Feedback: Fact and Quote Suggestions

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Moderator: RP Committee

Feedback: Fact and Quote Suggestions

Postby Moderation » Tue Jun 23, 2015 12:16 am

This is a thread for proposing additions to the "Random Facts" and "Random Quotes" than run along the bottom of the game screen.

Random Facts should all be related to Particracy. Random Quotes may or may not be Particracy-related.

The Random Facts are listed below.

Fact Administration

The people in your nation don't like inactive parties. When you often abstain from voting for a bill, they will dislike your party and your visibility to the electorate will decrease significantly. Low visibility will means you are likely to lose seats. So keep in mind: voting Yes or No is always better than Abstaining.

When you join the game, you will find yourself with only 0 seats. That's because your party's representatives haven't been elected yet. You need to establish your party's position on issues by proposing several bills that your party wants passed and sending them to vote. This raises your visibility and if you do it enough, you will win seats at the next election.

All multiple-choice proposal values are symmetrically balanced. There is no wrong or right choice. One choice may bring you closer to the political center, another may bring you closer to an extreme. You have to make the consideration of what suits your party best.

There is a phpBB forum dedicated to Particracy. Please click the Forum link in the top game menu.
Additions to the game, suggestions and discussion is held there so get involved.

You can view helpful ideological statistics about the regions in your nation on the region pages. You can also view detailed political opinions and the importance of them there as well.

When elections in a country are held, all bills in the voting phase are reset to the debate phase.

The influence a bill has on elections decreases over time, until it eventually is no longer relevant. This can explain shifts in your party's position to the electorate and your visibility.

Voters have an extra appreciation for bills that actually get passed, so if you want to maximally take profit from your votes, make sure you compromise with others.

The voters enjoy active parties who take upon themselves the initiative to create laws.

Submitting a bill without any proposals in it will not attract or detract voters. It will not raise your visibility or change your political position.

Party candidates for head of state elections are not visible to the public. This means that you cannot see who will run and who will not, which adds another strategic element to the elections.

You can view who's online (i.e. been active the last 10 minutes) at the bottom of the menu (either at the top or the side).

Check out the forum regularly for game news.

If you have a question, post it on the forum. Game Moderators and other players will be happy to help you.

Particracy is completely free! If you want to support the game financially, feel free to make a small donation to the Paypal account.

When forming a cabinet, try to include as few parties as possible, while still obtaining a majority of the seats.

Don't put "the" as the first word in your party name, because when parties are referred to in news reports, their names are preceded with "the", e.g. The [Socialist Party] has lost.

Don't vote yes on a cabinet coalition that doesn't give you the power that you deserve.

The forum contains a lot of useful information, it has updates to the game, role playing between nations, news and discussion.

Parties have the ability to endorse another party's candidate for the Head of State election (if there is one). This adds a strategic element to the elections.

In Culturally Protected nations, it is the responsibility of players to ensure the candidate boxes on their Party Overview screens are filled in with appropriate names. If a player is allotted seats in a Cabinet bill and has not filled in names for the relevant candidate position, then the program will automatically fill in the positions with names which might not necessarily be appropriate for the Cultural Protocols.

You can inactivate yourself on your User Page. You will then lose all your seats but your party account won't be deleted, and your party's Visibility ratings will not diminish. Reactivation can be requested in the "Reactivation Requests" thread in the Moderation section of the Particracy Forum.

After 4 days of inactivity, your party account is inactivated by the moderation team. You can ask for reactivation on the Particracy forum, moderation section.

If you want to leave Particracy, please inactivate yourself on your user page to save the moderation team some time.

When your party holds the foreign affairs department, you can create new treaties. However, before writing anything new, it is a good idea to search for existing treaties which already accomplish what you desire.

Make sure to check out Particracy's wiki.

Particracy isn't just a game, it also has a forum, where players meet up to discuss role-playing, talk about in-game stuff, run their own newspaper or organisation and even discuss non-game and real-life issues! Check it out:

Hundreds of vessels were lost while traversing the cold waters of the Sea of Lost Souls. It is located between Seleya and Majatra.

