Zardic Civil War

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Re: Zardic Civil War

Postby Oakwood » Sun Feb 21, 2016 2:08 am

OOC: My nations military has gone through various restructurings due to a few changes in government. I would state due to the National Service requirement (though the overwhelming majority choose the civilian option) .,,,,lets say 1,600,500 active on a constant rate with the rest serving as a more or less endless reserve. Everyone regardless of gender has been taught how to hold a gun, however.
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Re: Zardic Civil War

Postby Mikhail_Bakunin » Sun Feb 21, 2016 2:42 am

Zardic Army of National Defense Forms
The Black Star
The Army fighting enemies of the Republic

The National Assembly has formed a new army for the Republic, the ZAND. The Army has enforced conscription in all areas under the control of the National Assembly allowing the ZAND to increase it's size from 200,000 to over 600,000 allowing it to finally fight the "Government's" army punch for punch.
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Re: Zardic Civil War

Postby Oakwood » Sun Feb 21, 2016 3:12 am

King Christopher declares need for intervention: "We cannot allow them to overturn the will of the people"

Eksandr- In a move that bodes ill for the Socialists in Zardugal, His Grace the King has stated he shall send a force of up to 400,000 to combat what he has called "violent reactionaries....determined to undermine the legimitate government which has been chosen by the people". The force shall reportedly head into Zardugal to attempt to retake the Governate of Igomo. Their first target shall be the city of Fortreso.
Last edited by Oakwood on Sun Feb 21, 2016 4:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Zardic Civil War

Postby Mikhail_Bakunin » Sun Feb 21, 2016 3:17 am

OOC: hold on 700,000? You realize the resources necessary for such an operation right?
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Re: Zardic Civil War

Postby Oakwood » Sun Feb 21, 2016 4:10 am

OOC: Yes I do. Remember this is a nation that has a professional army in addition to national service. This is a force meant to end the war itself in one go. Though I have decreased it to 400,000 to account for the war footing they were already on and the likely adverse feeling to adventurism within the court due to that.
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Re: Zardic Civil War

Postby Mikhail_Bakunin » Mon Feb 22, 2016 12:32 am

OOC: Personally I still think that sending 1/4 of your standing into a foreign civil war is beyond insane, but at least it isn't 45% of it.
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Re: Zardic Civil War

Postby Oakwood » Mon Feb 22, 2016 12:38 am

OOC: Meh, it's balanced out by the use of foreign mercenaries and the eventual alliance with government forces. In reality the Barmenians likely won't have to do much in terms of actual fighting; it's more the threat of them that counts. We don't know WHO will be Emperor of Zardugal, but at this point barring a miracle we know the Socialists will have a poor hand when it's all over.
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Re: Zardic Civil War

Postby Generalissimo1 » Mon Feb 22, 2016 11:06 pm

Imperial Forces Capture Fortreso
With the aid of the Barmenian forces the Army captured Fortreso. During the capture 50,000 Zardic troops were killed. The Ingomo governor was captured trying to escape the city and was soon after executed by firing squad.
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Re: Zardic Civil War

Postby Oakwood » Tue Feb 23, 2016 6:55 am

Barmenian troops storm through North and East; Proclamation sent to Royal cabinet.

Aŭgusta Justiniana- Following the string of victories by coalition forces that have led to the collapse of the rebellion in Ingomo. it has been reported that in the aftermath of rumors of the death of the previous Zardic Emperor speculation has begun as to who will replace him. In a move of swift action, the King has reportedly sent his proclamation the cabinet for preparation 'of all due speed the dire circumstance we cannot find him'. No word has come of their acceptance or rejection of the proclamation itself.

In other news, it is known that the Barmenian army plans to march into Unkaso to 'restore order' to the region. They shall make their first strike at Nova Unkaso before seizing Kostandian Bay.
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Re: Zardic Civil War

Postby Generalissimo1 » Tue Feb 23, 2016 11:06 pm

Government Response To Barmenia
The government has responded to a Barmenian demand for an answer by replying that no such declaration was issued, and that they would like the full terms.
Statue of Leonid Built By Locals in Venetio Pulled Down

The government has demolished a statue of the famous communist Leonid that was built by locals. According to one local representative the statue was put up during the Zardugal's brief time as a syndicalist union and was left up for historical value.

Pro-Democracy Protests Begin in Skaraj
Pro-democracy protest have begun in the temporary capital of Skaraj. The protesters have demanded the end to extrajudicial powers of the police and IBI, the reimplementation of the Senate and more decentralization, plus the implementation of either a liberal republic or a constitutional, liberal monarchy as initially promised. There has currently been no government response. Most of the citizens of the occupied territories are protesting and there is a general feeling that the government's response could decide whether Zardugal remains a free nation or whether it descends further into what the leaders are describing as a "managed democracy".

Above: The protests are gaining momentum in Imperial Zardugal.

IBI Openly Defy Government
The Internal Bureau of Investigation openly defied a government order to be lenient with newly occupied territories by carrying out a campaign of mass terror. In some cities one in ten civilians were tortured and then killed. The IBI Director has warned the government not to interfere, else the IBI "may have to take matters into its own hands".
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