
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby sotearchann » Fri Nov 13, 2015 11:25 pm




ZERIN - It has been six years since the invasion of the Chann Liberation Army - which has seized control of the government and has been in control since. Since then, the CLA has completely opened Kafuris once closed doors to any and all immigration, but favoring Gao_Showans and those of the Chann family who are scattered all over the world.

Since launching into power, the CLA has also expanded civil rights to include women and gays, allowing them to serve in the military, marry, and have equal rights in general. In addition, the CLA has raised the wage to a living wage well above the national poverty level.
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Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby Kafuristan » Fri Nov 27, 2015 7:44 pm

Protests outside IGSC

  • Dozens gather outside "International Gao-Showan Conference" in protest against Chann clan
  • Chann Palace "built on stolen land," according to Thubat leaders

Zerin, Kafuristan - Dozens of protesters gathered outside the newly-constructed Chann Palace today, where an international conference on Gao-Showan relations is taking place. The conference has caused some stir previously due to statements made by Kafuristan's High Chancellor Kaiser CHANN, who organized the conference and called for Gao-showan nations to unite in an international empire. That call was seen by some as very odd - given that Kafuristan has a large Majatran majority and that the Chann family has pushed for the primacy of the Solentian dialect of Luthoran after its mercenary military takeover of Kafuristan from Solentia in the early 3930s. Some interest has been hinted from Sekowo, but the Great Kyo Empire has expressed "great distaste" for the agenda of the conference.

The protesters, though, claim to represent the Majatran majority of Kafuristan and claim that their concerns are very real - they claim that the Chann Palace in which the conference takes place was built on land stolen from its rightful Majatran owners by members of the Chann clan under the authority of the Land Claim Act. The government has yet to comment on this allegation. The protesters chanted in Kafuri Majatran for hours outside the palace, a symbolic gesture meant to reject highlight the ridiculousness of the "Chann military dictatorship," according to the protesters' leadership, all of whom are self-avowed members of Thubat, a newly organized opposition party which has "declared itself in opposition to the Chann Agenda, to the artificial primacy of the Solentian language, the theft of Majatran lands for the profit of the Chann clan, and the heinous indentured servitude to Chann financial institutions which the Chann clan has subjected Kafuristan to."
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Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby Kafuristan » Sat Nov 28, 2015 4:25 pm

OOC reference: http://forum.particracy.net/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=6008&p=93852#p93852

Councilor, policeman tortured and killed, hung from flagpole in capital

  • Government yet to release official statement
  • "Khilaf" claims responsibility for murders in viral video
  • Thubat leadership "does not condone" violence

Zerin, Kafuristan - On the eastern outskirts of the capital this morning men and women woke to a horrible scene as two bodies were found dangling in the morning sun from a flagpole normally used to hoist the Chann family crest.

The bodies were quickly removed, but not before amateur videographers posted graphic footage of the scene on social media sites, where it quickly went viral. It is believed most sites are working with the government to remove the images as "disturbing."

A group calling itself Khilaf - meaning Contention in Solentian - quickly posted a video it alleges is of the two men in their last minutes before death. One Khilaf identifies as Councilor Herbert Chann, a low level bureaucrat and councilor in the local administration, and the other as an unnamed "mercenary" (which is the common term used by Majatrans in opposition to the Chann Republic to belittle the Republic's police force). The two Khilaf operatives in the video are masked and speak only in Majatran - and they claim that they had spent the last several hours torturing the unconscious men for the Councilor's support of the theft of a Majatran's land under the Chann Republic's Land Claim Act.

The Khilaf operatives continue to exclaim that the "Channite regime has lasted for too long - it has murdered and stolen, drafted and sacrificed too many good Majatran Kafuris" and that "[High Chancellor] Kaiser Chann will soon be atop the flag pole in the Kafuri sun." The Khilaf operatives then killed each man with a bullet to the head.

The government has yet to respond to the video but Thubat Director Yasir Samara was reached and said that "Thubat does not condone the use of violence and reminds our Majatran brothers and sisters that neither does Akeem condone violence as legitimate means to resolve our situation. It shall be through Thubat and through the political process that we shall make our voices heard against the injustices of the Chann family. Though I sympathize with the plight of Majatrans and know that there is legitimate grievance - I hurt for the families of those killed today."
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Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby sotearchann » Sat Nov 28, 2015 5:03 pm

Kaiser Chann unleashes secret detachment of Chann Dragon Guard again Khilaf operatives


Zerin - The High Chancellor was said to be infuriated that the long road to peace and stability was now interrupted yet again by extremists - this time the Khilaf. As a result, the High Chancellor has authorized the deployment of a secretly developed division of the Chann Dragon Guards, known as the Dragon Assassins. Not even the High Chancellor knows the identity or whereabouts of these assasins are - but rumors through the military clans have said that these assassins do not wield traditional weaponry = but are carrying cutting edge adaptations of weaponry such as the Katana and don black lightweight armor nano-invented to be stronger than the highest quality kevlar.