In Particracy players are only allowed to play as one party at a time. Want to swap nations? Inactivate your current party and make a new one! Want to return? Request Moderation to reactivate your party on the forum!

To see what other nations are up to and to actively involve yourself in international activities: check the Roleplaying section on the forum! Don't be shy to make a news post about your party's recent achievements.

The grey space in the east is filled with many unplayable post-colonial countries. They fall under the role-play control of the Global Role-Play Team. Other players can only interact with them in a manner that would not be considered godmodding if applied to interaction with a player-controlled nation.

"Jezvraljogadsrlji" means "Social" in the Jelbic languages.

Use a valid e-mail address for your Particracy account. If the e-mail address you entered does not exist, your account may be suspected of multi-accounting and inactivated.

Dorvik is a nation based on Germanic and old Prussian cultures, it is located on the far north of Artania, making it an almost arctic nation.

Selucia is Particracy's modern take on Ancient Rome, located on the continent of Majatra.

Vanuku is a bilingual nation, divided between the Dutch and a group of the Jelbic peoples. Vanuku is located on the continent of Majatra.

Zardugal is a nation based on the old Byzantine Empire, with a modern twist and the Esperanto language. Zardugal is located on the continent of Majatra.

Jelbic = "Group of cultures with an overall Central Asian/Eurasian steppe theme, using a fictional language developed specifically for Particracy".

Dorvik is a nation with German and old Prussian cultures, it is very northern with a cold climate and has a long history as a military nation.

If there are no parties in your nation with seats, feel free to visit the forum and request an early election on the Early Election Requests thread:

If your "Bills under debate" section is cluttered up with old bills created by inactive parties, report them for deletion on the Bill Clearouts Requests thread: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=4363

Head to the Language Assistance Requests thread to receive and offer help with translations: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=6132

Tell us about yourself on the Particracy Player Profiles thread: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=32

Discuss flag designs at the Flag Designs thread: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=37

If you want to know how many players there are in Particracy right now, check out the Game Statistics buried at the bottom of the World Map screen.

Particracy has been running since 2005. Dorvik was Particracy's first nation, the Dorvik Social Democrats the first party and the International Greens the first Party Organisation.

Keymon is Particracy's smallest nation, with only 1 region and 20 million people.

Did you know you can change the official name of your nation? All you need to do is draw up a new name that is in accordance with the National Renaming Guide, pass a bill proposing the name change with a 2/3rds majority and then post a request to Moderation on the "Nation/Region/City/Newspaper Renaming Requests" thread. You can change city and region names in this way too, so long as the new names "reflect the culture of the nation".

Terra, the fictional world in which Particracy is set, consists of 8 continents: Artania, Dovani, Keris, Macon, Majatra, Seleya, Squibble and Vascania.

Rildanor, Kanjor and Alduria all have Canrilaise (French) cultures.

"OOC", "IC" and "IG" are commonly-used acronyms in Particracy. "OOC" refers to comments, discussions and actions which are out-of-character, meaning they are done player-to-player rather than party-to-party. "IC" refers to in-character interactions (ie. party-to-party). Similarly, "IG" means in-game, although this term may also simply refer to what happens in the actual game interface, as opposed to on the forum or elsewhere. "RP" just means "role-play".

Particracy allows you to establish an unelected Head of State like a monarch or a President-for-life, but doing this is a bit of a process. First elect a candidate with the name "." to the Head of State position. Then change your law on the "Structure of the executive branch" to "The Head of State is hereditary and symbolic; the Head of Government chairs the cabinet" and change the "formal title of the Head of State" to how you want the new Head of State's title and name to appear (eg. King Percy XVI).

The economic aspect to the game has not been deeply developed, but each nation does have a currency and some of these currencies have been assigned names. For more information and details of the suggested exchange rates, see .

The LOD or Lodamun Dollar is the strongest currency and has traditionally been used as the unit of measurement for international economic comparisons.

