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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Polites » Wed Aug 05, 2015 3:18 pm

Kaur elected President
Coalition uncertainty in Kalistan

Neha Kaur Chopra, the President of Kalistan

March 3887 - The elections in January were contested in a tense atmosphere of distrust and uncertainty. Two ethnically-based parties, the Kalkali-centric People's Party and the pro-Dudmani Justice Party, were the main contenders as well as the victors of the election, as the two parties largely ignored the Revolutionary Freedom Party in their campaigns, focusing instead on accusing each other or ultra-nationalism, fascism, or separatism. And the negative rhetoric seems to have paid off, with the thousand-year-old RFP demoted to the role of third party, and Neha Kaur Chopra, the chairwoman of the People's Party, elected as the new head of state of the Republic. Profiting from the venerable Kalistani tradition of accusing any political opponent of fascism and of obsessively emphasizing "True Kalistani Culture", by now an empty phrase, in each political statement, the People's Party seems to have stolen the mantle of guardians of a united Kalistan faithful to her traditions from the far-left RFP, while the Justice Party, running a fear-based campaign by suggesting Dudmani traditions would be eradicated in a PPK-run Kalistan, monopolized the vote in Kalistani Dudmanistan. Now Kalistan is to form a post-electoral government, a dauntingly impossible task in the context where the now kingmaker RFP has repeatedly accused both ethnic parties of covert fascism. Only one thing unites the two ethnic parties, their strong commitment to the temperance movement and their desire to ban alcohol, till now seen as a core aspect of Kalistani culture. And if coalition talks between either party and the RFP fail, that is the closest Kalistan has to a governing program of a potential coalition.
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Kubrick » Wed Aug 05, 2015 3:54 pm

Olasyar loses close election for Presidency
"There is a great defeat in our victory."

Leadership of the Justice Party watching the election results.

March 3887 - Chieftain Baseer Olasyar succeeded in many things, but not the thing he mainly desired. After a very close election race it turned out that the stoic and well-mannered traditionalist was unable to charm enough outsiders to the Dudmani cause. Of course the victory of the Justice Party can not be denied, the Dudmani are a minority and not well-liked outside their communities, they are also a politically divided people and tribal rivalries can last for centuries. Yet Baseer Olasyar, against all odds, has united the Dudmani in a single front; his Justice Party. Dudmani traditionalists, conservatives and reactionaries were all attracted to the campaign of Olaysar, that put most of its focus on the Dudmanwali, the ancient code. By presenting the code and showing the people of Kalistan how it is almost impossible to live by the sacred code the Justice Party brought its point across.

Yet it wasn't enough to secure a complete victory, the party members were rejoiced at the results but the leadership looked bitter: Olasyar lost the bid for the Presidency and the Justice Party isn't the largest party. Olasyar himself spoke to the entire Justice Party gathering speaking that there is "a great defeat in our victory". "We have fought hard and we have called for Kalistan to stand up, many have answered, but not enough. We have lost the fight for the Presidency by one percent. Let that sink in, my brothers, one percent. But of course we may fill our hearts with pride of our victory, we have done very well. All the Dudmani stand unified against the oppressors, the Lodamunese, the apartheid "People's" Party and the other dangers that want to oppress us. Brothers, we will continue our fight." The party leader of the Justice Party pledged to the members that either he wins the Presidency the next election or he will resign as party leader for "no Dudmani should fail twice and live to do it again".
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Sat Sep 26, 2015 1:02 am

Reprinted from
Kaliburg, Ananto District, November 17, 3912

Revolution is in the air, as Kalistan once more turns against the Kalkali governing Parties which have ruled Kalistan for the last 100 years. A major effort to conduct the first cultural census in centuries has recently been completed, and the Government of Kalistan, under the leadership of President Roland Williams and Prime Minister Fredricka Carrangus, of the longstanding faction of the SP under the same name, have moved forward with a very ambitious agenda.

