Narco-War: Cildania (First Person RP, Syndicate Front)

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Narco-War: Cildania (First Person RP, Syndicate Front)

Postby Doc » Wed Nov 11, 2015 6:24 pm

Narco-War: Cildania
A Special series of Reports from the Kalistani Beacon
Post 1: The Past as Prologue

By Francine X
March 17, 3936

I became a journalist right out of school. I had no idea that my interests in guerrilla movements would land me a job at the most prestigious newspaper in Kalistan. But, on a dare, I answered an ad I read in the paper, seeking young journalists with a sense of adventure, tolerance for danger, and eagerness to present the truth. It's not bragging when I say I won out over 75 other applicants for the job- I worked hard for the appointment, jumped through a lot of hurdles, and answered a lot of very strange questions from some fairly terrifying individuals, only some of whom, I suppose, were on the Paper's staff. Most, the hiring staff told me, didn't feel up for the task when they discovered what the assignment was, and I was one of the few who expressed enthusiasm. We'll see if that enthusiasm was misplaced, but for now, I have been assigned to cover the syndicate front in the rapidly developing Cildanian civil war. My reports will be filed online and will be reprinted in the Beacon. This is an opportunity of a lifetime!

Why the syndicate front? My research has uncovered a tenuous connection between Kalistan and the criminal elements in Cildania's breakaway province of Aheblun. Well, to be completely accurate, these criminal elements represent the active arm of Cildania ODEN, which is a member of the drug exportation cartel founded in Kalistan. In Cildania, due to a long history of organized crime which was officially tolerated, though not actively encouraged by the fundamentalist government in Aheblun, the "criminal" organization involved in drug smuggling took root as one of many suppliers of drugs to the population in Cildania and in Majatra. And now, within the past few months, that group has taken advantage of the chaos around the so-called "Cildanian Spring" to resolve old disputes and bring most of the organized crime world on the Island to heel, under Syndicate leadership. It was only last week when the Syndicate officially changed its name to מוות למחבלים in Yehudi, "Death to Terrorists" in Luthori, or simply ML. Over the last few weeks, ML has claimed responsibility in the execution of 14 high ranking members of various local organized crime associations, as well as at least 45 kidnappings of lower ranking criminals. In all, through execution and intimidation, ML has established something close to hegemonic control of the local crime scene in Aheblun. It is not entirely clear how ML was able to accomplish this feat, why they finally decided to commence this war on their criminal rivals, or what their plans for the future are. But they have invited the Beacon to embed a reporter with them, to document their activities, in an attempt to legitimize their rise to prominence in Cildania.

With that, I depart to the Island in the northern Majatran Sea. I go as a civilian and a journalist. I will file my reports on my blog and they will be reprinted in the Beacon. I look forward to understanding this criminal movement, and learning both what their plans for Cildania are, and discovering something about the mind of a criminal cartel which we will simply call "ML". Stay tuned. This promises to be an excellent series.

Fr. X
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
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Re: Narco-War: Cildania (First Person RP, Syndicate Front)

Postby Doc » Thu Nov 12, 2015 6:11 pm

Narco-War: Cildania
A Special series of Reports from the Kalistani Beacon
Post 2: Arrival in Cildania

By Francine X
September, 3936

I arrived at the International Airport in Zabeh, Archduchy of 'Akeldr, Serene Kingdom of Cildania, and immediately hired a taxi to take me to the frontier. I was traveling into what was still nominally an independent country, but more importantly, through what was now a fundamentalist Hosian country where the rights of women are more increasingly challenged and curtailed, so I had to be careful- one never knows when the door will shut and full fundamentalist law will be strictly enforced. I decided not to wait around and find out. The cab driver, who referred to himself as Ari, and I had a pleasant conversation, but trouble loomed in Cildania. He stated that he was fairly concerned about the rise of the Hosian government in the capital, but life being what it is, and he still having to live it, he supposed that he needed to find a way to get along regardless of who is in charge of the Government.