In order for a Cabinet bill to pass, more than half of the legislature must vote for it and all of the parties included in the proposed Cabinet must support it. If your nation has a Head of State who is also the Head of Government, then the party controlling this character must also vote for the bill, since the Head of Government is also a member of the Cabinet. If any of these requirements are not met, the bill will not pass.

It usually takes up to an hour for election results to generate. During this time, the "Next Election" date is put forward a month, which is confusing. Do not worry! In a short time, the election result will generate and the "Next Election" date will then correct itself.

In your Message Centre there is a really useful feature which allows you to subscribe to all of the bill debates in your nation. If you use that, then the "Watched Discussions" section will show you every time a new message has been posted on a bill. You can also subscribe to other pages you want to follow, such as your nation message-board, Party Organisations or bills outside your nation which you are interested in.
RemoveUpdate and are great resources for coming up with character names from unfamiliar cultures.

Google Translate can help you with those language translations:

"Treaty-locking", or ratifiying treaties that completely or nearly completely forbid any proposals to change laws, is not allowed. Amongst other possible sanctions, Moderation reserves the discretion to delete treaties and/or subject parties to a seat reset if this is necessary in order to reverse a treaty-lock situation.

It is not allowed to call more than 5 elections in 5 game years in a nation. The default sanction for a player persisting in the early election tactic will be a seat reset.

As a general convention, players should be able to provide good reasons if they want to significantly change Cultural Protocols which are less than 30 in-game years old. Where the Cultural Protocols are more than 30 in-game years old, then a change to any of the categories by 5% or less will generally be accepted without question. If the changes proposed are between 5 and 10%, then players should be prepared for the possibility of having the changes queried. If the changes proposed are 10% or more, then players should always expect to need to provide strong role-play justification for the changes.

Moderation will not approve a Cultural Protocol request within the first 48 hours of it being requested. This is in order to give other players a chance to query the proposed changes, if they wish to do so. Moderation may be approached for advice on a proposed change, but any advice proffered should always be understood under the provisio that no final decision will be made until at least 48 hours after the request has been formally submitted for approval.

Cultural Protocols bills must provide descriptions of the cultures, languages and religions which would be easy for an unfamiliar player to understand (eg. "Dundorfian = German"). Where appropriate, they should also provide guidance to players on where to find help with translations and character names. This might include, for example, links to Google Translate, Behind the Name's Random Name Generator and Fantasy Name Generators.

Moderation will not accept Cultural Protocol updates which introduce, on a significant scale, cultures which are likely to be insufficiently accessible to players. In particular, for all significant cultures in Particracy, it should be easy for players to access and use online resources to assist with language translation and the generation of character names. Moderation reserves the right to amend Cultural Protocols which are deemed to have introduced significant cultures that are not sufficiently accessible and which are not being actively role-played with.

The players in a nation have a collective responsibility to prevent confusion by ensuring unofficial or outdated bills labelled as "Cultural Protocols" are removed from their nation page.

"Nation raiding" is when two or more players enter a nation with an organised agenda to introduce change which the incumbent player(s) is strongly resistant to. To be legal under the rules, Moderation must be satisfied the nation raid has sufficient role-play justification and that on the balance of probabilities, no malicious intention towards a player or group of players is involved.

The former colonial territories fall under the role-play control of the Global Role-Play Team. Other players can only interact with them in a manner that would not be considered godmodding if applied to interaction with a player-controlled nation.

Players have a responsibility to differentiate between OOC (out-of-character) and IC (in-character) behaviour, and to make clear when they are communicating in OOC or IC terms. Since Particracy is a role-playing game, IC excesses are generally fine, but OOC attacks are not. However, players must not presume this convention permits them to harass a player with IC remarks that have a clear OOC context.

Players have a responsibility to make a reasonable effort to be accurate when communicating the rules to other players. Any player who manipulatively misleads another player about the rules will be subject to sanction.