Artistic poster of Prime Minister Carrangus, announcing the return to the Leftism which has marked so much of Kalistan's history

Among the Government initiatives sponsored by the grand coalition:
The return of the Vrassan Name and Motto to Kalistan
The return of the National Past time and National Animal to Kalistan
The return of the correct name of the Capital District, as well as the traditional titles for high office holders
An outlawing of specifically cultural and religious Parties in Kalistan
The Re-establishment of ODEN and the founding of the National Oil Company (KALNAPECO)
The Re-establishment of traditional drug and economic policies in Kalistan
Restoration of the National Service Act and the National Food Bank, which have been neglected due to inadequate national attention

Additionally, SPoK has reopened their National Headquarters after a century in Kaliburg, Ananto District, and held its first major rallies in decades there. Reporters on the scene estimated crowd between 50,000 and 75,000 SP supporters filling the streets in the blocks around the HQ before the last election, which swept SP candidates into office in 4 of 5 districts. SPoK has their work cut out for them in reorienting Kalistan back to its long standing path and breaking Kalistan out of its self imposed isolation, but with the Majority in the National Assembly and key traditional posts in the Government, they do not expect much difficulty in rectifying Kalistan's situation. Ultimately, Kalistan is better off for the KalKali interlude and the 4th Crisis, but in the long run, Kalistanis know that cultures come to Kalistan not to stand out, but to be homogenated into Kalistani culture and language.


In other news:
The SP named the following Individuals Governors of their respective districts:
Ananto- Dr. Delores Delgado
Vrassa- Ethan Jones
Suldanor- Matthias Bennots
Odufaray- Sgt. Henricka Levine

The SP has returned, and will join the RFP in carrying the mantle of True Kalistan
Last edited by Doc on Fri Oct 09, 2015 3:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Thu Oct 08, 2015 12:02 am

Reprinted from
IZQUIERDA- The Voice of the Kalistani Left
Upset in SP National Convention
Society of the Bretheren member Bennots-Plum ousts Premier Carrangus on the 32nd ballot for Party Leader

Kaliburg, Ananto District
November 3, 3918

The Socialist Party of Kalistan's National Convention this year was widely expected to be a pretty mundane affair. Support for the current direction of the RFP-SPoK government was expressed, Interim Chair of ODEN, Hank Dubwise spoke before the convention, various resolutions were offered and debated from the floor, mostly dealing around the Advancement of ODEN and KALNAPECO, and the Potluck, a fairly common mainstay at recent SP conventions, was enjoyed by most, though it seems that the majority of the leftovers which were donated to the National Food Bank consisted of various incarnations of Three Bean Salad. There was even a resolution offered which sought to ban the Three Bean Salad from future SP Convention Potlucks, but this motion ultimately failed because of the staunch opposition by the Suldanor and Odufaray delegations and the abstention of the Neveras Delegation.

SPoK Convention in Kaliburg last month, which led to the election of Jonas Bennots-Plum

All things were proceeding almost according to script when it came time to reaffirm Fredricka Carrangus as SPoK Party Leader going into the next election. At this point, a local activist from Neveras named Jonas Bennots-Plum rose to put forth his name. Bennots-Plum, whose great great grandfather moved to Kalistan from Mordusa in the late 3700s, and whose great grandmother married into the Bennots family, is particularly noted in Neveras for his work to spread the word of the Society of the Bretheren. He has had some minor success making converts of several hundreds of the unchurched in the District, and from there launched Annual meetings in each of the other 4 districts of Kalistan, aiming to reunite all the Betheren under one General Conference.

As Bennots-Plum put his name forward, several delegates rose in support of his candidacy. Carrangus' supporters, realizing the challenge immediately launched several procedural efforts to prevent or delay the vote. These delegates were not expecting a challenge to Carrangus' leadership during this convention. But Bennots' supporters gained control of the debate and were successful in calling the Question. Delegates who were on the fence supported Bennots' motions because, as they reported later, they thought the delay tactics of the Government bloc were underhanded and dishonest.