"The Khilaf must not be allowed to venture outside of their caves. We will strike fear into them until they fear not only the light of day, but the night which they think is their friend. For the night is now our friend."
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Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby Kafuristan » Sun Nov 29, 2015 5:30 pm

Thubat wins plurality of popular vote, only 30 seats in Senate; riots in al-Kasraj

  • 10.4 million cast votes in favor of Thubat, 9.8 in favor of Channs
  • Channs win 63 seats in Senate, KA win 7
  • Khilaf involvement suspected in "Turnout Riots"

al-Kasraj, Kafuristan - When the election results were announced on national television, there was disbelief at the Thubat headquarters in al-Kasraj. Despite nearly a nearly half million vote win in the popular election, Thubat had gained only thirty seats in the Kafuri Senate, thus continuing the Chann family's super majority and delaying hopes for a political victory for Kafuristan's Majatran majority.

Even more shocking was the dismal showing of Thubat in the mountain province of Abi'nadi, home of the old capital and Thubat's home province.

Yasir Samara, Director of Thubat gave this statement in a press conference not long after the election results were announced:

"We are, of course, disappointed in the outcome. We believe that some foul play must have been involved - voter turnout in each of the Thubat provinces of Pabeus and Nekkah was higher than the three Chann provinces combined, and yet the Channs continue their stranglehold on the Senate. We fear that the Chann regime and their Dragon Guard may have interfered with Majatrans' ability to reach polling stations in the provinces they won in order to maintain their grip on power. We shall be launching a full inquiry and appealing to the courts."

Shortly thereafter the streets of al-Kasraj were filled with irate Majatrans who took advantage of the recent end of martial law to exit their homes at night. They convened at al-Kasraj University and from there marched into downtown al-Kasraj. When they reached the commercial district, some began to throw rocks and other objects through the storefronts of Channese or suspected-Channese businesses. Witnesses claim that the looting was begun by men in black masks who shouted "Khilaf!," but these allegations are unconfirmed.

Not long after the rioting began, Dragon Guard troops intervened along with local police and made 17 arrests, according to government releases. 3 were wounded in the riot, and 1 woman was killed after she fell in the crowd and was trampled, according to al-Kasraj authorities. On social media the riot has quickly been termed the "Turnout Riot," suggesting that the rioters were at least aware of Director Samara's speech before their actions, though the director insists he was not inciting people to violence.

OOC reference: viewtopic.php?f=18&t=6008&p=93882#p93882
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Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby OneTime » Sun Nov 29, 2015 9:28 pm

Oh, Sons and Brothers of Kafuristan, Rise and Slaughter the Gao-Solentians!
April 12, 3945

Oh sons of Kafuristan, spill the blood of the Channites!

al-Kasraj- Oh sons of Kafuristan, arise and prepare your suicide belts.
Your people are the men of Akeem, not accepting humiliation.
Solentia is behind you, the Channites in front of you.
Arise, blow up the Channites in Zerin, make them tremble.

Oh you who have inherited manliness from your ancestors,
Slaughter the Channites, neutralize them, neutralize.
Support your Kafuristan today, follow by your honor,
Don't let evil Solentia penetrate.

Adorn Kafuristan without scarring your revenge.
Seek Akeem's support, then call on all.
The banner of Tawheed (Oneness of Akeem) is the object of your desires.
Resound with the voice of Truth in every gathering.

Unleash your arrows on the heart of the enemy,
Strew the bellies of the Channites on the balance.
Support for Ahmadism is all your interest.
The finest sword for the Channites is the solution.

Make the masses of disbelief taste the strike of your sword.
Make the quarters of eternity rejoice with what you offer.
Now you may realize the full potential of your skill
Thus there appears the light of the generation, the most complete goodness.

Oh our Sharif, supreme over your place,
The swords of our Kafuristan are begotten for your eyes.
Oh you whose tribes hear your talk,
Call upon them: look how you engage in war.

al-Jabhah al-Sha`biyah li-Qiyamah al-Qalb (Popular Front for the Resurrection of Kafuristan) shall spill blood for Akeem and our beloved Kafuristan!
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Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby Kafuristan » Tue Dec 01, 2015 12:40 am

Opening argument made as Thubat challenges Chann government in Ministerial Court

  • Ziya EL-HASHEM, counsel for Thubat, makes argument
  • Thubat "doubts that it shall have a fair trial when Chann judges Chann," calls out Channese Minister of Justice Vithu Chann, presiding
  • Chann government accused of actively disenfranchising Majatrans, implementing atmosphere of fear.