The use of proxy servers makes it impossible to detect multiing and is therefore forbidden. Players who access Particracy through a proxy will have their accounts inactivated.

Players are expected to play the game independently and should not share their passwords or allow others to access their accounts.

Never use the same password as a friend. If two or more active accounts use the same password, they will be inactivated.

Players must never be asked for their Particracy password. This includes Moderation; a genuine Moderator will never ask for your password.

Each user account may only be used by the player who set it up. Handing over an account to another player is not allowed.

Whilst the use of non-English languages can be appropriate for nation names, party names, constitutional titles and other variables, English is the official language of communication in the game. All descriptive texts and public communications should be in English or at least appear alongside a full English translation.

"Spamming", or the indiscriminate posting of unsolicited messages, is not allowed.

Particracy is set in the fictional world of Terra, which mirrors the real world of today and yet is not quite like it.

The majority of nations in Particracy are "Culturally Protected" with an established cultural background. Only the "Culturally Open" nations are not bound by the rules surrounding culture. The Cultural Protocols Index should be consulted for more information about the cultural situation of each nation.

All role-play must respect the established cultural background in Culturally Protected nations.

In Culturally Protected nations, special care must be taken to ensure realism is maintained when role-playing a government controlled by an ethnic and/or religious minority. If it is to be supposed that this government is supported by a majority of the population, then this should be plausibly and sufficiently role-played. The burden of proof is on the player or players role-playing such a regime to demonstrate that it is being done realistically

Character names must appear plausible and should consist of at least a first name and a surname. Exceptions to this will only be granted at Moderation's discretion and where a very strong case has been presented

Moderation will not implement nation renaming requests where the proposed name does not comply with the requirements set out in the Nation Renaming Guide: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=6364

Party Organisations will be deleted if they have no active leaders or are over 20 in-game years old and have fewer than 2 active members listed with no more than 25 organisations.

Players using inactive accounts and/or accounts from outside nations may only propose bills and/or contribute to discussions, whether IC (in-character) or OOC (out-of-character) with the general consent of the players in the nation.

Bill descriptions must be in English, or at least include a full English translation. Bill titles may appear in a language that is appropriate to the nation and are not required to be translated into English.

The term "Protocols" must not be used to describe any OOC (out-of-character) bill other than the Cultural Protocols.

The players in a nation have a collective responsibility to ensure their "Bills under debate" section is kept in good order. Bills which are irrelevant or have become irrelevant should be deleted. Deletion can be requested for bills proposed by inactive parties on the Bill Clearout Requests thread: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=4363

Treaties which have become inactive, meaning they are over 20 IG (in-game) years old and have no ratifications or are over 100 IG years old and have fewer than 2 ratifications, will be deleted. Treaties identified as inactive may be reported for deletion on the Dead Treaties thread: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=4367

At the close of each Cultural Era, Moderation will review the Cultural Protocols which were not affirmed and decide whether it would be in the broader interests of the game to allow them to continue into the next Cultural Era, or whether the nation should be declared Culturally Open.

Once approved, players should copy Cultural Protocols into a bill in the debate section of their nation page, under the title of "OOC: Cultural Protocols". This bill should include links to the actual Cultural Protocols bill which was approved by Moderation, the Game Rules and the Cultural Protocols Index.

Role-play is most enjoyable and successful when there is good communication and friendly relations between all players involved.

"Game mechanics comes first." For example, if a currently-enforced bill sets out one law, then a player cannot claim the government has set out a contradictory law.

In general, role-play requires the consent of all players.

Players who consent to a particular role-play by acknowledging it in their own role-play cannot then disown it or withdraw their consent from it. For example, if player A role-plays the assassination of player B's character, and player B then acknowledges the assassination in a news post, but then backtracks and insists the assassination did not happen, then he will be required under the rules to accept the validity of the assassination role-play.

Players consent to the reasonable and predictable consequences of the role-play they consent to. For example, players who role-play their characters as committing criminal offences should expect those characters to experience the predictable judicial consequences of that.