Voting went forward, and after the first ballot, neither candidate had a majority of votes. Speeches and debates immediately were entertained, as delegates broke into factions, one for Bennots, one for Carrangus, one for "delay" of the vote, and one for a late entry, Marina Delgado, who was one of the Ananto delegates and was the daughter of the former Governor. In total, 32 votes were called, with speeches between each, before enough delegates voted for Bennots to produce a majority on the floor. The deciding factor was Carrangus herself, who departed the convention in disgust after the 30th ballot. Her ardent supporters held on for one more vote, but ultimately, when it was clear that their candidate was not returning to the Hall, Bennots received the overwhelming majority of votes, making him Party Leader.

The Convention broke up after that point, as Bennots supporters left the Hall for late night carousing in Kaliburg. Meanwhile, the news of the election spread throughout Kalistan, and SPoK members in each major city held impromptu celebrations of the election. The most important aspect of the election was not the actual election itself but the near instantaneous increase in attendance at Bretheren Meetings in the following weeks. The Bretheren meetings, which numbered less than 10 nationwide before the election, have increased in number to over 50, with an average of 35 attendees per meeting, putting the number of regular Bretheren attendees at close to 2000. The remnants of the old Society of the Bretheren, throughout Terra, have been sought out for information, and what few tracts on the faith and practice of the Bretheren have been copied and sent for examination to Kalistan.

Jonas Bennots-Plum, New Leader of the Socialist Party of Kalistan and member of the Religious Society of Bretheren in Kalistan

Bennots is on record as saying that the tenets of Kalistani Socialism run parallel to the tenets of the Society of the Bretheren. He has on a number of occasions pointed out that Socialists would naturally make good Bretheren, and Bretheren would make great Socialists. The message is clearly resonating with a certain segment of the SPoK, who has, to this point, supported radical secularism in the law. "There is no contradiction on this point," Bennots stated last February. "Individual religion has absolutely no business serving as the foundation of civil law." But, he was quick to point out, this does not mean that all members of the SP must eschew individual religious or ethical belief. "The Bretheren advocate an ethical method of resolving dillemas. Governing along ethical lines is something that the SP has long supported, and the Bretheren method of faith and practice supports that same end."

The SP is still by an large non-religious, and Bennots has publicly stated that the SP will not become a religious Party affiliated with the Bretheren. But it is clear that Bennots and his followers have fully joined the Society of the Bretheren, and will remain so, at the same time as they work for socialism in Kalistan. Carrangus will remain Head of Government until the President proposes a new Cabinet.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Fri Oct 09, 2015 2:37 am

reprinted from
IZQUIERDA- The Voice of the Kalistani Left
Socialist Party nominates Elga Bjorksdattir for President
Bjorksdattir is the first Bretheren Candidate in Kalistani History
Kaliburg, Ananto District
May 17, 3919

In Early May of this year, the Socialist Party of Kalistan nominated Neveras politician and member of the Carrangus family Elga Bjorksdattir-Carrangus to be the Party's candidate for President. This move both ends the SP's endorsement of the RFP's Presidential platform, and signals a further increase in the political position of the Bretheren in the SP. Elga Bjorksdattir is closely affiliated with Jonas Bennots-Plum, the recently elected Head of the Party. The nomination makes Fredricka Carrangus' term a lame duck term, as it is assured that if Bjorksdattir is elected, the RFP's candidate will be named Head of Government.

Elga Bjorksdattir-Carrangus, SP's Candidate for President in the 3920 Elections

Bjorksdattir has vowed not to touch the strict separation between secular state and religion. "My religion is between myself and God. I am not here to tell anyone what they must believe or what they must not believe. The Truth is in us all, and only we can ascertain God's mission for ourselves." She has publicly committed to the Ban on Religious Parties, and has ensured that the SP will not become a Bretheren Party.

Politically, Bjorksdattir is a hardlined Socialist, and advocates for further nationalization of the Economy. She studied under Nationalist professor Dr. Howard Bellamy at Doceus Rex, and campaigned for the nomination on the platform of strengthening the National Service Program to cover all industry outside of services. She additionally has called for the expansion of both KALNAPECO and ODEN. If elected, Bjorksdattir will move Kalistan away from the dual economy.