Zerin, Kafuristan - Opening arguments began today in the case of "YASIR SAMARA, in his capacity as Director of Thubat v. ARTHUR CHANN, in his capacity as Governor of the Chann Republic of Kafuristan," where the opposition party Thubat accuses the Chann government of election rigging which allowed the Noble House of Chann, the political wing of the Chann family, to gain 63 seats in the Senate despite Thubat receiving nearly half a million more votes in the popular election than the Noble House of Chann. Thubat won 10 seats in the Senate. A transcript of the opening statement follows:

Ziya EL-HASHEM, counsel for Thubat wrote:
"Mr. Chief Justice, before I begin my client would like to state for the record that it does not believe that the Chief Justice can in good conscience deliver a decision in a case where not only is he a member of the administration which is accused of electoral tampering, but also is of the same family as the accused - we had hoped the Chief Justice would have recused himself prior to the beginning of the case, and have serious doubts now as to whether justice will be done in this case. We also wish to point out that the Justice department was recently granted an enormous budget increase by the Chann family without due debate (http://classic.particracy.net/viewbill. ... lid=454957) - perhaps to purchase the vote of this court? We will state our case nonetheless, so that Kafuristan and the world can know what transpired in the election of March, 3945.

"Our case shall revolve around two points: first, that the government of Kafuristan, led by Arthur Chann, actively and unilaterally enacted legislation which disenfranchised Kafuris of Majatran descent, thus awarding its minority Gao-Solentian ethnic voting base power disproportionate to its size; and second, that the government of Kafuristan, led by Arthur Chann, created an atmosphere of fear and cynicism in which even those Majatran Kafuris who *could* vote were discouraged from doing so. As we shall see, these two circumstances led to a Channese electoral victory in spite of the fact that nearly half a million more votes were cast in favor of Thubat than in favor of the Noble House of Chann.

"On our first point, I direct the court to the Chann Immigration Reform & Overhaul Act of 3932 (http://classic.particracy.net/viewbill. ... lid=452252) and to the Language Curriculum and Mandate Act of 3932 (http://classic.particracy.net/viewbill. ... lid=452332) both of which were passed unilaterally by the Channs within months of one another. The latter removed all education in Majatran and forced the majority of the population - Majatrans - to learn a new language in order to do business, seek education, and interact with the government. The former established that citizenship in Kafuristan would now longer be a right of all nationals, but instead only should be extended to those who could pass a qualifying exam. That exam is proctored only in the Solentian language, and as such many Majatrans are unable to pass - the number of new citizens of Majatran ethnicity in the years since the passage of these two acts has fallen drastically, and the number of new citizens of Gao-Solentian ethnicity has risen disproportionately. It was in this environment that the election of 3945 took place, and it is no wonder that the Chann family's political arm has won sixty three seats in the Senate despite representing an ethnicity that comprises only fifteen percent of the population - they have disenfranchised the Majatran Kafuri - even those born nationals of this nation must pass a test written by the Channs in the Channese language! We can see, therefore, that the Chann government has conspired to disenfranchise those of Majatran ethnicity in favor of those of Gao-Solentian ethnicity since at least 3932.

"On our second point, it is our contention that the Chann government has created a general political atmosphere in Kafuristan which is discouraging to Majatran participation in the political process. The government has continuously boasted about its intentions to change the national character of Kafuristan from Majatran to Gao-Showan, and has even gone so far as to imply that Kafuristan should join in a nonsensical empire of Gao-Showan nations (viewtopic.php?f=15&t=6491#p93759). Such a statement can hardly give hope to those of Majatran ethnicity, who as we have previously established find themselves with less and less say in the matter as their nation is taken further and further from its Majatran roots. Furthermore, the Chann government has engaged in practices which inspire fear in the Majatran populace. Let us not forget that the Chann government was installed at the tip of a sword in the early 3930s, and that only *after* invasion was a democratic face put onto the regime. The Chann family used its considerable private income to finance a mercenary and corporate takeover of Kafuristan, and dissent has been silenced. Even now the Majatran population cowers in fear as the Chann family authorizes a shady militia, loyal to the Chann family and outside of the control of the official government, illegal under the laws of Kafuristan, the Dragon Assassins, for an ill defined mission in response to a minor and isolated threat (viewtopic.php?f=17&t=3913&start=280#p93856). Let us not forget, either, the violence with which the police force of this nation, much of which is comprised of mercenary veterans of the Chann invasion, responded to recent unrest in al-Kasraj, when it wounded seventeen and killed one in defense of Gao-Solentian property (viewtopic.php?f=17&t=3913&start=280#p93878). With such fears in mind, it is no wonder that only thirty-one percent of voters cast ballots in the election (http://classic.particracy.net/viewnews. ... sid=484210).