Players are expected to behave in a courteous, co-operative manner and make a reasonable effort to act with the consent of all players involved, even where the rules do not make consent strictly necessary. In particular, players have a responsibility to take reasonable care that other players are not misinformed either about the role-play or the Game Rules.

Laws outlined in bill descriptions but not specified in game mechanic proposals are known as "role-play laws" or "RP laws" and are recognised under the rules as binding. Constitutional RP laws require a 2/3rds majority, just like game mechanic constitutional laws. Non-constitutional RP laws require a simple majority, just like non-constitutional game mechanic laws.

It is the collective responsibility of the players in a nation to ensure all currently binding RP laws are clearly outlined in an OOC reference bill in the "Bills under debate" section of the nation page. Confusion should not be created by displaying only some of the current RP laws or displaying RP laws which are no longer current.

Players who disagree over issues surrounding which RP laws are current and how the RP laws are presented in the "Bills under debate" section should first try to resolve their differences amongst themselves If that fails, Moderation should be approached for a ruling.

Players who deliberately attempt to present a misleading picture of the nation's current RP laws will be subject to sanction.

In cases where players have failed to clearly and accurately reference their nation's RP laws in the "Bills under debate" section, Moderation will rule them invalid if a challenge is made to their validity.

In cases where players introduce RP laws to a nation and then leave, Moderation reserves the discretion to declare the RP laws void if they appear to have fallen into disuse. In particular, please bear in mind that a player who is inexperienced with Particracy role-play and has joined a nation as the only party there should not generally be expected to abide by RP laws implemented by previous players who have been and left.

The default rule is that role-play events can only be done with the consent of all of the players in the nation or nations concerned, and that if one of the players withdraws consent for the role-play, then the role-play becomes void. However, there are procedures available to overcome the risk of a role-play being brought down like this. These procedures cannot compel players to actively participate in a role-play, but they do oblige them not to stand in the way of them and to recognise their legitimacy under the rules.

Characters are considered to be "owned" by the player who first mentioned or created them. In practice, players may share responsibility for role-playing a character, but ultimate authority rests with the owner.

Players should not role-play characters without the consent of the owner, and if they find they have role-played the character beyond what the owner intended, they should withdraw or amend the role-play appropriately.

Unless otherwise stated, monarchs and their royal houses will be presumed to be owned by the player who introduced the bill appointing them to their position.

It is possible for a player to transfer ownership of a character or a royal house to another player. This should be done in a public way, such as on the Character Transfers thread, so that if a dispute arises in the future, Moderation can be pointed towards evidence of the transfer.

Your user name is not your party name. Choose a concise and easy to remember user name. You can change your party name at any point in time later in the game.

If you are likely to be logging in to Particracy with the same IP address as another player with an active account, please inform Moderation on the forum. Otherwise your account could be inactivated on suspicion of multi-accounting.

Before choosing a nation, you may wish to research it first. For more information on the cultural backgrounds of the nations, please see the Cultural Protocols Index: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=6365

Particracy has 464 player slots.

Under Particracy's rules on real-life variables, the terms "Bolshevik", "Nazi" and "Soviet" are specifically prohibited. However, "Сове́т", which is sometimes translated as "Soviet", is permitted as a translation of "Council".

References to prominent real-life persons are not allowed. This includes references to philosophies featuring the name of a real-life person (eg. "Marxism", "Thatcherism", "Keynesianism").

Real-life quotations may be used in Particracy, but the real-life speaker or author should always be referenced in an OOC (out-of-character) note alongside the quotation.

Real-life organisations should not be referenced in Particracy, unless they are simple and generic (eg. "National Organisation for Women" is allowed).

Real life-life nationalities, cultures or ethnicities should not be referenced in Particracy (eg. "German").

Real-life religions should not be referenced in Particracy. Terra has its own religions, many of which mirror real-life ones. See: ... f_Religion

Real-life places should not be referenced in Particracy.

