hierarchy is very worrisome, and the Church should take steps to ensure the orthodoxy of all of its clergy.
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Re: Holy Hosian Patriarchal Churches Council

Postby Polites » Tue Jun 16, 2015 7:23 am

OOC: So can we have the two Arch-Patriarchs resign and have a single one elected? I think there remain no major areas of disagreement and it seems that everyone here is happy with the conclusions reached. I messaged players from the major Theognosian nations, and they all agreed with the decisions of this Council, so I think that there's no risk of a major schism if this goes through.

We should also make a party org, a wiki article, and a forum thread for the new Church. I was also thinking that, instead of having players in a ton of nations update their Cultural Protocols, we can reach a decision that the continued usage of the terms "Selucian Patriarchal Church" and "Theognosian Church" is allowed, and refers to each of the respective former Churches as part of the Holy Apostolic Hosian Church
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Re: Holy Hosian Patriarchal Churches Council

Postby Kubrick » Tue Jun 16, 2015 11:09 pm

OOC: Glad to see it go so smoothly. I've been busy rewriting the Cultural Protocols for Vanuku and bringing it up to proper standards and also immediately added the new religions to clear that up once and for all about Vanuku as well.
http://classic.particracy.net/viewbill. ... lid=439667

Great work as well on the Hosian wiki articles as well Polites, it was all so confusing a few years ago but now it all makes sense and it's clear and orderly.
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