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Re: Voice and Vision of the Jakanian State (صوت ورؤية الدولة في)

Postby Reddy » Mon Mar 07, 2016 6:19 pm

Razamids Take Dokuz
June 25, 3994

The Razamid Army has taken the second largest city in Jakania, Dokuz, located in the south east of the country. An army estimated at around 12,000 men led by Prince Umar's eldest son, Prince Ubaydullah took the city easily after a short 'siege' lasting some four hours with the Turjak inhabitants only formally resisting. The victory strengthens the Razamids in Jakania as they had hitherto, only taken small towns and villages but now have under their control, the Turjak capital itself. They still control less than a sixth of Jakania, all of the territories in the far eastern governorates of the country.

On into Dokuz

The Razamid patriarch Prince Umar announced that he would be moving to Dokuz and will rule his newly acquired territories from there while moving on west and northwards. The war would be much more difficult in the western regions where the largely unsympathetic and Israist Majatran majority reside and will not willingly submit to a foreigner Abadi upstart backed up by the much hated Abadi Turjaks. The sectarian divide is normally of no importance but years of division and tensions between the two communities have fired up sectarian tensions as well.

OOC: Apologies for changing the city name at least twice. Not very good with maps I'm afraid.
Last edited by Reddy on Wed Mar 09, 2016 6:14 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Voice and Vision of the Jakanian State (صوت ورؤية الدولة في)

Postby Reddy » Tue Mar 08, 2016 5:59 am

Sultan Umar
September 20, 3994

Razamid clan patriarch Umar has been enthroned as Sultan of Jakania in a lavish ceremony held in Dokuz. The 63 year old had been proclaimed Sultan by Turjak tribal leaders earlier just the conquest of Masul on July 3. Proclamation was not enough for only formal investiture with the sword of Mehmed I, founder of the Great Turjak Empire, truly legitimises a monarch in Jakania. The Razamids now control nearly all of the area traditionally called Turjakistan - the two large governorates in eastern Jakania. His detractors already refer to Sultan Umar as 'Sultan of Turjakistan' and some separatist Turjaks proposed that he adopt this title instead and declare Turjakistan an independent state which he rejected.

Sultan Umar

The new Sultan has named his eldest son Prince Ubaydullah, Crown Prince and placed the control of the government and war efforts in his hands. With western Jakania facing likely invasion should the Deltarians and Coburans decide to confront one another, Sultan Umar has decided not to invade the west yet and let events roll out.
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Re: Voice and Vision of the Jakanian State (صوت ورؤية الدولة في)

Postby Reddy » Thu Mar 10, 2016 8:45 pm

Chann Loan 'Well Spent'
January 14, 3996

A 10 billion LOD soft loan from the Bank of Chann has 'greatly alleviated the many pressures faced by the Razamids in their many challenges administering eastern Jakania' according to a Palace spokesman. A quarter of the money has been spent in constructing the still unfinished al Hadra the Green Palace complex, a resplendent building composed of some 3,000 rooms and many statues of the lord Sultan and previous Razamid leaders. The Razamids defended the use of funds describing al Hadra as "bedazzling and with a stabilising effect to the minds of our subjects for the trappings of power play no small part in projecting power."

al Hadra the Green Palace complex

Another quarter of the money was spent on the Sultan's coronation and the donative he granted to his subjects - each family received about 700 LOD - a princely sum while senior Princes received 10 million LOD each to 'establish themselves', swallowing up another billion by themselves. Only 2.3 billion LOD was left after numerous other expenses. The remaining sum has been committed to building a new elite force the Sanjaqis which should form the core of the new armed forces.

Dai'i of Reckoning

Dai'i Abubakr al-Wahhabi

The most wanted Jakanian man by the Deltarian Armed Forces is not some armed warlord resisting the Deltarian outrages in north-western Jakania. It is instead a 76 year old Dai'i (missionary) Ibrahim al-Ghandour. He travels all across the north western parts, spreading the world of resistance and defiance as Deltaria commits what many deem to be crimes against humanity. The slick nature of the Dai'i's operations has led many to believe that his actions are being coordinated by more professional forces in region, possibly the Razamids or maybe even the Coburans. Arms have started flowing into the region and the Dai'i is believed to be putting together a resistance force to slow down if not stop the Deltarian advance.
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Re: Voice and Vision of the Jakanian State (صوت ورؤية الدولة في)

Postby Reddy » Sat Mar 12, 2016 6:58 pm

Razamids Complete Conquest of Eastern Jakania
December 29, 3996

The Razamids have finally brought all of eastern Jakania (traditionally known as 'Turjakistan') under their rule. The three year war of conquest has come to an end following the capture of the town of Ajmah located in the westernmost edges of Hufata Governorate by a pro-Razamid militia. The militia led by Hasan Ceyhun claimed the town in the name of the Sultan, who rewarded him with a large timar (land grant) and marriage with a distant Razamid cousin.