My cab driver, Ari, from Zabeh to the Cildanian Border

Since we were traveling to Aheblun, my driver informed me that he would have to stop before the border, because he didn't think they would let him back into Cildania. So I had him let me off about a mile away from the check point and I would walk in. I had all the necessary papers, but Ari informed me that the guards would not let me through. Apparently, "They had some refugee problem here at border, and Cildania not let people pass through, especially foreigner and journalist and woman." Ari was able to let me in on the fact that the border is only guarded on the roads leading to and from Aheblun, and that if I walk out into the brush some distance, I could make it across. So I followed his advice, (and gave him a decent sized tip) and wished him well. I would probably never see him again, but had grown somewhat fond of him and his stories of his family, especially his four children on our two hour ride from the City. I hope for the best for him. As for me, I would wait for nightfall and then cross into Aheblun.

Bush country, on Aheblun side of the border, looking back toward Cildania

By morning, I had made my way well past the frontier, and was a dozen or so miles from the border. I had kept the road on my left the entire time, and now went to it to try to find a ride. After an hour and three trail bars for breakfast, I was picked up by a truck driver who graciously drove me into Agadir, a bustling metropolis and center of the Hebilean Spring Movement. I had to give the driver a fake name, and didn't say much about why I was in Aheblun or where I was going, but the driver eventually warmed up, and I discovered he was a fantastic singer, as he sang the songs on the radio. Who knows how long radio music would last, given the Apostolic rise in Cildania? All along the route, I saw evidence of Vanukean military activity, and realized that the democratic interlude would likely be rather short, as Vanuku was unlikely to tolerate a democratic government of this direct and leaderless sort within its sphere of influence. It would only be a matter of time before there would be a full scale reaction.

None of this concerned me, of course. I was there to make contact with the the Cartel known as ML. It turns out, I would have to wait a very short time.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
Gaduri Brethrenist Movement (MHdG), 4481-4485
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Re: Narco-War: Cildania (First Person RP, Syndicate Front)

Postby Doc » Fri Nov 13, 2015 5:43 am

Narco-War: Cildania
A Special series of Reports from the Kalistani Beacon
Post 3: Interview with ML on Goals

By Francine X
December, 3936

I was in Agadir for one day before I was contacted by a member of the ML. They set up an initial meeting with me to begin interviewing the group's spokesperson. The meeting would have gone off without a hitch, except that the day we were supposed to meet was the day that a truck bomb blew up in Mort Iskendra. I later learned that the ML claimed responsibility for the explosion, which killed or injured nearly 200 people in the city. I also learned that the operation had been a mistake. The ML later described that the explosion was meant to blow a hole in the back of the building. The operations manager for the attack had felt that a small scale fertilizer bomb in the back of a pickup would not be enough to actually blow a hole in the back of the bank, so instead of a pickup truck, they decided to use a 26 foot moving truck, and packed it full of ammonium nitrate. The result was not a hole in the back of the bank, but a hole in the city 10 blocks wide and a dramatic loss of life and limb.

Ayrad, my contact with ML, seems the ideal public face for the Narco-Cartel

"We are learning, we are learning," my contact, who identified himself as Ayrad told me when we finally met a few days after the explosion. "This is what happens when a group that is skilled with the pistol decides to become a professional force. Fortunately, this is just a first step in a larger goal for our movement. We will get better."

"And what is your goal?" I asked.

"Our goal is to empower the people of Cildania to fight against the real terrorists, the police and religious fanatics and anyone who keeps people from earning an income and surviving."

I noted just how nebulous this goal seemed to be, so I pushed Ayrad on the issue. "We are fighting for freedom in Cildania. It is our goal to ensure that people are safe on the streets, and that legitimate interests are promoted in Cildania." It was clear that I was not getting anywhere.