Ananto socialists have expressed some concern with the potential of Mainland Socialists rising to positions of power within the Party. The last time this occurred was during the Third Crisis six hundred years ago, as the Political wing of the Party was eclipsed by the Party's militia.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Sun Oct 11, 2015 2:11 am

Reprinted from
IZQUIERDA- The Voice of the Kalistani Left
Elga Bjorksdattir-Carrangus is Elected President

Society of Bretheren Monthly Meetings top 100
Kaliburg, Ananto District
May 1, 3920

Elga Bjorksdattir-Carrangus,
President of the Republic, Socialist Party of Kalistan

Running unopposed for President, Socialist and Society of the Bretheren Member Elga Bjorksdattir-Carrangus is elected President in all Districts. Bjorksdattir has said that her primary initiatives will be directed at further nationalization of the economy and further opening of Kalistan to the International Sphere. Her inauguration speech is printed below.

"Comrades and Friends. Greetings from the Socialist Party of Kalistan! I would like to take just a moment to thank all the people who voted in the recent election and worked tirelessly for our campaign. Not only did Kalistan elect a Socialist as President for the first time in several hundred years, but we also secured a Socialist majority in a competitive election and elected Socialist governors in both Vrassa and Suldanor Districts. The Socialist Party should be very happy with these results as they represent a clear mandate for our Party's Platform this term!

"Comrades and Friends. With the help of our Committed Party Leaders and District and Local Committees, we shall now look forward to working with the new Prime Minister, Zachery San Xavier, from our legislative Partners in the Revolutionary Freedom Party, to ensure that the interests of Kalistan are promoted both at home and abroad. Nationalism will be a bit of a challenge, but using programs which are already in place, beginning with the National Service Program, the Food Bank, ODEN and KALNAPECO, we should be able to broaden public control over additional sectors of the economy, starting with banking, health and education. We have already directed the Foreign Minister to move several affinity treaties to a vote in the Assembly, and they appear to be on their way to passage, and we will restore Kalistan's traditional international orientation in the ever important NBC Ban Treaty and the Neutrality Accord.

"I also feel the need to point out the debt of gratitude that I owe to members of the Society of the Bretheren in Kalistan. As the election was being conducted, the number of monthly meetings of the Society of the Bretheren passed 100, with an average of 42 members per meeting. This number represents more than 100% growth in the Society in the past year. While the numbers themselves do not explain the Socialist victory last January, they are important, because the members of the Society formed a very important activist bloc within the Socialist Party of Kalistan. These more than 4000 individuals worked effortlessly for the Party in their various District and Local precincts. They canvassed neighborhoods to encourage people to come out to vote. They conducted polls and research that was vital to our campaign. They staffed campaign centers and made countless telephone calls. And they were responsible for more than 50 petitions to the National Government on a number of important initiatives such as the NBC ban that we expect to protect with Treaty this coming term. While it is not official government policy to promote the work or the effort of any religious organization, I would be personally remiss if I didn't offer my sincerest thanks, appreciation and encouragement for the continued efforts of members and attenders of the Society of the Bretheren.

"Finally, I must also personally thank my personal Friend and Comrade Jonas Bennots-Plum for the encouragement and assistance he rendered this campaign. It was Bennots who first inspired me to consider a run for President. Bennots is a devoted Socialist, even at the expense of any sort of personal life, and campaigned non-stop for the three months leading to the National Elections. This radical commitment to the Socialist cause is rare in even the most ardent partisan, and Bennots will continue to lead the Party with our support for foreseeable future. It is my hope that Bennots will take some time off now that the election is over, but we have been unable to prevail upon him to do that so far, and therefore, I assume he will continue to dedicate his efforts going forward.