Like so many other conquests, this was relatively peaceful with only 4 fighters injured in the brief confrontation between Razamid forces and local defenders. The Razamids now have just about 40% of Jakanian territory, much of it conquered 'voluntarily' with many Turjak tribes joyfully welcoming the Abadi conquerors. The last bits of the conquest have seen the newly formed Sanjaqi Army taking a prominent role. The Sanjaqi are an elite royal bodyguard, employed mostly from foreign Jelbo-Tukarics and Jelbeks.-

Pro-Razamid militia entering Ajmah

The last year has seen concrete efforts by the Razamid government to co-opt Jakania's large minorities into their efforts to stabilise the eastern half of the country and prepare for an attempt on the west. Sultan umar declared that his Government would not follow the theocratic path of his ancestors but instead attempt to strike a balance between religiosity, tolerance and traditions. Ahmadism is to be declared the state religion while recognition and meaningful rights are to be awarded to the largest Hosian sects. Numerous minorities have fled from the west to the Razamid half of the country and have been welcomed and some have even volunteered to fight for the Sultan to regain their lost homes out west.
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Re: Voice and Vision of the Jakanian State (صوت ورؤية الدولة في)

Postby Jaguar » Fri Mar 18, 2016 11:34 am

Jakania in Ruin
Dr. Yousef Haluk calling for the governorates to unite!

Jakania has been divided for many years since the collapse of the Sultanate of Jakania under the Makhdoom Dynasty. As a result, it has been beset by chaos due to the several independent Governorates formed after the demise of the Sultanate.This chaos was brought about by the absence of a central government to exercise international diplomacy and make laws for the whole country.

To prevent complete chaos, the Grand Council of Governments was formed by rival Governorates to serve as a mediating institution. The council sought to prevent civil war by finding alternative resolutions to disputes between governorates. That was their only purpose, it did not seek for a peaceful way to create a unified country. The Grand Council of Governments convened monthly only to solve disputes and prevent wars. It did not determine policies and budgets and international diplomacy for all of Jakania. Such responsibilities is left to each governorate. As such, this system that Jakania has adopted has only brought ruin to all. Consequently, each governorate suffers from a financial crisis and political instability. The call for total war to unify Jakania is becoming stronger as each governorate is unable to effectively govern independently.
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Re: Voice and Vision of the Jakanian State (صوت ورؤية الدولة في)

Postby Jaguar » Mon Mar 21, 2016 3:39 pm

Governors Arrested and Forced to Surrender Complete Sovereignty to the Grand Council of Governments
June 4001
Former Razamid soldiers detaining a suspicious civilian

In a shocking and potentially dangerous move, 5,000 Chann samurais, remnants of the Razamid army and 3,200 soldiers under the command of Councillor Yousef Haluk, stormed and surrounded the building of the Council of Governments in Dokuz. Governors across Jakania gathered in the building to hold talks aimed at restoring peace between the Governorate of Nilaka and the Governorate of Sonhata after Deltarian withdrawal. However, the Councillor of the Grand Council of Governments stormed the building with forces loyal to him and arrested all participants. Soldiers loyal to the Councillor met heavy resistance both within and outside the building from soldiers loyal to their respective governors. Heavy casualties were sustained from both sides before the Councillor overwhelmed the city of Dokuz.

This violent incident threatened to bring civil war in Jakania had the Councillor failed to arrest all of the governors present. Once they were captured, the Councillor forced them to sign a document recognizing the Council of Governments as the central government of Jakania and him as its head.

It is unclear as to what will happen next but so far no Governrate have made attempts to mobilize an army to rescue their respective governors.