Particracy does not allow official national flags of real-life nations or flags which are very prominent and recognisable (eg. the flags of the European Union, the United Nations, Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union or the Confederate States of America).

Particracy does not allow real-life brand names (eg. Coca Cola, McDonalds, Microsoft). However, in the case of military equipment brand names it is permitted to use simple number-letter combinations (eg. T-90 and F-22) borrowed from real life, and also simple generic names, like those of animals (eg. Leopard and Jaguar).

Particracy does not allow real-life fictional references (eg. Gandalf, Harry Potter, Luke Skywalker).

Particracy does not allow role-play that seems to belong to the world of fantasy, science fiction and futuristic speculation.

Nations which ratify the Role-Play Accord place themselves under the authority of the Global Role-Play Team in terms of economic and military matters. The Team may not impose political decisions upon players, such as to declare war or raise taxes, but they may define the nation's military and economic character.

It is possible for players in a Culturally Open nation to establish a Cultural Protocol if doing so would not reduce the overall number of Culturally Open nations below 10. The Cultural Protocol bill must be passed by a 2/3rds majority of all players with seats (not just those with seats who vote), and at least 2 players with seats must support the motion, both of whom must have been currently continuously active in the nation (ie. no inactivations) for at least 1 month.

When it comes to creating a Cultural Protocol in a Culturally Open nation, players are not necessarily required to provide a plausible backstory for how the nation's cultural background developed. However, the provision of a plausible backstory may be a factor in whether Moderation approves the Cultural Protocol if players in surrounding nations question its appropriateness for their region of the game map.

Any RP law granting extraordinary "emergency powers" or dictator-like powers to a government must be passed by at least a 2/3rds majority, but may always be overturned by a simple majority vote of the legislature.

Moderation reserves the discretion to declare RP laws invalid if the players supporting them are doing so in an excessively confrontational way.

You can use a RP Event bill to simulate a referendum in your nation. See section 23.2 of the Game Rules for more information: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=6363

It is permitted to use a RP law to assign full executive authority to the Head of Government and to either entirely disregard the list of Cabinet Ministers on the Cabinet page or regard those Cabinet Ministers as entirely subordinate to the Head of Government.

For more information on Particracy's former colonial nations, check out viewtopic.php?f=5&t=6640

"Doxxing", or the publishing of personally identifiable information about another player without permission, is forbidden.


It is forbidden to impersonate a player or Moderator.

If a Party Organisation is important to you, make sure it has an active leadership and at least 2 parties which are listed with no more than 25 organisations. Otherwise, the organisation may end up deleted. See section 12 of the Game Rules for more information.

Before creating a Party Organisation, check to see whether there are any existing organisations which cover the same agenda.

Periodically, it is a good idea to go through your nation's Treaties and arrange to withdraw from any that are unwanted.

In circumstances where a player with above-minimum Visibility levels has reactivated but then not logged in for 48 hours, and an election is due within the next 24 hours (6 in-game months), Moderation will inactivate the player's account if this is requested by another player in the nation.

There are two countries based on Egypt in the game. Cobura is based on modern Egypt with a retro twist, while Hawu Mumenhes is based on Ancient Egypt with a modernist twist.

"Party sitters" can be inactivated upon request. Players who, over a prolonged period (usually meaning a minimum of 3 IG years/6 RL days) are just logging in but not voting on bills or contributing to debates, will be judged to be essentially not playing the game. The player requesting the inactivation should cite this rule when doing so.

The Real-Life Equivalents Index is a valuable resource for finding out the in-game equivalents of real-life cultures, languages, religions, people and places: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=6731

At Moderation's discretion and with the agreement of the Global Role-Play Team as a whole, Global Role-Play Team members are permitted to run an authorised second active in-game account in a separate nation, in order to advance the objectives of the Team, most particularly with regards to the encouragement of role-play. Where they do this, they should use their party description field in both accounts to explain the situation and provide a link to the other account involved.