"In conclusion, we have now established that, first, the Chann government has unilaterally enacted legislation which grants disproportionate influence and political power to their key voters and that, second, the Chann government has created an atmosphere of fear in Kafuristan which discourages Majatrans from participating in the political process. We again reiterate our doubts that we shall have a fair trial when Chann judges Chann, but we rest our case in the hopes that the world may notice."
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Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby sotearchann » Tue Dec 01, 2015 8:53 pm



ZERIN - The March 3945 Elections coinciding with the High Chancellor's deployment of the Chann's unincorporated forces, spelled trouble for the High Chancellor Kaiser Chann as he has fought diligently to shed himself of the more military persona of his uncle, Rithisak Chann - who held the country under Martial Law for 11 years. Kaiser Chann announced the end of Martial Law by January 3945 and elections to be held soon thereafter. However, the announcement spurred terrorist and extremist organizations to step up their game, most notably of recent the Khilaf. Even the Jabhah al-Sha`biyah li-Qiyamah al-Qalb has returned after the lifting of the Martial Law.

Kaiser Chann has vowed to loosen the militaristic entry of the Channese and to ease the nation into democracy, but that has taken a hit as the Thubat has challenged the election results and claimed foul play. Fortunately for Kaiser Chann, it seems as if his efforts to shed his Uncles's shadow was proplled by the Court as it shot down portions of Rithisak Chann's Immigration Act and Language Act.

The High Chancellor said behind closed doors that the decision gave him the strength to take on another one of his uncles, Gen. Arthur Chann - who was installed as Governor by Rithisak Chann. The two had a caustic relationship as Governor Arthur Chann thought himself older and wiser and sought to protect the legacy of his brother. Chief Justice Vithu Chann, may he rest in peace, handed down a suprisingly liberal decision.
- Anonymous Inside Source

The Chief Justice passed away in his sleep shortly after the announcement of the new cabinet was installed. Some whisper that Governor Arthur Chann was behind the Chief Justice's death.
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Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby sotearchann » Thu Dec 10, 2015 5:16 pm


ZERIN - The High Chancellor has decisively won reelection during one of the highest levels of voter turnout in decades. There were 74,689,684 people with suffrage. A total of 59,534,933 votes have been cast, putting turnout at a tremendous 79.71%. Kaiser Chann won 61.80% of the vote, or 36,292,705, beating out Yasir Samara of the ثبات (Thubat) who barely received 20% and Grand Ayathollah Mu'tamid Ala ibn-Kader of Jabhah al-Sha`biyah li-Qiyamah al-Qalb who received nearly 19%.

Political scientist credit Kaiser Chann's win on the powerful voting blocks of minorities in Kafuristan, particularly among his fellow Channese, his allies in the Asli community, and his allies in the Augustan and Alorian populations. Minorities see in the Chann National Party their hope and salvation from the iron fist of extreme Ahmadist and Majatrans. But also, Political Scientists credit his win on his being able to pull progressive Majatran voters away from largely Majatran parties.

"Kaiser Chann is a shrewd politician and campaigner. He visited nearly every town and village outside of the cities (cities are traditionally progressive areas) and made his face known. He not only won over almost 100% of the minority vote, but a good bloc of Majatran voters who are progressive and love his progressive policies on Women and Homosexuals." - Dr. Mahmoud Ali-Sahari, Ph.D. at Jerze'har University

The Chann National Party also sweeped the elections and legislative seats in every single one of the Provinces, putting to rest Yasir Samara's claims of voter intimidation and election fraud.

I pledge hope. I pledge a brighter future. I pledge equality under and before the law. Let there be a new dawn here in the Chann Republic! - Kaiser Chann, High Chancellor
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Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby sotearchann » Mon Dec 21, 2015 5:50 pm



ZERIN - The High Chancellor's landslide victor in March 3955 marked the 25th Anniversary and quarter-century rule of the Channese - who were led by the notorious Rithisak Chann in the Invasion of 3930. Kaiser Chann won with 60% of the vote and the CNP won 62 of the 100 seats in the senate - still shy of a 2/3 majority.
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