"This term, we hope to work with the Finance Minister to lower taxes, if possible while continuing to fund our national priorities. We hope to see a financial bill which finally reflects additional funding for ODEN and KALNAPECO which were passed into law several years ago, and at the same time, a bill which reflects reduction in the military budget due to the abolition of our Nation's nuclear, chemical and biological forces

"Finally, we wish to express to the world that Kalistan is open and welcoming to all. If any person, for any reason feels the need to flee their country, they may come to Kalistan. When they get to Kalistan, they will be given immediate aid and assistance with integration in Kalistani Society. As soon as they are ready, they may claim citizenship in Kalistan without qualification or test, and may become fully fledged members of our society. Kalistani citizens are exempt from extradition. Kalistani Citizens may own businesses in Kalistan. Kalistani Citizens are entitled to all of our civil liberties and rights that attend citizenship. Send us your tired, your poor, your lonely, your huddled masses, and without exception or reservation, we will give them warmth, shelter, nourishment, medicine and education, a place to work and a place to live and a place to grow.

"We thank you for your attention, and would like to close with a moment of silence and reflection... Thank you Comrades and Friends."

With that, Elga Bjorksdattir replaced the microphone and left the podium to finish her preparation to assume the role of Member of the Socialist Party of Kalistan, President of the Republic.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Sun Oct 11, 2015 3:26 pm

President Bjorksdattir released the following statement yesterday:

We welcome the representatives of Trigunia to Kalistan on their upcoming tour of the region. Trigunia has long held a special place of favor among Socialists, who remember the disastrous mission of Socialist partisans to Keymon 700 years ago and the willing shelter offered to us in Trignuian safe havens. We understand that the topics of discussion on the upcoming visit will be oil exploration and exploitation, as well as diplomatic and cultural exchange. Kalistani citizens are encouraged to make our Trignuian Comrades welcomed and treat the representatives to all that Kalistan has to offer, while they remain with us on our National soil.

The visit represents the first major visit of a foreign power to Kalistan in many decades, and the Kalistani government has denoted a willingness to make the most of the visit, for the advancement of Kalistani economy and culture.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Mon Oct 12, 2015 3:47 am

reprinted from
IZQUIERDA- The Voice of the Kalistani Left
Socialist Partisans Attend Polar training in Trigunia

New signs of close cooperation between Government of Kalistan and Trigunian Empire
December 13, 3920
Stary Kautsky, Zarvospol, Trigunian Empire

Socialist Partisans arrive at the top of the world
for six month training exercise with the Trigunian Military

Socialist Partisans from the standing Socialist Party Militia, serving in their role as auxiliaries of the Kalistani National Military, arrived in Zarvospol, Trigunian Empire, this week for a six month deployment at the top of the world. While it may seem odd for Kalistani Militia to engage in cold weather training, given the subtropical climate of most of Kalistan, SPok Militia spokesperson SSgt William Halsey responded:

"The training cycle we have embarked upon does not anticipate our deployment to colder climates. Instead, we are learning from the Trigunian military, while teaching them our techniques and displaying the tactical advantages of the Militia. The Socialist Party's militia is one of the oldest in Kalistan, and represents a significant portion of the Kalistani Military during peace time. Consequently, the irregular forces can offer a wide range of military options which are not widely practiced by regular military. The Cold weather training offers us an opportunity in return- Kalistan may find itself in a support role in any place around the world, especially when evacuating refugees from war torn areas. With this training, Kalistan will be able to manage unfamiliar climates and terrain and will increase our humanitarian effectiveness."

The cold weather units Socialist Militia will remain deployed until June and will then return to Kalistan. Trigunia has offered to deploy units to Kalistan to learn Irregular tactics in the mountainous terrain of Neveras, and is expected to arrive within the year.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Tue Oct 13, 2015 4:04 am

reprinted from
IZQUIERDA- The Voice of the Kalistani Left
President Bjorksdattir Declares 3922 a "Year of Celebration"

Sporting, Cultural, and Industrial Expositions planned for entire Year
Kaliburg, Ananto District
June 6, 3921

The President of the Republic has declared 3922 a "Year of Celebration." The celebration will be designed to celebrate Kalistan's new orientation toward the world, and to welcome the world to Kalistan. The President released the schedule of events for the coming year as part of the announcement.