In the couple months that I have been in country, I have gotten similarly vague responses to similar questions. After a while, I began pressing them on the connection between ML and organized crime. Ayrad, in a separate interview, explained the link. "The criminal syndicates in this country have been at war for decades, killing one another, battling for turf- innocent bystanders get killed there. ML's goal was to put an end to it. We calculated that when criminals were all working for the same people, they wouldn't be killing one another, and innocent people would stop dying from the wars. When we unified the groups, we brought peace to Aheblun's streets. And as the democratic impulse rose in this country, the people realized, for the first time a period of peace and prosperity. We were partly responsible for that peace, but of course, ML gets no credit. Now that Vanuku has occupied the region, we can be fairly sure that the peace in Aheblun will likely continue. They are here to fight communists, which means they won't concern themselves with ML- we're businessmen..."

"... with lots and lots of rifles, and 3 ton moving vans full of high explosives..." I added. Ayrad paused to consider that. "Yeah, with that too. But we need to let the forces of repression know that we are serious too."

Last week, I met with Ayrad again. "So," I started. "Tell me about your plans going forward."

Ayrad clearly had his movement talking points ready to go as he answered the question. "We are going to take our struggle against terrorism to the streets. We are still working out our relationship with the Invaders from Vanuku. We will be launching affiliate branches in other Arch Duchies. We also are making connections to the business community and especially the agricultural sector. We are encouraging local farmers to begin planting crops which serve to directly increase the per acre yield of their farms. We are also calling on the Government to begin transferring unused privately controlled lands into the hands of farmers. The ML has already begun forming a farmers' association directly franchised under ML, with the goal to give small farmers a unified voice for buyers, shippers and distributors of their production. Finally, in the cities, our focus is on reduction of unemployment. Our organization has been involved in direct employment of homeless and unemployed individual in Cartel activities, which includes job training, and guaranteed terms of employment. We have, in the last 6 months, significantly reduced unemployment and homelessness in Aheblun, and feel we can serve as a model for the rest of the nation."

While the program seems ambitious, no independent observer can look at Aheblun since Hebilean Spring and say, with the exception of the unnecessarily violent and destructive explosion of August 17, the life of the average Hebilean has not improved. Ayrad informed me that at our next meeting, I will be taken inside the organizational structure of the Cartel, but for now, the Vanukean expeditionary force has arrived, and Aheblun is once more under occupation. All things considered, I feel safer under a zone fully occupied by fanatical monarchists where a marginally competent drug cartel operates and kills or maims hundreds of random people accidentally than under fanatical Apostolic rule in Cildania, so we are staying put for the time being.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
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Re: Narco-War: Cildania (First Person RP, Syndicate Front)

Postby Doc » Tue Nov 17, 2015 5:10 am

Narco-War: Cildania
A Special series of Reports from the Kalistani Beacon
Post 4: My Friend, the Freedom Fighter

By Francine X
December, 3938

Its been a while since I filed Report 3, but now, things have progressed. From our position we could clearly see Cildanian troops rolling across the border into the break away Hebilean State, intent on re-establishing Apostolic authority in Aheblun. The Cildanians quickly captured a number of border crossing points, and secured a small perimeter inside the border, and then seemed to retire to their bivouac. One of two things will happen- but it will most likely be a situation of hurry up and wait, as the Hosians make it known that they also have an interest in this little province which hasn't accepted Cildanian governance in several generations.

Meanwhile, back at the ML station which I visit on occasion, my friend Tafalkayt and I share a coffee. She brews it strong for me, stronger it seems than she or anyone else on this Island typically drinks it. "Kalistani Style" she says as she hands it to me with a smile. I let the coffee cool as we talk.

FX: So, what led you into the ML?

T: I sometimes tell myself it was for adventure. But you know me well enough by now to know that this is not true. Of course I wanted to keep the dream alive, the dream of Democracy, the dream that Tafsut Meftah, and so many others, burned themselves alive for. The dream... alas... it was beautiful. But the ML- they are not dreamers. They are men and women of action. They do not support the Invaders, they do not support the Apostolics, they support the Hebileans. They are the kind of people I want to be.

FX: And what of the dream then? The way you spoke of it- I don't believe you have let it die.

T: ... no, but doing something, taking my life into my own hands, that is the closest I will get to democracy. So why not try?

Tafalkayt, a member of the ML, and my frequent companion in Asaḍ

FX: So would you tell my readers, what is it that you do in ML? Walk us through your day.