You can request Moderation to inactivate an account when all of the following 3 conditions apply: you are in the same nation as them, they have not logged into their account for at least 3 days (72 hours) and they have missed at least one bill vote with an 8 IG (in-game) month voting period.

Culturally Open nations can adopt advisory/non-enforceable Nation Descriptions. See viewtopic.php?f=5&t=6242

Make sure your nation casts its nominations in Particracy's very own Security Council elections! For more information, see viewtopic.php?f=11&t=6912
This account is for administrative purposes only. For queries or information, please contact a Moderator personally.
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Re: Particracy's "Random Facts"

Postby SSLU » Tue Jun 23, 2015 6:56 pm

Random Fact: Hundreds of vessels were lost while traversing the cold waters of the Sea of Lost Souls. It is located between Seleya and Majatra.

It might be too long, but I hope that it isn't. The Sea of Lost Souls seems to be the Terran equivalent of the Bermuda Triangle, therefore I think that it is important. 8-)
I'm back. Back at it again with the white vans.
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Re: Particracy's "Random Facts"

Postby Aquinas » Wed Jun 24, 2015 11:02 pm

SSLU wrote:Random Fact: Hundreds of vessels were lost while traversing the cold waters of the Sea of Lost Souls. It is located between Seleya and Majatra.

It might be too long, but I hope that it isn't. The Sea of Lost Souls seems to be the Terran equivalent of the Bermuda Triangle, therefore I think that it is important. 8-)

That's a good one - I like! The length is perfect. To give you an idea of what the current "Random Facts" look like, the shortest one is

The bird is the word.

And the longest one is:

When you join the game, you will find yourself with only 0 seats. That's because your party's representatives haven't been elected yet. You need to establish your party's position on issues by proposing several bills that your party wants passed and sending them to vote. This raises your visibility and if you do it enough, you will win seats at the next election.
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Re: Particracy's "Random Facts"

Postby SSLU » Fri Jun 26, 2015 8:01 pm

I've got another one, its purpose is to prevent others from repeating the question I asked you a while ago.

Random Fact: The grey space in the east is filled with many unplayable post-colonial countries. These countries were mostly Indralan and Dankukin colonies.
I'm back. Back at it again with the white vans.
Posts: 111
Joined: Tue May 26, 2015 9:03 am

Re: Particracy's "Random Facts"

Postby Zongxian » Fri Jun 26, 2015 8:54 pm

SSLU wrote:I've got another one, its purpose is to prevent others from repeating the question I asked you a while ago.

Random Fact: The grey space in the east is filled with many unplayable post-colonial countries. These countries were mostly Indralan and Dankukin colonies.

Ah, if only Dankuk could claim such a great imperial history. Whatever, the truth won't stop our propagandists!!!

I believe for most of colonial history, the region was primarily split between Indrala, Greater Hulstria, Sekowo, and Luthori. A few others had territories at different points in history (such as Zardugal and Rutania) but it never reached the scale of the main four colonial powers.
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Re: Particracy's "Random Facts"

Postby Kubrick » Fri Jun 26, 2015 9:31 pm

Yeah, even Vanuku had a colony until a Sekowan player nation raided Vanuku and gave it to Sekowo for no apparent reason.

But perhaps something that sometimes seems confusing for new players:
"In Particracy players are only allowed to play as one party at a time. Want to swap nations? De-activate your current party and make a new one! Want to return? Request moderation to re-activate your party on the forum!"

Regarding RP, which was also established in the FAQ suggestions:
"To see what other nations are up to and to actively involve yourself in international activities: check the roleplaying section on the forum! Don't be shy to make a news post about your party's recent achievements."
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: Particracy's "Random Facts"

Postby Aquinas » Fri Jun 26, 2015 11:22 pm

SSLU wrote:I've got another one, its purpose is to prevent others from repeating the question I asked you a while ago.

Random Fact: The grey space in the east is filled with many unplayable post-colonial countries. These countries were mostly Indralan and Dankukin colonies.

That's a great idea, SSLU - a lot of players are curious about the grey space on the map. I query the second sentence, though.