The Councillor has yet to make an announcement.
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Re: Voice and Vision of the Jakanian State (صوت ورؤية الدولة في)

Postby Jaguar » Fri Mar 25, 2016 6:09 am

Council of Governments Executes the Governors of Sonhata and Nilaka!
March 4003

The Council of Governments has executed the Governor of Sonhata and the Governor of Nilaka after they were convicted of treason by a unanimous decision of the Council of Governments.

The decision to convict them of treason came about when the respective legislative assemblies of the Governorate of Sonahata and the Governorate of Nilaka refused to acknowledge the Council of Governments as the central government of Jakania.

As a result, the two governors were beheaded this morning at the Grand Prison of Mehmed I at Dokuz.

Thousands of people took to the streets in cities across Nilaka and Sonhata once news emerged of the death of their beloved governors. The governorate of Nilaka and the governorate of Sonhate immediately voted to secede from Jakania and together form an independent state known as the Republic of Nilaka and Sonhata. The Council of Governments has called this act treasonous and has called all governorates to raise an army to destroy this treacherous entity. Imprisoned governors were quick to issue a decree to their respective governorates to abide by the demands of the Council of Governments.
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Re: Voice and Vision of the Jakanian State (صوت ورؤية الدولة في)

Postby Jaguar » Fri Mar 25, 2016 12:06 pm

Republic of Sonhata and Nilaka is Divided
May 4003

The two month old republic has failed to establish political stability. The main concern of the new republic is to get oil production flowing in both Nilaka and Sonhata so as to alleviate their economic crisis. However, disagreements, before the forming of the republic, between Nilaka and Sonhata have not yet been resolved. This has resulted in a few small armed rebellions and clashes between Nilaka and Sonhata.

It is not clear as to why Nilaka and Sonhata cannot reconcile, but what is clear is that the army of the Republic has been split into two: the Army of Sonhata and the Army of Nilaka.

The president of the Republic is said to have sent diplomats to Jakania in an attempt to establish a ceasefire between the new Republic and Jakania. However, the Councillor has repeatedly refused to recognize the secession of Sonhata and Nilaka from Jakania. The Councillor has announced on television that Sonhata and Nilaka will be pacified no matter the cost.
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Re: Voice and Vision of the Jakanian State (صوت ورؤية الدولة في)

Postby Jaguar » Sat Mar 26, 2016 3:16 am

Governorate of Borenu Invades the Republic of Sonhata and Nilaka!
Governor of Borenu Awarded Sonhata and Becomes the Most Powerful Governor of Jakania!

August 4003
Governor Karim Akmenrah of Borenu

The Council of Governments has no army of its own so when the Governorate of Borenu heeded the decree issued by their imprisoned Governor Karim Akmenrah, and immediately mobilized their entire army to come to the Council of Government's pleas for help, the council was impressed as they were the first Governorate to march for war.

The Governorate of Borenu took both Nilaka and Sonhata by surprise when the mighty General Muhammad of Borenu launched a three pronged assault against the Republic's three key cities which quickly overwhelmed the unstable Republic. Once prominent officials of the Reppublic knew how hopeless their situation was, they surrendered to Borenu.

As a reward for Borenu's swift response to the Council's plea and their swift victory, the Council of Governments has voted unanimously to release Governor Karim Akemnrah and grant him governorship over Sonhata. Akemnrah is now the Governor of Borenu and Sonhata and has been awarded the title "Protector and Grand Commander of Jakania"

As for the Governorate of Nilaka, it is to be given to the Council of Governments and the capital city relocated to Masuw, Nilaka.
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Re: Voice and Vision of the Jakanian State (صوت ورؤية الدولة في)

Postby Jaguar » Sun Apr 10, 2016 3:48 am

The Second Great Empire of Jakania Established by the Akmenrah Dynasty
March 4011
Governor Karim Akmenrah of Borenu now Emperor Jamal I of the Great Empire of Jakania

The governor of two regions, Karim Akmenrah, used his influence and military might to annihilate the Council of Governments in a matter 5 days that has shocked the whole of Jakania.

Councillor Yousef Haluk was captured this morning and hours after his capture, the Councillor and his son were brutally murdered by their captors loyal to the Akmenrah family. Soldiers loyal to the Council of Governments found the mutilated bodies of the victims.

With the death of the Councillor, the Council of Governments is now dissolved and the Akmenrah family are now the supreme rulers of Jakania. Karim Akmenrah has been crowned as Emperor Jamal I of the Second Great Empire of Jakania.
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