T: There are two parts to the organization. There is this one, the Front, as they call it, which, as we all know, the Front is everywhere, and all around us. But there is also the group called the Bank. The bank is much larger- it has to be. This is how we keep money moving and keep people supplied with things they need. Those people are, what is your word for this? They are as you would call them, criminals. They beat people up. They kidnap people. They shoot people in the square. It is, regrettably, a necessary part of their job, for sure, but I must add, so there is no confusion, without them, many more would suffer for want of things. Without the criminals, without the bank, food disappears, and clothing for children disappears and free schools and clinics disappear. So what if it is paid for by crime? In this sense, the means are justified by the ends.

As for me- every fourth day I get a patrol. I will go out with three comrades. Small groups only. Sometimes we will act like civilians, and harass the Vanukeans. Sometimes, we will merely stand around on various street corners and watch for strange activities in the streets. Sometimes, and I hasten to add, I have had to do this, we will take a few shots into a crowd. We always aim so as not to kill anyone. But the goal is, of course, to frighten people. When people are frightened, they themselves begin running all about, you know, like ants. And when they do this, the people we are protecting can escape, while the frightened people are slowing Vanukean soldiers down. To date, they have not reported any successes in their various raids- I am proud to say that we have hindered them, as much as humanly possible, and haven't killed a single person. I suppose killing is not for me, but then I am never asked to do something which violates my conscience. The ML has many men and women who have no conscience, no soul. They can always rely on them to do work that most of us do not have the desire to do, because we have strong moral fiber. And the only thing that is asked of us is that we look the other way while these men and women carry out their wickedness in the service of the higher goal.

MX: The Higher goal. What is this?

T: Well, freedom for the people, of course. It has been too long, the people of this State have been terrorized. This is why we still say "Death to Terrorists." We won't rest until we have freedom or we are dead. Either way, one is preferable to the other, but all is preferable to living under terrorism.

MX: Let's discuss larger strategy. Where is ML in 5 years?

T: (Laughing) We are in control of the whole Island. But seriously, as you say, In 5 years, ML is still defending the rights of people. We are not nearly big enough to bring about the withdrawal of Vanuku- they will be here, and we know them well enough to know that they will not leave without fight, which is not up to us. The Front is only less than 10,000 strong. Not much versus nuclear powered navies. But, hopefully, they will pay dearly for every minute of freedom they deny my people. A drop of blood for every second. Maybe in 5 years this will be enough to make them go away, but I think maybe more like 25 years. Meanwhile, ML attracts more people who are sick of being harassed by police and soldiers. ML attracts more hungry people. ML attracts more people who would trade a body part to be free of the terror which daily visits Aheblun. I may not see it, my adopted brother may not see it, the 25 thousand people working for the Bank may not ever see it- they probably won't. But I really believe in what we are doing. And if standing up against terrorists is a crime, I suppose that makes me a criminal too.

MX: What's next for ML?

T: Next? Of course- you know the answer to this better than I. Do not play coy with me. I know you are free to come and go in this organization! You can ask anyone you like that question, so why ask me?

MX: Because, we are friends, you and I have become friends.

T: Well, I can't rightfully say. As for me, I expect that I will be traveling to Cildania within a couple of months. I have already asked for the move. It will put me closer to my aunt, who is all the blood relation I have left in the world. I also go to help set up Front cells there. We already have a couple thousand there now, and soon, more and more and more. The Bank is already there. When I go, perhaps you will come visit me from time to time. I will introduce you to my Aunt (______) You will love her.

MX: Of course I will.

We end the discussion here. My coffee is cool now, and Tafalkayt has to get on with her duties. Today she is asked to take a few shots at a church bell- apparently, there is word that Vanukeans are looking for a member of the Bank who is operating in a specific area in town here, and my friend has to buy him some time. As soon as the order over the radio is repeated, she is up and away, stopping only briefly to kiss my cheeks in the traditional greeting-and-farewell of this beautiful and troubled country.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
Gaduri Brethrenist Movement (MHdG), 4481-4485
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