Kubrick wrote:"In Particracy players are only allowed to play as one party at a time. Want to swap nations? De-activate your current party and make a new one! Want to return? Request moderation to re-activate your party on the forum!"

Random Facts already has this:

Random Facts wrote:You should only make one account per player. If you make multiples, these will be inactivated along with your original party, as multis are not tolerated.

But I think your version sounds better.

Kubrick wrote:"To see what other nations are up to and to actively involve yourself in international activities: check the roleplaying section on the forum! Don't be shy to make a news post about your party's recent achievements."

That's another good one.
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Re: Particracy's "Random Facts"

Postby SSLU » Sat Jun 27, 2015 8:33 am

Zongxian wrote:
SSLU wrote:I've got another one, its purpose is to prevent others from repeating the question I asked you a while ago.

Random Fact: The grey space in the east is filled with many unplayable post-colonial countries. These countries were mostly Indralan and Dankukin colonies.

Ah, if only Dankuk could claim such a great imperial history. Whatever, the truth won't stop our propagandists!!!

I believe for most of colonial history, the region was primarily split between Indrala, Greater Hulstria, Sekowo, and Luthori. A few others had territories at different points in history (such as Zardugal and Rutania) but it never reached the scale of the main four colonial powers.

Dankuk is second in my ranking of Terran countries!(after Saridan essentially) :D
When I was creating my party I was wondering wherther I should chose Saridan, Dankuk or Mikuni-Harusutoria. Your country is amazing, you even have them cat cafes in Dankuk. It is a great idea that I shall recreate in Saridan.

Leaving my Dankuk-bias behind, didn't you have a piece of the grey land in the north next to Kazulia?

Reformed Random Fact: The grey space in the east is filled with many unplayable post-colonial countries. These countries were mostly Indralan, Greater Hulstrian, Sekowan(how do I spell this?), Luthori, and Dankukin colonies, although varius other countries held colonial possesions periodically.
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Re: Particracy's "Random Facts"

Postby Aquinas » Sat Jun 27, 2015 10:58 am

SSLU wrote:
Zongxian wrote:
SSLU wrote:I've got another one, its purpose is to prevent others from repeating the question I asked you a while ago.

Random Fact: The grey space in the east is filled with many unplayable post-colonial countries. These countries were mostly Indralan and Dankukin colonies.

Ah, if only Dankuk could claim such a great imperial history. Whatever, the truth won't stop our propagandists!!!

I believe for most of colonial history, the region was primarily split between Indrala, Greater Hulstria, Sekowo, and Luthori. A few others had territories at different points in history (such as Zardugal and Rutania) but it never reached the scale of the main four colonial powers.

Dankuk is second in my ranking of Terran countries!(after Saridan essentially) :D
When I was creating my party I was wondering wherther I should chose Saridan, Dankuk or Mikuni-Harusutoria. Your country is amazing, you even have them cat cafes in Dankuk. It is a great idea that I shall recreate in Saridan.

Leaving my Dankuk-bias behind, didn't you have a piece of the grey land in the north next to Kazulia?

Reformed Random Fact: The grey space in the east is filled with many unplayable post-colonial countries. These countries were mostly Indralan, Greater Hulstrian, Sekowan(how do I spell this?), Luthori, and Dankukin colonies, although varius other countries held colonial possesions periodically.

I also have a special affection for Dankuk (formerly Dranland) as many of you know :).

What do you think of this for the Random Fact...

The grey space in the east is filled with many unplayable post-colonial countries. They can no longer be reoccupied, but they are still there and offer an interesting dynamic to role-play.
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Re: Particracy's "Random Facts"

Postby SSLU » Sat Jun 27, 2015 5:22 pm

Aquinas wrote:What do you think of this for the Random Fact...

The grey space in the east is filled with many unplayable post-colonial countries. They can no longer be reoccupied, but they are still there and offer an interesting dynamic to role-play.

Seems good to me, I guess that Dankukin propaganda can be put into another fact. ;)
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