Kalistani President lays out the Preliminary Schedule of Events for
Year of Celebration in Kalistan

The Festivities will kick off in Kaliburg, Ananto with a Trade and Industrial Exposition, which will feature technological advancement in Kalistan, as well as the modern features of Kalistan's National Economy. Kalistan's Foreign Ministry will extend an invitation to all nations to attend and host exhibitions at the Expo. The Expo will run from January to March.

In September, Kalistan, in association with ODEN, will host an International Cultural, Art and Music Festival in High Bong, Neveras. The Cultural, Art and Music Festival will feature theater, poetry, painting, sculpture, fiber art, and a weekend music festival, with folk music on one stage, international music on the Second Stage, and Alternative Rock on the Third Stage. Kalistani supergroup, The Revolution, will headline the show. The International Culture, Art and Music Festival will happen between September 6th and September 20th, and will be free to all.

The Revolution, The biggest Alternative Band in Kalistan has signed on to play the High Bong ICAMF

Finally, in December, Suldanor will host the Winter Phase of the International Sporting Exposition. The phase will consist of most water events, as well as track and field, Team Sports (Basketball, Baseball, Football) and Demolition Derby. The Winter Sports Exposition will run between December 4th and December 21st, 3922.

Socialist Partisans visit Trigunian Capital in Military Review
Before preparing to return to Kalistan after 6 months in the field

The President also noted that Socialist Party Partisans are expected to return from Trigunian exercises, and Trigunian forces will reciprocate by visiting Kalistan for Mountain and Guerrilla Warfare training leading into 3922. The President has also suggested that an expanded exposition schedule is expected, to include possible events in Trigunia.
Last edited by Doc on Mon Oct 19, 2015 4:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Fri Oct 16, 2015 7:30 am

Kalistani Beacon
January 3923
Kaliburg Ananto District

Year of Celebration in Review

Last Year, Kalistan welcomed the world to various events during the Year of Celebration. President Bjorksdattir opened the year off with the Kaliburg Trade and Industrial Exposition where new developments in industrial and high tech products were displayed to the world. Scientists and Engineers exchanged ideas and Kalistan's major development coming out of the Exposition was the announcement of a new lubricant, which offers zero friction and zero thermal breakdown at superheated temperatures.

In September of this year, High Bong in Neveras hosted the High Bong Music, Culture, and Art Festival. Acts and performers from all over the world drew record crowds to the venue for the week long event in the cool high country along the East Wall Mountains. Kalistani Artist Diego Jones-Ananto took best in show for her mural on Kalistani cultural progress, while prizes in the international category were awarded to artists and sculptors from Luthori, Lodamun and Indrala. The Festival was highlighted with music playing on three stages during each evening and night of the show.

In December, the Year of Celebration finished up with the International Winter Sports Exposition in Suldanor. A World record in the 100m dash was set by Talmorian Runner Isaac Olofuote, with 9.17 seconds. Kalistan finished first in boating, freestyle Ocean swimming and Demolition Derby events.

Over all, during the entire year, Kalistan received visitors from every nation in Terra, and more than 2.5 million people visited all events total. President Bjorksdattir declared the celebration an unqualified success and thanks all participants and visitors for making it so.

Included are some highlights of the events held throughout the year.

Industrial, Trade and Technology Expo, Kaliburg Ananto

A New gearing mechanism for automobiles submitted by Indralan Engineers

Automotive exhibit, Trade Expo

High Bong Music, Culture and Art Festival, Neveras

Best in Show, Kalistani Progress by Diego Jones-Ananto

Kalistani guitar virtuoso Anne Clark-Bennots

Hard-Core HipHop Artists The Trunk, from Ibutho

Tim Carrangus-Carruthers, frontman for the Punk Band Ananto Bay

International Winter Sports Exposition, Suldanor

Sprinter Isaac Olofuote breaks the world record in Suldanor

Kalistan claims another medal in Ocean Swimming

Event concludes with Kalistani National Sport, Demolition Derby, and a final Kalistani Victory
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
Gaduri Brethrenist Movement (MHdG), 4481-4485
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